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View Full Version : JD Quinn Bashes OU - Tulsa World Article

4/4/2007, 07:34 AM
Knucklehead speaks out (http://www.tulsaworld.com/sports/article.aspx?articleID=070404_2_B1_Prima63278&breadcrumb=Football)

4/4/2007, 07:39 AM
"All I did is take some cash..."

Well, duhhhhh.

4/4/2007, 07:39 AM
He could use a shovel to dig that hole he is making for himself.

4/4/2007, 07:39 AM
Actually, it wasn't that bad....I hadn't read it until just now but I heard about it on the radio.

4/4/2007, 07:44 AM
"All I did is take some cash" could get the entire program into deep doo-doo with the NCAA. What's not to understand for your immediate dismissal?

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

4/4/2007, 07:50 AM
What a TARD!!!!!!! Players, coaches, admin, etc etc. need to understand one simple rule that will keep their futures bright and shining. That rule is.......

DO NOT MAKE THE UNIVERSITY LOOK BAD!!!!!!!! That's all ya gotta do boys and girls.

Whatever university that maybe. It's a simple rule really.

4/4/2007, 07:56 AM
i'm glad to see he actually has paid a pretty good chunk of his restitution. i don't think he understands the full gravity of the situation though to insinuate they didn't "hurt" anybody. hopefully that "hurt" will only have been a stunning sucker punch, and not a knockout for OU.

4/4/2007, 08:03 AM
Wonder who he works for in Montana.

4/4/2007, 08:03 AM
Big Blue Auto Sales.

4/4/2007, 08:13 AM
Wonder who he works for in Montana.

Big Sky Sports and Imports....

That guy looks like a f***tard anyways. We are way better off without him.

4/4/2007, 08:18 AM
I can't help but think a good portion of the people that hate him now were making excuses for him prior to the BRSAI crap.

This is why it's disappointing to see a player make stupid decisions on a smaller scale. Because it eventually ends up being a stupid decision on a large scale.

4/4/2007, 08:19 AM

4/4/2007, 08:25 AM
He didn't get kicked off the team for taking cash. He got kicked off of the team for lying on his disclosure statement regarding off-campus employment. At some point some honesty is expected from these players even if they are young.

4/4/2007, 08:35 AM
He might have been drunk, he has a track record...

4/4/2007, 08:46 AM
weeeell, Bomar won't speak now, but what will happen when he visits OSU next fall as part of the Sam Houston State team?

4/4/2007, 09:00 AM

I hope you read this....

The University of Oklahoma plays football for NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS ! ! !

You and Bomar put that at risk...possibly for many years.

The University has had similar problems from players in the past and could not afford to put years of competing for a National Title at risk. They make lots of dOUgh when the stands are full and there is a waiting list for Season Tickets.

In the scheme of things...Bomar and yourself are mear bugs on a windshield that got wiped off the glass at a truckstop.




4/4/2007, 09:00 AM
In the first public comments by Quinn or Rhett Bomar on the topic of their expulsion from the OU football team since leaving Norman last year, Quinn on Monday said he understands why he and Bomar were kicked off the team for accepting more than $15,000 between them for work not performed while employed at a Norman car dealership. But Quinn said he didn't agree with the punishment.

"All I did was take cash," Quinn said. "I didn't break any laws and I get kicked off the team, but there's people on the team that are breaking laws and failing drug tests and stuff like that, and there's nobody getting kicked off the team for that type of stuff."

Sounds like there's more to this story and that the investigation is just beginning.

4/4/2007, 09:05 AM
Sounds like there's more to this story and that the investigation is just beginning.

When asked to clarify his allegations in a second telephone interview on Tuesday, Quinn said, "I said that, but I wasn't really regarding as much about Oklahoma. I was just saying around the country. I wasn't saying it in the context of Oklahoma. There's just people I've heard of doing things."

Perhaps he was talking about UT

4/4/2007, 09:07 AM
Sounds like there's more to this story and that the investigation is just beginning.

JD is just trying to help himself out of a bad situation.

He's wrong about how he's doing it IMO.

If others are doing things that are wrong...JD should be saying..."Don't do it! Look what happened to us!"

Again JD...quit whining and turn this into a positive.

Find a mentor or seek therapy.

4/4/2007, 09:09 AM
When asked to clarify his allegations in a second telephone interview on Tuesday, Quinn said, "I said that, but I wasn't really regarding as much about Oklahoma. I was just saying around the country. I wasn't saying it in the context of Oklahoma. There's just people I've heard of doing things."

Actually, the more I read this quote, the less it makes sense to me. I take it grammar isn't his strong suit.

4/4/2007, 09:15 AM
I'm sure the Reggie Bush thing and stuff like it must be hard for someone in his position to stomach...but....he's going to have to stomach it...just like the rest of us.

4/4/2007, 09:19 AM
It kind of suggests to me that he knew what he was doing was wrong, but probably thought that if he got caught, he would probably get suspended a few games, get yelled at by Stoops, and then return to the lineup. I don't think he imagined the NCAA and OU jumping all over him and the media circus that ensued.

I love the fact of how he says "I just took some cash" like it was no big deal and didn't hurt anybody. Well, what he didn't realize was that he was putting his entire team, not to mention the program and the university, in harm's way when he did that.

4/4/2007, 09:42 AM
JD is just trying to help himself out of a bad situation.

He's wrong about how he's doing it IMO.

If others are doing things that are wrong...JD should be saying..."Don't do it! Look what happened to us!"

Again JD...quit whining and turn this into a positive.

Find a mentor or seek therapy.

Clearly, no one is helping this kid. He doesn't have anyone to counsel him, and he certainly doesn't have any media-training. At least Bomar's people had the good sense to make sure he doesn't say anything. There's very little you can gain about speaking about the incident, except taking responsibilty for it, and move on. If you continue to read his interview, he even makes potentially damaging statements about not being accepted at his new school! He did something dumb, got in trouble, and now he's caught in a world that's out of his league. Those reporters will feed on him, and since he doesn't think before he speaks, he could get himself in even worse trouble. I feel sorry for him.

Sooner in Tampa
4/4/2007, 09:48 AM
Quinn comes across as a selfish, immature little prick. I DON'T feel sorry for him, he had a GREAT opportunity given to him and he screwed it up.

4/4/2007, 09:59 AM
JD didn't bash anyone in that interview.

4/4/2007, 10:05 AM
he's right, if he was at USC or tOSU he would have sat a few games and stayed on the team, and probably won the Heisman. i don't really have a problem with him being upset about that.

i don't think him saying this really hurts us with the NCAA or anything

as for hurting people, or failing drug tests, there are many documented cases that he could be "refer"ing to. kinda nice of him to backpeddle on that, he could have easily namedropped DD or Beverage or someone

4/4/2007, 10:12 AM
Heh...I got neg spekked for my comment. Can't help it if it is the truth though.:pop:

4/4/2007, 10:12 AM
ok, now i believe him...

but there's people on the team that are breaking laws and failing drug tests and stuff like that, and there's nobody getting kicked off the team for that type of stuff."

