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View Full Version : WTF is wrong with people? a gasfield story

6/8/2007, 11:04 PM
The contract that my company signs with the company going for natural gas has some fairly easy to read items in it. One being that we ( directional drillers and MWD specialists) are to be provided with one generator that is for our use only and that we are not to hook up to rig power. That's fairly simple.

I get here today and when I see the other three trailers hooked up to a 110v duplex outlets on the back of the tool pusher's office I wondered where our generator was.

I go ask the company man about our generator. Long story short he tells me that we can hook up to rig power or use what we have.

I very politely informed him that the power situation was not adequate and that the four of us will need a generator.

He cusses me up one side and down the other and tells me that I can hook up to rig power.

I told him that not one of us was going to do that and he needed to get a generator out here or he needed to find me another source of power as my trailer running off an extension cord was not enough power to run my trailer and the computers I have to run. If he wanted the MWD tool to transmit information he would find me another source of power.

I got cussed again.

I then calmly told him that he had three options; find me another source of power, get a generator out here or I could call my office and they would call his office and his office would call him and he would get a generator out here.

I got cussed again.

I then told him that I really did not care but the situation he was forcing upon me would lead to my trailer tripping breakers and we could lose a thousand feet or so of MWD data and when that happened my company was not going to be responsible for the time it took to re-log that section of the hole and it would be in his best financial interest to get me reliable power to prevent that from happening. I told him my office knew of the situation but they are waiting on me to resolve this issue in the filed with him.

He found me a reliable power source. Well, it fried my ceiling fan and light until I went and rewired it but it works fine right now.

That's a lot of words to say that people suck and this guy might get his *** whipped for trying to save $200/day on a generator that is in their contract to provide.

6/8/2007, 11:58 PM
what size generator are they usually providing for you guys?

6/9/2007, 12:19 AM
Id a ****ed on him :D

6/9/2007, 12:26 AM
we get an MQ Power generator that has three 50A-240v plugs and 4 or eight 110v duplex outlets but most people have bare wires from their 8 ga. 3 or 4 wire that they hard wire into the lugs.

I have a 30A - 110v, 8 ga. 3 wire cord bare on one end with a 30A female box on the other that is 100 feet long and then I have a 60 foot 6 ga. 4 wire with the special male end so I don't have to hard wire in with a 50A female box.

When I use the 30A extension cord I have a little pigtail/adapter but I can't run both of my air conditioners.

I can also use a duplex outlet but that either AC or microwave ot TV. I just use that when I have my trailer in storage to keep the fridge cold.

This is honestly the first time I have not had a generator to hook into.

6/9/2007, 12:28 AM
Oh, in the TX panhandle I had a homemade generator that had a diesel engine on a trailer and it had 4, 30A female outlets and 4 duplex outlets. It was a noisy bastard and I didn't have the 50A option.

6/9/2007, 07:46 AM
Pffft. I've got my trailer plugged into the generator AND rig power. I got tired of popping breakers a few jobs ago & decided the aux. A/C needed it's own power supply. I used the extra plug in on the generator to split my usage--I've got my computers & equipment plugged into one plug & the rest of the trailer into another. Ya'll are lucky. I rarely get hooked up to a dedicated generator & have to rely on rig power. At least I've got a battery back up & surge protector.

6/9/2007, 07:59 AM
pfft, 46" hdtv they provided in my apartment isn't a flat panel...

6/9/2007, 09:33 AM
I got some extra D batteries if it'll help. :)

6/9/2007, 09:40 AM
I think I understand this, so far, but electrical stuff isn't my thing. 1TC got in a p1ssing contest with the company man. The company man didn't realize who was up against and fought back, but lost. We all know who would win that contest anyway.

68 doesn't even get a generator most of the time. But right now he has the best of both worlds - a generator and rig power.

sb93 lives in the ghetto.

6/9/2007, 09:46 AM
and Stoopified keeps a lot of D batteries on hand

6/11/2007, 09:59 AM
So do you guys run into many people like that in the field?

6/11/2007, 10:00 AM
seems 1TC attracts them wherever he is ;)

6/11/2007, 10:26 AM
not too many but the bad ones are very difficult to deal with.

Apparently this guy is a legend. He worked for Chesapeake before getting runoft. He tries to make the directional drillers select the bit and other stuff. He's just very lazy and gets angry when he has to quit playing Diablo II.

For $1,000/day I think he can do more than play video games but as long as he stays out of our way and leaves us alone we will be fine.

6/11/2007, 10:34 AM
What do you mean he has the DD select the bit? Is that the company mans job? Select the type of bit or when to trip for a new one?

$1000/day. I think I might be able to live off that.

6/11/2007, 12:32 PM
$3mil operation and that dood is gonna save the world on $200 a day. Sounds like the typical co man. I love it when they think the answers to world hunger lie in saving haul off cost.

Petro, I watch several rigs at a time and typically the more incompetent the guy is the more he will b---- about nickle and dime stuff like that.

6/11/2007, 12:37 PM
Why would he be complaining? Its not coming out if his check is it? Is he in charge of making sure the daily costs are as low as possible??? Like you said, these are multi million dollar wells. I dont see the point of being to bent out of shape over a generator.

6/11/2007, 01:56 PM
IMHO, there are two types of co. men. There are the engineers that went to school to get a degree and have had experience in other fields in the patch. Then you have the uneducated dude that has been in this business for a long time and is very knowledgable on rig activities and drilling process.

The uneducated tend to be the hard *** more. I dont know if it is lack of a degree that makes them want to battle wits and penis size with the subcontracted companies(high % who are educated).

But, make no mistake, every co. man will pinch pennies where they can. And both kinds of co. man described above can be huge dicks.

The easiest way to get a co. man off your back is tell him that he is not your boss, but just a consultant.

Scott D
6/11/2007, 02:35 PM
The easiest way to get a co. man off your back is tell him that he is not your boss, but just a consultant.

and this is how Mongo explained sleeping arrangements to 68. :D

6/11/2007, 02:37 PM

6/11/2007, 02:48 PM
and this is how Mongo explained sleeping arrangements to 68. :D

his chest hair is itchy and I have to get some sleep