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4/11/2007, 10:05 PM

So let me get this straight...a guy who gets beaten to a pulp by every single DECENT team he plays thinks he's gonna be the savior of the NFL?

What an effin moron! Even "the Idiot" isn't THAT dumb!

4/11/2007, 10:12 PM

A Sooner with a negative opinion of a ND player.


4/11/2007, 10:47 PM

4/11/2007, 10:52 PM
I'd take Paul Thompson!

4/11/2007, 10:56 PM
I don't know about Burger Queen in the NFL. He's much stronger than I originally thought he was, but there's a reason he piled up stats against Michigan State and got blown out by real teams. That being MSU fired their coach after such a pitiful year, and the other team just flat out shut him down. If a college defense can pwn you, what makes you think an NFL D won't?

4/11/2007, 11:00 PM
would you rather have a confident qb, or someone who doesn't think he's capable of turning around a team?

I'm just askin...

4/11/2007, 11:53 PM
asking me? Of course you want a confident guy. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance, and this guy has really been sold on his hype. That could bust him out there. You can be confident in your skill level and ability to learn, I just don't get that when I see BQ. He seems like Claussen right now, about to take on an entirely different level of football and he might be over-confident. I think that's why Vince Young did so good (for a rookie, time will tell if it all goes to his head or not), he wasn't concerned about his hype, he was concerned about learning and proving himself. BQ acts like it's already set in stone for him to succeed at times.

4/12/2007, 12:21 AM
I don't see anything wrong with what he said.

The object of the NFL draft is to sell yourself and market your ability. He's doing that.

4/12/2007, 01:31 AM
I'd have to agree with Rhino on this one. It's all about the Benjamins. On another note, he didn't really have the best supporting cast at ND, IMO. I always thought Samardjiza was severely overrated, and their defense was awful. He won't make an immediate impact, but I can see him being a decent starter in a few years.

4/12/2007, 01:49 AM
I'd have to agree with Rhino on this one. It's all about the Benjamins. On another note, he didn't really have the best supporting cast at ND, IMO. I always thought Samardjiza was severely overrated, and their defense was awful. He won't make an immediate impact, but I can see him being a decent starter in a few years.

Not a Domer fan at all, but I think he did well with a poor supporting cast, and he made average players around him better. Russell should be the first QB chosen, but I don't know who's a better candidate to go next.

4/12/2007, 07:43 AM
"JaMarcus obviously is a big kid with a strong arm. But I'm a big kid with a strong arm and much more," he said. "I'm not as big as him. I'm a little leaner. But I've played four years, started the past four years and been through a lot."-Brady Q.
This is the part that struck me wrong. I'd be pretty ****ed off if I was JaMarcus. Being confident about yourself is one thing...trying to downgrade another player to lobby for your draft spot is another thing. Maybe JaMarcus will beat his *** at the draft.

4/12/2007, 07:52 AM
I'd say he more sold himself than he put JaMarcus down.

4/12/2007, 08:21 AM
It was a true statement. He is more polished. Man we are bored, aren't we?

4/12/2007, 08:24 AM
It was a true statement. He is more polished. Man we are bored, aren't we?
:D haha, yep.
Maybe I'm reading into it too much, but I took it as "I'm better than JaMarcus, he's got a strong arm, and he's big, but that's all he's got...he's innaccurate and I've got a laser rocket arm (like Manning)"

4/12/2007, 08:27 AM
He clearly stated that he is the messiah and all others suck.

4/12/2007, 09:25 AM
I have no problem with it. To suceed at that level, you have to have an incredibly high opinion of your abilities. NFL people want to know that you believe in yourself. What's he's supposed to say, that he doesn't think he can succeed? When he walks in the huddle, you better believe those other guys will be expecting him to think he can do it. Truth is, most world-class athletes think they are the best--they just don't articulate it. Insteas, we get that sanctimonious crap about "just doing my best and hoping everything works out." The best example of this was comparing what Lou Holtz said to the media before a NC game, and then hearing what he said to the team when he thought the tape recorders were off. Classic stuff.

4/12/2007, 09:56 AM
He clearly stated that he is the messiah and all others suck.
yeah I read that part too ;)

4/12/2007, 10:20 AM
I don't know about Burger Queen in the NFL.

