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4/16/2007, 04:28 PM
Forgive me if this has been posted somewhere else but I didnt see it and I am too lazy right now to search for it. We currently have 4 of the top 50 and 5 of the top 100. They have Arthur Brown no. 1 which gets me a little excited since he likes us so much. Anyways, here ya go!

Too hard to read, I posted the link down below!

4/16/2007, 04:29 PM
Sorry, that is terribly hard to read. Someone can change the format if you want!

4/16/2007, 04:30 PM
Here, this is easier.... http://scout.scout.com/a.z?s=73&p=9&c=4&yr=2008&pid=88

4/16/2007, 04:43 PM
Interesting that we have the only committed QB.

4/16/2007, 04:46 PM
Bah, I don't like the inital list. I'll get around to my thoughts on it later.

4/16/2007, 05:00 PM
Looks like we have 5 of the top 36, 6 of the top 100, and 9 that are still considering OU.......pretty stout.

4/16/2007, 05:03 PM
you are correct, I guess I cant count!

4/16/2007, 05:44 PM
I really hope Arthur Brown chooses us.

Does anybody know how interested Jon Major is?

The Consumate Showman
4/16/2007, 07:01 PM
I really hope Arthur Brown chooses us.

Does anybody know how interested Jon Major is?

Arthur.... A LOT

Major..... still a ?, might be a USuCk target if and when Arthur chooses us ;)

4/16/2007, 07:17 PM
Does anybody have the story on scout about his experience at the red white game?

4/16/2007, 11:08 PM
It's definately looking good so far. I am thinking along the same lines for Major if Brown picks OU. Brown's not supposed to decide until the fall (or so they big predictor's are saying). That would be a coup to get both of those guys. Shaping up nicely so far......

4/16/2007, 11:20 PM
I'm not so fond of Scout, but it's nice to get some kind of rankings.

Justing Johnson ranked higher than Jermie Calhoun as a RB? Good and Landry only four stars?

Not that recruit rankings are all that indicitive of how someone is going to perform at the next level, but to me, these are pretty far off.

4/16/2007, 11:24 PM
I agree with you, but at least there's something out there to debate over. I like the rankings, I don't always agree with them, but I'm glad they're finally here (in a simplified and incomplete format.)

4/16/2007, 11:37 PM
Funny how Stephen Good is #1 in the state of Texas according to Rivals but can't even get a 5* rating from scout.

4/17/2007, 12:02 AM
Also wierd how scout has calhoun at a 4.62-40 while rivals has him at a 4.49. Thats a huge diff!

4/17/2007, 04:06 AM
Bus1 is overrated in this ranking.
Good is rated way too low, and is a tackle.
Kalil and Shoemate are getting the USC treatment. Shoe didn't even play in 2006
Hales and Miller have good cases for being on the list, but this is a ridiculously talented WR class.
This is a weak QB class.
Brewster made it on one of the top-100 lists, but still no Brandon Beal?
I'm wasting too much time on a list that is wildly going to change.

4/17/2007, 08:35 AM
lets face it, both Calhoun and johnson run 4-7s.

Sooner in Tampa
4/17/2007, 11:57 AM
Does anybody know how good our chances of landing Brown are??

I know it's early and all, but he was at the Red White Game.

4/17/2007, 12:13 PM
We're in the lead right now but it'll be tough.

4/18/2007, 01:23 AM
Does anybody know how good our chances of landing Brown are??

I know it's early and all, but he was at the Red White Game.

Yes, we're in the lead, but this is my thought on the situation. I don't think the guy fully realizes just how much attention he is going to get, much less how much he's already starting to get. This will make him a question mark in so many regards because with a guy of this caliber, the big programs will pull out anything they have to win him over...which they would only do with a handful of recruits any given year. In the end, I think we have a great shot, but it'll take some work and consistent attention/reminders by the coaching staff to show him that OU's the best choice.

4/18/2007, 03:02 AM
He has over 30 offers and it's only April - he knows fully well how coveted he is.

4/18/2007, 03:05 AM
Does anybody know how interested Jon Major is?

He has interest but nothing substantial. He's another guy that's being recruited nationally and we'll have to wait it out to see if we even get a visit. He might be taking an unoffical sometime (he's headed to Texas in May)

4/18/2007, 03:28 AM
Does anybody have the story on scout about his experience at the red white game?

Wichita, Kan. linebacker Arthur Brown talks in-depth about his experience at Oklahoma's Red-White game. Brown is currenlty rated as the top linebacker in the nation and the 12th-best player overall by ESPN/Scouts Inc.

JH: You and your brother Bryce attended Oklahoma's Red/White game last weekend. What was your take on the visit and the game?

AB:”I had an amazing time at the Red/White game. The game was very intense and there was a lot of fan support for that game. I got to talk to Coach (Brent) Venables and Coach Bob Stoops, and we went a little more in-depth on how I could contribute to the program. I had a great time in every way possible.”

JH: Can you share with us that Coach Venables and Coach Stoops talked to you about?

AB: “Basically, what Coach Venables was saying that they have a crisis with their linebacker depth chart as of now. He was saying that seeing how I was graduating early this year, I could get ready and have an edge over everybody else. He said I could learn the terminology, the basics in all aspects of the game and how they teach those basics. That is basically what he got into and Coach Stoops said many similar things.”

JH: What do you think about Coach Stoops and Coach Venables?

AB: “They are both great and honest guys, and that is always a good thing. They are very down to earth people also. I have always had a great relationship with Coach Venables since last year when I met him at the OU camp. He has always been a great guy, always told the truth, and he has always been real. That is always a good thing. I am just recently getting to know and talk to Bob Stoops. I am just now really getting to know him. He seems like a very cool guy.”

JH: What did you think of the play of the linebackers and defense during the game?

AB: “The defense has a lot of young guys, but they have experience as well. The defense is quick. You can see that as you watch the game live or on tape. They have a quick defense that can react and get to the ball.”

JH: What did you think of the linebacker play? And how do you feel your talents fit into the way OU's linebackers play?

AB: “At my high school I play in various types of defenses. We play 3-4, 4-3 and things of that nature. So, they do play some of the defenses that I am playing now. Actually, I do see myself fitting into a defense such as theirs because it allows me as a linebacker to run free and not have to deal with the offensive linemen.”

JH: I saw men and women walking around with T-shirts with your picture on those t-shirts. What do you think about that?

AB: “I actually didn’t see any of it. My brother told me about it. My brother actually saw it. It is an honor always to be recognized for something good. That is always going to make you feel good and it is going to give you a good feeling inside. It is always good to have that kind of fan support, because you know they are always going to be there for you. That kind of gives you and edge or a gives you a push on what you can do.”

JH: Overall, did you have a good time and were you impressed with your visit?

AB: “Absolutely, I had a great time. I always have a great time when I go to OU. It is great to talk to Coach Venables and to say updated about the program.”

JH: What did your brother, Bryce (a top junior sophomore back), think about the visit?

AB: “It was the same as I did. He enjoyed the visit. He always has a good time when he goes down there. Basically, what he is doing right now is analyzing the recruiting process as I am going through the process now. He is really getting to experience this twice and he enjoys it a lot. He is just sitting back and analyzing it all, taking it all in and enjoying it right now. He is just having fun with it right now.”

JH: How heavily are you being recruited at this point?

AB: “The recruiting is really just starting to pick up. I have actually been contacting coaches a little more than I was and they have been contacting Bryan Butler (family friend), and he has been little me know that I can contact them. So recruiting is really picking up a little bit more and I can tell it is really going to pick up when they are going to be able to call me. It is exciting, but sometimes it can be a stressful thing, especially when you have a lot of other priorities like homework and continuing to workout. Basically, just keeping up becomes more difficult when you add recruiting to everything.”

JH: What schools have offered you at this point?

