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View Full Version : Your TV Routine

4/19/2007, 10:41 PM
For those of us that have no life of course.(Beat Dean to the punch) - Just when your home.

Monday- Deal no Deal, Little people Big world, Braves game

Tuesday- AI,Deadliest Catch, Braves game

Wednesday- Lost, Braves game

Thursday- Survivor, American Chopper, Braves game

Friday- I don't know. Braves game.

Saturday- Flip that house (The Real Deal) , sports

Sunday- sports, Deal or don't deal, Amazing race, apprentice.

So I guess I'm a reality sports junkie. You can't tell me two better shows than Deadliest catch and American chopper though.

4/19/2007, 10:46 PM
M-F:Royals game if applicable Simpson + MASH Reruns Baseball tonight
W and F: Boxing if it is an good match-up and no baseball game
Weekend:Cup and Busch Race. Fox Sunday night line up and Adult Swim.
Other than that misc sports if I watch TV.

4/19/2007, 11:03 PM
eh, American Chopper was starting to wear on me though, basically the same thing, work a little show a fight, work a little, show another fight, show them ripping up expensive *** motor vehicles....

4/19/2007, 11:29 PM
I have a bunch of shows I would like to watch. I don't get to all that often though.

My stop down shows are Lost, Heroes, Earl and The Office.

Sports are obviously high on the list too. OU football trumps all programs and any other events. :)

4/19/2007, 11:42 PM
Wed. Lost
Thurs. Survivor

4/19/2007, 11:46 PM
Monday - How I Met Your Mother, 24, Raw
Saturday - Robin Hood
every weekday - Ninja Warrior, Attack Of The Show!

I've got the first three hours of Drive sitting on the DVR, so after my viewing I may be adding that one to the list...

4/19/2007, 11:48 PM
damn. I watch too much tellie.

4/19/2007, 11:51 PM
Well, no, I'll sit and stare blankly at whatever the warm glow of teevee offers, but I only have a handfull of "must-see" shows.

4/20/2007, 12:11 AM
I barely turn on my tele at all

I think I see more tv at the gym, because I kinda watch it there, but not really since the elipitals don't have tv stand infront of them so i zone out at a treadmill tv or one of the general tv's scattered about

4/20/2007, 12:37 AM
Monday - Heroes
Tuesday -
Wednesday - Lost, South Park
Thursday - The Office, sometimes Earl, and Grey's Anatomy
Friday -
Saturday - College Football when i can (going to games really cuts into this :D)
Sunday - Sopranos and occasionally whatever's on FOX with The Simpsons

the only ones i usually sit down and watch as they are playing are Sopranos, Lost and Heroes, the other stuff i usually just catch later on the DVR when i can't sleep or something

stoops the eternal pimp
4/20/2007, 12:42 AM
everyday all day ESPN News

4/20/2007, 12:44 AM
No wonder most shows I like get cancelled. Nobody ****ing watches 'em.

4/20/2007, 12:58 AM
Wife Swap: Interspecies Edition

4/20/2007, 01:00 AM
3-4 pm- king of queens
4-5- seinfeld
12:30 am- family guy
1 am three's company

King Crimson
4/20/2007, 05:03 AM

jk the sooner fan
4/20/2007, 06:44 AM
monday - two and a half men, new christine
tuesday - american idol
wednesday - lost, the unit (dvr)
thursday - grey's anatomy, the office (dvr)

i try and catch deal or no deal when i'm able, and i mix in alot of Mavericks and Rangers

4/20/2007, 07:17 AM
I haven't had a "TV routine" since I was in junior high school.

4/20/2007, 07:28 AM
Monday: Heroes
Wednesday: Lost

No more Battlestar or Rome this year.

4/20/2007, 07:23 PM
I haven't had a "TV routine" since I was in junior high school.
I confess to the pretension of being too special for TV (but only after Blue busted me). :O I don't have TV routine because I'm too busy, have a short attention span, and I have to fight 3 women for the TV! I do think there's plenty of stuff on TV worth avoiding, though.
The best I can manage is watching certain sports (a pleasure I defend against all opposition) and occasionally catching a late movie in peace and quite.

4/20/2007, 07:26 PM
History Channel 24/7.

4/20/2007, 07:39 PM
I confess to the pretension of being too special for TV (but only after Blue busted me). :O I don't have TV routine because I'm too busy, have a short attention span, and I have to fight 3 women for the TV! I do think there's plenty of stuff on TV worth avoiding, though.
The best I can manage is watching certain sports (a pleasure I defend against all opposition) and occasionally catching a late movie in peace and quite.

I was kidding and it was green...:D

I do watch too much and I am always the guy saying "I'd get rid of my tv if it wasn't for sports" guy. So, I too am pretentious.

4/20/2007, 10:18 PM
Start of OU football season satilite thingy turns on . At the end of Bowl season it gets turned OFF , till the spring game . then Off again till, the start of Next season .
Cause if the Ball dont bounce funny I aint watchin .

4/20/2007, 10:39 PM
Lost whenever I catch it......um thats it?

4/20/2007, 10:46 PM
One show per night
Despicable Housewives
Boston Legal

When I wake up in the morn, I determine what day it is based on what I watched last night. If I cant remember it must be Sat/Sun and I go back to sleep.