OK, this has gone too far. Seriously. Burger Queen? I never thought I'd say this, but that's worse than "gooners".

the dude
4/12/2007, 12:09 PM
would you rather have a confident qb, or someone who doesn't think he's capable of turning around a team?

I'm just askin...
A confident QB, no question about that. What the question is is whether or not you want a capable QB or some jerkoff like this guy.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/12/2007, 01:40 PM
As we slowly, sadly come to grips with the fact that football season is a LONG way off!

4/12/2007, 01:43 PM
How was/is Brady Quinn a jerkoff? He's everything you should want in a starting QB. Got his **** taken care of on and off the field.

the dude
4/12/2007, 01:56 PM
How was/is Brady Quinn a jerkoff? He's everything you should want in a starting QB. Got his **** taken care of on and off the field.
What?? He was an annoying pretty-boy who got way overhyped by the ESPN propoganda machine becaus the irish have a huge national following. He wasn't very good and got bailed out many times by his really, really good receiver. As far as i could tell, he wasn't even a very good leader. They didn't beat any good team and struggled against some sub-par teams. I'm not sure what you're seeing, but there isn't much there that i would want as a starting QB.

Plus he looks just like his sister in a very creepy way. ...not that it has anything to do with his *lack of* football skills or anything, just adds to the perception of him being a ******.

4/12/2007, 02:13 PM
So, you're jealous of the coverage ESPN gives to Notre Dame (not Brady Quinn's doing). He wasn't very good, but he was an All-Amercan (I guess ESPN picked that team, too). He threw to his 'good' receiver(s), but the only reason it was caught was because of the receiver.

They didn't beat any good teams?

'Good' 2005 victories: @#23 Pitt (42-21), @#3 Michigan (17-10), @#22 Purdue (49-28)

'Good' 2006 victories: @#25 Georgia Tech (14-10), vs #19 Penn State (41-17).

Sure, they got drilled by Michigan, SC and LSU, but that had a lot more to do with their defensive woes than Quinn's alleged inability to 'win'. There's no reason that you people should applaud Nate Hybl for his quarterbacking then say that Brady Quinn is a "jerkoff" other than hatred.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/12/2007, 02:24 PM
So, you're jealous of the coverage ESPN gives to Notre Dame (not Brady Quinn's doing)...There's no reason that you people should applaud Nate Hybl for his quarterbacking then say that Brady Quinn is a "jerkoff" other than hatred of the preferential media treatment for domer.Like there's anything wrong with that.

4/12/2007, 02:26 PM
I hate ND as much as anyone.

The bellyaching over this is hilarious.

Hype is awesome as long as it's about OU. Otherwise it's BS.

4/12/2007, 02:28 PM
There's no reason that you people should applaud Nate Hybl for his quarterbacking then say that Brady Quinn is a "jerkoff" other than hatred.
I'm with you on some of this, but Nate was a Rose Bowl MVP.

Brady will have to try at the next level for any accolade as substantial. And he might well do it. But we wont know until he suits up.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/12/2007, 02:43 PM
I hate ND as much as anyone.
The bellyaching over this is hilarious.
Hype is awesome as long as it's about OU. Otherwise it's BS.You might consider making this your sig.

4/12/2007, 02:45 PM
I prefer to be more jovial in my sigs.

4/12/2007, 03:09 PM
I'm with you on some of this, but Nate was a Rose Bowl MVP.

Brady will have to try at the next level for any accolade as substantial. And he might well do it. But we wont know until he suits up.

Well... I guess I'm more of a believer in a body of work rather than a good performance against Washington State.

I'm not saying Nate was terrible or anything, but I don't think his college career is anywhere near being comparable to Quinn's.

4/12/2007, 03:20 PM
Well... I guess I'm more of a believer in a body of work rather than a good performance against Washington State.

I'm not saying Nate was terrible or anything, but I don't think his college career is anywhere near being comparable to Quinn's.
Pro career is up in the air right now.

But Nate's teams accomplished more than Brady's. There is no disputing that.

That doesn't make Nate better than Brady. Nate had better support. Brady didn't have to compete with a Heisman winner to get playing time either. Nate would have had a lot more wins under his belt if JW wasn't here at the same time.

