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View Full Version : I'll be on the news

5/1/2007, 07:06 PM
up here in Tulsa.

10:00, Channel 8 (KTUL, I think).

Jenks Public Schools had their annual emergency disaster training, and this time it was a semi that got hit by a train that was carrying some bad chemical stuff, which then slammed into a bus (the scenerio is real...it actually happened in Pennsylvania).

Anyhoo, I was playing the part of an upset parent who was supposed to get past their security (local police and campus police) and get into a small scuffle with them trying to get my child.

I'm the tall bald guy with a Tulsa Fire shirt on.

They interviewed me, but I'm hoping that part hits the floor in the editing room.

If all goes well, this may lead to my next role alongside DeNiro or Pacino. :D