"I said that, but I wasn't really regarding as much about Oklahoma. I was just saying around the country. I wasn't saying it in the context of Oklahoma. There's just people I've heard of doing things."

4/4/2007, 10:15 AM
In the first public comments by Quinn or Rhett Bomar on the topic of their expulsion from the OU football team since leaving Norman last year, Quinn on Monday said he understands why he and Bomar were kicked off the team for accepting more than $15,000 between them for work not performed while employed at a Norman car dealership. But Quinn said he didn't agree with the punishment.

"All I did was take cash," Quinn said. "I didn't break any laws and I get kicked off the team, but there's people on the team that are breaking laws and failing drug tests and stuff like that, and there's nobody getting kicked off the team for that type of stuff."

Sounds like there's more to this story and that the investigation is just beginning.
you're an idiot fanatic. the investigation is over.

and Quinn has had a second interview and said he was speaking in general terms. as in oSu and yes Texas also has players on the team smoking weed and beating up girls.

and there better not be any oSu types finding joy in this. oSu has a fine record right now with drug dealing players. not to mention a certain linebacker.

4/4/2007, 10:16 AM
I understand that kids make mistakes but then the knucklehead goes on record as saying that he "didn't do anything wrong" and that the "punishment was too severe." It sounds like he has a lot more growing up to do IMHO.

I will also assume that he was not an academic All-American while at OU? If he was, that is what the NCAA should really be investigating

4/4/2007, 10:19 AM
and there better not be any oSu types finding joy in this. oSu has a fine record right now with drug dealing players. not to mention a certain linebacker.

The certain linebacker is alleged...

Bowman was alleged and charges were later dropped...

Sure, there are people that are smokin, drinkin, snortin, shootin, but that is the case anywhere you get 85 18-23 y/o's together to play football. They may even rough up a woman or two.... Kinda goes with the territory.

Landthief 1972
4/4/2007, 10:22 AM
They may even rough up a woman or two.... Kinda goes with the territory.

Or in OSU's case, rough up a sheep or 2. :stunned:

4/4/2007, 10:25 AM
In the first public comments by Quinn or Rhett Bomar on the topic of their expulsion from the OU football team since leaving Norman last year, Quinn on Monday said he understands why he and Bomar were kicked off the team for accepting more than $15,000 between them for work not performed while employed at a Norman car dealership. But Quinn said he didn't agree with the punishment.

"All I did was take cash," Quinn said. "I didn't break any laws and I get kicked off the team, but there's people on the team that are breaking laws and failing drug tests and stuff like that, and there's nobody getting kicked off the team for that type of stuff."

Sounds like there's more to this story and that the investigation is just beginning.

Screw you and the nutless cow you rode in on. You didn't even read the entire article , did you? If you had you would have already seen where he back-tracked on that statement.

Why don't you worry about all of the players on the South 40 in Austin getting busted for weed. It appears that UT definitiely has a problem with drug dealing/using athletes and is part of the Austin drug culture. Ricky Williams is definitely a great poster child for your program.

Idiot. Majorly!

Edit: just read Picasso's post.

4/4/2007, 10:25 AM
He didn't get kicked off the team for taking cash. He got kicked off of the team for lying on his disclosure statement regarding off-campus employment. At some point some honesty is expected from these players even if they are young.

Actually, I think the real reason they were dismissed from the team is for lying to Bob when he asked if anything was going on.
I think that if they had been truthful when Bob first asked, he would have been ****ed, but would have taken the same steps that tOSU took with Smith. He would have punished them with suspensions and with extra workouts, but kept them on the team.
When he found out that they lied and told him that nothing was going on, he just closed the door.

4/4/2007, 10:26 AM
"All I did was take cash," Quinn said. "I didn't break any laws and I get kicked off the team, but there's people on the team that are breaking laws and failing drug tests and stuff like that, and there's nobody getting kicked off the team for that type of stuff."

So, I guess having whiskey stills in your shower and making your own booze is not breaking the law while staying in the Wilkinson house. Sheesh.

4/4/2007, 10:34 AM
So, I guess having whiskey stills in your shower and making your own booze is not breaking the law while staying in the Wilkinson house. Sheesh.

ERRONEOUS!!!!!!!! ERRONEOUS!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

4/4/2007, 10:40 AM
SHSU's SID did his job.
Montana's SID needs to be fired for letting him say anything.

C'mon guys, we all know J.D. is a honest and trustworthy human being, with his DUIs, PIs and numerous stories of drunken rageahol - including threatening the life of a member of this board. Fine young man, I tell ya.

So, I guess having whiskey stills in your shower and making your own booze is not breaking the law while staying in the Wilkinson house. Sheesh. This group is for all the cool cats out there that have had the pleasure of enjoying JD Quinn's amazing creation of Krunk Juice, the drink that makes all your hopes and dreams come true on Peter Pan!

Next time you come to the Pan, bring Krunk supplies (i.e. energy drinks, sunkist). Honestly, bring some damn supplies, my budget is running low!!

4/4/2007, 10:43 AM
i think what he meant was "what he was caught for this time..."

4/4/2007, 10:44 AM
including threatening the life of a member of this board. Fine young man, I tell ya.


4/4/2007, 11:05 AM


that guy probably deserved it though ;)

4/4/2007, 11:07 AM
JD's still a kid, I suppose.

Not going to bash him. Just hope he realizes one day how silly his statements sound and that he'll mature.

4/4/2007, 11:21 AM
Quote: "Quinn said he felt "embarrassment" and was "pretty uncomfortable" as he awaited his fate last year. He also said the incident changed him, forcing him to grow up. "That's a pretty big speed bump," he said." Unquote.

Hold on - here comes the whiplash after the speed bump!

If indeed there was lying involved to Stoops, then that is why they were booted from the team - and that is the difference between other examples like Dvoracek's incident that warranted a second chance. You have to face up to what you did, admit it, and show some honesty. This was a double-whammy.

4/4/2007, 11:21 AM
At least Bomar's people had the good sense to make sure he doesn't say anything.

only because it would spoil his Outside the Lines special coming on today :(

4/4/2007, 11:31 AM
JD's still a kid, I suppose.

Not going to bash him. Just hope he realizes one day how silly his statements sound and that he'll mature.

I expect honesty from my 5 year old.

4/4/2007, 11:31 AM
I expect Bomar, Quinn and Maurice Clarett to show up on an AFL2 team someday. The team could be called the "Coulda Beens".

4/4/2007, 11:44 AM
Quote: "Quinn said he felt "embarrassment" and was "pretty uncomfortable" as he awaited his fate last year. He also said the incident changed him, forcing him to grow up. "That's a pretty big speed bump," he said." Unquote.

Hold on - here comes the whiplash after the speed bump!

If indeed there was lying involved to Stoops, then that is why they were booted from the team - and that is the difference between other examples like Dvoracek's incident that warranted a second chance. You have to face up to what you did, admit it, and show some honesty. This was a double-whammy.

well, it sounds like this wouldn't have even been a "second" chance

4/4/2007, 11:54 AM
weeeell, Bomar won't speak now, but what will happen when he visits OSU next fall as part of the Sam Houston State team?

