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4/14/2007, 03:28 PM
i've been quiet until now,and probably missed a big portion of the discussions, but after hearing something last night on the news, i must vent a tad.

the rutgers coach mentioned something like, "we must now start the healing process... after our appology to mr. imus."

let's get something straight here folks... what imus said was insensitive, no doubt. ALTHOUGH, the tone of his voice was anything but offensive in nature, and i'm sure he didn't mean NEAR what it came out to be. imus is a middle aged, white man that let his mouth out-run his brain for 2 seconds. BIG FREAKING DEAL!!!!

getting back to my point... what healing process, exactly, does the rutgers women's basketball team need to go through??? so an old man made fun of them. SO WHAT. i've been called things that are infinitaly worse than that. and those things were directed at me... and were not some off the cuff comment. as a society, can we please stop taking things so personal. i'm trying to figure out how this will effect these girls for the rest of their lives. the duke lacross players, on the other hand, will have this mess follow them forever. THAT, my friends, will require some healing

there is NOT a deeper issue here, as the media seems to think. imus said a stupid thing, but he should not lose his job over it. is imus racist?? i HIGHLY doubt it. does imus hate black people?? i doubt it.

if you don't like someone because of their race, you're ignorant. you should like/dislike someone because of the individual. black, white, red, yellow.... doesn't matter. judge someone on their merits, or lack thereof.

as long as people remain different, we will have prejudice. it's a simple fact. there are more important things to worry about in your lives than being called a name or being picked on. get over it and move on with you life!!!!

thanks. i'm done.

4/14/2007, 03:55 PM
well said Bro spek

4/14/2007, 04:04 PM

4/14/2007, 05:14 PM
if anything it probably got women's college basketball some publicity...

4/14/2007, 05:21 PM
He's already got a new show lined up....

It's called the "Imus 'n Andy" show.:D

(done in blackface of course):rolleyes:

4/14/2007, 05:24 PM
He's already got a new show lined up....

It's called the "Imus 'n Andy" show.:D

(done in blackface of course):rolleyes:

nice al jolson reference.

4/14/2007, 05:26 PM
but you have to remember, women are "sensitive" and such. their "self esteem" is important. we all know what happens when girls get low self esteem. thats the only thing i could figure out that they would have to "heal" from.

4/14/2007, 05:40 PM
you guys hurt my feelings

Newbomb Turk
4/14/2007, 05:41 PM
you guys hurt my feelings


4/14/2007, 05:48 PM
Was it just my imagination or did some guy that was conversing along with Imus say "nappy headed hos" first? Was I just hearing things?

Scott D
4/14/2007, 05:52 PM
The 'healing process' is kinda a bigger spectrum than just those girls individually, but more on a community basis.

You do know that after CBS decided to fire him, that people were sending Death Threats to those girls. No threats to CBS over it, but plenty of threats to a bunch of girls who had nothing to do with him being fired.

4/14/2007, 05:53 PM
CBS would be tough to kill.

Scott D
4/14/2007, 05:55 PM
eh just tell some idiots that CBS is Gordon Riese and it'd get death threats in a second ;)

4/14/2007, 05:55 PM
Well Said!

4/14/2007, 05:56 PM
Well Said!
Thank you.

4/14/2007, 05:57 PM
Anyone remember this? The Black Beatles (http://www.davidfary.com/the_black_beatles.htm)

4/14/2007, 06:00 PM
The 'healing process' is kinda a bigger spectrum than just those girls individually, but more on a community basis.

You do know that after CBS decided to fire him, that people were sending Death Threats to those girls. No threats to CBS over it, but plenty of threats to a bunch of girls who had nothing to do with him being fired.
Noshat ? hell them nappy headed Hos didnt do it . :O

4/14/2007, 06:07 PM
The 'healing process' is kinda a bigger spectrum than just those girls individually, but more on a community basis.

You do know that after CBS decided to fire him, that people were sending Death Threats to those girls. No threats to CBS over it, but plenty of threats to a bunch of girls who had nothing to do with him being fired.
Who said they were receiving death threats? Their coach and Mrs. Imus did say the team members got a some rude and hateful emails, but I haven't heard anything on the news about the death threats yet. :eek:

4/14/2007, 07:07 PM
Great post, fadada1. "Healing" is something that takes place when you're getting over a broken leg, or you've had surgery and you're at home recuperating.

Imus made a tasteless comment about these girls and has apologized profusely. Who in the hell actually believes these girls are "ho's" cuz Imus said it?

This victimhood is pathetic. Could we over dramatize this a little more?

4/14/2007, 07:28 PM
It seems to me that it's been blown out of proportion too. But I don't know if I agree with everything you said, fadadadada

getting back to my point... what healing process, exactly, does the rutgers women's basketball team need to go through??? so an old man made fun of them. SO WHAT. i've been called things that are infinitaly worse than that. and those things were directed at me... and were not some off the cuff comment. as a society, can we please stop taking things so personal.

You didn't give specifics, but I doubt your insults were hurled at you via national radio. And you're a dude. It's easier for dudes to let insults slide off their back, especially ones dealing with "looks." Go tell your girlfriend she's a nappy-headed ho and see if she doesn't need a little time to get over it. (And you may have your own healing process to go through as a result.)

