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6/11/2007, 12:13 AM
Wednesday this week my boss is leaving on vacation for two weeks. We run a freight transportation franchise office in OKC. Now I started working with him in his home office about three months ago. He is going all the way to Thailand and will be pretty much incommunicado for most of that time.

I will be getting a nice raise and won't have to answer to anyone while he is gone, which is wonderful. But this just seems a bit insane to me. Does he have that much confidence in my abilities? I know I have been working hard and learning all I can. But if I were the owner of the biz I would not leave it to someone so new.

I don't know but I am starting to feel a ton of pressure. In our business things can fall apart quickly if you don't stay on top of things. Hopefully there won't be any problems and he will return with more money in the coffers! If the drivers that I dispatch start leaving or having lots of break downs then things could get hairy fast!:eek:

6/11/2007, 12:34 AM
Wednesday this week my boss is leaving on vacation for two weeks. We run a freight transportation franchise office in OKC. Now I started working with him in his home office about three months ago. He is going all the way to Thailand and will be pretty much incommunicado for most of that time.

I will be getting a nice raise and won't have to answer to anyone while he is gone, which is wonderful. But this just seems a bit insane to me. Does he have that much confidence in my abilities? I know I have been working hard and learning all I can. But if I were the owner of the biz I would not leave it to someone so new.

I don't know but I am starting to feel a ton of pressure. In our business things can fall apart quickly if you don't stay on top of things. Hopefully there won't be any problems and he will return with more money in the coffers! If the drivers that I dispatch start leaving or having lots of break downs then things could get hairy fast!:eek:

Is he REALLY leaving you in charge or is it like when your dad would go on a business trip when you were 5 years old and he'd say, "Now you're the man of the house so watch over things while I'm gone" while your mother is grinning silently in the background?

6/11/2007, 12:49 AM
Is he REALLY leaving you in charge or is it like when your dad would go on a business trip when you were 5 years old and he'd say, "Now you're the man of the house so watch over things while I'm gone" while your mother is grinning silently in the background?

He's leaving me everything but his personal bank account info and his safety deposit box key. Now the fact that we have known each other for years does help. Guess he just trusts me a lot.

6/11/2007, 01:48 AM
If you that worried about ****in up you will do Fine ;)

6/11/2007, 01:50 AM
Wednesday this week my boss is leaving on vacation for two weeks. We run a freight transportation franchise office in OKC. Now I started working with him in his home office about three months ago. He is going all the way to Thailand and will be pretty much incommunicado for most of that time.

I will be getting a nice raise and won't have to answer to anyone while he is gone, which is wonderful. But this just seems a bit insane to me. Does he have that much confidence in my abilities? I know I have been working hard and learning all I can. But if I were the owner of the biz I would not leave it to someone so new.

I don't know but I am starting to feel a ton of pressure. In our business things can fall apart quickly if you don't stay on top of things. Hopefully there won't be any problems and he will return with more money in the coffers! If the drivers that I dispatch start leaving or having lots of break downs then things could get hairy fast!:eek:
Sounds to me like he Knows his biddness !:cool:

6/11/2007, 03:01 AM
Day One: Buy yourself a Company Car. :D

6/11/2007, 03:07 AM
No Bra Tuesdays!

6/11/2007, 10:07 AM
Sounds like this is an opportunity to shine. Take advantage of it and you'll set yourself up nicely.

6/11/2007, 10:32 AM

6/11/2007, 11:00 AM
Quick! I'm a business broker....let's sell the company while he's gone!

6/11/2007, 05:48 PM
you'll be OK. stick with the reliable truckers, don't try anybody new, unless its a short run , than have a back up plan. keep your fuel surcharge high, its an easy revenue enhancer for the short term.

6/11/2007, 07:26 PM
well these are some great suggestions folks, well... except that no bra one. There are no women in the office YET and the boss could use a mansiere!

Also Homer, I guess I forgot to tell you I moved over to the carrier side of the business and am actually dispatching the reliable truckers now! Call me if you need a load covered btw ;)

6/11/2007, 07:36 PM
If you're in real big hurry to unload, have the driver haul the frieght in an 'end-dump' trailer. Man those things are slick. You don't need a forklift or anything.

6/11/2007, 10:00 PM
well these are some great suggestions folks, well... except that no bra one. There are no women in the office YET and the boss could use a mansiere!

Also Homer, I guess I forgot to tell you I moved over to the carrier side of the business and am actually dispatching the reliable truckers now! Call me if you need a load covered btw ;)

you'll find it easier on that side I promise.:D trying to both sides can be a pain

6/14/2007, 02:01 AM
Well day one went about as well as a ****ing match with Dean.

I was instrumental in the definate demotion, possible firing of the company's safety officer because she went and ****ed me off by trying to run off one of my employees.