Sports Animal was saying that Bomar was going to be on some ESPN show this afternoon talking about what happened and also his future.

4/4/2007, 12:13 PM
Sports Animal was saying that Bomar was going to be on some ESPN show this afternoon talking about what happened and also his future. You can see a preview on this page (http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/otl/index). 2:30pm CST - might be a bit shorter than originally planned with Eddie Robinson's passing today.

He still has a closet full of Oklahoma football gear, and displays his 2005 Holiday Bowl MVP trophy in his room. For Rhett Bomar, these are merely memories of what was and what could have been. Last August, the then-Oklahoma quarterback was dismissed from the university after receiving $7,000 in extra benefits. He transferred to Sam Houston State, which, though a far cry from Norman in the size and scope of football, offers Bomar a chance to play again. On "Outside the Lines", Bomar discusses his mistake, what he learned from it, and how he still plans on fulfilling his dreams.

4/4/2007, 12:19 PM
"All I did was take cash," Quinn said. "I didn't break any laws and I get kicked off the team, but there's people on the team that are breaking laws and failing drug tests and stuff like that, and there's nobody getting kicked off the team for that type of stuff."

There is some hypocrisy there. In the grand scheme of things committing a crime is a bigger issue than taking money from a booster. But then again, Quinn was just kicked out of school. Had he committed a crime there is always the possibility of jail time.

The NCAA (and thus OU) takes the idea of amateurism and the idea of keeping a level playing field very seriously. When you commit a crime you harm society and it is society (and in some cases the school) who will pick your punishment. When you break an NCAA rule you harm the NCAA and the school - and thus those two will pick your punishment.

4/4/2007, 12:25 PM
The certain linebacker is alleged...

Bowman was alleged and charges were later dropped...

Sure, there are people that are smokin, drinkin, snortin, shootin, but that is the case anywhere you get 85 18-23 y/o's together to play football. They may even rough up a woman or two.... Kinda goes with the territory.
So does that make it ok?

4/4/2007, 12:41 PM
This may actually make OU look a little better before the NCAA this month. They can see there was a guy out to do what he wanted to do. Even though he knew it was wrong, he didn't think it was really bad. We didn't have a lack of institutional control. We had a couple of idiots. Plus Quinn made the point for OU that they took harsh action when other schools aren't.

4/4/2007, 12:44 PM
So does that make it ok?

Depends on how you look at it, I guess ...

When a kid is busted with a joint or some blow or something, I think people tend to overreact by labeling said kid as a pothead or cokehead or whatever...

If he's growing a bunch of **** in his backyard, it's probably safe to assume he intends on selling it and is headed down a road that might look a little something like Maurice and his 68 assault rifles with grenades and **** (although, at least he was being careful with his vest on :rolleyes:)...

In reference to Bomar/Quinn, I don't really think their priors are that important (just an MIP or two and a DUI, right?)... Like, I'd think it was strange if my starting QB and a lineman didn't drink... Sure, eventually they should learn from it or learn that they don't drive very well while hammered, so they should probably call a cab.. But I think those are more along the lines of youthful mistakes...

In reference to the OSU players in question (I assume it's probably Collins, JamesOn and Bowman), the only one that has been convicted of anything is JamesOn. I think it's pretty fair to say that allowing him another chance has paid out well for all parties. All of Bowman's charges were dropped (after which UNC offered his spot back on the team). And Collins has been proven of nothing. If Collins is convicted of sexually assaulting a bit of a minor, then that might change my outlook on his situation.

4/4/2007, 12:51 PM
Aggie, your list is just as dirty as anyones. That's why I'm saying you Pokes have nothing to laugh at.

Have you already forgotten about former starting QB B.J. Tiger? Ummm, he was selling drugs and stealing.

4/4/2007, 12:52 PM
I didn't realize we were talking about people that played a decade ago... If you wanna recount the history of dirty players, it'll be a list longer than either of us would like to recall.

4/4/2007, 01:10 PM
Depends on how you look at it, I guess ...

When a kid is busted with a joint or some blow or something, I think people tend to overreact by labeling said kid as a pothead or cokehead or whatever...

If you do get caught with a joint or some blow you should be labeled those things.

Don't **** with it.

You can ask multiple people on here. Every time Beverage got caught doing something stupid I said kick him off. I also think that Dusty should not have been let back on the team. If you **** up your a **** up and there is a line of ****ing kids wanting to fill your shoes.

So this comes with the terriotty bull**** is a joke.

Yeah there are going to be idiots and idiots don't need to be the ones representing The Universty of Oklahoma.

4/4/2007, 01:15 PM
Obviously we don't share the same viewpoint on the subject...

I just think it's unrealistic to think that you will get 85 kids to adhere to all the laws (at least not get caught) regarding drinking or drug use. I think kids deserve to **** up and not have their lives ruined because of a mistake that, in the end, the majority of people have made.

Vic n Tulsa
4/4/2007, 01:22 PM
Screw you and the nutless cow you rode in on. You didn't even read the entire article , did you? If you had you would have already seen where he back-tracked on that statement.

Why don't you worry about all of the players on the South 40 in Austin getting busted for weed. It appears that UT definitiely has a problem with drug dealing/using athletes and is part of the Austin drug culture. Ricky Williams is definitely a great poster child for your program.

Idiot. Majorly!

Edit: just read Picasso's post.

Funny how everyone points to other schools 'illegal' activities, kinda like kids gettting busted by Momma and saying "yea, but Billy or Susie did it first".

oSU, Tejas, USC are all looking at you smiling and say "nah, nah, nah"....good luck on April 14th and remember no crying after the spanking.

4/4/2007, 01:24 PM
There are more ****'s in a Dolemite post than there are drunks in Ireland. ;)

4/4/2007, 01:26 PM
If you do get caught with a joint or some blow you should be labeled those things.

Don't **** with it.

You can ask multiple people on here. Every time Beverage got caught doing something stupid I said kick him off. I also think that Dusty should not have been let back on the team. If you **** up your a **** up and there is a line of ****ing kids wanting to fill your shoes.

So this comes with the terriotty bull**** is a joke.

Yeah there are going to be idiots and idiots don't need to be the ones representing The Universty of Oklahoma.

But you'd be among the throngs of fans that would berate some mediocre player that continually messed up and cost OU to lose games....regardless if he was a straight A student who'd never cussed or drank in his life

If he was a member of the secondary who couldn't cover his own shadow and consistently got burned, no one would care how good of a kid he was.

No one here (or anyone at any other superpower program) would be happy with a group of fine young gentlemen that went 6-6 every year.

The morality/talent discussion is a slippery slope for all sports fans.

4/4/2007, 01:27 PM
I think kids deserve to **** up and not have their lives ruined because of a mistake that, in the end, the majority of people have made.

you mean, you believe in second chances for human beings?? :confused:

4/4/2007, 01:29 PM
Funny how everyone points to other schools 'illegal' activities, kinda like kids gettting busted by Momma and saying "yea, but Billy or Susie did it first".

oSU, Tejas, USC are all looking at you smiling and say "nah, nah, nah"....good luck on April 14th and remember no crying after the spanking.
Yeah and if we want **** out of you, we'll squeeze your head.:rolleyes:

4/4/2007, 01:34 PM
you mean, you believe in second chances for human beings?? :confused:

Well... I don't know if I'd go that far.... It's a very difficult concept to grasp, I realize, but I think that sometimes there are actually people that go through life without being able to be perfect in every aspect in their maiden voyage. ;)

4/4/2007, 01:34 PM
Screw you and the nutless cow you rode in on. You didn't even read the entire article , did you? If you had you would have already seen where he back-tracked on that statement.

Why don't you worry about all of the players on the South 40 in Austin getting busted for weed. It appears that UT definitiely has a problem with drug dealing/using athletes and is part of the Austin drug culture. Ricky Williams is definitely a great poster child for your program.

Idiot. Majorly!

Edit: just read Picasso's post.

Yes, I did read the entire article, every delightful word. Trust me when I tell you we are finding the entire story endlessly entertaining in Austin. And yes, as you pointed out, we do have our problems with players in Austin, just as every school does. It's to be expected from coddled, overindulged teenagers.

Yes, he back-tracked, but it sure sounded like he was speaking the truth, and then tried to dig himself out of another hole. The irony is that everyone in Norman rubbed it in our noses when Bomar chose OU over UT. Now, we are feeling lucky not to have gotten him. I do feel sorry for this kid, though. Like I wrote, no one is looking out for him.

4/4/2007, 02:25 PM
But you'd be among the throngs of fans that would berate some mediocre player that continually messed up and cost OU to lose games....regardless if he was a straight A student who'd never cussed or drank in his life

If he was a member of the secondary who couldn't cover his own shadow and consistently got burned, no one would care how good of a kid he was.

No one here (or anyone at any other superpower program) would be happy with a group of fine young gentlemen that went 6-6 every year.

The morality/talent discussion is a slippery slope for all sports fans.
Wrong again.....and quit sticking up for you poke freind :D (giving you hell)

I do care for example.

MR.WOLFE, Mr. I get burned every****ingtime wolfe. I would like to see the kid succeed, and from what I have heard he is a great kid. I WANT HIM TO PLAY BUT HE SUCKS. Maybe he will be better at saftey ;)

I want kids to not **** up and play well, and if a medicore kid fills his shoes I dont ****ing care.

You don't know me and my fandom Oct. I want ou to win every ****ing game, but if they lose with there heads high and with a team of moraly sound individuals it makes it all the better.

I think you have me confused with yermom. He is the guy that did not go to games unitl 2000 :)

4/4/2007, 02:27 PM
Well... I don't know if I'd go that far.... It's a very difficult concept to grasp, I realize, but I think that sometimes there are actually people that go through life without being able to be perfect in every aspect in their maiden voyage. ;)
Your right and you know how those people learn to not make mistakes in the future? BY kicking them in the ****ing mouth. GET OFF THE TEAM AND DONT BE A BABY ****UP

4/4/2007, 02:31 PM
Yes, I did read the entire article, every delightful word. Trust me when I tell you we are finding the entire story endlessly entertaining in Austin. And yes, as you pointed out, we do have our problems with players in Austin, just as every school does. It's to be expected from coddled, overindulged teenagers.

Yes, he back-tracked, but it sure sounded like he was speaking the truth, and then tried to dig himself out of another hole. The irony is that everyone in Norman rubbed it in our noses when Bomar chose OU over UT. Now, we are feeling lucky not to have gotten him. I do feel sorry for this kid, though. Like I wrote, no one is looking out for him.

**** off whorn. If he'd done what he did at UT nobody would know about it. The next "we're digging this whole delicious deal here in Gaystin" I hear outta you will be the last thing you ever type on this board. Now get the fries outta the cooker cause the beeper is going off.

4/4/2007, 02:36 PM
**** off whorn. If he'd done what he did at UT nobody would know about it. The next "we're digging this whole delicious deal here in Gaystin" I hear outta you will be the last thing you ever type on this board. Now get the fries outta the cooker cause the beeper is going off.

PWNED. :cool:

4/4/2007, 02:50 PM
When asked to clarify his allegations in a second telephone interview on Tuesday, Quinn said, "I said that, but I wasn't really regarding as much about Oklahoma. I was just saying around the country. I wasn't saying it in the context of Oklahoma. There's just people I've heard of doing things."

Actually, the more I read this quote, the less it makes sense to me. I take it grammar isn't his strong suit.

No it's not. While neither he nor OU gets any upside to him speaking, I will play the part of the loyal opposition and say that what he is doing a very poor job of expressing is the frustration many of us feel with the hypocrisy of and disparate treatment by both the NCAA and universities when it comes to this type of behavior. OU should and does expect its players to comply with the letter and law - no question. But agreeing that the violations should not occur doesn't mean there shouldn't be some serious questioning of why it is that many, many, many student-athletes do get away with much worse offenses than this. Heisman winner Reggie Bush, anyone?

Sooner in Tampa
4/4/2007, 02:54 PM
Funny how everyone points to other schools 'illegal' activities, kinda like kids gettting busted by Momma and saying "yea, but Billy or Susie did it first".

oSU, Tejas, USC are all looking at you smiling and say "nah, nah, nah"....good luck on April 14th and remember no crying after the spanking.What did you say? Your mouth sounds full of something...spit it out and talk like a man, Dic.

4/4/2007, 02:58 PM
Funny how everyone points to other schools 'illegal' activities, kinda like kids gettting busted by Momma and saying "yea, but Billy or Susie did it first".

oSU, Tejas, USC are all looking at you smiling and say "nah, nah, nah"....good luck on April 14th and remember no crying after the spanking.

Hmm. I must have missed this one. Spank this, buttmunch. We'll see you some time after April 14th too.

4/4/2007, 03:04 PM
Your right and you know how those people learn to not make mistakes in the future? BY kicking them in the ****ing mouth. GET OFF THE TEAM AND DONT BE A BABY ****UP

Perhaps by now, you've come to know Doleo. :D

Scott D
4/4/2007, 03:19 PM
Yes, I did read the entire article, every delightful word. Trust me when I tell you we are finding the entire story endlessly entertaining in Austin. And yes, as you pointed out, we do have our problems with players in Austin, just as every school does. It's to be expected from coddled, overindulged teenagers.

Yes, he back-tracked, but it sure sounded like he was speaking the truth, and then tried to dig himself out of another hole. The irony is that everyone in Norman rubbed it in our noses when Bomar chose OU over UT. Now, we are feeling lucky not to have gotten him. I do feel sorry for this kid, though. Like I wrote, no one is looking out for him.

Excuse me while I go break into someone else's apartment to steal my plasma television, then when I go to allegedly 'serve my time' in an austin jail, I'll find out that it happens to be 'overcrowding weekend', so I get a free pass and never have to you know, actually serve time simply because I showed up to allegedly serve the time I was actually given.

4/4/2007, 03:24 PM
**** off whorn. If he'd done what he did at UT nobody would know about it. The next "we're digging this whole delicious deal here in Gaystin" I hear outta you will be the last thing you ever type on this board. Now get the fries outta the cooker cause the beeper is going off.

