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5/9/2007, 03:18 PM
When do you know it's time to have a Doctor look at the bite?

I hope I don't get Lyme....:eek:

5/9/2007, 04:00 PM
When red streaks start from it and you start running a fever .
Just put some neosphoren on it ,

5/9/2007, 04:01 PM
Signs of inflammation/infection, pain, etc.
You discreetly omitted location of said bite, but if it's in a very private place, you have my sympathy.
As a young Boy Scout, while on "night patrol" (raiding nearby GSA encampment for lingerie from clothesline and some Peenbudder and Grape Jam from their mess tent.) I got a tick who buried his little head just INSIDE the muzzle of my main gun. When discovered (he didn't exactly help my gunnery, BTW,) I limped, yelping, to the Scout Master who mentioned that if burning him out with a glowing cigarette failed amputation must surely follow.
I fled into the undergrowth, took hold of the little bastadges hiney with forefinger nail and thumb, and tugged with increasing vigor 'til the sorry specimen of Homoticcus gave up and released his chaw.
Some swellling, some unpleasantness when voiding, but all was in working order within a few days.
Oh, just walk it off!


5/9/2007, 04:12 PM
It's above my naval on my belly.

I scratched it and it started itching like crazy the other day.

I have put peroxide and neosporin on it now for 3 days.

It looks OK....no red circle around it.

I just hope it heals up soon.

My little boy had one on his shoulder too.

So far....his is better than mine.

proud gonzo
5/9/2007, 04:17 PM
itching is not atypical behavior for tick bites, dude

hell, when i get a tick bite, not only does IT itch for weeks, every place i've ever gotten a tick bite welts up and itches TOO.

5/9/2007, 04:20 PM
You shouldn't miss more than three day work for your tick bite. Five days for the boy's.

5/9/2007, 04:28 PM
I won't get out of work that easy...lol

I wish.

5/9/2007, 05:20 PM
It's above my naval on my belly.

I scratched it and it started itching like crazy the other day.

I have put peroxide and neosporin on it now for 3 days.

It looks OK....no red circle around it.

I just hope it heals up soon.

My little boy had one on his shoulder too.

So far....his is better than mine.
quit scratching it or they will have to amputate ur penis .:eek:
really just put some neosporin on it cover with a band aid and leave it alone .

5/9/2007, 07:00 PM
when you start poopin' water 7 times a day... sumfin's wrong.

5/9/2007, 07:54 PM
even if it's the beer ****s????

5/9/2007, 10:27 PM
I got Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, which is also called Rickettsia rickettsii, from a tick bite and lost 35% of my memory. I had a 108 degree fever. I got about 10% of my memory back though, or at least thats what the doctors said. Of course after the neurologist did a spinal tap and whatever else and then told me I had amnesia, I didn't believe him because you don't remember what you forgot.

Oh, and if any of you are curious...I suffered absolutely no permanent dain bramage from the tick bite. ;)

5/9/2007, 10:39 PM
even if it's the beer ****s????
those dont count bro . Gotta have some fever to ;)

proud gonzo
5/9/2007, 11:37 PM
I got Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, which is also called Rickettsia rickettsii, from a tick bite and lost 35% of my memory. I had a 108 degree fever. I got about 10% of my memory back though, or at least thats what the doctors said. Of course after the neurologist did a spinal tap and whatever else and then told me I had amnesia, I didn't believe him because you don't remember what you forgot.

Oh, and if any of you are curious...I suffered absolutely no permanent dain bramage from the tick bite. ;)how exactly do they test that? I mean, did you say "A C D E F G H I L M N P Q S T X Y Z" or something? and then later you remembered, "oh damn, you're right--I left out J, U, and ...there's another letter a lot like that second one. dibble-u?"

5/10/2007, 01:47 AM
your doomed.. thats all

5/10/2007, 02:08 AM
I got Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, which is also called Rickettsia rickettsii, from a tick bite and lost 35% of my memory. I had a 108 degree fever. I got about 10% of my memory back though, or at least thats what the doctors said. Of course after the neurologist did a spinal tap and whatever else and then told me I had amnesia, I didn't believe him because you don't remember what you forgot.

Oh, and if any of you are curious...I suffered absolutely no permanent dain bramage from the tick bite. ;)
Thats how you learned to interpret Doleoesse ?

5/10/2007, 07:40 AM
how exactly do they test that? I mean, did you say "A C D E F G H I L M N P Q S T X Y Z" or something? and then later you remembered, "oh damn, you're right--I left out J, U, and ...there's another letter a lot like that second one. dibble-u?"
The billing office said that psychological testing had been ordered by the neurologist to help determine the extent of my amnesia and what memory system had been affected. They ask you a lot of questions. They also did a spinal tap, an MRI and blood work. What I forgot were recent events. My memory of the past was completely intact. Maybe Doc knows why.

When you start remembering bits and pieces of things, its because something triggers your memory.

5/10/2007, 07:46 AM
The billing office said that psychological testing had been ordered by the neurologist to help determine the extent of my amnesia and what the memory system had been affected. They ask you a lot of questions. They also did a spinal tap, an MRI and blood work. What I forgot were recent events. My memory of the past was completely intact. Maybe Doc knows why.

When you start remembering bits and pieces of things, its because something triggers your memory.
That remembering Bits an pieces stuff is was scares the bejebus outa Me !:eek: