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4/19/2007, 05:58 PM
Sorry if this has already been posted


4/19/2007, 06:09 PM
My take on this is that it's a bad decision by Mustain

Jello Biafra
4/19/2007, 06:30 PM
if its true.....i hope he breaks a leg. literally.

4/19/2007, 06:32 PM
if its true.....i hope he breaks a leg. literally.

little harsh, maybe?

4/19/2007, 06:51 PM
does he think they'll hand the starting job to him? they have better QB's at USC than they did at Ark.

4/19/2007, 07:30 PM

I cant wait to see who Pete Carroll has been text messaging.

4/19/2007, 07:40 PM
does he think they'll hand the starting job to him? they have better QB's at USC than they did at Ark.

My thoughts precisely. I just don't get it. Dude's not good enough to start at Arkansas, but he thinks he'll be good enough to crack the depth chart at the University of Spoiled Children?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/19/2007, 07:49 PM
Just hope he continues his meddlesome ways, and wrecks havoc on the suc, some way or another.

4/19/2007, 08:48 PM
Welcome to "the Beverly Hillbilly", starring Mitch Mustain as "Jethro" , and ma mustain as "Granny"!!!!!!

King Crimson
4/19/2007, 09:10 PM
possum stew is not popular vittles anymore i don't think. but as long as Mister Drysdale is around, no prob.

4/19/2007, 09:31 PM
Since USC is private he won't be able to FOI Pete's phone records.

4/19/2007, 10:07 PM
does he think they'll hand the starting job to him? they have better QB's at USC than they did at Ark.

He has to sit out this year so it's not like he has aspirations of starting right away. Just because he is a dramabomb doesn't mean he doesn't have talent. He was considered the best QB of his class.

4/20/2007, 01:30 AM
Regardless, an awful decision.

Not that he's great at making decisions, but I digress.

4/20/2007, 01:34 AM
My thoughts precisely. I just don't get it. Dude's not good enough to start at Arkansas, but he thinks he'll be good enough to crack the depth chart at the University of Spoiled Children?

Wel, truthfully speaking, if the kid wasn't such an *** about not getting enough playing time, he would have redshirted and started anew anywhere else in the country. He tried to make Nutt his b!tch by saying "if you want to sign me... THIS IS HOW IT'S GONNA BE."

Me, personally... I got a hint of respect from Nutt for letting the kid screw up and lose a year of eligibilty instead of giving in to him. The kid's got to be so far behind right now in terms of grades, changing to different offenses, hitting the road lookign for a new home field... watch him play placeholder at USC while the stars continue to win there. That's exactly what arrogant little ****s like him deserve. Nothing to physically harm him, but something to let him learn he's not the boss and the world doesn't revolve around him.

4/20/2007, 01:36 AM
Just hope he continues his meddlesome ways, and wrecks havoc on the suc, some way or another.

... in Jesus's name, Amen. :)

4/20/2007, 01:45 AM
Not sure I understand MM's thought process here. He wants to leave Arkansas to go somewhere where he can play...so he transfers to USC which has Mark Sanchez and JD Booty. You'd think he would go to some decent BCS school in need of a QB (Similar to what Jevan did), maybe someplace like Iowa. He could have followed Malzahn to Tulsa and it still would have been alot better move than going to Southern Cal. I just don't get it. Maybe I'll get his cell phone records under the FOI act and see if I can figure it out!

4/20/2007, 01:48 AM
Maybe he'll take a house form an NFL agent and get USC burned. [crosses fingers] :D

4/20/2007, 08:01 AM
I wonder if he'll call Pete Carroll a "dork" and question his play calling? That would be good stuff

4/20/2007, 08:37 AM

4/20/2007, 09:41 AM
I wonder if "ma" Mustain can bring down USC like she did at UA?

4/20/2007, 11:35 AM
That's a well fit for both of him and his family. I can see a big headline of Grandma Mustain calling an LA press conference.

4/20/2007, 01:30 PM
Just hope he continues his meddlesome ways, and wrecks havoc on the suc, some way or another.

Wel, truthfully speaking, if the kid wasn't such an *** about not getting enough playing time, he would have redshirted and started anew anywhere else in the country. He tried to make Nutt his b!tch by saying "if you want to sign me... THIS IS HOW IT'S GONNA BE."

Me, personally... I got a hint of respect from Nutt for letting the kid screw up and lose a year of eligibilty instead of giving in to him. The kid's got to be so far behind right now in terms of grades, changing to different offenses, hitting the road lookign for a new home field... watch him play placeholder at USC while the stars continue to win there. That's exactly what arrogant little ****s like him deserve. Nothing to physically harm him, but something to let him learn he's not the boss and the world doesn't revolve around him.

I'm going to spend a few weeks in R&D to fuse these two posts together, and when I do, I will have the perfect post for this topic.