4/4/2007, 03:27 PM
Excuse me while I go break into someone else's apartment to steal my plasma television, then when I go to allegedly 'serve my time' in an austin jail, I'll find out that it happens to be 'overcrowding weekend', so I get a free pass and never have to you know, actually serve time simply because I showed up to allegedly serve the time I was actually given.

I have it from a very good source that the plasma story isn't quite correct--the truth is actually worse.

4/4/2007, 03:35 PM
**** off whorn. If he'd done what he did at UT nobody would know about it. The next "we're digging this whole delicious deal here in Gaystin" I hear outta you will be the last thing you ever type on this board. Now get the fries outta the cooker cause the beeper is going off.

Damn this accursed leniency! :D

Scott D
4/4/2007, 03:35 PM
I have it from a very good source that the plasma story isn't quite correct--the truth is actually worse.

There's a shocker....regardless, I want to commit a crime where I can show up to serve my delayed sentence and get turned away because the jail is allegedly full that weekend.

4/4/2007, 03:57 PM
You can see a preview on this page (http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/otl/index). 2:30pm CST - might be a bit shorter than originally planned with Eddie Robinson's passing today.
I Tivo-ed it and the entire show was about Eddie Robinson and some Red Sox pitcher (probably Daisuke but I was FF through it all). Are they going to re-air the Rhomar interview?

4/4/2007, 04:06 PM
Excuse me while I go break into someone else's apartment to steal my plasma television, then when I go to allegedly 'serve my time' in an austin jail, I'll find out that it happens to be 'overcrowding weekend', so I get a free pass and never have to you know, actually serve time simply because I showed up to allegedly serve the time I was actually given.

Served all of 8 days. I really like the Marco Martin saga....an indicted child molester who played 3 years at UT yet the damned police department in his home city in Texas didn't know how to find him. Go figure.

4/4/2007, 04:06 PM
I Tivo-ed it and the entire show was about Eddie Robinson and some Red Sox pitcher (probably Daisuke but I was FF through it all). Are they going to re-air the Rhomar interview? Well it was supposed to be today. My guess is it'll get moved to tomorrow or Friday.

Scott D
4/4/2007, 04:13 PM
Served all of 8 days. I really like the Marco Martin saga....an indicted child molester who played 3 years at UT yet the damned police department in his home city in Texas didn't know how to find him. Go figure.

I wouldn't quite say he served it Clark.

Texas running back Cedric Benson completed the terms of his eight-day jail sentence Saturday without spending any time behind bars. Benson was sentenced to jail Friday after pleading no contest to misdemeanor criminal trespassing during the 2003 season. But due to jail crowding, he was able to avoid jail time by earning four days credit for good behavior, two days time served when he was arrested..

As for Marco Martin, the police in his hometown are still looking for a place called Austin, Ethiopia on their 1943 World Atlas.

4/4/2007, 04:40 PM
Quinn comes across as a selfish, immature little prick. I DON'T feel sorry for him, he had a GREAT opportunity given to him and he screwed it up.

4/4/2007, 05:09 PM
Actually, the more I read this quote, the less it makes sense to me. I take it grammar isn't his strong suit.

You are talking about a Garland grad. They aren't known for graduates with high IQs.

4/4/2007, 05:47 PM
They may even rough up a woman or two.... Kinda goes with the territory.

Say what?:confused:

4/4/2007, 05:48 PM
Lawrence Phillips reference regarding young men and their behaviors.

4/4/2007, 05:50 PM
Wrong again.....and quit sticking up for you poke freind :D (giving you hell)

I do care for example.

MR.WOLFE, Mr. I get burned every****ingtime wolfe. I would like to see the kid succeed, and from what I have heard he is a great kid. I WANT HIM TO PLAY BUT HE SUCKS. Maybe he will be better at saftey ;)

I want kids to not **** up and play well, and if a medicore kid fills his shoes I dont ****ing care.

You don't know me and my fandom Oct. I want ou to win every ****ing game, but if they lose with there heads high and with a team of moraly sound individuals it makes it all the better.

I think you have me confused with yermom. He is the guy that did not go to games unitl 2000 :)

ok, fair enough. ;)

'specially the part about yermom

...and my post was concerning players who go out and party during their college days and get "caught" being young and dumb.

Not some guy that takes money and lies to his coaches...and then acts shocked when he gets what's coming to him.

4/4/2007, 06:00 PM
Lawrence Phillips reference regarding young men and their behaviors.

Ok . . . I was hoping you weren't actually condoning said behavior.

4/4/2007, 07:09 PM
More crap from TexAgs regarding Quinn.

I know JD from back home, played football with him in hs. I hung out with him over Christmas break and he was talking about lots of things he saw at OU. I posted about it then but took it down shortly because I figured he probably wouldn't want it on the internet. Well, I guess I'll put it back up. He said some very specific things about what was going on there. Here's some of what I remember.

*A hs linebacker from Las Vegas was in Norman on a visit. The linebacker got arrested at a party. Stoops asked Quinn to take the heat for it. He was grilled in the papers for a while, but nothing ever came out about the recruit. He is on their roster now. Because JD did this for Stoops, he did not get in trouble when he got TWO DUI's. Not kicked off the team or even disciplined.

*He said the team did indeed vote between kicking Bomar or Peterson off. He didn't know how he got throwin in with Bomar. Said Peterson was just as bad about taking money.

There was a lot more. It was about 3 months ago when I saw him. I'll post more if I remember.

houstontexan and lonestarfree read my original post. It was up for maybe an hour early in the morning and then deleted. Maybe they remember more.

As far as the team vote, they weren't even in town yet as this went down before fall practice started. Not only that, can you imagine Stoops putting this decision up for a vote amongst the team. No way.

Quinn hasn't learned much from his ordeal. Oh, and expect a DMN article tomorrow with this as a source.

TexAgs (http://texags.com/main/forum.reply.asp?forum_id=6&topic_id=776926)

4/4/2007, 07:13 PM
don't you think the NCAA is going to STRICTLY and almost scientifically examine any super star at OU's record at BRSI? The NCAA went over those records with a fine tooth comb, if AD or anyone else had wrong doings they'd have been found. This is just stirring the pot.

4/4/2007, 07:43 PM
Knucklehead speaks out (http://www.tulsaworld.com/sports/article.aspx?articleID=070404_2_B1_Prima63278&breadcrumb=Football)

Both of these kids made HUGE mistakes and the first one was, thinking that they were bigger than the rules and guidelines that they were supposed to abide by. I am not going to stand up for them, nor am I going to condemn them, because we were all kids at one time and made mistakes. Granted, most of us didn't make mistakes that cost us full scholarships to play football at the University of Oklahoma and possibly put our institution in a negative position with its athletic govening body. But just the same, we have all made mistakes of some magnitude at one point in our lives or another. However, in the hindsight of those things, to be anything other than remorseful and sorry for what occured and how it might have affected others, is just being a friggin idiot and typically self centered. I am glad Bomar remains silent...he should. The only thing that should come from the collective mouths of Bomar and Quinn is....."I regret the incident, I am embarrassed by it and I extend my apologies to my team mates and to the University of Oklahoma and its' fans." Nuff said.

