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View Full Version : How long should you wait

4/3/2007, 11:09 AM
before deciding that your call was dropped and you should just hang up?

I ask because the woman in the cube next to me received a call, she picks up, says "Hello"...nothing...she says hello again, still nothing...She continues saying "hello?" for a good 2 minutes before finally hanging up and calling the person back...2 f'in minutes of nothing but "hello...hello...you there?...hello...helllloooooo...hello..."...ugh...

4/3/2007, 11:24 AM
Can you hear me now?

Frozen Sooner
4/3/2007, 11:49 AM
I generally give them 2 hellos then I hang up. Mainly because if I'm in town I can usually be reached on a land line or I don't want to be reached.

4/3/2007, 11:53 AM
At home, I give you one hello then click. Damn telemarketers.

4/3/2007, 01:23 PM
I say "hello.........hello hello." Then if there is no response I just hang up figuring that it was one of my girls calling, who must have gotten beeped by someone more interesting than me right when they called me, and that they'll just call back later. I'm usually right because many times I have said "Did you just call me and hang up." :P

4/3/2007, 02:51 PM
After two Yo's I am hitting the end button. My Boss usta drive me crazy with that. He would sit there and have a conversation with dead air. "If you can hear me, we are having a bad connection and I can't hear anything." followed by "Hello? Hello? Hello? , I'm going to hang up the phone now"

The whole time I'm sitting there like just hang up the F'n phone!