Agree 100% with both of you cats.

stoops the eternal pimp
4/20/2007, 01:33 PM
He should have went to Sam Houston State so his mom and RB's dad could GET IT ON!

4/20/2007, 03:43 PM
What about the receiver that is also going with him? Is he any good. Regardless of whatever anyone thinks of these kids, it sucks that USC has to end up getting two more great recruits (well, astleast according to the internet). . Booty is a sr, and is sanchez a soph? So MM would still have a year or two of elidibility behind those two, right?

4/20/2007, 04:07 PM
So do we dare play the Newspaper Headline Game with this one??
"Nutt let's *insert Mustain's nickname here that rhymes with dumstain* Loose to Trojans" :D

4/20/2007, 04:17 PM
who is mustain :confused:

4/20/2007, 04:22 PM
who is mustain :confused:


Jello Biafra
4/20/2007, 05:07 PM
little harsh, maybe?


I'm tired of him, his mother and his high school and now we will have to listen to espn and the likes procalim him the best qb in the universe in the next couple of years to come.

and to whomever did this http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gif

and decided not to sign but only say "bad form" .........

suck sack

4/20/2007, 06:47 PM
Sorry if this has already been posted


This kid got a raw deal at Arkansas. I hope he goes out there and lights it up. It would serve the Athletic Department at Arkansas right if he did. I hope he works into a starters role and makes them have to eat that humble pie.

Just my take.

4/20/2007, 06:56 PM
What about the receiver that is also going with him? Is he any good. Regardless of whatever anyone thinks of these kids, it sucks that USC has to end up getting two more great recruits (well, astleast according to the internet). . Booty is a sr, and is sanchez a soph? So MM would still have a year or two of elidibility behind those two, right?

The kid that has already transferred is Damian Williams who was on the SEC All Freshmen team this year and yeah, he is pretty darned good. I heard that Williams had said that he left because "there were things going on here that I don't need to be a part of". After what happened to Mustain, I don't blame him for going either. And before anyone starts making any cracks about this kid, I can guarantee you that if any of us had been his Dad, and witnessed what he was put through, we would have been ready to whip some major butt, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with playing time or the lack thereof. And before you say it, the big rumor that his Mother complained about his lack of playing time and attempted to manipulate the coaching staff, is just not true.

I hope both of those kids do well at USC. But if we ever face them, no matter how much I wish them well...........I want to see them get drilled into the ground.

Just my take.

4/20/2007, 07:14 PM
This kid got a raw deal at Arkansas. I hope he goes out there and lights it up. It would serve the Athletic Department at Arkansas right if he did. I hope he works into a starters role and makes them have to eat that humble pie.

Just my take.


He didnt sign until his HS coach got hired. His family & friends met with the AD because the Springdale kids (freshmen, all of them) were not getting the playing time that they were used to getting in HS.
He is not the only guy to blame for what went on over there but he was part of the problem.

4/20/2007, 08:48 PM
It seems that a big part of his "problems" lie with his parents guidance, or lack thereof.

It also seems that Cali is the perfect place for his "drama".


4/20/2007, 09:27 PM
if his name isn't Halzle, Bradford or Nicholl, I could honestly give a flying fuc*

4/20/2007, 10:46 PM

He didnt sign until his HS coach got hired. His family & friends met with the AD because the Springdale kids (freshmen, all of them) were not getting the playing time that they were used to getting in HS.
He is not the only guy to blame for what went on over there but he was part of the problem.

Please, I would like to know your sources for this. I actually live over here and I am around it every day. Enlighten me as to what reliable source told you this. I have my answer for you, but I just want to hear what credible source supposedly told you this.

Just my take.

4/20/2007, 10:58 PM
I wonder what kind of car mama Mustain and Mitch are driving now....and what they'll be driving in a couple of years???? They are on the Trojan tit now.....

4/20/2007, 11:22 PM
if his name isn't Halzle, Bradford or Nicholl, I could honestly give a flying fuc*


4/21/2007, 12:39 AM
It seems that a big part of his "problems" lie with his parents guidance, or lack thereof.

It also seems that Cali is the perfect place for his "drama".


This whole thing was just out of control BUT It happens ever year. Some kid with brilliant potential has a parent that starts trying to "fix things" and the athlete ends up with the short end of the stick. Perhaps when the kid reaches college age he should be equipped to do some of his own problem solving.

I got sick of Bomar's old man running his mouth and look at how that turned out. Some people let their kids run out of the "I" formation their whole life. Imagine their surprise when they get to college and find not everybody is going to drink the Kool-Aid.

It's a pity.

4/21/2007, 12:50 AM

Heh... Mitch Mustake. :D

4/21/2007, 12:51 AM
He should have went to Sam Houston State so his mom and RB's dad could GET IT ON!


4/21/2007, 01:58 AM

He didnt sign until his HS coach got hired. His family & friends met with the AD because the Springdale kids (freshmen, all of them) were not getting the playing time that they were used to getting in HS.
He is not the only guy to blame for what went on over there but he was part of the problem.

