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View Full Version : 7 days and counting

4/16/2007, 06:21 AM
Turning in the official letter of resignation today. (If the boss shows up)

Counting down is a strange situation.. I know I be blamed for anything that fails or comes up missing after I leave... but after about 9 months or a year I'll be "The best damn tech to ever lay hand on a simulator"

Still a good feelin tho.

4/16/2007, 07:59 AM
The statute of limitations on blame is one year after you're gone.

There are special exemptions, though. We still blame a lot of stuff here on a guy who left five years ago. He was especially bad :)

4/16/2007, 10:55 AM
just be sure you have EVERYthing that's yours out of the office BEFORE you turn it in.

4/16/2007, 11:06 AM
So whats an average time to hear back from a company after you have interviewed with them? I interviewed with a company five weeks ago. Called a couple weeks and left a friendly message asking about the status of the position and asked them to get back to me at their earliest convenience. Still nothing.

4/20/2007, 03:38 AM
Flight Safety took 2 and a half months to call me in for an interview.

CAE was very quick to offer after the last interview, 4 interviews in all, and took about a week to make the offer.