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jk the sooner fan
5/11/2007, 09:40 PM
dude, Bowen has been accused of being a dirty player by damn near everybody in the league

i'd have to think at this point there might be some validity to it

5/11/2007, 10:28 PM
JK is right on about this.

5/11/2007, 10:34 PM
PS: Jerry Sloan... Please start guarding the damn three point line!!!!!

5/11/2007, 11:35 PM
The discussion was Wallace being one of the reasons the Pistons don't enjoy "home cooking"

If you want to turn it into a different discussion then have at it.

And Amare can whine about Bowen when Raja Bell stops clotheslining people.

5/12/2007, 08:24 AM
The discussion was Wallace being one of the reasons the Pistons don't enjoy "home cooking"

If you want to turn it into a different discussion then have at it.

And Amare can whine about Bowen when Raja Bell stops clotheslining people.


jk the sooner fan
5/12/2007, 08:45 AM
i'll agree that Sheed Wallace takes away "some" of the homering that they might otherwise get in Detroit

and I'll give you your Raja Bell/Stoudemire vs. Bruce Bowen argument

but in turn, you give me the dozens of other NBA players that have labeled Bowen the way he is


5/12/2007, 09:12 AM
Why don't you list the players that whine about Bowen and we'll take it on a case by case basis?

I'll guarantee this. Any player that whines about Bowen would love to have him as a team mate.

5/12/2007, 09:42 AM
Josh Howard is on that list and wouldn't want him as a teammate. But good job bringing up an unprovable point. :D

5/12/2007, 09:46 AM
Josh Howard is on that list and wouldn't want him as a teammate. But good job bringing up an unprovable point. :D
BS. A guy like Bowen is exactly what the Mavs needed this post season.

I can give you a list a mile long of "hated" players that teams love to have on the court for them.

Crap, Karl Malone had an opportunity to play for San Antonio and you can't get more hated than him here. It was his choice not to come here.

5/12/2007, 09:49 AM
He may be what they needed, but that doesn't mean that Josh would want to play with him.

Well, maybe he would. THen the only way he could slide under him on jumpshots would be in practice.

You're right, everyone would want him on his team. :D

5/12/2007, 09:57 AM
I remember a different Mav named Howard taking Derick Anderson out of the playoffs a few years back with some dirty play. Glass houses man.

5/12/2007, 10:02 AM
Why don't you list the players that whine about Bowen and we'll take it on a case by case basis?

I'll guarantee this. Any player that whines about Bowen would love to have him as a team mate.

Steve Francis
Jamal Crawford
Ray Allen

for starters.

5/12/2007, 10:18 AM
Steve Francis
Jamal Crawford
Ray Allen

for starters.
Steve Francis and Ray Allen = primadonas that are used to getting the "star" treatment from the refs. How many times do these guys jump into the defender to get fouls called?

Welcome to the NBA Crawford.

People want to call Bowen dirty? Call him what you want. I've never seen him send a player out for a game or a series. He plays tough defense and tries to get away with what he can just live every other player in the league.

He's a star defensive player in the NBA and the offensive stars get whiney when the other guy gets some calls.

5/12/2007, 10:20 AM
Steve Francis and Ray Allen = primadonas that are used to getting the "star" treatment from the refs. How many times do these guys jump into the defender to get fouls called?

Welcome to the NBA Crawford.

People want to call Bowen dirty? Call him what you want. I've never seen him send a player out for a game or a series. He plays tough defense and tries to get away with what he can just live every other player in the league.

He's a star defensive player in the NBA and the offensive stars get whiney when the other guy gets some calls.

OK, I'll give you the fact that Stevie Franchise is a ****** and let's go ahead and discount Crawford.

Bowen was also fined by the NBA for his actions against Allen. I would consider that more than just the opinion or outcry of one player or a particular kind of player.

5/12/2007, 10:26 AM
OK, I'll give you the fact that Stevie Franchise is a ****** and let's go ahead and discount Crawford.

Bowen was also fined by the NBA for his actions against Allen. I would consider that more than just the opinion or outcry of one player or a particular kind of player.
The history with Allen goes a long way back. The more they play the more Allen whines. Bruce admitted he got out of hand and accepted the consequence of it.

Any Mav fans need to be checking Jason Terry for similar action. Nut punches and throwing guys to the floor certainly falls in the same category.

5/12/2007, 10:56 AM
Hey SAS, you're going to bat for your team -- I can appreciate that.

But the fact is that Bowen is dirty player. Like Stockton and many others.

He should add a stat column for sprains, bruises and broken bones induced. He'd be in the HOF.

5/12/2007, 11:01 AM
I think there are more imagined injuries than actual.

And it's easy to go to bat for your team when the people who are bashing are card carrying haters of your team.

Scott D
5/12/2007, 11:19 AM
My bringing up Bowen being a cheating (ie cheapshotting) expletive was in response to your calling Rasheed an expletive. He got a bad rap here just like everywhere else when he was in Portland. He came here, and it became pretty evident that the perception was nothing like the reality. In all truthfulness the biggest flaw Wallace has is that he tends to be a bit more passive on the court (not to be mistaken for animated) than a player with his overall skill set should be.

Bowen was right about his comment when he said that he couldn't do what he did to Amare again if he tried...namely because the refs would have his *** in the locker room in seconds if he tried it.

5/12/2007, 11:26 AM
I think there are more imagined injuries than actual.

And it's easy to go to bat for your team when the people who are bashing are card carrying haters of your team.

Maybe so, but you can't put me in that last category.

5/12/2007, 01:17 PM
The history with Allen goes a long way back. The more they play the more Allen whines. Bruce admitted he got out of hand and accepted the consequence of it.

Any Mav fans need to be checking Jason Terry for similar action. Nut punches and throwing guys to the floor certainly falls in the same category.

JET's had two such incidents in his career. Otherwise, he's a clean player.

Look, I'd have no problems with a guy like Bowen on the Mavs. As I said before, it would be nice if other teams were accusing Dallas of the kinds of things Amare is accusing Bowen of. It would help diminish Dallas' reputation as a soft team.

But Bowen is what he is. A great defensive player with a dirty edge. He's won two rings playing that way so I can't really knock him for it. But at the same time, there's a kernel of truth anytime somebody accuses him of being a dirty player.

Like here:


jk the sooner fan
5/12/2007, 02:08 PM
I remember a different Mav named Howard taking Derick Anderson out of the playoffs a few years back with some dirty play. Glass houses man.

how many times have you heard players around the league accusing (on a routine basis) juwan howard of being a dirty player


5/12/2007, 02:11 PM
Dirk thanks you for shifting your focus.;)

5/12/2007, 07:34 PM
DiAntoni didn't think it was a dirty play. "Amare is being Amare".

Says a lot when the coach almost sides with the opposing player over his own.

5/12/2007, 07:46 PM
You're trying really hard to make me not root for the Spurs. :D

5/12/2007, 07:49 PM
Makes no difference to me.

Any predictions you might have aren't THAT heartfelt, so your ability to torpedo us is minimal. ;)

5/12/2007, 08:53 PM
Knee to the groin...need we say more. Then I had to watch Oberto pull a freaking soccer move and flail on the floor. I coach basketball and I just turned off the NBA playoffs. Horrible, just horrible.

5/12/2007, 08:56 PM
Your problem is with the NBA. You didn't see anything you don't see all over the league.