Actually, of the parents who were involved in the meeting with the AD, only one complained about playing time, his name is Rick Cleveland, and his son is still at Arkansas -- neither Damian Williams, Mitch Mustain or their parents complained about playing time.

After it was leaked by the athletic department that Mustain and Williams' parents were complaining about playing time, and the parents and Mustain were savaged for weeks on sports talk radio in Arkansas, Frank Broyles at an alumni gathering in Dallas -- admitted the meeting with the parents dealt with off the field issues largely related to academics, not playing time.

While national media took a cue from Arkansas sports talk radio in characterizing the meeting, they never followed when it was revealed that characterization was wrong.

Some people have heard of all the FOI requets with regard to Houston Nutt's phone records. Well, one of those requests show Mustain's mother called Nutt a total of three times between the time he committed and the time he got his release.

At least one call came in response to Nutt's initial refuse to give Mustain his release.

Yes, his grandmother called a local TV station and talked about how Mustain had been treated unfairly, and to refute what had been a series of selected leaks from somewhere in the athletic department, intended to paint the kid as a prima donna.

Subsequently an Arkansas sports columnist did a follow-up story, based largely on what she alleged, and it revealed the grandmother's characterizations were much closer to the truth, than was what leaked by the program.

Mustain received an extremely hateful e-mail from a booster and close friend of the Nutt family, that was also circulated among the coaches' wives. Nutt's wife added a note to the subject line before she circulated it, saying "I thought some of you would find this funny."

To me it's revealing that a close family friend would feel comfortable sending that e-mail to the coaches wives, and sending another hateful (although not as degrading email) to the Arkansas media.

Nutt initially claimed he had no knowledge of the e-mail until he was informed about it by the school's chancellor, but subsequently claimed he was in the process of taking action against the friend and booster before he spoke with the school's chancellor.

Another thing to consider in look at the credibility of what information has come from the program, is Nutt's proclamations about his former OC Gus Malzahn.

While he was praising him following the season, and telling the public the school was preparing to offer him a raise and extension, Nutt was interviewing David Lee for Malzahn's job.

Once Lee was hired as a co-OC, Nutt didn't extend the common courtesy of informing Malzahn. He found out about it from, I believe it was Chris Mortenson with ESPN.

Yes, Mustain called Nutt a dork when he was interviewed for a book, but if Nutt couldn't get past that, it says more about his maturity than that of a kid who said something dumb when he was 16 or 17 years old.

I'm sure Mustain made other mistakes, once he was on campus, but he shares no where near the culpability of Nutt, Broyles, local sports talk radio and national media who took what was spoonfed by the program, for the soap opera in Fayetteville.

Mustain's mother isn't Jerry Bomar, and Mustain unlike Rhett didn't have multiple run-ins with police or knowingly violate NCAA rules.

Mustain has simply remained largely quiet about the whole drama, continue with classes and explore his options for transferring.

What I find interesting, is the national media, sports talk radio in Arkansa and Oklahoma and people on this board seem to be more forgiving of Bomar -- knowing he was a central figure in an NCAA investigation that will likely result in OU getting some type of probation.

Mustain's biggest mistake -- in my opinion -- was ever committing to Arkansas in the first place, which I think he has compounded by going to USC.

After seeing him operate from under center last season, it was clear he was uncomfortable, and while I think he's talented, I think his high school performance was as much or more a product of the system -- much like the Texas Tech QBs.

Finally, yes it's almost over, let me make it clear I'm not Arkansas homer and have no mancrush on Mustain. I'm OU through and through, but have followed Arkansas since I moved about 40 minutes from campus about 8 years ago.

4/21/2007, 02:08 AM
Actually, of the parents who were involved in the meeting with the AD, only one complained about playing time, his name is Rick Cleveland, and his son is still at Arkansas -- neither Damian Williams, Mitch Mustain or their parents complained about playing time.

There's that 'AD' character, again!!! :D

4/21/2007, 06:41 AM
Actually, of the parents who were involved in the meeting with the AD, only one complained about playing time, his name is Rick Cleveland, and his son is still at Arkansas -- neither Damian Williams, Mitch Mustain or their parents complained about playing time.

After it was leaked by the athletic department that Mustain and Williams' parents were complaining about playing time, and the parents and Mustain were savaged for weeks on sports talk radio in Arkansas, Frank Broyles at an alumni gathering in Dallas -- admitted the meeting with the parents dealt with off the field issues largely related to academics, not playing time.

While national media took a cue from Arkansas sports talk radio in characterizing the meeting, they never followed when it was revealed that characterization was wrong.

Some people have heard of all the FOI requets with regard to Houston Nutt's phone records. Well, one of those requests show Mustain's mother called Nutt a total of three times between the time he committed and the time he got his release.

At least one call came in response to Nutt's initial refuse to give Mustain his release.

