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View Full Version : Little Problem With A Little Co-Worker

5/3/2007, 08:48 AM
He lobbied to get the only urinal in my office replaced with an ultra low urinal like they use in elementary schools. Now, everytime I use it, I have to wipe off the peepee sprinkles that land on my shoes.

Should I send him the bill when I get my shoes professionally cleaned?

5/3/2007, 09:03 AM
"later I'll let ya climb me!"

5/3/2007, 09:10 AM
that's why I refuse to use urinals altogether; they splash no matter how high they are

try using one wearing shorts sometime, you'll be wiping the sprinkles off your legs

5/3/2007, 09:10 AM
Whoop his a$$.

5/3/2007, 09:13 AM
that's why I refuse to use urinals altogether; they splash no matter how high they are

try using one wearing shorts sometime, you'll be wiping the sprinkles off your legs


i have oft pondered how we can put a freakin' man on the moon but we cant solve the splatter problem.

urinals/toilets really haven't even changed in the last 50 years have they? there is a mint to be made in the area of splatter proof peepee catcher.

5/3/2007, 09:18 AM
I ain't eating that mint.

5/3/2007, 09:54 AM
We have one of those here, you have to hit it high and just right to make it splatter downwards into the urinal...