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View Full Version : American Legion Baseball

5/31/2007, 12:26 AM
This Monday June the 4th my Post-12 Ruf-Neks will be holding it's home opener against the Chickasha Majors at Oklahoma City University's Jim Wade Stadium. The 1st game is at 6pm followed by another at 8pm. Mayor Mick Cornett will be on hand to throw out the 1st pitch. We will be giving away prizes through a couple of trivia games and there will be a full concession stand for your snack and beverage needs. (No Beer Sorry!) We have some really good kids from all over the metro area. Some of which are players from Norman High. Our program has really worked hard to make this season incredible. We get to use a fantastic facility and we have great parents. I would like for my hard work to be rewarded by having a filling those stands for our 1st home game.

$4 for adults
$2 for children 10 and under
Under 5 is free

Anyone with a military ID or an American Legion hat gets in free of charge.

We hope to have a great turn out for our home opener so we can provide our fans a big win!

I hope to see you out there!:cool:

Boomer Sooner!

Expect it...Want it...Be it...THE BEST!


5/31/2007, 11:39 AM
There's nothing better than watching a game underneath the stars, having a bag of peanuts and screaming at the umpires when the screw up. EWven better, is watching kids who have some talent.

Don't have an American Legion hat, will a Korea War hat work?

GO RUF-NEKS, kick some CHICK ***!!

5/31/2007, 01:02 PM
The korea hat will do just fine!

5/31/2007, 03:35 PM
I'll be there!! Just a hop-skip & jump over to OCU.

5/31/2007, 04:58 PM
Wish I could be there. I live in Dever, and support our local junior baseball league (my sons are 7 and 12).

From tee ball to college ball...the best and truest baseball you can watch!!!

6/1/2007, 12:21 AM
Even if you can't be there. Wish us luck!


6/24/2007, 01:45 AM
Do you guys play down in the Durant area this year?