Yes, his grandmother called a local TV station and talked about how Mustain had been treated unfairly, and to refute what had been a series of selected leaks from somewhere in the athletic department, intended to paint the kid as a prima donna.

Subsequently an Arkansas sports columnist did a follow-up story, based largely on what she alleged, and it revealed the grandmother's characterizations were much closer to the truth, than was what leaked by the program.

Mustain received an extremely hateful e-mail from a booster and close friend of the Nutt family, that was also circulated among the coaches' wives. Nutt's wife added a note to the subject line before she circulated it, saying "I thought some of you would find this funny."

To me it's revealing that a close family friend would feel comfortable sending that e-mail to the coaches wives, and sending another hateful (although not as degrading email) to the Arkansas media.

Nutt initially claimed he had no knowledge of the e-mail until he was informed about it by the school's chancellor, but subsequently claimed he was in the process of taking action against the friend and booster before he spoke with the school's chancellor.

Another thing to consider in look at the credibility of what information has come from the program, is Nutt's proclamations about his former OC Gus Malzahn.

While he was praising him following the season, and telling the public the school was preparing to offer him a raise and extension, Nutt was interviewing David Lee for Malzahn's job.

Once Lee was hired as a co-OC, Nutt didn't extend the common courtesy of informing Malzahn. He found out about it from, I believe it was Chris Mortenson with ESPN.

Yes, Mustain called Nutt a dork when he was interviewed for a book, but if Nutt couldn't get past that, it says more about his maturity than that of a kid who said something dumb when he was 16 or 17 years old.

I'm sure Mustain made other mistakes, once he was on campus, but he shares no where near the culpability of Nutt, Broyles, local sports talk radio and national media who took what was spoonfed by the program, for the soap opera in Fayetteville.

Mustain's mother isn't Jerry Bomar, and Mustain unlike Rhett didn't have multiple run-ins with police or knowingly violate NCAA rules.

Mustain has simply remained largely quiet about the whole drama, continue with classes and explore his options for transferring.

What I find interesting, is the national media, sports talk radio in Arkansa and Oklahoma and people on this board seem to be more forgiving of Bomar -- knowing he was a central figure in an NCAA investigation that will likely result in OU getting some type of probation.

Mustain's biggest mistake -- in my opinion -- was ever committing to Arkansas in the first place, which I think he has compounded by going to USC.

After seeing him operate from under center last season, it was clear he was uncomfortable, and while I think he's talented, I think his high school performance was as much or more a product of the system -- much like the Texas Tech QBs.

Finally, yes it's almost over, let me make it clear I'm not Arkansas homer and have no mancrush on Mustain. I'm OU through and through, but have followed Arkansas since I moved about 40 minutes from campus about 8 years ago.

Absolutely great post and you told it pretty much the way it was......though you are a bit soft on the athletic department and all the crapola that they allowed to go on and just look the other way. How about offensive assistant coaches calling their Offensive Coordinator "high school"? That shows a lot of respect and for my money, that respect, or the lack thereof, comes directly from the person leading the program. This was one of the first signs that the HC had been forced to hire Gus to insure that he got MM and the other Springdale kids, and he resented having his hand forced to do so. And that e-mail that was sent to Mustain, entitled "Mr. Interception King".......written by an adult who had no connection to the program but who was given sideline passes for games....was just despicable. Saying things like "did I mention I want you to transfer?", repeatedly in this mail to an 18 year old kid? And the now famous phone records that revealed that members of the coaching staff had contact with this woman who sent the e-mail only moments before she sent it, and then the coaches denying they knew anything about it......stinks to high heaven. And had any of us been MM father or mother, I can assure you, we would have all been looking for someone to be held responsible. The sad thing is, this kid is really a team player and had even said publicly before the season ever started that if the coahces thought he wasn't ready to play and wanted to redshirt him, that would be fine, all he wanted was whatever was best for the team. Yet, so many across the country have tried to portray him as a whiny, spoiled crybaby who just wanted to have his own way. This is the exact opposite of the truth.

There is no credible reason to get down on this kid on this board and as responsible human beings who either are or will be parents, we should all be unhappy that any kid, at any school anywhere in the country, was allowed to be treated this way. And as was previously stated, throughout all of this, MM AND his mother(that so many want to villify and have no factual information to do so) have remained mostly quiet and have not made negative statements to the press or anyone else, when they certainly could have. The only reason that anyone has a negative impression of the Mustains is due to the disinformation machine that has driven this whole thing.

As I said in another post, I hope that the kids from Arkansas go to USC and set the world on fire. But because I am Sooner born and Sooner bred, if we ever face them, I want to see them drilled into the turf like any other opponent.

Just my take.

4/21/2007, 06:51 AM
My thoughts precisely. I just don't get it. Dude's not good enough to start at Arkansas, but he thinks he'll be good enough to crack the depth chart at the University of Spoiled Children?
I have no doubt that his new financial backers-future agents and Mr. Bush himself gave him a real good pep talk.