Just my take.

4/4/2007, 07:48 PM
Who would possibly believe anything these two individuals had to say about anything....much less the Oklahoma football program?

Both individuals were embarrassed at a national level for their dishonest actions...and were kicked out of the program. They will naturally harbor a sense of resentment toward it.

Why would anyone (except for our rivals) take what they say NOW as gospel?

They've admitted to lying...they've admitted to cheating...and now our rivals (and perhaps the DMN?) will hold them up as credible sources about our program after we kicked them off and they've been embarrassed...as if they didn't have any ax to grind?

Please...Pete Rose would be a better character witness than these two loose cannons.

Scott D
4/4/2007, 08:14 PM
More crap from TexAgs regarding Quinn.

As far as the team vote, they weren't even in town yet as this went down before fall practice started. Not only that, can you imagine Stoops putting this decision up for a vote amongst the team. No way.

Quinn hasn't learned much from his ordeal. Oh, and expect a DMN article tomorrow with this as a source.

TexAgs (http://texags.com/main/forum.reply.asp?forum_id=6&topic_id=776926)

ags are an amusing sort. Certainly Quinn's reputation as a bully of a drunk never preceeded him.

4/4/2007, 08:14 PM
Ok . . . I was hoping you weren't actually condoning said behavior.

I really don't know that I'm condoning any sort of behavior, but really just attempting to view 18-23 y/o male athletes as they tend to be. I don't have a problem with kids that go out and party hard at all, and I understand the pitfalls that come with said lifestyle as far as drug use is concerned. Sure, it'd be ideal for your program to be full of choir boys (as Doleo seems to want), but that's just not the reality of our society.

What Bomar and Quinn (or anyone else that has ever accepted cash just for being on a team in college) did was dumb on several levels, and I don't think anyone is denying that. However, I can't honestly say that I wouldn't do the same thing if I were in their situation. The dumbest portion of the story was that BRSI actually put it on their books, and that's the part that is completely unfathomable to me.

The onus certainly falls on the kids to do the right thing, but this situation had so many failures that it's difficult to point the finger solely at them. I think the compliance department failed, the person(s) at BRSI failed, and the kids failed. I find it hard to believe (and it may have already been proven, I'm not completely abreast of the story) that the person that set up the "pay for no work" program was McRae, because if he's as "rogue" as everyone suggests, it seems he'd have the wherewithal to simply give cash to the kids instead of giving them extra hours on the clock...

I don't know; it's just a ****ed up, unfortunate thing that has put a lot of people in a tough situation. Castiglione can't feel good about his chances now that he's meeting with the committee on infractions for the second consecutive year.

4/4/2007, 08:18 PM
ok, fair enough. ;)

'specially the part about yermom

...and my post was concerning players who go out and party during their college days and get "caught" being young and dumb.

Not some guy that takes money and lies to his coaches...and then acts shocked when he gets what's coming to him.


i missed that part before

it was 2001

but that thing from TexAgs isn't even from Quinn, it's from someone that says they know him. i'll bet he passed out at 31 Flavors last night too

4/4/2007, 08:23 PM
ags are an amusing sort. Certainly Quinn's reputation as a bully of a drunk never preceeded him.

Technically, I can't say thief, but I would add liar, deceiver, arrogant, and ****ed about being busted. Other than that, he's a pretty good source.

4/4/2007, 08:48 PM
If I want to know about how to get insanely drunk, get a couple DUIs and MIPs and try to pick fights with people half my size, I'll ask JD Quinn.

If I want the truth from someone, he'll be the last one I'd ask.

4/4/2007, 10:03 PM
Obviously we don't share the same viewpoint on the subject...

I just think it's unrealistic to think that you will get 85 kids to adhere to all the laws (at least not get caught) regarding drinking or drug use. I think kids deserve to **** up and not have their lives ruined because of a mistake that, in the end, the majority of people have made.

If it had just been Quinn and Bonehead's lives that were possibly going to be ruined that is one thing. Did they ever stop to think about what it was going to do to their teammates, the program, their families, etc.? Heck no - they were just too cool, too smart and at the end of the day hurt a lot of people for chump change.

I wish OU would sue the living bejesus out of Brad McRae. The dishonesty of these three has cost a LOT of money, a lot of time and way too much heartache. Throw him under the train - he's the only one who has not paid the price, regardless of what the NCAA does.

4/4/2007, 10:08 PM
weeeell, Bomar won't speak now, but what will happen when he visits OSU next fall as part of the Sam Houston State team?
How funny would that be to see Rhomar beat Texas and OSU??? :D

4/4/2007, 10:18 PM
Actually, I think the real reason they were dismissed from the team is for lying to Bob when he asked if anything was going on.
I think that if they had been truthful when Bob first asked, he would have been ****ed, but would have taken the same steps that tOSU took with Smith. He would have punished them with suspensions and with extra workouts, but kept them on the team.
When he found out that they lied and told him that nothing was going on, he just closed the door.

Totally agree. I honestly think that if they didn't lie about it, and maybe if they had a better track record (since neither one of them was squeaky clean to begin with), I'll bet a year suspension or somehting of the sort could have happened. But as I read this situation, they lied about it... and continued to do it while the University was investigating the situation behind their backs. Kinda like saying... "Coach Stoops, if I throw this stick, will you go away?" They got what was coming to them. End of Story.

4/4/2007, 10:31 PM
If I want to know about how to get insanely drunk, get a couple DUIs and MIPs and try to pick fights with people half my size, I'll ask JD Quinn.

If I want the truth from someone, he'll be the last one I'd ask.


seen the kid in a bar in Chickasha,OK, home on leave, and I shouldn't have been there myself, but he was wasted and trying to fight every little guy in the house.

4/4/2007, 10:52 PM
Stoops asked Quinn to take the heat for it.

This is funny. How can Quinn take the heat for it when arrest records are not only public but published in the Norman paper?

4/5/2007, 01:40 AM
ags are an amusing sort.

If you mean in a "franks and beans ... he was masturbating" sort of way, then, yes, ags are amusing.

http://www.hotflick.net/flicks/1998_There_s_Something_About_Mary/Thumb/998SAM_W__Earl_Brown_002.jpg http://www.theeagle.com/community/photo/030405return.jpg

4/5/2007, 01:42 AM
Anybody with half-a-brain who looks at this situation objectively has to realize that the OU athletic department was not in the loop as these kids were taking money under the table.

"OU determined that Quinn received $8,137.17 and Bomar $7,406.88 beyond hours they actually worked and reported the infractions to the NCAA...."

If OU was involved, do you think that there is any way that they would have allowed an O-lineman to be paid more than the starting QB? :)

Scott D
4/5/2007, 06:26 AM
Taking $500 one single time to pay a cell phone bill from a booster is not the same as falsifying work records to the tune of $7000+ in payments for work not done.

If you people are going to insist to continue to compare Bomar/Quinn to anyone at tOSU, do it in terms of their former Men's BB coach, and the payments he was authorizing to get some recruits. Not to the situation that Troy Smith had.

