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View Full Version : Things you would like to see in the upcoming Presidental Campaign

6/5/2007, 10:10 PM
Somebody to adopt this as their campaign theme song.

I would also like to see a candidate rocking custom made nudie suits with images of campaign issues.

6/5/2007, 10:25 PM
A candidate worth voting for.

6/5/2007, 10:28 PM
A candidate worth voting for.
Yeah anything is better than "anyone but that guy".

6/5/2007, 10:41 PM
A conservative.

6/5/2007, 10:43 PM
Billary Pulling a Train:eek:
Wouldnt Vote fer her , But what the hell Id look !:eek:

6/5/2007, 10:45 PM
Zombie Barry Goldwater would be cool too.

6/5/2007, 10:52 PM
I want to see official Presidential candidate Fred Thompson in the upcoming Presidential campaign.

Scott D
6/5/2007, 10:56 PM
anyone not a politician running.

6/5/2007, 11:25 PM
I want to see official Presidential candidate Fred Thompson in the upcoming Presidential campaign.
Who happens to be the very person that I'm supporting. It looks like our votes won't cancel each other out after all. ;)

6/5/2007, 11:40 PM
Someone with an (I) next to their name.

6/6/2007, 01:39 AM
Someone with an (I) next to their name.
fat chance. and for a party that is always complaining about the "hollywood elite", they sure like em some hollywood stars.
and i might not mind seeing pres. fred thompson. right now, he won't really say what he's all about, but i wouldn't mind looking at his trophy wife all the time. pretty hot.

6/6/2007, 07:28 AM
instead of debates, I'd like to see cage fights.

jk the sooner fan
6/6/2007, 07:52 AM
i'm really hoping to see Fred Thompson in a debate - should be informative and entertaining

6/6/2007, 08:38 AM
Question, is there something wrong with McCain's jaw? One side seems really puffed out, or perhaps they took a lot of tissue off his side of his face with that skin cancer surgery.

6/6/2007, 08:41 AM
I loved Fred Thompson in that quick little you-tube video, replying to that toad, Michael Moore talking about "superior Cuban health care" and the like. Puffing on a stogie, he slowly wheels around in his executive chair and tells Moore that Castro has a history of putting dissenters in mental institutions. "Mental institution, Michael. Something you might want to think about."


jk the sooner fan
6/6/2007, 08:44 AM
he's got that swagger we've been missing for a very long time - i also like what he says on the issues - although i've yet to hear/read what he thinks about immigration reform

6/6/2007, 09:29 AM
instead of debates, I'd like to see cage fights.
Hell yeah!

They'd probably tell us a lot more about the candidates than the debates we are getting right now.

The only downside is that I think Hillary would actually have a better chance of winning in this system.

jk the sooner fan
6/6/2007, 09:31 AM
round 1 - Hillary vs Dennis Kucinich

a death match to be sure!

6/6/2007, 09:39 AM
round 1 - Hillary vs Dennis Kucinich

a death match to be sure!

Actually, that brings home a rather salient point. I'd like to see debates structured much differently than they currently are. I'd like to see weekly "candidate A vs. candidate B" debates. And even though it's primary season, throw some "interleague" matches in there as well.

Once thats done, get rid of the time limits and let the candidates get long winded. Make them go into detail as much as possible rather than letting them skate away by just making a good sound byte quote that barely scratches the surface of an issue.

6/6/2007, 09:40 AM
A conservative.

If you're not gonna be serious, then don't post. :mad:

6/6/2007, 10:15 AM
A candidate to promise to put up a wall and actually follow through with it.

6/6/2007, 10:19 AM
I'd like to see someone punch Hillary's lights out during a debate.


Instant Classic.

6/6/2007, 10:21 AM
I'd like to see someone punch Hillary's lights out during a debate.


Instant Classic.


6/6/2007, 10:23 AM
I'd like to see more extremists.

Frozen Sooner
6/6/2007, 10:28 AM
I think we're disregarding the whole zombie angle a little too much.

6/6/2007, 10:34 AM
I'd like to see a flaming homosexualist put John Edwards on the spot about gay marriage at a campaign rally, broadcast on C-SPAN.

Or a truly poor person ask him how much of his hedge fund salary he donated to charity.

Or just someone to push him o'er the cliff.

6/6/2007, 10:50 AM
I think we're disregarding the whole zombie angle a little too much.
Zombies stay away from presidential politics. They like to eat brains.

6/6/2007, 12:18 PM
I loved Fred Thompson in that quick little you-tube video, replying to that toad, Michael Moore talking about "superior Cuban health care" and the like. Puffing on a stogie, he slowly wheels around in his executive chair and tells Moore that Castro has a history of putting dissenters in mental institutions. "Mental institution, Michael. Something you might want to think about."

all the while smoking cuban cigars. im still out on this guy. it all seems to be more hype than any real substance. i mean, just the other day, when pressed for what issues he stood for, he declined to answer. like he hadn't quite figured out what he was gonna run on. it just seems the republican party has been falling all over itself for the past couple decades looking for the next ronald reagon, and this is just the latest "what if" candidate.

6/6/2007, 12:28 PM
i mean, just the other day, when pressed for what issues he stood for, he declined to answer. like he hadn't quite figured out what he was gonna run on.

That we expect presidents to run on specific issues, is, in my opinion, part of the problem.

I'd like my next president to run on the 'issue' of rationality. we seem to have to little of that in washington.

6/6/2007, 01:18 PM
That we expect presidents to run on specific issues, is, in my opinion, part of the problem.

I'd like my next president to run on the 'issue' of rationality. we seem to have to little of that in washington.
rationality is good as far as things like the budget, foreign policy, etc. i really want to know where people stand socially before i agree to vote for em though. and its this area that he doesn't seem to have a clue what he's for. the only thing he's really done is made some cheesy 30 sec video criticizing some movie he hasn't seen. i see no substance to the man as of yet. but i guess its still early.