4/21/2007, 12:19 PM
I find it difficult to believe, in light of The Game That Shall Not Be Mentioned, that any Sooner would pull for a player at suc to do well.

A suc player doing well means suc doing well, and that thought can fester and burn in the seventh circle of hell.

4/21/2007, 12:30 PM
Please, I would like to know your sources for this. I actually live over here and I am around it every day. Enlighten me as to what reliable source told you this. I have my answer for you, but I just want to hear what credible source supposedly told you this.

Just my take.

Oh! By living over there, you get more information, better information and correct information.
My apologies. I only work in Ark and not privy to all of the vast information & knowledge that someone who actually LIVES over there gets.

MY TAKE IS, the kid manipulated the piggys.
Did not sign until his HS coach got a job. That is a fact.

I heard about the parents meeting on 96.3. I dont know what went on in the meeting & doubt that you do either. Unless you were there, you get the same information that I get. So MY TAKE IS that some parents of some freshmen from Springdale went to talk to the AD about something. I doubt it was about grades or classes.
I would wonder why parents would all get together to talk to the AD about grades or classes. I thought there were advisers, teachers or someone a bit farther down the chain. And would you need other parents to go with you if your kid was needing information about a class or a grade? Give me a break.

MM was not all of the problem but he was a part of it by doing what he did before going ahead and signing with Ark. I dont blame him for stepping out of that mess. I sure dont feel any sympathy for him either.
No doubt he has some talent, and he will probably get to use it on Saturdays in the next year or two.

Thats my take...

4/21/2007, 02:13 PM
Oh! By living over there, you get more information, better information and correct information.
My apologies. I only work in Ark and not privy to all of the vast information & knowledge that someone who actually LIVES over there gets.

Well, it's kinda like the one episode of Star Trek, when they were on this planet, trapped because this disease would **** them up real bad* if they returned to the ship. But it turns out that all they had to do is stay on the planet a certain amount of time and their bodies would develop its own immunity to the pathogen.

So, if you only work in Arkansas, and leave the state periodically, you are not building up the immunities needed to assimilate the better information.

* ****ed up real bad is an actual medical description specific to crazy-arse diseases than turn you into crystals.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/21/2007, 02:50 PM
I find it difficult to believe, in light of The Game That Shall Not Be Mentioned, that any Sooner would pull for a player at suc to do well.

A suc player doing well means suc doing well, and that thought can fester and burn in the seventh circle of hell.Well put. Are you only a Sooner fan, or do you follow any other particular team, as well?

4/21/2007, 03:07 PM
Oh! By living over there, you get more information, better information and correct information.
My apologies. I only work in Ark and not privy to all of the vast information & knowledge that someone who actually LIVES over there gets.

MY TAKE IS, the kid manipulated the piggys.
Did not sign until his HS coach got a job. That is a fact.

I heard about the parents meeting on 96.3. I dont know what went on in the meeting & doubt that you do either. Unless you were there, you get the same information that I get. So MY TAKE IS that some parents of some freshmen from Springdale went to talk to the AD about something. I doubt it was about grades or classes.
I would wonder why parents would all get together to talk to the AD about grades or classes. I thought there were advisers, teachers or someone a bit farther down the chain. And would you need other parents to go with you if your kid was needing information about a class or a grade? Give me a break.

MM was not all of the problem but he was a part of it by doing what he did before going ahead and signing with Ark. I dont blame him for stepping out of that mess. I sure dont feel any sympathy for him either.
No doubt he has some talent, and he will probably get to use it on Saturdays in the next year or two.

Thats my take...

Here's the deal, the media has been biased towards the administration because they fear being shut out. So whatever you heard on 96.1 tells a great deal about what you believe. It is the disinformation machine at its best. What kid would not sign with a school where his former HC was becoming the OC? He had a comfort level with what HDN said was going to happen and the proof of that was supposedly, the hiring of GM. Truth is, HDN only did that to insure he got the kids form Springdale because everyone was ready to hang him for letting top in-state recruits get out of Arkansas. He killed two birds with one stone. He was forced to hire an OC and by hiring Gus, he got the Springdale kids and protected his position as everyone believed he was not a good recruiter. I too, live and work over here and see what has happened but I take what I know from people I know who are closer to the program and not from a radio sports talk show host who is afraid of having his media privledges yanked if he goes against the administration.

And yes, it is a fact, that folks outside the state, are not getting all the information that those who live here have access to. Sorry if you don't agree, but it is a fact.

An earlier post said that Ben Cleveland's parents were the only ones who complained about playing time. I don't honestly know if they did or they didn't, but I do know that was not a subject that the Mustain's brought up or complained about. So your indictment of MM is way off.