And I can't say I disagree with it. Malone made a living out of clearing the lane with his elbows. This isn't anything new.

5/12/2007, 09:05 PM
I don't know an elbow to the chin is still different than a knee to the groin. The NBA is turning into World Cup soccer. I didn't mind Malone because MJ was there to kill the Jazz when it mattered.

5/12/2007, 09:07 PM
Karl Malone knocked David Robinson unconscious with an elbow. Elbow straight to the forehead.

5/12/2007, 09:31 PM
Yes he split open many a lip as well, still kneeing someone is the groin is still something you would see the Romanian national soccer team do.

5/12/2007, 09:40 PM
Well the Spurs are an international team:rolleyes:

5/13/2007, 05:47 PM
Players clear space by stepping into the defender all the freaking time. That's weak sauce, especially since Nash is a terrible defender. Bowen made the exact same move two possessions later and Nash was in the right position that time. Look, Bowen = Malone. That's the bottom line. He does what he can get away with, and would never try to take someone out.

The charge call for Oberto was atrocious, but so were a lot of other calls. I counted several "blocks" on both sides that weren't even close. Stoudamire was an idiot with his defensive play in a game where he had a target, and his team suffered. Nash was whining at the end because the zebras weren't calling slap fouls in the lane. Newsflash, canuck: they didn't call it all game, why would they call it then? You want a foul, feed the post and watch the fireworks. Stoudamire played 20 minutes and shot 11 free throws, so if you wanted free shots, you should have dropped it down low.

As far as 'Sheed is concerned, he was a ginormous prick before he played for the Pistons. But as soon as he started winning, and had players around him that could help him keep his cool, he turned into a better person. Now, he's not a jack*** anymore. And you don't get home cookin' because everyone hates you, Scott. ;)

5/13/2007, 08:01 PM
Players clear space by stepping into the defender all the freaking time. That's weak sauce, especially since Nash is a terrible defender. Bowen made the exact same move two possessions later and Nash was in the right position that time. Look, Bowen = Malone. That's the bottom line. He does what he can get away with, and would never try to take someone out.

The charge call for Oberto was atrocious, but so were a lot of other calls. I counted several "blocks" on both sides that weren't even close. Stoudamire was an idiot with his defensive play in a game where he had a target, and his team suffered. Nash was whining at the end because the zebras weren't calling slap fouls in the lane. Newsflash, canuck: they didn't call it all game, why would they call it then? You want a foul, feed the post and watch the fireworks. Stoudamire played 20 minutes and shot 11 free throws, so if you wanted free shots, you should have dropped it down low.

As far as 'Sheed is concerned, he was a ginormous prick before he played for the Pistons. But as soon as he started winning, and had players around him that could help him keep his cool, he turned into a better person. Now, he's not a jack*** anymore. And you don't get home cookin' because everyone hates you, Scott. ;)

Well if Bowen = Malone, then he would try to take someone out. Malone never hesitated breaking someone's nose or cracking open their face with a well timed elbow. Ditto he's little dish bish Stockton. And it wasn't just to say hi, it was to knock that other mother****er out.

5/13/2007, 08:17 PM
Norman, no person with any basketball skill has ever made a move leading with the knee, a jab step or clearout is always done with the foot. Also, he didn't attack Nash's front foot which means he really wasn't trying to clear space, and furthermore you WANT a horrible defender to get in your face so you can go him.
I agree with you on the Malone=Bowen comparison.

5/13/2007, 09:09 PM
Ethics in Officiating

A course obviously not taught to Golden State's playoff refs.

Guarding the Three Point Line

A course obviously not taught to Utah's Coaching Staff.

5/13/2007, 09:14 PM
Guarding the Three Point Line

A course obviously not taught to Utah's or Dallas' players.


5/13/2007, 09:20 PM
LOL I believe those coaches need to quit playing the Statistics card regarding 3 pointers. Some teams are just amazing behind the arc.

5/13/2007, 10:59 PM
P.S. Baron Davis is a thug that should be suspended for a game after what he just did to Fisher.

Cheap shot artists taking new forms. Put Richardson on the list. Dang... Golden State = Classless.

5/13/2007, 11:24 PM
Players clear space by stepping into the defender all the freaking time. That's weak sauce, especially since Nash is a terrible defender. Bowen made the exact same move two possessions later and Nash was in the right position that time. Look, Bowen = Malone. That's the bottom line. He does what he can get away with, and would never try to take someone out.

True, but not all of them are having the league look at their plays:


For the first time in an increasingly contentious San Antonio Spurs-Phoenix Suns series, Bruce Bowen is officially under the league's microscope.

An NBA spokesman confirmed Sunday night that Bowen's third-quarter knee to the groin of Suns guard Steve Nash in Saturday's Game 3 is under review for possible punishment.

Nash declined after Saturday's game and again Sunday to voice any public displeasure with Bowen's physical play. But the league decided anyway to conduct a full investigation into this incident after declining to do so when Bowen was accused of intentionally kicking Amare Stoudemire in Game 2.

Stoudemire called Bowen and Manu Ginobili "dirty" players after the Game 2 tangle, in which Bowen admitted he "did clip" Stoudemire from behind on a dunk.

If the league decides to fine or suspend Bowen, that announcement would come before Monday night's Game 4.

To me the knee looked bad at best. I could see where it could be taken as clearing space, but it also looked alot like he thrust his knee forward.

5/13/2007, 11:25 PM
the Jazz were nails tonight.

5/13/2007, 11:36 PM
P.S. Baron Davis is a thug that should be suspended for a game after what he just did to Fisher.

Cheap shot artists taking new forms. Put Richardson on the list. Dang... Golden State = Classless.

Totally agree about Davis. If you're talking about Richardson taking down Okur during the waning seconds of the game, I disagree. I think that's an example of a hard foul -- Okur should have known that's what is coming when you try to dunk on a team who's basically thrown in the towel as the game is about to end -- Richardson was ejected and the flagrant called, I think that's appropriate.

5/14/2007, 12:54 AM
P.S. Baron Davis is a thug that should be suspended for a game after what he just did to Fisher.

Cheap shot artists taking new forms. Put Richardson on the list. Dang... Golden State = Classless.

As dominating as Golden State has been, they seem to come unglued at the slightest hint of pressure.

And what Baron did was blatantly ridiculous.

5/14/2007, 08:42 AM
I'll tell you what.

Somebody point out the team that hasn't played dirty and we'll give it a look see.;)

It seems to me that even the teams that are whining about it have been guilty of the same offense in the recent past. You didn't hear Pop whine to the media about Manu getting a black eye. Championship teams know that you have to take some crap and deal some crap to get to the top. If you think you got a raw deal, the way you answer is by kicking butt, not whining to the media.

You look at the last 5 teams to actually won a championship and let me know how much time was wasted whining to the media about playing "dirty". We aren't talking about the fans either. We are talking about the players and the coaches.

This crap goes on all the time and it just happens to be on center stage right now because it's the playoffs.

5/14/2007, 09:00 AM
I'll tell you what.

Somebody point out the team that hasn't played dirty and we'll give it a look see.;)

It seems to me that even the teams that are whining about it have been guilty of the same offense in the recent past. You didn't hear Pop whine to the media about Manu getting a black eye. Championship teams know that you have to take some crap and deal some crap to get to the top. If you think you got a raw deal, the way you answer is by kicking butt, not whining to the media.