The driver she tried to terminate has his wife (who happens to own the truck) riding with him. The safety beyonce and this trucker's wife got into a nice verbal cat fight over some stupid **** and that was all she needed to make her look for ways to fire them. What she didn't count on was my taking the side of and backing the driver and his wife.

It wasn't long before her boss was calling me to ask my take on the situation. Let's just say she ****ed off the wrong Sooner. I went to bat for my driver and gave the beyonce the rope she needed today. She took the bait and the resulting IM chat was emailed to the appropriate people.

By firing one of my drivers for no just cause she was taking money out of my office and I have been charged with keeping revenue up while the boss is out of town. A nice raise for me is in the balance. I guess she didn't realize how much [Idiocracy lawyer] I like money [/Idiocracy lawyer]. She was even asking me to give her some dirt on the driver and his wife so she could have a reason to terminate their contract. When I refused to give in and instead gave them nothing but the highest of praise suddenly I was her next whipping post.

Well needless to say she won't be bothering me for much longer... if at all.

Not only did I deal with all that in a highly professional manner but I got all my trucks loaded and dealt with cancellations and detentions and got my truck back that she tried to run off to boot!

So although it was a bitch of a long day I think things went well and I look forward to tomorrow! :D

6/14/2007, 02:06 AM
Well day one went about as well as a ****ing match with Dean.

I was instrumental in the definate demotion, possible firing of the company's safety officer because she went and ****ed me off by trying to run off one of my employees.

The driver she tried to terminate has his wife (who happens to own the truck) riding with him. The safety beyonce and this trucker's wife got into a nice verbal cat fight over some stupid **** and that was all she needed to make her look for ways to fire them. What she didn't count on was my taking the side of and backing the driver and his wife.

I thought you said your company didn't have any women!

Scott D
6/14/2007, 08:23 AM
Well day one went about as well as a ****ing match with Dean.

I was instrumental in the definate demotion, possible firing of the company's safety officer because she went and ****ed me off by trying to run off one of my employees.

The driver she tried to terminate has his wife (who happens to own the truck) riding with him. The safety beyonce and this trucker's wife got into a nice verbal cat fight over some stupid **** and that was all she needed to make her look for ways to fire them. What she didn't count on was my taking the side of and backing the driver and his wife.

It wasn't long before her boss was calling me to ask my take on the situation. Let's just say she ****ed off the wrong Sooner. I went to bat for my driver and gave the beyonce the rope she needed today. She took the bait and the resulting IM chat was emailed to the appropriate people.

By firing one of my drivers for no just cause she was taking money out of my office and I have been charged with keeping revenue up while the boss is out of town. A nice raise for me is in the balance. I guess she didn't realize how much [Idiocracy lawyer] I like money [/Idiocracy lawyer]. She was even asking me to give her some dirt on the driver and his wife so she could have a reason to terminate their contract. When I refused to give in and instead gave them nothing but the highest of praise suddenly I was her next whipping post.

Well needless to say she won't be bothering me for much longer... if at all.

Not only did I deal with all that in a highly professional manner but I got all my trucks loaded and dealt with cancellations and detentions and got my truck back that she tried to run off to boot!

So although it was a bitch of a long day I think things went well and I look forward to tomorrow! :D

your boss will be back to fire you when he sees you reclining in your chair with your feet on the desk you lazy bastard. :D

6/14/2007, 09:07 AM
ugh...safety people.

At my job they made us all take the tint off our windows and now the mutherfkn air-conditioner can't keep up when it's +90 degrees. Meanwhile, they sit in their cool offices.

6/14/2007, 01:18 PM
The women are all (unfortunately for me) in the Florida corporate offices. I damn sure I wouldn't want to work anywhere near this particular one. And I do reserve the right to recline leisurely while the boss is off galavanting in Thailand! :D

Meh... safety people can make life hell for drivers and dispatchers alike.

6/14/2007, 01:20 PM
TheHumanAlphabet would like to hear that kind of talk. :D

6/14/2007, 01:23 PM
Homer Simpson is the safety officer at the nuclear power plant...just sayin'

6/16/2007, 07:01 PM
Friday morning they called the evil woman from safety into the office and shortly afterward escorted her out of the building. It seems her services will no longer be needed by my company. She had received no less than five complaints about her behavior from drivers that had to call in and talk to her. My complaint was the last straw. Kind of sad that she let this happen to herself but I will not miss the unprofessional sour grapes attitude she exhibited all the time.

This week has not been the best so far, but we are close to the goal I have set for the office in total revenue despite missing the services of one of my best truckers for most of the week. Next week should be better and with less potential for problems along the way.

I'll keep you guys posted... whether you want to be or not. :P