I'm just saying support for Nate has little relevance for any particular opinion about Brady.

4/12/2007, 03:27 PM
Well... I guess I'm more of a believer in a body of work rather than a good performance against Washington State.

I'm not saying Nate was terrible or anything, but I don't think his college career is anywhere near being comparable to Quinn's.
Maybe I missed the part where any of us initially kicked off the comparison between Hybl and Quinn. :confused:

4/12/2007, 03:32 PM
I think the irony is pertinent. Quinn had a very fine career, yet people are saying that he's nothing but hype. I think it's probably more of a defense mechanism because a lot of OU fans don't feel like they get the coverage/respect that they deserve, but I don't see that that justifies bashing Quinn.

The Heisman winner not getting past his 2nd start helped Nate compete with him a bit. I think Jason was infinitely better after the knees went away than he was when they were in their original state, and that's probably a credit to both growing up and a ton of hard work. But I think Nate beat out (then got beat out by) a Jason White that was much different than the one that won the Heisman.

4/12/2007, 03:38 PM
I think the irony is pertinent. Quinn had a very fine career, yet people are saying that he's nothing but hype. I think it's probably more of a defense mechanism because a lot of OU fans don't feel like they get the coverage/respect that they deserve, but I don't see that that justifies bashing Quinn.
A fine career that included ZERO bowl wins.

Nate has a BCS MVP under his belt.

I'll let you carry on.

4/12/2007, 03:48 PM
A fine career that included ZERO bowl wins.

Nate has a BCS MVP under his belt.

I'll let you carry on.
as he said...no where near being able to compare the two QBs ;)

the dude
4/12/2007, 03:50 PM
Probably could go back a few seasons, but i don't want to waste too much time at work. Anyway - last season, in games vs. teams with defenses in the top 50:

Brady Quinn (06) 6 games - 3 won/lost 3 - had 13 TD's to 5 INT's.
Nate Hybl (02) 5 (top 50, 7 top 53) - 6 won/1 lost 11TD's to 5 INT's.
Jason White (04) 8 games - 6 won/2 lost - 21 TD's to 5 INT's.

Show me where Brady Quinn was awesome because i'm not seeing it. I see good, and don't get me wrong - i never said the guy was crap, but he's overrated and comes off like a ******.

4/12/2007, 03:51 PM
haha, all right...

You guys determine success much differently than I, placing, in my opinion, way too much weight on a single game's performance.

4/12/2007, 04:01 PM
You guys are crazy.

BraNdy Quint-win-a-big-game will be worthless in the NFL.

4/12/2007, 04:19 PM
haha, all right...

You guys determine success much differently than I, placing, in my opinion, way too much weight on a single game's performance.
Let me ask you this.

Does a player get the opportunity to have that "single" game in a BCS Bowl without several other games?

4/12/2007, 04:21 PM
You guys are crazy.

BraNdy Quint-win-a-big-game will be worthless in the NFL.
Manning couldn't either.

That doesn't mean Brady will set the league on fire, but I don't subscribe to the theory you are suggesting.

4/12/2007, 04:21 PM
Manning couldn't either.

That doesn't mean Brady will set the league on fire, but I don't subscribe to the theory you are suggesting.

Manning won 3 bowl games.

4/12/2007, 04:25 PM
Let me ask you this.

Does a player get the opportunity to have that "single" game in a BCS Bowl without several other games?

I don't really think a QB or a RB or a WR or any other single player really deserves to have a "record" in football because a single player doesn't necessarily determine the outcome of a given game. The supporting cast is responsible for probably 90% of a QB's W-L record.

I would argue that Nate probably wasn't as much of an influence on the accomplishments of the 2001 or 2002 University of Oklahoma football teams as the defensive unit. But Nate typically did a good job of playing within himself by not forcing stupid ****.. i.e. he allowed his defense to have a chance to dominate and took advantage of scoring opportunities as they came to him.

On the other end of the spectrum, Quinn never had that luxury. It's not apples/apples comparing a W-L record of a QB and determining whether or not that QB is a "winner", at least not in my mind.