AB: “All schools are still an option at this point. I am not going to start eliminating schools until this summer when I start this process of elimination. I am just taking this time to analyze and to see what I really want to do. I am actually going to try to take a lot of unofficial visits so we can get a better understanding about the school. That should give as a better feeling about the schools. I have been offered by quite a few schools. We have Oklahoma, Kansas, Kansas State, Iowa, Iowa State, Georgia , Georgia Tech, Florida, Florida State, Rutgers, Miami, Michigan, Notre Dame, USC, UCLA, Louisville, Alabama, Tennessee and Arkansas. There are others, but I would say 30 schools have offered at this point.

JH: What are your thoughts on Oklahoma at this point?

AB: “As of now, truthfully, I feel Oklahoma has taken a big step within my opinion and what I think of them. I really like Oklahoma and I like their coaches a lot. I really feel I can cope with the coaches and really develop a great relationship with them. I feel they will help me out with football and later on in life. I also think the fan support is great, and it is always there. What I am going to judge my decision on is the comfort level at the school and that is pretty high with OU right now, which is a good thing.”

JH: Last time we talked you said being comfortable was the most impost characteristic that you were looking for in recruiting. But has this aspect of your recruiting process expanded somewhat now that you have been on the recruiting trail a little bit?

AB: “Being comfortable and how I feel about the program is going to be the major factor in whether I sign with the school. Also, what other players are brought in with my class at that school will be important. As a great player, you always want to be surrounded by other great athletes with the same goal and desires in mind to be great and succeed. That will be a big factor in my decision. I also want to go to a school with great defensive linemen, because great defensive linemen keep offensive linemen off my back. There will also be some school decision made, but I am not sure what I want to major in yet.”

CU Sooner
4/18/2007, 10:28 AM
AB: “Being comfortable and how I feel about the program is going to be the major factor in whether I sign with the school. Also, what other players are brought in with my class at that school will be important. As a great player, you always want to be surrounded by other great athletes with the same goal and desires in mind to be great and succeed. That will be a big factor in my decision. I also want to go to a school with great defensive linemen, because great defensive linemen keep offensive linemen off my back.

If AB is looking at the other players in the class he should be pretty excited and to have McCoy and Granger in front of him has got to get him psyched about the damage he could do roaming the field.

4/19/2007, 10:11 PM
He buddied up with RJ Washington at the Spring game as well.

4/20/2007, 09:59 PM
Come on A.B. - The Sooner faithful will embrace from Day 1. I'd really like to see you stick Colt McCoys head in the dirt about 5 time in say....a year and a half......how's that sound!

4/21/2007, 06:15 PM
sounds awesome!

The Consumate Showman
4/21/2007, 07:22 PM
I think what Arthur is going to start realizing very soon is that OU is going to give him the best chance to start early AND be on a winning team that will consistently be right in the hunt for a NC AND OU will put him in a lot of spotlight situations to showcase his talents and prove to the nation on a national stage that he is the REAL DEAL.

From what I know, and I think what most people are saying, one of OU's biggest competitors for AB is..well was, FSU. Problem is, Bobby-B just signed three LBs for his '08 class...oops!

I think we will have to contend with USuCk, Fla, Mich, and possibly another SEC school like UGA(dark horse). I think you'll see AB give some Big XII schools some unofficial visits like KSU out of respect and Nebbish for the same. Only other school he MIGHT go see in the Big XII besides OU is UT, but I doubt Muck gets an official.

I think AB goes to OU, USuCk, Mich, Fla, and Miami for his officials (not in that order) and I think that OU ultimately ends up with him. ANd here's one thing that I haven't seen people say about AB's visit at the red/white game, well, I didn't read that interview SNP posted from that felon, but I saw Mr. Brown taking a nice little walk with our very own Ruuufus before the red white game and let's just say that they were chumming it up...aesthetically, I was feeling good about Rufus putting a little "Hey man, this is LBU. You could be up there w/Boz, Teddy, Rocky, Rod, George, Jerry...all those guys if you come here..."

Here's hoping and keeping my fingers crossed that I'm right...