And yes, there was a meetiing between parents and the A.D.(Broyles) and it wasn't about grades. But ask yourself this. Why wasn't that meeting between the HC and their parents? Was it because they thought the HC had another agenda and could not be trusted? Was it because the HC had already done some things that indicated that he had an axe to grind? Who can say? Why did they feel the need to go to the A.D.? What I know is this. That school lost a Parade All American QB who has never said a bad word against the coach or the school while he has been enrolled there and on the team, and they lost an All SEC Freshmen Team receiver and both to USC, who as we all know, had done a pretty good job of recruiting over the last three years. They don't offer scholarships to out of state players who have attitude problems or aren't going to be able to perform. Scholarships are too few and far too valuable these days to take chances.

As for your comment about him "manipulating the piggy's", how can you manipulate the piggy's when you stated before the season even started that you were more than willing to redshirt if that is what the coach's thought was best for the team? He did in fact, begin the season as a redshirt, which, Nutt pulled the 2nd half of the first game of the season against USC. MM didn't pull it, Nutt did. So your allegation of manipulation is just bogus.

Then there is the fact that Arkansas won 8 games with him starting before he was pulled. With the same backs, the same line and the same defense, his replacement was 2-4. You can say what you want....you are entitled to that........but if this kid had been a Sooner and been treated this way(which he wouldn't have been), we would all be up in arms.

I am a Sooner born and always will be, but I hate to see any kid treated wrongly and being villified at any school, undeservedly.

And that is..........

Just MY take.

4/21/2007, 03:09 PM
Well, it's kinda like the one episode of Star Trek, when they were on this planet, trapped because this disease would **** them up real bad* if they returned to the ship. But it turns out that all they had to do is stay on the planet a certain amount of time and their bodies would develop its own immunity to the pathogen.

So, if you only work in Arkansas, and leave the state periodically, you are not building up the immunities needed to assimilate the better information.

* ****ed up real bad is an actual medical description specific to crazy-arse diseases than turn you into crystals.

Thanks for the thoughtful response, Trekkie.

4/21/2007, 03:11 PM
Well put. Are you only a Sooner fan, or do you follow any other particular team, as well?

I'm a Sooner fan, first, last and middle.

There are other teams I pull for, or maybe that should be phrased "like better than other schools." Like Bama, Arizona (Mike), Georgia. And anybody playing saxet or Crime-ami.

And I think I'll be a Virginia Tech fan now. They'll be needing some support.

4/21/2007, 04:01 PM
Oooooooooo, I'm a trekkie! Ooooooooooo! :rolleyes:

4/21/2007, 04:20 PM
Here's the deal, the media has been biased towards the administration because they fear being shut out. So whatever you heard on 96.1 tells a great deal about what you believe. It is the disinformation machine at its best. What kid would not sign with a school where his former HC was becoming the OC? He had a comfort level with what HDN said was going to happen and the proof of that was supposedly, the hiring of GM. Truth is, HDN only did that to insure he got the kids form Springdale because everyone was ready to hang him for letting top in-state recruits get out of Arkansas. He killed two birds with one stone. He was forced to hire an OC and by hiring Gus, he got the Springdale kids and protected his position as everyone believed he was not a good recruiter. I too, live and work over here and see what has happened but I take what I know from people I know who are closer to the program and not from a radio sports talk show host who is afraid of having his media privledges yanked if he goes against the administration.

And yes, it is a fact, that folks outside the state, are not getting all the information that those who live here have access to. Sorry if you don't agree, but it is a fact.

An earlier post said that Ben Cleveland's parents were the only ones who complained about playing time. I don't honestly know if they did or they didn't, but I do know that was not a subject that the Mustain's brought up or complained about. So your indictment of MM is way off.

And yes, there was a meetiing between parents and the A.D.(Broyles) and it wasn't about grades. But ask yourself this. Why wasn't that meeting between the HC and their parents? Was it because they thought the HC had another agenda and could not be trusted? Was it because the HC had already done some things that indicated that he had an axe to grind? Who can say? Why did they feel the need to go to the A.D.? What I know is this. That school lost a Parade All American QB who has never said a bad word against the coach or the school while he has been enrolled there and on the team, and they lost an All SEC Freshmen Team receiver and both to USC, who as we all know, had done a pretty good job of recruiting over the last three years. They don't offer scholarships to out of state players who have attitude problems or aren't going to be able to perform. Scholarships are too few and far too valuable these days to take chances.

As for your comment about him "manipulating the piggy's", how can you manipulate the piggy's when you stated before the season even started that you were more than willing to redshirt if that is what the coach's thought was best for the team? He did in fact, begin the season as a redshirt, which, Nutt pulled the 2nd half of the first game of the season against USC. MM didn't pull it, Nutt did. So your allegation of manipulation is just bogus.

Then there is the fact that Arkansas won 8 games with him starting before he was pulled. With the same backs, the same line and the same defense, his replacement was 2-4. You can say what you want....you are entitled to that........but if this kid had been a Sooner and been treated this way(which he wouldn't have been), we would all be up in arms.