4/12/2007, 04:32 PM
Manning won 3 bowl games.
Did he ever beat Florida, or win the conference?

4/12/2007, 04:34 PM
but I don't subscribe to the theory you are suggesting.

You don't subscribe to the theory that if I make up a witty play on words with his name it's hilarious?

4/12/2007, 04:35 PM
I don't really think a QB or a RB or a WR or any other single player really deserves to have a "record" in football because a single player doesn't necessarily determine the outcome of a given game. The supporting cast is responsible for probably 90% of a QB's W-L record.

I would argue that Nate probably wasn't as much of an influence on the accomplishments of the 2001 or 2002 University of Oklahoma football teams as the defensive unit. But Nate typically did a good job of playing within himself by not forcing stupid ****.. i.e. he allowed his defense to have a chance to dominate and took advantage of scoring opportunities as they came to him.

On the other end of the spectrum, Quinn never had that luxury. It's not apples/apples comparing a W-L record of a QB and determining whether or not that QB is a "winner", at least not in my mind.
yet you are the one that started it all.

Dude just accept it.

The whining about Brady is more about a deep seated hate of ND than any other reason. I know that. My posts have stated as much. Don't make this about Nate though. Shoot, I've been supportive, as well as several others if you go back and read the early part of this thread.

4/12/2007, 04:36 PM
You don't subscribe to the theory that if I make up a witty play on words with his name it's hilarious?
I guess I missed the witty part. I'll go back and read it.:D

4/12/2007, 04:39 PM
First it took Brady and then added an "N". BraNdy...like, ya know, he's a girl.

Then I took Quinn which sounds kinda like "can't" and made it like he can't win a big game but I said Quint win a big game cuz that's closer to his real last name.


If you don't get it, you're just another gooner.

John Kochtoston
4/12/2007, 04:40 PM
There's no reason that you people should applaud Nate Hybl for his quarterbacking then say that Brady Quinn is a "jerkoff" other than hatred.

I'd laugh in the face of anyone who suggested Nate Hybl should be a first-round NFL Draft pick. I understand that's not what you're doing, but many are suggesting Brady Quinn should be (in fact, Quinn is suggesting he should be THE no. 1 pick), and I think the backlash to that is "What has he done in college that makes him the guy?" He's not leaps and bounds physically superior to Russell, and Russell had a much better college career.

Besides, it's the Raiders. They'll probably draft a holder out of Lithiuania.

4/12/2007, 04:42 PM
yet you are the one that started it all.

Dude just accept it.

The whining about Brady is more about a deep seated hate of ND than any other reason. I know that. My posts have stated as much. Don't make this about Nate though. Shoot, I've been supportive, as well as several others if you go back and read the early part of this thread.

All I was doing was pointing out the hypocratic nature regarding Quinn that is a product of the deep seeded hatred of Notre Dame that Sooner fans possess. I accept it, dude. ;)

the dude
4/12/2007, 04:46 PM
On the other end of the spectrum, Quinn never had that luxury. It's not apples/apples comparing a W-L record of a QB and determining whether or not that QB is a "winner", at least not in my mind.
Which is exactly why i put in the TD/INT ratios. You want more info, though?
Pts. Scored(team)/Pts. Scored(from TD passes) vs. Pts. Allowed *against top 50 defenses

ND (06) - 22.33/15.16 vs 29.33
OK (02) - 38.57/11 vs 18.14
OK (03) - 42.00/21 vs 17.14

Looking at it like that, Nate did alright and Brady quinn didn't have to carry the team to win all on his own. And so what if their defense wasn't top notch - if he's heisman material, shouldn't he be able to control the game a little better, control the tempo and keep his defense off the feild? Face it, he was overrated.

4/12/2007, 04:47 PM
I'd laugh in the face of anyone who suggested Nate Hybl should be a first-round NFL Draft pick. I understand that's not what you're doing, but many are suggesting Brady Quinn should be (in fact, Quinn is suggesting he should be THE no. 1 pick), and I think the backlash to that is "What has he done in college that makes him the guy?" He's not leaps and bounds physically superior to Russell, and Russell had a much better college career.