You look at the last 5 teams to actually won a championship and let me know how much time was wasted whining to the media about playing "dirty". We aren't talking about the fans either. We are talking about the players and the coaches.

This crap goes on all the time and it just happens to be on center stage right now because it's the playoffs.

There's a huge difference between physical, hard-nosed play and playing dirty. And the players know this. You won't hear players publicly complain about the physical play that happens in the playoffs - it's part of the game. Maybe one or two wussies will complain or you'll hear a coach give a snide comment to the press - but it's generally not done.

When you start hearing, from several players, that someone is a dirty player. That's a whole different ball game.

BTW, you can add Vince Carter to the list of players that have publicly called out Bowen.

5/14/2007, 09:25 AM
One man's hard nosed play...........

BTW, we progressed to GS being dirty. Accused by Utah no less :D

also, who is your favorite NBA team Ash? We want to examine how "clean" they are.

jk the sooner fan
5/14/2007, 09:29 AM
somebody is REALLY defensive and deflective :)

5/14/2007, 09:34 AM
Like I said, the BIGGER issue is the NBA. The Spurs are the flavor of the day as far as this talk is concerned.

And lost in all this is that Manu was called dirty. I haven't heard any of you jump on that one. We can all agree he has a Masters in floppology, but it's a ridiculous stretch to call him dirty.

jk the sooner fan
5/14/2007, 09:35 AM
guilt by association with that thug Bowen


5/14/2007, 09:38 AM
One man's hard nosed play...........

BTW, we progressed to GS being dirty. Accused by Utah no less :D

also, who is your favorite NBA team Ash? We want to examine how "clean" they are.

Eeeeww! ;)

Golden State is dirty. They're a nasty team and you'll get no argument from me that some of that crap we saw last night was dirty.

I don't have a favorite team. I started following the Mavs a little when I lived in Dallas...I liked the way the Pistons play team ball...meh, just pick a team and start bashing. I'll argue with you one or another. :eek: ;)

5/14/2007, 09:43 AM
Of all the plays I've seen called dirty, the two talked about by the Suns make me laugh out loud.

And how about Marion slapping Manu in the eye.........I know.....he was just reaching for the ball at eye level :D

5/14/2007, 09:44 AM
Of all the plays I've seen called dirty, the two talked about by the Suns make me laugh out loud.

And how about Marion slapping Manu in the eye.........I know.....he was just reaching for the ball at eye level :D

It's well known that the best way to cleanly steal the ball is to put your fist in someone's eye. That's bball 101.:D

5/14/2007, 09:46 AM

suck it y'all :D

5/14/2007, 09:54 AM
Best way to win an argument is to point back. :D

5/14/2007, 09:56 AM
Best way to win an argument is to point back. :D
My arguement isn't that the Spurs aren't dirty.

It's that EVERYBODY is.

You might recall this technique from the Switzer era.

5/14/2007, 10:08 AM
Thank you. :D

I never said I didn't want Bowen on my team.

And to be honest, most of the 'dirty' play in the NBA is child's play when compared to the NHL.

5/14/2007, 10:24 AM
Funny to me how most of the players that complain about "dirty" play don't play a lick of defense.

Almost every one of them are big time scorers that are lacking in the defensive area.

5/14/2007, 11:01 AM
Well, I just watched a lot of Bowen footage, and he's every bit the player Malone was. Just as ruthless, just as good. I understand SAS's point and I agree, I just think the NBA should tell refs to watch Bowen. All he'll get is a fine, at worst, but that's what should happen. Bowen goes too far sometimes, and I don't like that on my Spurs. That's why I'm glad we got rid of Stephen Jackson, and why I won't be sad when Bowen retires.

That being said, the Suns are whiny bitches.

5/14/2007, 11:07 AM
SAS, I think it has more to do with getting the crap beat out of them on a nightly basis, then the fact that they themselves don't play defense.

5/14/2007, 11:21 AM
SAS, I think it has more to do with getting the crap beat out of them on a nightly basis, then the fact that they themselves don't play defense.

No, they're whinny crybabby primadonnas, and they complain when someone uses a dirty move against them like they never use dirty moves ever.

Great defensive players are great because they have skill and they're dirty.

Great offensive players are great because they have skill and they're dirty.

5/14/2007, 11:36 AM
I just watched the G.S. plays, and if there were such a thing as consistent punishment in the NBA, Davis and Richardson should be sitting out game 5.

Scott D
5/14/2007, 11:43 AM
Well, I just watched a lot of Bowen footage, and he's every bit the player Malone was. Just as ruthless, just as good. I understand SAS's point and I agree, I just think the NBA should tell refs to watch Bowen. All he'll get is a fine, at worst, but that's what should happen. Bowen goes too far sometimes, and I don't like that on my Spurs. That's why I'm glad we got rid of Stephen Jackson, and why I won't be sad when Bowen retires.

That being said, the Suns are whiny bitches.

dude I'm a card carrying member of the Karl Malone is a whinny crybabby club...but he was definitely a better player than Bowen...he was as dirty no doubt though. As for the Warriors, two things are clear.

1. Nelly is still too much of a 'players' coach.
2. Stephen Jackson is a bad influence that should only be hooping it up on a court behind prison walls.

5/14/2007, 11:44 AM
The Suns should use the Mavs way of beating the Spurs and have Nash punch an ex-teammate in the nads.

5/14/2007, 12:21 PM
dude I'm a card carrying member of the Karl Malone is a whinny crybabby club...but he was definitely a better player than Bowen...he was as dirty no doubt though. As for the Warriors, two things are clear.

1. Nelly is still too much of a 'players' coach.
2. Stephen Jackson is a bad influence that should only be hooping it up on a court behind prison walls.

Well, I'm not saying Bowen is the offensive threat that Malone was, but they're similar in their methods and status in their respective areas. Malone was a chin-destroying post player and Bowen is an ankle-destroying defender.

Scott D
5/14/2007, 12:23 PM
Also members of the "We Wuz Dirty" club.

Zeke Thomas
Kevin McHale
Terry Cummings

5/14/2007, 12:29 PM
SAS, I think it has more to do with getting the crap beat out of them on a nightly basis, then the fact that they themselves don't play defense.
you missed my point.

The players (universal) that whine about dirty defense usually aren't known for their own defense.

Just a coincidence I'm sure;)

5/14/2007, 01:32 PM
So I guess you are going to put Tim Duncan and Bruce Bowen in that category right? Don't even try to tell me they don't whine either.

5/14/2007, 01:37 PM
So I guess you are going to put Tim Duncan and Bruce Bowen in that category right? Don't even try to tell me they don't whine either.
Complaining to an official immediately following a situation is totally different than making a big deal about something in subsequent press conferences and interviews.

You couldn't possibly be as stupid as your post suggests.

5/14/2007, 02:39 PM
Come one dude, you said players that whine. How am I supposed to interpret that into: "making a big deal about something in subsequent press conferences and interviews." Then you have to resort to calling me stupid... clASS!

5/14/2007, 02:41 PM
I said you couldn't possibly be as stupid as your post suggested.

It was a compliment. I have faith in you.

5/14/2007, 03:13 PM
I think SAS is a dirty poster...the Kevin McHale of SF, if you will. But he couldn't hold the SF equivalent of Malone's jock.

Just my .02.

5/14/2007, 03:23 PM
Just clearing some space dude.

Just clearing some space.