When those comments can be taken (even if they're misconstrued that way) as a racial comment on top of that, then I can easily see how there would be more need for a healing process. Do you think Imus would've said "nappy headed hos" about mostly white women's team that wasn't blessed with beauty queens?

imus said a stupid thing, but he should not lose his job over it.

Well, he certainly didn't make his employer look very good and it's hard to know if this was the sole reason he lost his job or just the straw that broke the camel's back.

there are more important things to worry about in your lives than being called a name or being picked on. get over it and move on with you life!!!!

Again, I agree. Like I said, I thought this was dragged out longer than it was and made into a bigger deal than it should've been. It felt very contrived and like one big publicity stunt. But having said all of that, I think there is more at the heart of this issue than some.

4/14/2007, 07:28 PM
Imus is a dumbass, I didn't care for him before and I don't care about him now. However this fake outrage and offense is just about to drive me nuts. Hell even the captain of the team first replied she didn't even care, now that she's on all the shows, she's so hurt.

didn't Jessie Jackson call NYC Jaimetown? It's BS if you get your feelings hurt by Don Immus you aint ready for the real world for sure. What about the mean things Rosie O'Donnell says or Bill Maher.

boo freakin hoo cry me a damn river.

I keep hearing from the black community about this country's dark history and the negative marks on it. That's great show me a country that hasn't had slavery or exploited it's minorities. Let's see that rules out North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa not that it makes it OK but we are pretty much way ahead of the game when you look at what goes on in the real world.

I feel the same about my tribal leaders when their only cause is Native American mascots. I feel like are you effing serious? All the problems and issues out there and you want to get up and bitch about freakin mascots. It insults my intelligence and reveals how corrupt and incompetent the so called leaders are.

end of rant

4/14/2007, 07:31 PM
It's BS if you get your feelings hurt by Don Immus you aint ready for the real world for sure. What about the mean things Rosie O'Donnell says or Bill Maher.


a lot of people on the South Oval should listen to what you just said.

4/15/2007, 07:11 AM
It seems to me that it's been blown out of proportion too. But I don't know if I agree with everything you said, fadadadada

You didn't give specifics, but I doubt your insults were hurled at you via national radio. And you're a dude. It's easier for dudes to let insults slide off their back, especially ones dealing with "looks." Go tell your girlfriend she's a nappy-headed ho and see if she doesn't need a little time to get over it. (And you may have your own healing process to go through as a result.)

When those comments can be taken (even if they're misconstrued that way) as a racial comment on top of that, then I can easily see how there would be more need for a healing process. Do you think Imus would've said "nappy headed hos" about mostly white women's team that wasn't blessed with beauty queens?

Well, he certainly didn't make his employer look very good and it's hard to know if this was the sole reason he lost his job or just the straw that broke the camel's back.

Again, I agree. Like I said, I thought this was dragged out longer than it was and made into a bigger deal than it should've been. It felt very contrived and like one big publicity stunt. But having said all of that, I think there is more at the heart of this issue than some.

it's a good thing i'm back in NY... because there's be some kind of asswhoopin' on the court!!!!

but wait, the stigma is that basketball is a sport for "nappy headed ho's." maybe we should play hockey or swim to settle this. ;)

4/15/2007, 09:05 AM
The outrage and victimhood are way overblown. I tried to put the shoe on the proverbial other foot for awhile. Hard to do given I'm a 34 y.o. white man who's never played for a title on national teevee. If I had and some ****bird called me a flat-assed cracker, a scrawny hillbilly, or something like that I'd prolly be embarrassed and ****ed when I found out about it. :les:For about a minute. And I'm a pretty sensitive d00d.

Now if someone else gets offended for like a week, I have no problem with it.
I have no problem with Imus getting fired. He sorta got a dose of his own medicine there. And his on-air apology was sincere instead of a written statement by his lawyer. I have no idea about his 2 1/2 hour apology with the cryin' and fussin' about how he needs to "feel what we feel." WTF?
All of the wailing and gnashing of teeth was entirely uncalled for.

4/15/2007, 09:20 AM
just watching the sports reporters... don't know why, they just get me pi**ed. nevertheless, were any of you aware that there is a black journalists association??

coming from whitey, it may seem a tag ignorant, but isn't this part of the problem??? minority groups (if we can call non-whites that) bit*h and moan about equality and non-segregation, yet have all these groups to keep others out... where "we can associate with our own kind because they know our struggles." are there white journalists in the black journalist association??? possibly, but probably not - unless they have a white liason. are there black journalists in the "regular journalists association"?? probably.

yeah, yeah, maybe it's more than that. there's always the arguement about fraternities and sororities, and how "vanilla" they are. and then the traditionally black colleges... and then this and that....

just thinking out loud here....

i really don't hope to sound the fool. i don't really care what color/religion/sex you are... really. just be a good person.

except for topdawg. that dude's just a clown.

4/15/2007, 10:16 AM
yeah, yeah, maybe it's more than that. there's always the arguement about fraternities and sororities,

...and the ruf/neks. ;)

4/15/2007, 11:07 AM
I listened to the tape again and some other guy said "nappy headed hos" first. Why didn't he get fried?

4/15/2007, 11:18 AM
I listened to the tape again and some other guy said "nappy headed hos" first. Why didn't he get fried?

He did. The crock pot done give out.

Sorry, Mama, couldn't resist.

4/15/2007, 11:57 AM
...and the ruf/neks. ;)

:D :D :D