I think the #1 QB taken in the draft should be someone that a) has all the physical tools to succeed b) is mentally sharp and c) has proven that his skills (both physical and mental) can be applied to gameday. I think both Quinn and JaMarcus have shown that they are the top two QB's available in this year's draft. I think Quinn's edge on the mental aspect of the game is a bit more substantial than Russell's lead on the physical aspect.

I think both are great prospects. I also think that both can easily flop, as is the case when drafting QB's. To me, this sets up as a Ryan Leaf/Peyton Manning situation, and I'm not sure which guy is which.

Besides, it's the Raiders. They'll probably draft a holder out of Lithiuania.


the dude
4/12/2007, 04:50 PM
All I was doing was pointing out the hypocratic nature regarding Quinn that is a product of the deep seated hatred of Notre Dame that Sooner fans possess. I accept it, dude. ;)

No deep seeded hatred for ND here - not real happy about their free pass, but you won't hear me say a negative word about Zmardja (can't spell... oh well). That guy is awesome.

As for a hypocrite - what are you talking about? I've been getting picked on for being the nOOb the last couple days so you couldn't have seen me brag about Hybl. If you had asked, i would've said he was okay. He'll go down in Sooner Lore as holding the team and the season together, but he won't be remembered like Jason White, Paul Thompson, Holloway, Blevins, etc.

4/12/2007, 04:52 PM
Which is exactly why i put in the TD/INT ratios. You want more info, though?
Pts. Scored(team)/Pts. Scored(from TD passes) vs. Pts. Allowed *against top 50 defenses

ND (06) - 22.33/15.16 vs 29.33
OK (02) - 38.57/11 vs 18.14
OK (03) - 42.00/21 vs 17.14

Looking at it like that, Nate did alright and Brady quinn didn't have to carry the team to win all on his own. And so what if their defense wasn't top notch - if he's heisman material, shouldn't he be able to control the game a little better, control the tempo and keep his defense off the feild? Face it, he was overrated.

ok, I love stats... But they're not as applicable to me in this situation. How many times did Quinn complete a pass to the 1-yard line only to have Darius run it in? How many times did JW let Peterson run it down to the goal line before they run a play-action? Those #'s just don't tell the whole story regarding Brady Quinn.

4/12/2007, 04:54 PM
No deep seeded hatred for ND here - not real happy about their free pass, but you won't hear me say a negative word about Zmardja (can't spell... oh well). That guy is awesome.

As for a hypocrite - what are you talking about? I've been getting picked on for being the nOOb the last couple days so you couldn't have seen me brag about Hybl. If you had asked, i would've said he was okay. He'll go down in Sooner Lore as holding the team and the season together, but he won't be remembered like Jason White, Paul Thompson, Holloway, Blevins, etc.

I was responding to SAS, noob. ;) You're the exception around here if you don't hate ND.

4/12/2007, 04:58 PM
All I was doing was pointing out the hypocratic nature regarding Quinn that is a product of the deep seated hatred of Notre Dame that Sooner fans possess. I accept it, dude. ;)
Second post in the thread


A Sooner with a negative opinion of a ND player.

6th post in thread

would you rather have a confident qb, or someone who doesn't think he's capable of turning around a team?

I'm just askin...
8th post in thread

I don't see anything wrong with what he said.

The object of the NFL draft is to sell yourself and market your ability. He's doing that.

Now I stopped there, but there are a lot of other SOONERS that made YOUR point BEFORE you showed up.

4/12/2007, 05:03 PM
AD never played well in the big games(2004 natl title and 2006 fiesta bowl) and we lost both games. So if he said he should be no.1, is he a selfish prick like quinn or just confident? Some of you guys wear your crimson shades a little too tight? It wasnt Quinns fault that his D sucked ballz! He was a big reason that ND got back to prominence and to suggest otherwise is rediculously idiotic!

4/12/2007, 05:08 PM
AD never played well in the big games(2004 natl title and 2006 fiesta bowl) and we lost both games. So if he said he should be no.1, is he a selfish prick like quinn or just confident? Some of you guys wear your crimson shades a little too tight? It wasnt Quinns fault that his D sucked ballz! He was a big reason that ND got back to prominence and to suggest otherwise is rediculously idiotic!
Believe it or not I've been agreeing with that point.