5/14/2007, 04:03 PM
Some good articles.


and here


5/14/2007, 04:42 PM
All teams that play against the teams I cheer for are the debil. They could be saints who feed orphans on a daily basis, and come game night I'll call them dirty, felonious heathens who should be put in jail.

Coincidentally, Baron Davis and Stephen Jackson just happen to fit the thug mold anyways. ;)

5/14/2007, 04:46 PM
Just clearing some space dude.

Just clearing some space.
Just for that, I'm parking my feet right under your legs the next time you go up for a jumpshot. ;)

5/14/2007, 04:53 PM
I think Bruce Bowen sucks and is the dirtiest player ever.

<sits back and waits patiently to reel in a sasfish>

5/14/2007, 05:05 PM
"I have faith in you"

Just for that I am going for a triple double just for you tonight SAS!:D

5/14/2007, 11:31 PM
Robert Horry just pulled a B. Davis on Nash -- he's ejected. A brawl (at least by NBA standards) almost breaks out.


5/14/2007, 11:34 PM
Marion has the funniest shooting style I've seen in quite some time. It's like the ball is a hot potato and he's trying his best to push away from him as fast as possible.

5/14/2007, 11:36 PM
Suns win, tie up the series.

Nash's post-game interview is freakin' hilarious...I like him as a player more and more.

5/15/2007, 01:05 AM
Can't believe the Suns came back on that one. Spurs seemed to get complacent in the 4th after dominating the entire game. Strange to see that from the Spurs. They're usually very workmanlike about things like that.

Will Stoudemire and Diaw be suspended for the next game for coming off the bench during the Horry ordeal?

5/15/2007, 07:19 AM
Well, it seems like every playoffs I hate a series or two for one reason or another. I'm sick of the "physical" play from both teams, and I'm not going to watch anymore. Horry starting a fight is the last straw. Tell me how it ends, SAS. I'm going to try to tell the NBA that I don't like it the only way I can - by not watching.


EDIT: Why is my wife always logged in?

5/15/2007, 07:23 AM
Horry really put a unnecessary check into him, but i like how Nash deflected most of the blow into the pad, than once on the ground fell backwards and laid out his arms. :D

5/15/2007, 08:00 AM
It leaves you with no excuse when your superstar blows it for you. I think it was 3 straight trips down the floor Tim turned it over by foul or mishandling the ball down the stretch.

Nash looks like a human pinball sometimes, by his own accord.

5/15/2007, 08:15 AM
EDIT: Why is my wife always logged in?
mushrooms? (http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com/)

5/15/2007, 09:39 AM
I keep hearing about "physical play" by both teams, but all I see on the highlights of thise series are the cheap shots by the Spurs. Is this some sort of media bias or are the Spurs dirtier than the Suns?

Asking a question here, have absolutely no interest in either team or the NBA really for that matter.

5/15/2007, 09:42 AM
Well, it seems like every playoffs I hate a series or two for one reason or another. I'm sick of the "physical" play from both teams, and I'm not going to watch anymore. Horry starting a fight is the last straw. Tell me how it ends, SAS. I'm going to try to tell the NBA that I don't like it the only way I can - by not watching.


EDIT: Why is my wife always logged in?

NP, use the my favorite team exception and only watch when it's your team playing.

I'll admit to watching bits and pieces of games since the Mavs were eliminated. But I have yet to sit down and watch any game for any extended amount of time.

Partly because I have this thing called MLB.TV. ;)

5/15/2007, 10:44 AM
NP, use the my favorite team exception and only watch when it's your team playing.

I'll admit to watching bits and pieces of games since the Mavs were eliminated. But I have yet to sit down and watch any game for any extended amount of time.

Partly because I have this thing called MLB.TV. ;)

No. My favorite team is being a bunch of pricks, and I don't support that.

And no, the Spurs aren't just more dirty than the Suns. Bell has clotheslined and flattened many a Spur; he should be on our offensive line here at OU. Nash is running into people on purpose to get sympathy calls (which he doesn't get, then whines about them - what happened to the nice guy I used to watch?) Stoudemire runs people over in his best Shaq impression, and then complains that the call wasn't fast enough.

I hate this series. I hate the NBA. Stop destroying my childhood.

5/15/2007, 10:45 AM
I keep hearing about "physical play" by both teams, but all I see on the highlights of thise series are the cheap shots by the Spurs. Is this some sort of media bias or are the Spurs dirtier than the Suns?

Asking a question here, have absolutely no interest in either team or the NBA really for that matter.
The Spurs are the team that got called dirty so yes, they are showing every possible play to bolster that point. The Suns have had plenty of hard fouls putting the Spurs on the floor. You just don't hear the Spurs whining about it.

But if you are asking if the Spurs are dirtier than the Suns I think thats a loaded question. Probably yes, but you could say that of any defense oriented team versus an offense oriented team. But make no mistake, Nash has a history of nutkicks himself and Raja Bell can clothesline with the best of them. Amare fouls hard at times.

I was disappointed with Horry for the body check on Nash. It reminded me of OU's thug checking Carmelo Anthony back in the day.

5/15/2007, 11:08 AM
I was disappointed with Horry for the body check on Nash. It reminded me of OU's thug checking Carmelo Anthony back in the day.

Yes, but Josef checking 'Melo was awesome. :D

5/15/2007, 11:27 AM
I was watching the, oh, I don't know what you'd call that tepid display of pseudo-shoving and posturing that happened after Horry forearm shivered Nash, and I can say for a fact that this is indeed not the NBA I grew up loving.

If he had pulled that crap on Larry Bird against the 80's Celtics or Magic against the 80's Lakers, someone would have punched him in the eye. The entire time they were showing the replay of the "pullapart" and he had his hands down around his chest, I was BEGGING Bell to punch him. Alas, Raja Bell is a little poser bitch, just like the rest of the league. :D

Scott D
5/15/2007, 11:35 AM
perhaps, but at least nobody is out there trying to bite another player like good ole Danny Ainge.

Sas, I'd say that the spinal issue that Nash has plays a lot into how he falls and how he braces himself for impact.

5/15/2007, 11:38 AM
perhaps, but at least nobody is out there trying to bite another player like good ole Danny Ainge.

Sas, I'd say that the spinal issue that Nash has plays a lot into how he falls and how he braces himself for impact.
Is that a joke?

He intentionally jumps into defensive players to get calls and he clears out defensive players with some "false stumbling" so that his team mates have a clear path to the goal. It's hilarious to watch at times.

The truly funny thing is hearing youtube members explain how Nash's foot extension into Kobe's groin is a "natural" motion.

Scott D
5/15/2007, 11:47 AM
can you think of a more natural motion than a foot extending into Kobe's groin..over and over and over..wait slow motion replay...and over and over and over ;)

5/15/2007, 11:50 AM
Something I must have slept through.........

Why did Kobe change to the number 24?

Scott D
5/15/2007, 11:56 AM
Haven't really heard a solid reason. The most plausible is that when he started playing organized basketball his number was 8, in High School he started off wearing #24, but switched later on to #33 which his old man wore (however he can't wear as a Laker for obvious reasons).

5/15/2007, 12:09 PM
Bryant began his career at Lower Merion High School in Ardmore, Pa., wearing No. 24.

5/15/2007, 12:10 PM
That doesn't explain why he would all of the sudden go back to the number.

