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View Full Version : The Good Shepard

6/11/2007, 09:08 AM
I didnt realize how good of a movie it would be. I was really surprised. Can anyone that has seen it please explain the signifiicance of the dollar bill the kid exchanges for change in the beginning was about? It was also mentioned at the end when Edward gave it to the Russian so he could by his kid a souvenior.

6/11/2007, 09:14 AM
from here

The movie begins in 1961 with Edward Wilson (Matt Damon) commuting to work on the day before the Bay of Pigs Invasion. A young boy approaches him and asks for change for his dollar. Arriving at work he uses the serial number from the dollar to decipher a message, which sets the tone for the rest of the film. The serial number is associated with the word "Cardinal".

6/11/2007, 12:23 PM
It was a way to pass a message via someone who wouldn't understand the message or the fact that they were being used as such. Referred to as a cipher, I believe.

6/11/2007, 12:30 PM
That movie had my mind going the whole time. Glad I didnt have any beer on me. That would have made it impossible.

6/11/2007, 12:35 PM
I really enjoyed it, too. Matt Damon once again really impressed me. It had to be so hard repressing his emotions and really un-acting a lot of the really tense and dramatic stuff that happened in that movie.

6/11/2007, 03:49 PM
That movie had my mind going the whole time. Glad I didnt have any beer on me. That would have made it impossible.
me and some friends made the mistake of drinking while watching it, and thus i found it extremely boring. but i want to give it another go around sober, cuz i've always heard it was actually a pretty good flick.