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View Full Version : Greater love hath no man than he

4/23/2007, 11:57 AM
who gives his life for another.The Bible taught me that and this past week's tragic events drove the point home. While much of the focus of the events has been on the maniac and the funerals.I heard one story of an apparently unsung hero in the tragedy.A professor at VT,a 76 year-old Holocaust survivor no less was credited with barring the door to his classroom so students could escape out the windows.I'm forced to admit that I can't even recall the hero's name myself but I can think of no truer example of GREATER LOVE than this.As a father I believe I would sacrifise myself for my children as well as my wife but students or classmates I am not so sure.IMHO his actions are the epitome of love and courage.

4/23/2007, 01:44 PM
Amen to that Bro! Good preaching.

4/23/2007, 01:46 PM
In life he was affecting a few hundred students a year at the most.

In death he has affected millions.

4/23/2007, 01:47 PM
Liviu Librescu


we've brought him up a few times here now

this is the kind of thing that should get you 70 virgins...

4/23/2007, 02:47 PM
this is the kind of thing that should get you 70 virgins...

and an eternity of good beer!!!!!!!


4/23/2007, 03:42 PM
OK, this thread doesn't strike me as a place for religious debate. Start another thread if you want to rip on someone's religious convictions, I guess. Don't know how far it will get you, but it doesn't belong in a thread where a Christian is extolling the heroic virtue of a Jew, who gave his life to save those of -- I'm assuming here -- Christians, maybe other Jews, maybe Muslims, or any number of religions. The point is the man unselfishly gave his live to save the lives of others. I'm not going to let someone turn it ugly just to cheapshot other people he/she doesn't agree with.

proud gonzo
4/23/2007, 05:33 PM