5/15/2007, 12:20 PM
obviously, but he does show that he wore it before.

maybe it's here:


5/15/2007, 12:21 PM
So the answer to the original question is, "We have no idea".

5/15/2007, 12:30 PM
So the answer to the original question is, "It's Kobe. Who the **** cares".

Yep. :D

5/15/2007, 12:31 PM
I care. Until I find out. Then I wont care.

5/15/2007, 12:32 PM
Where the f*** is Jeeves when you need him?

Scott D
5/15/2007, 12:33 PM
The cynical reason he switched numbers was because he felt that the #8 was oversaturated in jersey sales, and he wanted to make more money so he switched.

5/15/2007, 12:35 PM
The cynical reason he switched numbers was because he felt that the #8 was oversaturated in jersey sales, and he wanted to make more money so he switched.
I can do cynical.

5/15/2007, 01:25 PM
If you get to see a replay of the Horry check on Nash, watch Nash's reaction as he gets up off the floor. He gets ups, grits his teeth with fire in his eyes, and goes after Horry. Nice.

And I like the Spurs.

5/15/2007, 01:29 PM
TNT playing up the Chuck V Shaq fight was pretty hilarious.

5/15/2007, 01:36 PM
I turned it off before they went into that. Dangit. They do a good job of entertaining there.

5/15/2007, 05:35 PM
TNT has the best crew bar none because of Chuck. He IS the NBA for me. Hearing his slurred rambling means that true unfocused insight is coming. :D

5/15/2007, 06:03 PM
Horry gone for 2 games

Diaw and Amare gone for one.


5/15/2007, 07:50 PM
Wow, Stu Jackson decided to get off his a** and actually do something. ;)

Althought I think common sense should prevail regarding the players off the bench rule during altercations, a rule's a rule.

5/15/2007, 10:12 PM
Horry gone for 2 games

Diaw and Amare gone for one.


I'd take that trade off anyday if I was the Spurs. bob comes through again. ;)

5/15/2007, 10:15 PM
I'd take that trade off anyday if I was the Spurs. bob comes through again. ;)
Veteran move.

Dirty? pfffffffft........I'm sure he'll help an old lady on his day off.

5/15/2007, 11:03 PM
Cheap Shot Bob. :D

5/15/2007, 11:06 PM
Cheap Shot Bob. :D
I wonder if I'll be able to buy my son a plaque of the "shot" like I did the last one. :D

5/16/2007, 12:11 AM
Jazz are close to closing out this series, but they're giving it up easier than the old horizontal.

5/16/2007, 12:42 AM
Golden State is bounced.

They had a major meltdown in the second half and the jump shots finally cooled off.

Gotta give it up to them, though, they imposed their will on these playoff series. They were in almost every game, even with Nellie-ball.

Newbomb Turk
5/16/2007, 06:41 AM
Althought I think common sense should prevail regarding the players off the bench rule during altercations, a rule's a rule.

I think common sense should prevail. The league really bent Phoenix over on this deal. Good think I really don't care that much about the NBA.

jk the sooner fan
5/16/2007, 06:49 AM
the question is, would those players have stopped where they were on the court if not stopped and corraled by the asst coaches? they left the bench - they'd be showing favoritism if they didnt enforce it - surprised that Horry got 2 games more than i am the other two getting the one game suspension

Scott D
5/16/2007, 06:58 AM
I think common sense should prevail. The league really bent Phoenix over on this deal. Good think I really don't care that much about the NBA.

The most amusing enforcement of the "No player shall leave the bench area during an altercation" enforcement was when Dee Brown got suspended for what he thought was checking into a game when there was an altercation. He was already waiting at the scorers table and after the whistle, he started to head onto the court when the altercation began.

5/16/2007, 07:50 AM
the question is, would those players have stopped where they were on the court if not stopped and corraled by the asst coaches? they left the bench - they'd be showing favoritism if they didnt enforce it - surprised that Horry got 2 games more than i am the other two getting the one game suspension
Horry kind of had 2 separate violations.

The hockey check on Nash and then an elbow up high on Bell. I'm figuring it's a game for each.

5/16/2007, 08:49 AM
Gotta give it up to them, though, they imposed their will on these playoff series. They were in almost every game, even with Nellie-ball.

That's the Nellie ball way, you'll be in a lot of games, but you won't have the defense to make a stop when you have to.

THey forced their will on the Mavs, but not the Jazz.

5/16/2007, 09:15 AM
Okay, I watched the hip check by Horry for the first time last night. With the way people have been talking about it, you would have thought he'd hauled off and slugged Nash. Man, half of that was Nash jumping into the table. I bet he didn't get up for a second because he thought "Man, that was dumb of me. That kind of hurt."

I'm not defending Rob, but from the three angles they showed at the halftime show of Bulls/Pistons it looked pretty harmless. A hip check like you see a lot during the season, but with added flop to pour fuel on the "ZOMG TEH SPRUS AER DRTY!!1!" fire. I agree on the suspension because of his elbow to Bell, though. Robert's never been a cool head when stuff starts heating up, really, but it's rare for him to actually start something. Honest question: Why weren't any of the other players involved suspended/fined?

5/16/2007, 10:20 AM
Probably because suspending Diaw and Stoudemire is going to do enough damage to the Suns.

As for the Warriors loss...


I can only hope this proves to the Mavs just how important it is to be aggressive against a lower seed and remind them they are a lower seed for a reason.

5/16/2007, 12:47 PM
I think common sense should prevail. The league really bent Phoenix over on this deal. Good think I really don't care that much about the NBA.

Well, when you consider that Golden State somehow didn't get anybody suspended over meltdowns in four games during their playoff run. Including Baron Davis applying an elbow to the head of Derek Fisher. What happened to this zero tolerance on head shots, Stuey?

Or that you use the letter of the law to suspend Diaw and Stoudemire but give a pass to the Spurs bench when they react to Elison crashing to the floor. Seems to me the rule is too open for interpretation. And it's not really being applied consistently.

5/16/2007, 01:00 PM
The talk about Duncan leaving the bench is just stupid. There was no altercation of any kind and Duncan never left the vicinity of the bench.

Diaw and Stoudamire were RUNNING toward an altercation and a good 20 feet from where they had been seated on the bench.

c. During an altercation, all players not participating in the game must remain in the immediate vicinity of their bench. (http://www.nba.com/analysis/rules_12.html?nav=ArticleList)

5/16/2007, 01:08 PM
Davis should have been suspended and fined for his shot to Fisher. This is exactly why the NBA is a joke, and exactly why I laughed at the dess code. Dressing up thugs only makes them better looking thugs.

5/16/2007, 02:10 PM

5/16/2007, 02:35 PM

MEAN, Jerks!!!

5/16/2007, 09:47 PM
Okay, I watched the hip check by Horry for the first time last night. With the way people have been talking about it, you would have thought he'd hauled off and slugged Nash. Man, half of that was Nash jumping into the table. I bet he didn't get up for a second because he thought "Man, that was dumb of me. That kind of hurt."

I'm not defending Rob, but from the three angles they showed at the halftime show of Bulls/Pistons it looked pretty harmless. A hip check like you see a lot during the season, but with added flop to pour fuel on the "ZOMG TEH SPRUS AER DRTY!!1!" fire. I agree on the suspension because of his elbow to Bell, though. Robert's never been a cool head when stuff starts heating up, really, but it's rare for him to actually start something. Honest question: Why weren't any of the other players involved suspended/fined?