I am a Sooner born and always will be, but I hate to see any kid treated wrongly and being villified at any school, undeservedly.

And that is..........

Just MY take.

I agree with you on most of what you are saying.
Nobody hates the Ark Media as much as I do, its not possible. And no doubt that those bozos on 96.3 in the mourning are as you say they are. I only listen to them in small tid bits from time to time, usually when I need a chuckle or two.
But I will go to my grave believing that Mitch Mustain manipulated the hogs by getting his HS coach a job. It is so painfully obvious. He was going to be a hog because thats all he ever wanted to be...well maybe not, maybe Notre Dame, well lets see....If my HS coach were to get hired I might just go ahead and be a hog. Wow! his coach gets hired and he signs.
Its easy to say you are willing to red-shirt when you know its not going to happen.
My guess is, and I say again guess, is that Nutt told them things would be one way and they actually were another way. Nutt is an idiot IMO as is Broyles. I would not trust either one of them.

If a kid plays for Ark or USC I hope he fails big time. I dont care if he is a good kid or not. As far as that goes if he's not wearing CRIMSON & CREAM with OU on his helmet I really dont care...as a matter of fact why am I even doing this?

and thats all I have to say about that

4/21/2007, 04:21 PM
Oh! By living over there, you get more information, better information and correct information.
My apologies. I only work in Ark and not privy to all of the vast information & knowledge that someone who actually LIVES over there gets.

MY TAKE IS, the kid manipulated the piggys.
Did not sign until his HS coach got a job. That is a fact.

I heard about the parents meeting on 96.3. I dont know what went on in the meeting & doubt that you do either. Unless you were there, you get the same information that I get. So MY TAKE IS that some parents of some freshmen from Springdale went to talk to the AD about something. I doubt it was about grades or classes.
I would wonder why parents would all get together to talk to the AD about grades or classes. I thought there were advisers, teachers or someone a bit farther down the chain. And would you need other parents to go with you if your kid was needing information about a class or a grade? Give me a break.

MM was not all of the problem but he was a part of it by doing what he did before going ahead and signing with Ark. I dont blame him for stepping out of that mess. I sure dont feel any sympathy for him either.
No doubt he has some talent, and he will probably get to use it on Saturdays in the next year or two.

Thats my take...

Of course neither of us was at the meeting, but Broyles was, and it was Broyles who said it wasn't about playing time.

As to why they wouldn't go to Nutt or an advisor.

First Nutt was the one who told the parents about certain academic assistance being available, about curfews, etc. provided through the athletic department, and this came after a close friend of Nutt's had started circulating hateful e-mails (including sending one to Mustain) about Mustain.

I can understand why the parents wouldn't feel confident going to Nutt.

I do think he mishandled his recruitment. But again, I think it was the adults who were doing the manipulating. After the kid commits to ARK, then decides to reopen his recruitment, it's Broyles that forced Nutt to hire the kid's high school OC on the staff.

Who stood to gain the most by Mustain, Williams and Cleveland (who had both given a verbal to Florida), Nutt and Broyles.
Broyles knows his legacy is failing, and Nutt was already starting to divide the fanbase before he had back-to-back losing seasons -- they both desparately needed a big splash in the football program.

Also, if you were hearing about the details of any of this on 96.3, it was probably on a show called Sportsrap, whose host believes Nutt and Broyles walk on water.

Again, I think Mustain made some poor choices, but I don't think he deserved to be savaged like he has.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/21/2007, 05:57 PM
I'm a Sooner fan, first, last and middle.

There are other teams I pull for, or maybe that should be phrased "like better than other schools." Like Bama, Arizona (Mike), Georgia. And anybody playing saxet or Crime-ami.

And I think I'll be a Virginia Tech fan now. They'll be needing some support.Good to hear. I had a sneaking suspicion you were one of those domer intruders, when you got all excited about messing up the suc.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/21/2007, 06:04 PM
If a kid plays for Ark or USC I hope he fails big time. I dont care if he is a good kid or not. As far as that goes if he's not wearing CRIMSON & CREAM with OU on his helmet I really dont care...as a matter of fact why am I even doing this?

and thats all I have to say about that Righteous!...A thread sometime ago asked who your second favorite team was, as if a Sooner fan would have a second favorite team(they ALL compete with OU, both for National titles, and recruits, so NO, a second favorite team is not reasonable)

You could like a high school team, or a pro team, however.

4/21/2007, 06:29 PM
I could care less about where this kid goes to play football.. they're all just stepping stones for the Sooners anyway. The story does make me glad my Mommy didn't show up in Norman to talk to the department head when I was a freshman. How embarassing would that be, even without the media covering it.

As to the emails, so what? Thousands of players every year get fan hate mail and message board hate posts. That's not even worth mentioning. Not too often a freshman calls his head coach a "dork" in public and gets to stay on the team, though.

