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5/23/2007, 11:18 AM
Got called up for jury duty. It's kinda sorta a bad time...a week and a half before I defend my dissertation, and my boss will have me doing experiments right up till then.


Think they'll let me out? :D

5/23/2007, 11:24 AM
That sucks....

Hope it works out somehow...

5/23/2007, 11:36 AM
Just be sure to get there super early. When I got called I wound up in about the last quarter of the line, and by the time I got to the front they'd already let all the people off the hook that they were going to let off.

5/23/2007, 11:38 AM
Just do your civic duty.

5/23/2007, 11:45 AM
Be sure to watch the Pauly Shore movie in advance. You know, for insight into the process and stuff.

5/23/2007, 11:50 AM
Just do your civic duty.

I would be perfectly fine with it if it didn't throw a wrench into the possibility of me graduating. I've got a small timeframe in which to work...let's put it this way: if I don't graduate 'cause my committee doesn't feel this last experiment is "done", that's an extra year of school, a whole new mess with licensing exams in the future, and a loss of about $40000 of future salary. If I was a normal grad student, I'd be all for it, but I have to be completely done by July 9.

Really it's just random stupid stress that I don't need right now. Speaking of which, I REALLY should get back to writing :D.

5/23/2007, 11:56 AM
You should be able to postpone until a later date up to 6 weeks or so depending on the city or county you live. I live in Houston (Harris county) and when I was called I went to their website and took care of it there. It was listed on the back of the summons. Check it out.

5/23/2007, 11:57 AM
They'll probably let you defer. You might even contact the court clerk now to see if you can do it without appearing. You'll still have to do jury duty, but can probably avoid doing it during such a critical time. If you make it clear that you're willing to do your duty and not just a shirker (like most everybody else), they'll porabably work with you.

And I'll say again: everyone should do jury duty at least once in their lives.

5/23/2007, 11:58 AM
Well, dammit!

5/23/2007, 12:47 PM
They'll probably let you defer. You might even contact the court clerk now to see if you can do it without appearing. You'll still have to do jury duty, but can probably avoid doing it during such a critical time. If you make it clear that you're willing to do your duty and not just a shirker (like most everybody else), they'll porabably work with you.

And I'll say again: everyone should do jury duty at least once in their lives.

I did this when I tore up my ankle. I just called and told them what was up and they defered me to the next session. The only worry was, in Tulsa County, there was only like one other session left, so I had to do it then.

5/23/2007, 01:29 PM
They'll probably let you defer. You might even contact the court clerk now to see if you can do it without appearing. You'll still have to do jury duty, but can probably avoid doing it during such a critical time. If you make it clear that you're willing to do your duty and not just a shirker (like most everybody else), they'll porabably work with you.

And I'll say again: everyone should do jury duty at least once in their lives.

Cool. I'll do that. I kinda would like to serve, I think it would be interesting.

Watch me get some malpractice thing. With my mom defending the doctor. Heh.

5/23/2007, 01:39 PM

5/23/2007, 01:42 PM
Hey, you said it, not me :D

5/23/2007, 01:52 PM
A Ph.D. student will likely be let off, because you think, will sway the jury in deliberations and won't buy into the lawyer persuasion. That and tell them you hate whatever people are involved, you want everyone to fry and you love the death penalty...;)

5/23/2007, 02:37 PM
My boss suggested saying that I have a sixth sense about people, and just need to look into the defendant's eyes at the beginning of the trial to know if he or she is guilty or not...all the evidence in the world couldn't sway me. ;)