I hope this post is a joke. Even if it isn't, it's still hilarious.

5/17/2007, 12:27 AM
crap........the spurs did all they could to give the game away but still pulled it out.

5/17/2007, 12:30 AM
They stole that one like Phx did last game.

5/17/2007, 12:35 AM
And SA, I'm sorry for the Silence of the Lambs and Dancing Persian Midget videos I likened to you. :D

5/17/2007, 12:35 AM
They stole that one like Phx did last game.
The spurs gave away both games.

The suns didn't have stops to create dry spells. The spurs had unforced turnovers many times. Horrible shooting, not caused by great defense.

5/17/2007, 12:36 AM
And SA, I'm sorry for the Silence of the Lambs and Dancing Persian Midget videos I likened to you. :D
I still wont go to the gay bar with you.

5/17/2007, 12:36 AM
I still wont go to the gay bar with you.

I know. You'll just meet me there like always. :texan:

5/17/2007, 07:28 AM
I hope this post is a joke. Even if it isn't, it's still hilarious.

I think Nash flopped and whined on a jerk move by Horry, but yeah it was tongue-in-cheek. I aim to please. :D

And it sounds like "PHX" was high on emotion the first half, then realized they were running on fumes in the second.

5/17/2007, 08:31 AM
And it sounds like "PHX" was high on emotion the first half, then realized they were running on fumes in the second.
I stayed up for the whole game. I know this sound homer, but it wasn't really that the Suns played that well. I think they played pretty good for the line up they had in the game, but they weren't hitting shots that well either, other than Marion, who kicked our behind in the first half. The Spurs just couldn't hit shots they normally make. 13 points in the first quarter was pathetic.

It was more of a chess match than most of the games have been. Marion was going off on our big lineup. In the second half, Pop went small ball and Marion was neutralized. Thomas was playing Duncan straight up and was pretty effective for a while, so Pop changed the offensive set to make Kurt run around more and Duncan rattled off a bunch of points. Then the Suns started doubling Tim. We had loads of open shots but didn't start hitting any of them until the end of the game. Finally some shots were dropping and the only thing that kept the Suns in the game at that point were stupid, unforced turnovers by Ginobili. Twice he threw outlet passes out of bounds just because he was unnecessarily in a hurry.

Bowen canned the biggest 3 with the game tied and about 20 or so seconds left.

5/17/2007, 09:19 AM
Any rough play, or have they gotten it out of their system?

5/17/2007, 09:24 AM
Any rough play, or have they gotten it out of their system?
Not bad. A LOT of flopping on both sides.

I think one thing that started the game out hesitantly for the Spurs was fear of how the officials were going to "even" things out. Everybody knows how home court goes in the league, and I think they expected it to be heightened with the public outcry about how wronged the Suns were. There were some flat out awful calls, but probably not worse than usual.

Bell got a tech. The Spurs really walked away from some bad calls. They knew it was futile to escalate the situation with the refs.

5/17/2007, 09:55 AM
Well, good. Hopefully game 6 can be about basketball, and not about fouls.

5/17/2007, 10:06 AM
I have a hunch this series is still going 7 games.

5/17/2007, 03:14 PM

5/17/2007, 03:35 PM

Every foul. ;)

5/17/2007, 04:01 PM
Tim's quite the gamer, though.

And by that, I mean he's a frequent shopper at Gamestop.

5/17/2007, 04:19 PM
Tim's quite the gamer, though.

And by that, I mean he's a frequent shopper at Gamestop.

He's pwned quite a few n00bs playing as Dirk on NBA 2007. :D

5/17/2007, 05:39 PM

5/17/2007, 08:24 PM

5/17/2007, 10:04 PM
funny, I thought we were talking about Tim-may.

Is this the equivalent of Texas and the "Overall Series" smack? ;)

5/17/2007, 10:07 PM
funny, I thought we were talking about Tim-may.

Is this the equivalent of Texas and the "Overall Series" smack? ;)
I just posted a photo.

The rest is in your head.

5/17/2007, 10:21 PM

5/17/2007, 10:28 PM
Paranoid delusions is one of your endearing qualities.

5/17/2007, 10:48 PM

Every foul. ;)

he actually raises his hand and looks to the scorer's table alot of the times. something you don't see too often anymore. old school baby. i like it.

5/18/2007, 09:29 PM
Parker is going off on the Suns.

5/18/2007, 10:23 PM
Nash is going to get a T pretty soon

5/18/2007, 10:42 PM
I've seen more traveling calls in this game than ever before

5/18/2007, 10:55 PM
Suns are cracking and need to settle down. 18 point lead

5/18/2007, 10:56 PM
I haven't really been watching this series because I can't stand either team, but watching five minutes of tonight's game has resulted in my wanting Phoenix to lose more than I do the Spurs.

The Suns are the biggest bunch of bitches I've ever seen. They could take a wide-open jumper, brick it, and then look at the ref and scream for a foul. And Steve Nash must lead the league in "inadvertant" kicks to the junk...

5/18/2007, 10:59 PM
And Steve Nash must lead the league in "inadvertant" kicks to the junk...
that's the irony of them whining about the Bowen knee to Nash.

5/18/2007, 11:03 PM
The suns are Dirty :D

5/18/2007, 11:05 PM
Well, Nash is dirty and out of control. The rest are just overcompensating whiners. ;)

This series is like Sophie's Choice, only instead of having to decide which one gets to live, I'm trying to convince the Nazis to take 'em both.

5/18/2007, 11:06 PM
Don't be hating just because both your avatars got bounced :D

5/18/2007, 11:11 PM
Dude, I would LOVE to watch Liz's avatars bounce.

I think the biggest tragedy is that someone has to win the title. I guess I need to root for a Cleveland/Utah Finals just so I don't have to be a Bulls and Mavs fan forced to watch the friggin' Pistons and Spurs play for the title. :P

5/18/2007, 11:13 PM
Utah is one of the few teams that can be more boring than the Spurs

5/18/2007, 11:13 PM
Yes, and Carlos Boozer scares me more than the clown from IT.

5/18/2007, 11:15 PM
sphincters tightening

5/18/2007, 11:22 PM
All but over.

Time to kick some Hubler.

5/18/2007, 11:45 PM
Luckily, I should have my Mavs and Bulls jerseys by the time the conference finals begin, so I can sit and be extra bitter while I watch. :D

5/18/2007, 11:47 PM
Interestingly enough, the Spurs and the Bulls are the only multiple winners of the Championship that have never lost in the finals.

5/19/2007, 01:13 AM
Can't wait for a Spurs-Pistons game to end 65-63. yeah.

Frozen Sooner
5/19/2007, 01:27 AM
A Utah/Cleveland final would be great for the Carlos Boozer hatefest it would engender.

Scott D
5/19/2007, 09:27 AM
Can't wait for a Spurs-Pistons game to end 65-63. yeah.

Quit being bitter....you should be happy that New Jersey and it's inept offense got bounced.

5/19/2007, 10:27 AM
Go Red Sox.

5/19/2007, 10:27 AM
Can't wait for a Spurs-Pistons game to end 65-63. yeah.

A guy who creamed his pants when OU won a NC 13-2.

5/19/2007, 11:23 AM

A guy who creamed his pants when OU won a NC 13-2.