4/5/2007, 06:27 AM
what these guys did could have VERY serious consequences to the university and the football program. this is why they got kicked off the team. it's plain as day and quinn (and possibly bomar) can rationalize it all they want to, but what they did was not a small thing with trivial consequences. if the university pulled a "richard nixon" and looked the other way, they would have been in even more hot water than what they are now. the did the right thing and got rid of them. i understand that young people make bad decisions sometimes, but again, this one had potentially very serious consequences for the university. what do they think was going to happen if they got caught? obviously they weren't.

4/5/2007, 06:59 AM
We're missing the big picture here: both kids came from the State of Texas.

Maybe we should stop recruiting there. :eek: :texan: :D

4/5/2007, 11:15 AM

Car use of ex-OU player is recalled

Dealership vehicles were for personal use, former roommate says

02:07 AM CDT on Thursday, April 5, 2007
By GARY JACOBSON / The Dallas Morning News
[email protected]

A former University of Oklahoma walk-on football player accused of being paid for work he didn't perform at a Norman auto dealership regularly brought home dealership cars for his personal use, a former roommate said.

Logan Brosky roomed with Jermaine Hardison, the walk-on, for about a year. Brosky said he knew several players who worked at Big Red Sports/Imports. Some of them would talk about how easy the job was.

Colleges blog

Car use of ex-OU player is recalled

McRae: OU players made the calls

Quinn: 'All I did was take cash'

More: Oklahoma
"They'd just sit there and not do anything and let the Mexicans do all the detailing," Brosky recently said the players told him. "They'd clock in and go eat."

Former Big Red manager Brad McRae often threw parties at his house for players and other guests, Brosky said.

"He'd buy pizzas, Chinese, Quiznos – anything they wanted," Brosky said. "I know it happened for sure three times, and it probably happened more than that."

Brosky, who didn't play football at OU, roomed with Hardison off-campus during most of the 2004-05 school year.

A third roommate, former OU player Remi Ayodele, said Hardison didn't bring home cars from the dealership.

"He had the same car he has now," said Ayodele, who didn't work at Big Red.

Contacted Wednesday, McRae said he never threw parties for players and wasn't aware of Hardison or any other player taking home cars for personal use.

"If he did, he stole 'em," McRae said of Hardison and the cars. McRae added that it would be relatively easy for people at the dealership to bring home cars because "everybody had the keys for them."

Asked if he was saying other players could have taken home cars, McRae said: "That wouldn't surprise me, but I never heard of that."

Under self-imposed penalties, OU has banned McRae from contact with the university until August 2011.

OU declined comment for this story.

Hardison has not responded to multiple messages and interview requests from The Dallas Morning News left for him since September.

Oklahoma is scheduled to appear before the NCAA infractions committee next week in Indianapolis because of the excessive pay scheme at Big Red.

In its notice of allegations to OU, the NCAA made no claims related to the use of dealership autos by players.

Last April, OU said it investigated star running back Adrian Peterson's use of a Lexus from Big Red and found that no violations occurred. Peterson, expected to be a high pick in this month's NFL draft, had wanted to buy the car but changed his mind. He also worked at Big Red, records show.

While questioning Hardison last year, OU officials never asked him directly about using dealership cars but did ask if he was ever offered "extra money, extra benefits" from Big Red. Hardison answered "no," according to a transcript of the interview.

After quarterback Rhett Bomar from Grand Prairie and offensive lineman J.D. Quinn from Garland were dismissed from the team last August, OU told the NCAA that they were the only two players guilty of taking money they didn't earn from Big Red.

In February, however, the NCAA alleged a third player also took money for work not performed. At the time, OU still said only Quinn and Bomar were guilty, but in its official response to the NCAA allegations last month, OU accepted the NCAA's claim that three players took money they didn't earn.

In an interview with The News on March 1, Quinn was asked about the NCAA's allegation of a third player.

"I'm surprised they only found one other," he said from the University of Montana, where he transferred.

Asked what he meant by that, Quinn declined to elaborate. "No comment," he said.

The News reported in February that Hardison's pay stubs from Big Red show he was paid for an average of 43 hours a week from late February through mid-May 2005. That was while school was in session and spring practice was held. Through mid-July, Hardison was paid more than $9,900, nearly twice as much as Bomar was paid in roughly the same span. Walk-ons are subject to the same minimum course load requirements as scholarship players – 12 credit hours per semester.

"He worked a little bit, but he didn't work 40 hours a week. I know that," Brosky said of Hardison. They were roommates for most of spring term 2005.

Brosky said he particularly remembers a black Lincoln Navigator that Hardison drove for about a month. Big Red had taken the car in a trade, Brosky said, and Hardison was upset when he had to return it to the dealership.

"Every two to three weeks he had a different car," Brosky said of Hardison.

Hardison was dismissed from the OU squad about a week after Bomar and Quinn, for violating undisclosed team rules. Oklahoma media reports linked his dismissal to a visit to a casino. Hardison withdrew from school Sept. 1.

Hardison, Brosky and Ayodele had previously attended Northeastern Oklahoma A&M, a junior college. Brosky played football at NEO but not at OU.

Brosky said no investigators from OU or the NCAA have talked to him about Hardison or other OU players who worked at Big Red.

Because of an incident when Hardison threatened him, Brosky said, and because his roommates didn't regularly pay their share of the rent, Brosky moved out of the house even though the lease was in his name.

The landlord evicted the tenants in late June, Oklahoma court records show.

Ayodele, a standout at South Grand Prairie High School, is the brother of Cowboys linebacker Akin Ayodele. Remi Ayodele was on the Cowboys' practice roster briefly last season, and the team sent him to NFL Europe.

Staff researcher Darby Tober contributed to this report.

Brad McRae, the booster at the center of the excessive-pay scheme that landed Oklahoma a date with the NCAA infractions committee, has rarely spoken publicly since news of the scheme broke last year. But he spoke to The Dallas Morning News on Wednesday. For the full story, go to DallasNews.com.\

4/5/2007, 11:20 AM

i missed that part before

it was 2001

but that thing from TexAgs isn't even from Quinn, it's from someone that says they know him. i'll bet he passed out at 31 Flavors last night too

4/5/2007, 11:26 AM
talk to me when you aren't watching NASCAR instead of going to the KU game

for free no less ;)

4/5/2007, 12:21 PM
Logan Brosky doesn't sound like he has an axe to grind at all. :rolleyes:

4/6/2007, 06:15 AM
Funny how everyone points to other schools 'illegal' activities, kinda like kids gettting busted by Momma and saying "yea, but Billy or Susie did it first".

oSU, Tejas, USC are all looking at you smiling and say "nah, nah, nah"....good luck on April 14th and remember no crying after the spanking.

Speaking of USC, whatever happened with the dealio regarding Reggie Bush? I assume that is still under investigation. I know it's the offseason, I figured that's why I haven't heard anything about it.

If we get punished and USC gets let off the hook, it's a load of horse ****. The benefits Bush received were worth much more than $8k.

4/6/2007, 08:51 AM
Speaking of USC, whatever happened with the dealio regarding Reggie Bush? I assume that is still under investigation. I know it's the offseason, I figured that's why I haven't heard anything about it.

