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View Full Version : Draft Newt

4/1/2007, 03:40 PM
Well, I have to say that I've felt like a man without a party for a very long time. I absolutely detest the current state of the GOP, I detest all of the top tier GOP candidates, I detest all but a handful of the GOP House delegation, and I detest all but 2-3 GOP US Senators.

I've even stopped calling myself a Republican and instead refer to myself as a "conservative independent" so great is my disgust with the national Republican Party. Of all the candidates running, thus far, in the GOP primary for President the only one who I'd even consider voting for is Ron Paul who doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning.

Lately though I've been watching a hell of a lot of Newt Gingrich speeches that he's been making throughout the country and the more I listen to his speeches the more I find myself sticking my toe in the water of his non-campaign campaign.

Therefore, I think I'm on the verge of fully committing to Newt Gingrich for President assuming that he runs and he's indicated he won't make a decision on that until late September and by then I think it could possibly be too late. He's the only one with real substantive conservative policy ideas that are free of this compassionate conservative/big government conservative crap.

4/1/2007, 03:42 PM
Yeah, the Republican Hillary has a real chance.

4/1/2007, 03:43 PM
Isn't Newt in re-hab ???

4/1/2007, 03:45 PM
Yeah, the Republican Hillary has a real chance.
I'm not interested in who has a chance. I'm not even interested in just seeing a Republican elected. I want a true conservative agenda advanced and if a candidate (see the top tier of the GOP candidates) doesn't do that then I don't give a damn what their political fate is.

4/1/2007, 03:49 PM
I'm not interested in who has a chance. I'm not even interested in just seeing a Republican elected. I want a true conservative agenda advanced and if a candidate (see the top tier of the GOP candidates) doesn't do that then I don't give a damn what their political fate is.
Why do you need some no-hoper running for President to advance your Agenda? How many people would actually pay attention to Newt? If an agenda is advanced in a vacuum is it really an agenda at all?

4/1/2007, 04:36 PM
This is your April Fool's Day contribution?


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/2/2007, 01:21 AM
Pretty cute there, SicEm, "as if" Newtie has a snowball's chance in Hellywood.

4/2/2007, 09:27 AM
Newt is my favorite politician.

4/2/2007, 10:10 AM
I like newt but Fred Thompson I think would be a great choice. That is unless he has changed his positions since he was in office.

4/2/2007, 10:20 AM
Actually, Newt or Fred Thompson, people with a plan and a real conservative agenda could do well and take the nomination and unite people behind a real plan.

4/2/2007, 12:07 PM
Why do you need some no-hoper running for President to advance your Agenda? How many people would actually pay attention to Newt? If an agenda is advanced in a vacuum is it really an agenda at all?

I don't think the true conservative movement needs a Presidential candidate per se to advance its cause, but it certainly helps if the ultimate goal is to incorporate that agenda into the party platform.

And I wouldn't say Newt is advancing the agenda in a vacuum at all. He's got a segment of followers within the party and he's got a nation wide network of workshops, speaking engagements, etc.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/2/2007, 12:08 PM
Actually, Newt or Fred Thompson, people with a plan and a real conservative agenda could do well and take the nomination and unite people behind a real plan.They also have to REALLY want the job, and be willing to weather the insane, over the top assault from the MSM. Look at what happened to George Allen! So far, it doesn't look like either Newt or Fred Thompson have decided to enter the storm. (Fred says he's running, but where's the passion?)

4/2/2007, 12:08 PM
Pretty cute there, SicEm, "as if" Newtie has a snowball's chance in Hellywood.

I don't know why you say that's "cute" as I'm being quite serious.
Further, I apparently have to make clear for 100,000th time that my goal isn't to just elect a Republican. I don't give a **** if a liberal Republican is elected or a liberal Democrats...it's still liberalism.

I'm not sure what part of that is hard to understand.

Tear Down This Wall
4/2/2007, 12:09 PM
Yeah, Newt Gingrich...not.

Look, all we need is Newt with his three marriages as baggage - including one he left as she was suffering from cancer or something. It's bad enough that Guiliani's personal life is a wreck.

I wouldn't vote for Newt in a million years. He may talk a good fight, but he lives differently. The press will eat him and/or Guiliani alive with their combined six marriages.

Forget it.

Fred Thompson is the guy. Only two marriages. He's taken the Reagan-like approach in writing political pieces after his retirement from his former political office. He's also an actor, like Reagan was, so he's known to millions who don't pay attention to politics.

Rudy and Newt are sure losers. The only people who don't know that already are the G.O.P. kool-aid drinkers. Romney's flip-flopping makes him the envy of Bill Clinton.

4/2/2007, 12:09 PM
I thought this thread was gonna be about Nate Newton.