Oh, I'd be totally fine if the was a Mavs - Pistons 65-63 final :D

5/19/2007, 11:38 AM
I didn't see much of the series.

But I did see one highlight on ESPN where Amare allowed Tony Parker to drive right into him.

Might I suggest to the big man that before he thinks about complaining about how dirty a team plays, he try toughening up a bit and not allow such easy drives to the bucket.

5/19/2007, 11:41 AM
Game 1: SAS 84, DET 69
Game 2: SAS 97, DET 76
Game 3: DET 96, SAS 79
Game 4: DET 102, SAS 71
Game 5: SAS 96, DET 95 (OT)
Game 6: DET 95, SAS 86
Game 7: SAS 81, DET 74

Exciting series. Pretty much 4 blowouts followed by three of the most exciting games you could have.

After a full season and 6 and 3/4 games in the finals they went into the 4th period tied.

I got nothing but respect for Detroit even though I've ribbed about Sheed. You can get "fancier" teams, but if you want to win a championship, those are the models you should pattern after.


5/19/2007, 11:50 AM
golden state will get swept by the Suns - mark it down

Unless there's a consolation second bracket...

No. ;)

5/19/2007, 11:52 AM
That's cold.

Fellow Mavs fans dumpster diving on each other. :)

5/19/2007, 02:34 PM

5/19/2007, 04:47 PM
just a little light reading :D (http://arizonasportsfans.com/vb/showthread.php?t=91018)

5/21/2007, 10:55 AM

5/22/2007, 08:54 PM
All but over.

Time to kick some Hubler.

Heh! I'm confused on whether that classless thug Robert Horry belongs in the NBA, WWE, or Cell Block 21. ;)

5/22/2007, 08:57 PM
yeah I know what you mean.

5/22/2007, 09:01 PM
Oh and http://www.hoopsvibe.com/IMG/brent_barry-arton20861-240x240.jpg


Aragorn is kicking our a** on the three line.

5/22/2007, 09:02 PM
Barry has actually been about our 4th best threat from 3 point range.

Manu, Finley, and Horry seem to be more aggressive outside.

5/22/2007, 09:05 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

5/22/2007, 09:06 PM
People that play in powder blue unis deserve a butt kicking.

5/22/2007, 09:44 PM

Gas was $1.36 the last time Utah won in San Antonio. :D

5/22/2007, 10:32 PM

Gas was $1.36 the last time Utah won in San Antonio. :D
Is that the last time San Antonio's Officials took a class in ethics? ;) I mean come on, they're already running a clinic on the Jazz, is there a reason the Refs have to kill the powder blue momentum with phantom fouls?

5/22/2007, 10:33 PM
Those uniforms are so foul the refs struggle to distinguish between the two.

5/22/2007, 10:35 PM
Those uniforms are so foul the refs struggle to distinguish between the two.
Fair enough. COngrats SAS! Your team is solid and in Championship form.

5/22/2007, 10:38 PM
Both games the Jazz made a run late but couldn't get over the hump. Right now the difference is experience.

5/23/2007, 09:58 AM
I hope the rest we can finally get is enough to counteract the altitude and conditioning difference. The Jazz are a great home team, but we're also a great road team. I'm fairly confident we can win the series, we just need to keep the pressure on and not take any games off.

5/23/2007, 11:29 AM
Boozer isn't Duncan.
Deron Williams isn't Parker.
And I don't know that Utah has anything close to Manu.

Scott D
5/23/2007, 01:15 PM
Boozer isn't Duncan.
Deron Williams isn't Parker.
And I don't know that Utah has anything close to Manu.

nope...mainly because Kiralenko isn't even 1/4 the ***** that Manu is.

5/23/2007, 08:06 PM
nope...mainly because Kiralenko isn't even 1/4 the ***** that Manu is.
I've been very disappointed with AK this year. I'm not sure if trading him for a sharp shooter wouldn't be a better option.

5/23/2007, 09:14 PM
From watching the Spurs for several years I've come to the realization that players appear to press the first year and come across as a disappointment, but in the following years they begin to make the difference you expected originally.

Horry, Barry, and Finley all had disappointing first years but have come on to make huge plays for us since then. Of course, the trick is knowing which ones still have the upside and which ones should be unloaded. Hedo Turkalou (sp?) is one that we didn't give a second chance.

5/24/2007, 10:05 AM
Is this Vaughn's first year with us? He's done a great job spelling Parker. If he improves his shooting, he could be an amazing backup.

5/24/2007, 10:14 AM
Yes, it is his first year (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/players/3195) in the Alamo City.

5/24/2007, 09:20 PM
Vaughn has has a few stinkers for us, but for the most part he's done OK.

He wasn't brought in as a shooter though.

5/25/2007, 07:36 AM
I thought he was fouled.

5/25/2007, 07:38 AM
I thought he was fouled.
Could you be a little more cryptic?

I suppose you are talking about LeBron?

5/25/2007, 07:47 AM
see, you are smart!

Yes, looked like an easy call to me. Now, he's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

5/25/2007, 07:51 AM
I thought he shouldn't have been called for the foul.

5/25/2007, 08:07 AM
I thought he shouldn't have been called for the foul.
And, btw, I'm being criptic too.

Let's see if you are as smart as I am.

5/25/2007, 08:39 AM
Why doesn't somebody quit being a pu$$y and talk it out here?

Maybe a little cryptic, but you know who you are.

And the answer to my question was Rasheed. The call on him pretty late was horrible, and he almost went off on it, but to his credit, he walked away.

5/25/2007, 09:17 AM
I don't watch much of the ol' NBA, but apparently in last night's game you needed to pull out a glock and shoot someone in order to get a foul called against you.

5/25/2007, 09:17 AM
And the answer to my question was Rasheed. The call on him pretty late was horrible, and he almost went off on it, but to his credit, he walked away.

'Sheed, now there's a picture of calm and maturity.

5/25/2007, 09:23 AM
And the answer to my question was Rasheed. The call on him pretty late was horrible, and he almost went off on it, but to his credit, he walked away.

Well, they made up for it on the no call on his push off. I don't care if that guy is a flopper (as the announcers made sure we knew), that was a blatant no call as well.

5/25/2007, 09:45 AM
I don't watch much of the ol' NBA, but apparently in last night's game you needed to pull out a glock and shoot someone in order to get a foul called against you.
Stephen Jackson got eliminated last round.
Too bad for us Mavs fans these officials weren't working the Finals last year.

5/25/2007, 11:48 AM
Yeah, the officiating was pathetic last night. I'm surprised there wasn't a fight or something with the "physical" play that was going on. I guess that's because the Suns weren't playing. :D

Man, Deetroit's in trouble if they get to play their style of game and barely squeak out a couple at home. You know the Cavs are gonna be pi$$ed the next couple.

Sheed pushed off. LeBron was fouled pretty hard. ScottD can never complain about home cooking again. ;)

5/25/2007, 12:21 PM
"I guess that's because the Suns weren't playing."

No, it's because all the fake tough athletes were down in South Florida last night playing in the Marlins-Phillies game.

Scott D
5/25/2007, 12:52 PM
Yeah, the officiating was pathetic last night. I'm surprised there wasn't a fight or something with the "physical" play that was going on. I guess that's because the Suns weren't playing. :D

Man, Deetroit's in trouble if they get to play their style of game and barely squeak out a couple at home. You know the Cavs are gonna be pi$$ed the next couple.