If we get punished and USC gets let off the hook, it's a load of horse ****. The benefits Bush received were worth much more than $8k.

Ongoing investigation . . . going to be a while though 'cuz most of the stuff is tied up in a lawsuit(s).

Landthief 1972
4/6/2007, 03:41 PM
This is funny. How can Quinn take the heat for it when arrest records are not only public but published in the Norman paper?

Now why would TexAgs want to let something like common sense and the truth get in the way of an outrageous half-assed rumor? :texan:

4/8/2007, 09:09 AM
"All I did was take cash."

That statement right there shows Quinn is a dumba$$. Enough said.

4/8/2007, 10:03 AM
Taking $500 one single time to pay a cell phone bill from a booster is not the same as falsifying work records to the tune of $7000+ in payments for work not done.

If you people are going to insist to continue to compare Bomar/Quinn to anyone at tOSU, do it in terms of their former Men's BB coach, and the payments he was authorizing to get some recruits. Not to the situation that Troy Smith had.

You're right. Troy Smith took money from a booster, which is completely different from Bomar/Quinn, who took money from a booster. ;)

4/8/2007, 11:01 AM
"All I did was take cash."

That statement right there shows Quinn is a dumba$$. Enough said.

I know this may sound "lame" but this whole load of crap being perpetuated by the NCAA(I'll go along with Barry Bosworth's interpretation of the NCAA)
is just that, a load of crap. Do I think it was smart for these players to have done this, knowingly? NO! Do I think it is something thet requires so much investigation and $$$ being spent to do so? NO! Players for years, and I mean well over 40 years, have received benefits outside of football because of their status. Do you think that John Riggins didn't probably get a boat load of extra benefits when he played at Kansas years ago? Maybe not, but I think that is not likely. Players have received big benefits like this for years and when I played I saw so, so many players just getting cash in hand from "boosters" after games. It is asinine to think that it doesn't still occur and even more asinine to single out one, two or three schools. So what if through the work they put in as athletes, which by the way, is a full time job in itself for the most part, they pick up a little cash on the side from boosters? It happens everywhere and I assure you, it happens at the same institutions which help point the finger at us. These players give of their time and their bodies to generate millions upon millions of dollars in revenue for their own schools and the schools in their conferences, in return for athletic scholarships which do in fact, give them the opportunity to get a degree, but in no way can make up for the abuse that their bodies sustain while doing so. The fact that players receive extra money from boosters has been long practiced. It is making a mountain of out a mole hill. All schools have done it at all levels. Boosters from coast to coast have done it. Athletes provide financial benefit to their schools......what is wrong with them getting a little slice of the pie? When others on academic scholarships begin to add millions and millions in revenue back into the school and adding to its prestige, then perhaps I will change my viewpoint. But until then, I wish everyone would just rise up against the NCAA and tell them to mind their own business.

I don't agree that the players in question acted wisely and I think they definitely had their heads up their collective "arse's" because they should have acted with more discretion and self control. And, to make statements after the fact as Quinn has done, just shows a complete lack of respect and absolutely no good sense. But to brand all players as "bad" who have benefited from this when it has been so wide spread for so many years, is just asinine.

I know this is controversial and I know I might get "whacked" by all of you for my feelings. But I am tired of seeing this stuff happen at ALL schools.

Just my take.

4/8/2007, 12:43 PM
JDs just angry that he has to play High School football once again.

4/8/2007, 01:05 PM
Barry Bosworth ... was Brian Switzer his coach?

Scott D
4/8/2007, 02:31 PM
You're right. Troy Smith took money from a booster, which is completely different from Bomar/Quinn, who took money from a booster. ;)

and certainly doing it once definitely is equal to a pattern of behavior over the course of months :rolleyes:

4/8/2007, 05:51 PM
Oh, so we're going to quantify poor choices/stupida$$ behavior/sins, now are we?

Yes, wrong is wrong...at least that's what I taught my kids and students.

Salt City Sooner
4/8/2007, 07:52 PM
Montana coach to Quinn:



4/8/2007, 08:25 PM
I know this may sound "lame" but this whole load of crap being perpetuated by the NCAA(I'll go along with Barry Bosworth's interpretation of the NCAA)
is just that, a load of crap. Do I think it was smart for these players to have done this, knowingly? NO! Do I think it is something thet requires so much investigation and $$$ being spent to do so? NO! Players for years, and I mean well over 40 years, have received benefits outside of football because of their status. Do you think that John Riggins didn't probably get a boat load of extra benefits when he played at Kansas years ago? Maybe not, but I think that is not likely. Players have received big benefits like this for years and when I played I saw so, so many players just getting cash in hand from "boosters" after games. It is asinine to think that it doesn't still occur and even more asinine to single out one, two or three schools. So what if through the work they put in as athletes, which by the way, is a full time job in itself for the most part, they pick up a little cash on the side from boosters? It happens everywhere and I assure you, it happens at the same institutions which help point the finger at us. These players give of their time and their bodies to generate millions upon millions of dollars in revenue for their own schools and the schools in their conferences, in return for athletic scholarships which do in fact, give them the opportunity to get a degree, but in no way can make up for the abuse that their bodies sustain while doing so. The fact that players receive extra money from boosters has been long practiced. It is making a mountain of out a mole hill. All schools have done it at all levels. Boosters from coast to coast have done it. Athletes provide financial benefit to their schools......what is wrong with them getting a little slice of the pie? When others on academic scholarships begin to add millions and millions in revenue back into the school and adding to its prestige, then perhaps I will change my viewpoint. But until then, I wish everyone would just rise up against the NCAA and tell them to mind their own business.

I don't agree that the players in question acted wisely and I think they definitely had their heads up their collective "arse's" because they should have acted with more discretion and self control. And, to make statements after the fact as Quinn has done, just shows a complete lack of respect and absolutely no good sense. But to brand all players as "bad" who have benefited from this when it has been so wide spread for so many years, is just asinine.

I know this is controversial and I know I might get "whacked" by all of you for my feelings. But I am tired of seeing this stuff happen at ALL schools.

Just my take.

FYI, it doesn't go back 40 years. It actually goes back to the 19th century. Incredibly, colleges were sneaking non-students into games in the 1890's!

4/8/2007, 11:33 PM
Montana coach to Quinn:


http://www.montanakaimin.com/index.php/sports/sports_article/hauck_unhappy_with_players_comments/ It's about time someone up there did their job.

4/8/2007, 11:55 PM
I know this may sound "lame" ...

My point is that Quinn and Bomar both did this knowing it's against the rules. It doesn't matter if the rule is stupid, it's still the rules. I think lots of rules are stupid. I think the old halo rule on punt returns was stupid. I think the new clock rules are stupid. I think 98% of the blocking fouls in basketball are stupid. I think the NFL overtime rules are stupid. Are these rules fair? Not necessarily, but the point is, they are the rules. If you want to play the game, you have to play by the rules. If you chose to break the rules, expect to be punished if your caught.

I have no sympathy for someone who breaks the rules (stupid rule or not), gets punished, then mouths off about the whole thing and doesn't take responsibility for his actions.