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4/11/2007, 10:04 AM
Not a sooner but it is football related and spring ball is over, so....


Bill Romanowski to Star in Gay Cowboy Movie, 'Weiners'
Posted Apr 11th 2007 10:15AM by Michael David Smith

As Sports by Brooks noted today, former NFL player Bill Romanowski is set to play a gay cowboy in a movie called "Weiners."

This isn't exactly "Brokeback Mountain," though. The movie is a comedy directed by Mark Steilen, who has previously worked on Farrelly Brothers movies like "There's Something About Mary" and "Stuck On You."

Romanowski has two post-football careers, one as an actor and one as a pitchman for various supplements. Although he was tainted by the BALCO scandal, Romanowski continues to shill for various substances you can put in your body to make you stronger and more energetic, starting a company called Nutrition53. If the side effects include flying into a rage and squeezing another man's testicles, as Romanowski acknowledged doing in his autobiography, I think I'll pass.


4/11/2007, 10:40 AM
seems appropriate because he was a weiner.

also a poster child for better football through chemistry.

4/11/2007, 01:43 PM
I hated him in Longest Yard. Ran the gamut of emotions from anger to anger.

Bosworth, on the other hand, displayed some fine thespian abilities and appears to be on the cusp of Academy Award-level acting :cool:

4/11/2007, 02:00 PM
Wow, I guess those concussions really added up.

4/11/2007, 02:33 PM
I thought it was w-i-e-n-e-r

which comes "Wien," German for Vienna, home of wienerwurst, aka Vienna sausage, aka wieners.
So I thought.

4/11/2007, 03:02 PM
that would also hold true to the "i before e except after c" rule... I was just going with what the article said though :O

4/11/2007, 03:09 PM

4/11/2007, 03:47 PM
I thought it was w-i-e-n-e-r

which comes "Wien," German for Vienna, home of wienerwurst, aka Vienna sausage, aka wieners.
So I thought.
agreed but I figured they had a reason for spelling it that way.

4/12/2007, 09:55 PM
Here's another weiner.