Sheed pushed off. LeBron was fouled pretty hard. ScottD can never complain about home cooking again. ;)

Sheed pushed off, Lebron wasn't fouled. Larry Hughes can't hit an open 7 footer, and Carlito can't do a tip in, all of which happened in the span of 20 seconds.

NP, we've been playing the Cavs style of game for the first two. We aren't the only team they had issues scoring more than 30 points in a half against this postseason, and it's not like NJ is a defensive juggernaut.

p.s. The refs knew Lebron would have missed at the line anyway, there's a reason the Cavs were 29th in the league in free throw shooting.

5/25/2007, 01:29 PM
Sheed pushed off, Lebron wasn't fouled. Larry Hughes can't hit an open 7 footer, and

True, they had multiple chances, but if you think Lebron wasn't fouled, when Hamilton laughed before and after his answer when asked if he fouled James, your just being a DEEEE TROOOOIT HOOOMER FAN!

I asked Hamilton in the locker room afterward if he had fouled James on the play, and Hamilton couldn't stifle a cackle before he gave his answer: "Nah, you know. I just put my hands up."

And let the record show that he cackled at the end of that answer, too.

5/25/2007, 01:37 PM
cackling is a side effect after removing those masks.

He meant nothing by it.

5/25/2007, 01:38 PM
Say it to my face!

5/25/2007, 01:39 PM

5/25/2007, 01:39 PM
Come again?

5/25/2007, 01:41 PM
I hate all the orphans in the whole world.

5/25/2007, 01:42 PM

5/25/2007, 01:52 PM
You lost because Dirk is fat.

5/25/2007, 01:54 PM
I'm not listening to you! You only believe in Science. That's probably why we didn't win!

5/25/2007, 01:57 PM
Precious Father......why have you given me this desire to play basketball and made me such a stinky warrior?

5/25/2007, 02:02 PM
I am a-singing at the party / I am singing it's my turn to sing at this party / Everyone is dancing, happy party / But Dirk is not dancing he does not dance at the parties / Dirks' number one he knows the secret of desire / Dirk is the one, he puts the people all on fire

5/25/2007, 02:38 PM

5/25/2007, 02:53 PM
Who's Got Their Dirk Shirt On?
I've Got My Dirk Shirt On!!!

5/28/2007, 10:44 PM
Well, that was a tacky ending for this game. Refs lose control and take it out on Fisher, Utah's coach loses it to try and motivate his team for next game (not gonna work) and then the fans start throwing things.

Oh well.

5/29/2007, 05:57 PM
4-1.........Hublers will be going home :D

Utah will be dangerous next year. They benefited by a reasonably easy path to the West final, but next year, they might earn it the hard way.

5/29/2007, 10:49 PM
Billups made some uncharacteristic errors in the final 1:30, and RIP Hamilton looked like an idiot trying to get in Lebron's head after he swished both FT's. :D

5/30/2007, 09:37 AM
I'm not sure what to think about that series. The Cavs played as good as they will against Detroit last night, and Detroit was cold as ice. Yet, every game has been really close with the Cavs leading all of them at some point. I'd be worried if I was Detroit, because Cleveland has nothing to lose at this point, and may play really loose. Detroit has to win this one if it has any prayer of winning the series, really.

The Spurs look to be in good shape, but that always worries me. I'd say Utah won't lie down in this game, but you never know. They collapsed so horribly last game that I wonder if they really have the fight in them to win this series. Still, I want to see the Spurs focused and calm, because you know it won't be easy.

5/31/2007, 03:52 PM
Congratulations San Antonio. That's a helluva ball club.

5/31/2007, 07:43 PM
I've been dumpster diving from last years threads........but I'm too nice to bump all that stuff.

You know......the kind of stuff where the Spurs are done, and the Mavs are the new dynasty:D

How Finley would be the Spurs downfall.........

Good stuff.

I did like this one

5/31/2007, 07:54 PM
Dice ejected. At least the Cavs were smart enough not to rush the court.

Scott D
5/31/2007, 07:57 PM
I'm so glad that I'm letting someone else have the television tonight....actually I haven't watched much of this round since I left on my trip monday. I was impressed that being on I-410 and I-10 there wasn't much traffic in the downtown area near the AT&T Alamodome (insert next sponsor here).

5/31/2007, 10:45 PM
I've been dumpster diving from last years threads........but I'm too nice to bump all that stuff.

Don't flatter yourself...

You better hope the Pistons win this series, cause you think the league is gonna let their new Golden Boy leave the Finals without a trophy? FUHGETABOUTIT. ;)

5/31/2007, 10:51 PM
Lebron is fricken amazing...

Frozen Sooner
5/31/2007, 10:58 PM
Lebron is fricken amazing...


Holy crap. He's kind of good.

5/31/2007, 11:03 PM
Bowen takes him out one ankle at a time like everyone else.

Scott D
6/1/2007, 12:38 AM
I'm going to place blame on colley...so it appears my preemptive one finger salute to Colleyville, TX as I passed it was well thought out in advance. :mad:

Newbomb Turk
6/1/2007, 06:53 AM
what an amazing game last night - and yes, Lebron is pretty good.

6/1/2007, 07:58 AM
I'm going to place blame on colley...so it appears my preemptive one finger salute to Colleyville, TX as I passed it was well thought out in advance. :mad:

<sniff, sniff> awww..... ;)

6/1/2007, 09:34 AM
Bowen takes him out one ankle at a time like everyone else.

This is gold, people.

Also, I'm still torn on who we should face in the Finals. I think the Cavs are inexperienced, but they're learning fast. The Pistons are not the Pistons we know and love. Where's Rip running curls all night? Where's the threes raining down from 'Sheed? Where's Billups never ****ing up, ever?

Really, with my cynical attitude about the NBA, I want no part of LeBron. He'll get the Wade treatment x10, and the sheep will eat it up. Man, I really hate the NBA.

6/1/2007, 10:06 AM
Yep. If you thought Wade shooting 97 FT's in 6 games was bad...

I still can't believe that. 97 FT's in 6 games, 46 in games 5 and 6 alone.

The mavs deserved to lose the Finals and were NOT the better team, but you'll never convince me something wasn't up.

6/1/2007, 10:50 AM
No, the Mavs were the better team by far. Giving a slasher that many calls will take anyone out of a game. Miami had no business being in that series at all until Wade got a trip to the charity stripe every time someone bought popcorn from the concession stands.

6/1/2007, 10:56 AM
No, the Mavs were the better team by far. Giving a slasher that many calls will take anyone out of a game. Miami had no business being in that series at all until Wade got a trip to the charity stripe every time someone bought popcorn from the concession stands.
Most losers do tend to make excuses..Miami was the better team and the champion they won.

6/1/2007, 11:31 AM
Though that would bring you out of your hole. :D

6/1/2007, 11:38 AM
Most losers do tend to make excuses..Miami was the better team and the champion they won.

t-shirt fan. My team didn't lose that series, we were beaten in a classic in the prior round by the best team that year, the Mavs. Miami has a trophy striped white and black.

6/1/2007, 11:42 AM
I'm sure Wade earned every one of those 96 trips to the line, right Doleo? ;)

6/1/2007, 11:58 AM
<cough> 97! <cough> ;)

Newbomb Turk
6/2/2007, 07:30 PM
game 6, Cavs/Pistons - first time I have actually tuned in to watch a game in awhile.