4/2/2007, 12:11 PM
They also have to REALLY want the job, and be willing to weather the insane, over the top assault from the MSM. Look at what happened to George Allen! So far, it doesn't look like either Newt or Fred Thompson have decided to enter the storm. (Fred says he's running, but where's the passion?)

Thompson hasn't said he's running he said he's considering the possibility and if you think there isn't any passion for a Thompson candidacy from a sizable segment of the party workhorses then you're mistaken.

And Allen wasn't all that great. He wasn't an intellectual lightweight and suffered from Senatitis and putting his foot in his mouth.

Newt is not a lightweight and neither is Thompson.

Tear Down This Wall
4/2/2007, 12:11 PM
I thought this thread was gonna be about Nate Newton.

He'd have just a much of a chance as Gingrich or Guiliani, believe me.

4/2/2007, 12:14 PM
I thought this thread was about drafting Newt into the Army....

I bet his hair deflects bullets.

4/2/2007, 12:16 PM
My biggest issue with Gingrich is that he's extremely pro-union as it concerns the WONA and if it weren't for all his actions and words I'd be afraid that'd translate into a belief in big government conservatism.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/2/2007, 12:19 PM
Thompson hasn't said he's running he said he's considering the possibility and if you think there isn't any passion for a Thompson candidacy from a sizable segment of the party workhorses then you're mistaken.

And Allen wasn't all that great. He wasn't an intellectual lightweight and suffered from Senatitis and putting his foot in his mouth.

Newt is not a lightweight and neither is Thompson.Maybe I wasn't clear. I don't see the zeal and determination from either Newt or Thompson that will be required to take on the MSM and beat them. That's the passion I'm talking about. George Allen got skewered. The same thing will happen to all the republican candidates, but they must be driven to draw their own swords, and use them to beat the media.

4/2/2007, 12:29 PM
Maybe I wasn't clear. I don't see the zeal and determination from either Newt or Thompson that will be required to take on the MSM and beat them. That's the passion I'm talking about. George Allen got skewered. The same thing will happen to all the republican candidates, but they must be driven to draw their own swords, and use them to beat the media.

I think you need to worry less about what the MSM is doing and saying and more with presenting a clear vision to the American people with substantiative and innovative policy ideas. Obviously, you can't exactly expect people to go into depth on these issues, but the Contract with America is a great blueprint.

I think if I hear one more person whine and cry about how unfair the the MSM is to them then they need to get their *** out of politics. This isn't anything new for EITHER party since the beginning of the Republic. You should have read what the "MSM" did to candidates in the 18th century.

Grow the hell up. That's the way politics is, that's the way politics has always been. Reagan was certainly extraordinary but he was able to bypass the MSM and go straight to the people. The only other person who has shown they can do that since Reagan was.....dun dun dun Newt Gingrich and the Contract With America. True, each Congressional candidate had to sell it in their own district but Newt turned that mid-term election from 435 individual elections to one single national election and went straight to the American people with his vision. The MSM demonized the CWA as a radical regression back to segregation, slavery, and every other horrific form of demonization they could come up with, but it worked.

There's no excuse for blaming the MSM for America's problems because, guess what, they aren't the source of America's problems. And you sure as hell can't run a political party or a viable political movement based solely on who can best take on the media.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/2/2007, 12:58 PM
Reagan was...able to bypass the MSM and go straight to the people. The only other person who has shown they can do that since Reagan was.....dun dun dun Newt Gingrich and the Contract With America. True, each Congressional candidate had to sell it in their own district but Newt turned that mid-term election from 435 individual elections to one single national election and went straight to the American people with his vision.
A)You made my point for me. B) Then, Newt got drummed out of leadership, and he quit the House. The MSM found his achilles heel, and he didn't have the stomach to continue the fight.

Whoever runs for the republicans must have the drive to fight AND BEAT the MSM. It is going to be a gruesome, almost unbelievable fight for whoever wins the repub nomination. The dims and their media have gotten nastier as time goes on, and will do anything their creative imaginations can think of to poison the republican well.

I don't fault you for liking Newt. I just don't think he is up to the fight. I don't see anyone who appears to be ready for it, yet.

4/2/2007, 01:02 PM
Hey! Thompson's wife is hawt!

Robert Novak now reports that Thompson is really going to get in the race, he doesn't want to make the mistake he feels Obama salama made by getting in too eary.

4/2/2007, 01:03 PM
I agree with TDTW, Rudy may have too much baggage to win. Thompson may end up being the guy, or a combination of the two somehow.

4/2/2007, 01:07 PM
This is the guy who played Roseanne Conner's boss on Roseanne, right?

4/2/2007, 01:07 PM
From this angle, his wife does seem to be in fact, packing lunchage.