Dingaling aggie has to go off on a tangent.

Quinn played with little help, but he's been under a guy with NFL experience.

A lot of guys have proven that a QB with decent physical skills can play well at the next level if they have an exceptional head for the game.

If Brady gets put in a situation like David Carr did, it's likely the naysayers will get their wish. But if he gets put in a position like Manning where they try to put good pieces around him he could do OK.

Though I see him more like a Drew Brees than a Peyton Manning. Still not shabby.

4/12/2007, 05:15 PM
I think Drew Brees is a great comparison!!!

the dude
4/12/2007, 05:49 PM
A lot of guys have proven that a QB with decent physical skills can play well at the next level if they have an exceptional head for the game.

If Brady gets put in a situation like David Carr did, it's likely the naysayers will get their wish. But if he gets put in a position like Manning where they try to put good pieces around him he could do OK.
I don't know of anybody necessarily wishing bad things to happen to the guy - i just don't see what some people seem to see in him. You have to remember that my armchair coaching is some of the best (...like everybody else's) in the nation, so i guess i'm due for some faulty judgement. At the same time, though, it's hard to believe much of the hype spewed by people like ESPN anymore - or any news media outlet for that matter. Everything now days is the biggest and the best or the absolute worst ever in the history of mankind. USC is the greatest team to ever walk on a field!! Anybody remember the media blitz over that? Yeah, they were damn good, but can you legitamitely compare them to teams from 10 - 40 years ago?? No. They go overboard to try and sell the story. That's all they're doing with quinn and i don't believe it.

4/12/2007, 06:46 PM
'Good' 2005 victories: @#23 Pitt (42-21), @#3 Michigan (17-10), @#22 Purdue (49-28)

'Good' 2006 victories: @#25 Georgia Tech (14-10), vs #19 Penn State (41-17).

shrug, of which only Penn State managed a top 25 finish -- and just barely at #24.

(which is not to say I have any opinion on Quinn. But Notre Dame really didn't beat anyone worth speaking of in 2005/2006.)

4/12/2007, 06:56 PM
He clearly stated that he is the messiah and all others suck.

Pffffft . . . nobody around here as ever said anything like that have they.


4/12/2007, 07:13 PM
ok, I love stats... But they're not as applicable to me in this situation. How many times did Quinn complete a pass to the 1-yard line only to have Darius run it in? How many times did JW let Peterson run it down to the goal line before they run a play-action? Those #'s just don't tell the whole story regarding Brady Quinn.
So, let me get this straight...you don't use stats and you don't lose win/loss records, nor bowl records, nor collegiate awards.....and things of that nature to determine the success of an individual player? That doesn't really make sense, sorry.

4/12/2007, 09:04 PM
He is an Aggie.

4/12/2007, 09:33 PM
So, let me get this straight...you don't use stats and you don't lose win/loss records, nor bowl records, nor collegiate awards.....and things of that nature to determine the success of an individual player? That doesn't really make sense, sorry.

I don't use those stats, because they're not favorable to my argument, therefore they're irrelevant.

Keep up.

4/12/2007, 10:59 PM
I don't use those stats, because they're not favorable to my argument, therefore they're irrelevant.

Keep up.
I've been keeping up.
But from what I can tell, you don't use stats period....not "those" stats and not any stats. You simply say Brady is smarter than JaMarcus. And that Brady and Nate Hybl shouldn't even be able to be compared, because Brady is somehow on a higher pedestal than Nate Hybl ever was :confused: ..give me a friggin break. He did some real good things at OU and I think other posters have taken care of explaining that one to you. But I guess Nate's stats don't meet your approval either for the argument.

4/28/2007, 09:46 PM
I give it up to myself


4/28/2007, 09:58 PM
How was/is Brady Quinn a jerkoff? He's everything you should want in a starting QB. Got his **** taken care of on and off the field.

No, no Aggie. He is everything YOU would want in a starting QB. We had an arrogant, though talented, pretty boy who did the same thing Brady Quinn did. Bob Stoops punted him through the north end zone uprights and never looked back.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/28/2007, 10:40 PM
I think Jason(White) was infinitely better after the knees went away than he was when they were in their original stateIt is fitting that you chose aggy.