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View Full Version : Should I report a final exam scandal at UTSA?

5/8/2007, 08:30 AM
As I entered the room for my first final exam of the semester I noticed there was literature distributed throughout the room. Accompanying this literature at each seat was a piece of candy. Sure, it seemed like no big deal. The note even said "Good Luck" to the students. But, upon further inspection, I noted that this was not a harmless gesture of good will from some student organization trying to earn good will among it's peers. This was a clever plot by an insider to throw the scoring curve into a tailspin. That was no ordinary candy. Only the most fiendish of villains would do this to frazzled and distracted students. Oh yeah, good will would have dictated something helpful........like Smartees. What did I find? Dum Dums. Sinister. And many were sucked into the vortex of dispair. Even I had 3 myself. Screw that punk that sits next to me. He was late.

I'll decide whether to press charges after the grades come out.

5/8/2007, 08:36 AM
tattle if you want, but be prepared to lose all your street cred

Viking Kitten
5/8/2007, 08:39 AM
Who are you going to report it to SAS? The police? THE COPS ARE IN ON IT, MAN. Let it go. You may get a C, but at least you'll be alive.

5/8/2007, 08:49 AM
LOL. So did the note or paper do you any good? :)

5/8/2007, 10:22 AM
And many were sucked into the vortex of dispair. I sure hope it wasn't a spelling test.

5/8/2007, 11:20 AM
I sure hope it wasn't a spelling test.
Did you miss the part where they passed out DumDums?

5/9/2007, 01:49 AM
Geez, SAS. That's a time-honored tradition at UTSA AKA "NW San Antonio High", (Press 'Juan' para Ingleesh) Gotta respect it.
Can't wait until they get a football team! Just the school colors, as displayed on football and band unis (betcha a peso they'll wear the pimp or zooter hats with a plume!) will provide much merriment.
And the mascot? That's a Roadrunner???



5/9/2007, 07:20 AM


5/9/2007, 07:25 AM
I reported YOU for stealing dum-dums.

5/9/2007, 08:32 AM
They don't take crustaceans seriously.

5/9/2007, 09:38 AM
UTSA's womens basketball coach played high school ball at Ardmore.