4/21/2007, 08:02 PM

I hear ya. Yeah, I'm Scotch-Irish, but I have my head in the right place. Don't like Notre Dame at all. I came out of the womb predisposed to dislike them for that atrocity they committed in 1957. Their only use to me is to beat the suc, which they haven't been doing too well of late.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/21/2007, 09:06 PM

I hear ya. Yeah, I'm Scotch-Irish, but I have my head in the right place. Don't like Notre Dame at all. I came out of the womb predisposed to dislike them for that atrocity they committed in 1957. Their only use to me is to beat the suc, which they haven't been doing too well of late.Our backgrounds are similar. My mom's side was pure Irish, and there's some on my dad's side, too. However, I have the exact same attitude about domer as you. I particularly dislike them, above all other colleges.

4/22/2007, 04:02 AM
Righteous!...A thread sometime ago asked who your second favorite team was, as if a Sooner fan would have a second favorite team(they ALL compete with OU, both for National titles, and recruits, so NO, a second favorite team is not reasonable)


Whatever. I'm one of the biggest ou fans you'll ever meet and I love ND; they are my second team. My entire dad's family went there and I grew up rooting for them and I'm not going to disband my loyalties because I started school here.

Please stop telling people how to be fans - it is incredibly aggravating. I spend way more money than I should as a student on my team and I'd wager I follow them way more close than you do.

4/22/2007, 11:06 AM
.......I do think he mishandled his recruitment. But again, I think it was the adults who were doing the manipulating. After the kid commits to ARK, then decides to reopen his recruitment, it's Broyles that forced Nutt to hire the kid's high school OC on the staff.

Who stood to gain the most by Mustain, Williams and Cleveland (who had both given a verbal to Florida), Nutt and Broyles.
Broyles knows his legacy is failing, and Nutt was already starting to divide the fanbase before he had back-to-back losing seasons -- they both desparately needed a big splash in the football program........

My Favorite Frank Broyles Story -

A year or so after Broyles retired from coaching, one of the networks hired him to do color commendary on the RRS. Back in the old SWC days, the Hogs hated Texass with a passion generally found only in Sooner country.
The game was.....well, it was OU-Texass.

On a critical third down situation, the Longhorn band strikes up "Texass Fight". The Texass fans go crazy, orange people jumping up and down and Bevo actually looked up to see what was going on.

Broyles Observation? "When the OU band starts their fight song, it makes your blood run cold."

WTF????? I thought my dad was going to have a stroke.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/22/2007, 11:44 AM

Please stop telling people how to be fans - it is incredibly aggravating. I spend way more money than I should as a student on my team and I'd wager I follow them way more close than you do. Fandom and loyalties are a personal thing. I'm not telling anyone to stop rooting for domer if they want to do that. You would wager you follow OU more closely than me, or that you follow domer more closely than me?:eek:

4/22/2007, 04:37 PM
I could care less about where this kid goes to play football.. they're all just stepping stones for the Sooners anyway. The story does make me glad my Mommy didn't show up in Norman to talk to the department head when I was a freshman. How embarassing would that be, even without the media covering it.

As to the emails, so what? Thousands of players every year get fan hate mail and message board hate posts. That's not even worth mentioning. Not too often a freshman calls his head coach a "dork" in public and gets to stay on the team, though.

Not to continue to argue this post, but just FYI, Mustain called him that name while he was still a Senior in High School and not even on the team. I am just trying to clear up a lot, and I do mean a LOT of misconceptions that so many people have of this situation. 17 year old kids say a lot of things on the spur of the moment that they don't necessarily mean let lone think about becoming public information.

8/15/2007, 02:47 AM
this whole story still cracks me up. besides stoolwater, that glorified high school is the only place i can think of that has the ability to turn one of their best season into a nightmare.

it's quite comical.

8/15/2007, 03:37 AM
... what's even funnier is that Mustain's HIGH SCHOOL offense worked in the mighty and unbeatable SEC. A little better game management and Arkansas could have beaten Florida out of the MNC contention.

8/15/2007, 04:22 AM

Hello me, it's me again....

Jason White's Third Knee
8/15/2007, 08:55 AM
... what's even funnier is that Mustain's HIGH SCHOOL offense worked in the mighty and unbeatable SEC. A little better game management and Arkansas could have beaten Florida out of the MNC contention.

You know what they say, OU would be 6-6 every year if we played in the sec.

I got thrown out of a bar in under 2 minutes once. I walked in to watch the OU-UT game, some LSU jackass was watching the LSU-FLA game. He saw my shirt and said,"OU would be 6-6 if blahblahblah" First I asked him if he came up with that, cause I had never heard that the sec was any good. Then I told him to STFU. Then I told him that I was going to beat his sorry arse and I was going to wait outside for him. Of course I just walked down the street to another bar and had no intentions of waiting for the dude, I HAD A GAME TO WATCH!!! Oh, did I mention that I was in New Orleans and was really hammered? For about 3 days?????