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View Full Version : Dear High Pitched Woman in My Office

6/1/2007, 01:35 PM
Please don't yell across the room so everyone can hear how high-pitched your voice is.

Just doesn't sound good.

6/1/2007, 01:46 PM
looks like someone got a case of the mondays

6/1/2007, 01:47 PM
'...corporate accounts payable, Nina speaking...JUST a moment...'

6/1/2007, 01:49 PM
This thread is worthless without pics.

6/1/2007, 01:51 PM

6/1/2007, 02:56 PM
If it's who I think it is, it's not worth the pics.

Some people here don't realize that this part of the office is considered the help desk, meaning just about every tech is on the phone.

Very sensitive phones.

Which makes it hard for the techs and the users to communicate with one another when this certain individual booms her voice.

6/1/2007, 03:01 PM
If it's who I think it is, it's not worth the pics.

Some people here don't realize that this part of the office is considered the help desk, meaning just about every tech is on the phone.

Very sensitive phones.

Which makes it hard for the techs and the users to communicate with one another when this certain individual booms her voice.
but you are a people person right???

or maybe you just need more flair

6/1/2007, 03:12 PM
Make a relatively large sign that reads "STFU N00B!!!!!!!!!!"...large enough that it can be read across the room, but small enough that you can hold it up with one hand. Maybe put a handle on the bottom of it.

When she yells across the room, flash the sign up at her.

Hot Rod
6/1/2007, 03:42 PM

"Ah, there it is...let me just take that from you."

6/1/2007, 07:35 PM
Carmela Soprano nor Hillary Clinton would be good for a busy office.

King Crimson
6/1/2007, 07:38 PM