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/2/2007, 01:20 PM
From this angle, his wife does seem to be in fact, packing lunchage.

http://us.movies1.yimg.com/movies.yahoo.com/images/hv/photo/movie_pix/sag/sag_awards_2004_photos/fred_thompson/sag.jpgFinally a HAWT first lady!(although I sorta like Laura Bush, esp for her age)

4/3/2007, 11:11 PM
They also have to REALLY want the job, and be willing to weather the insane, over the top assault from the MSM. Look at what happened to George Allen! So far, it doesn't look like either Newt or Fred Thompson have decided to enter the storm. (Fred says he's running, but where's the passion?)

I think the lack of passion from any of the Repub presidential contenders is what's so disappointing. I had hoped that the loss in '06 would bring forth changes within the party, but so far I don't see that happening.

4/3/2007, 11:15 PM
I think the lack of passion from any of the Repub presidential contenders is what's so disappointing. I had hoped that the loss in '06 would bring forth changes within the party, but so far I don't see that happening.

Stop waiting around and give up on the GOP like I have. There aren't any true limited "let's roll back government" conservatives left in the GOP...at least very very few on the national level and none of which are true leaders within the party.

The fact is, it just isn't going to happen. Bush has successfully moved from limited government/libertarianism to big government nationalism.

4/3/2007, 11:17 PM
Yeah, Newt Gingrich...not.

Look, all we need is Newt with his three marriages as baggage - including one he left as she was suffering from cancer or something. It's bad enough that Guiliani's personal life is a wreck.

I wouldn't vote for Newt in a million years. He may talk a good fight, but he lives differently. The press will eat him and/or Guiliani alive with their combined six marriages.

Forget it.

Fred Thompson is the guy. Only two marriages. He's taken the Reagan-like approach in writing political pieces after his retirement from his former political office. He's also an actor, like Reagan was, so he's known to millions who don't pay attention to politics.

Rudy and Newt are sure losers. The only people who don't know that already are the G.O.P. kool-aid drinkers. Romney's flip-flopping makes him the envy of Bill Clinton.

I think Thompson would be the best bet but he's still undecided whether to run or not. I wish he would make a decision in the near future so I can hop on board with his campaign.

As far as Romney goes... he seems to be able to raise the money needed for a campaign against Hillary. $23 million is nothing to sneeze at. McCain needs to stop before he falls farther behind.

4/3/2007, 11:19 PM
Thompson hasn't said he's running he said he's considering the possibility and if you think there isn't any passion for a Thompson candidacy from a sizable segment of the party workhorses then you're mistaken.

And Allen wasn't all that great. He wasn't an intellectual lightweight and suffered from Senatitis and putting his foot in his mouth.

Newt is not a lightweight and neither is Thompson.

Newt's got some really good ideas, but I honestly think the skeleton's in his closet are going to kill any chance of him getting by the liberal defamation machine.

4/3/2007, 11:19 PM
A)You made my point for me. B) Then, Newt got drummed out of leadership, and he quit the House. The MSM found his achilles heel, and he didn't have the stomach to continue the fight.

Whoever runs for the republicans must have the drive to fight AND BEAT the MSM. It is going to be a gruesome, almost unbelievable fight for whoever wins the repub nomination. The dims and their media have gotten nastier as time goes on, and will do anything their creative imaginations can think of to poison the republican well.

I don't fault you for liking Newt. I just don't think he is up to the fight. I don't see anyone who appears to be ready for it, yet.

Newt didn't quite because the "MSM" attacked him; he quit because he lost control of his own caucus in the House and lost his political clout as a result of showdown with Clinton and the government shut down. The MSM piled on but they were a reflection of the problem and not the problem itself.

I think you have an unhealthy obsession with the MSM. Like I said, the goal isn't to beat the MSM...the goal is to limit government. There are ways to get above, beyond, and around the media for a candidate with the ability to do so. Only GOP politicians in recent times have shown an ability to do that and that's Reagan and Gingrich.

Can I ask you a serious question, when given the choice between two liberal candidates why does it matter whether or not they have an (R) or (D) next to their name?

4/3/2007, 11:21 PM
Newt's got some really good ideas, but I honestly think the skeleton's in his closet are going to kill any chance of him getting by the liberal defamation machine.
You're not wrong, but I don't care anymore. My only purpose is to advance a truly conservative candidate regardless of the political costs. I care nothing for the Republican Party or what happens to it.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/3/2007, 11:24 PM
Can I ask you a serious question, when given the choice between two liberal candidates why does it matter whether or not they have an (R) or (D) next to their name?Do you not see the logic of voting for the lesser of two or more evils as compared with sitting on your hands and bit*hing?

4/3/2007, 11:28 PM
Do you not see the logic of voting for the lesser of two or more evils as compared with sitting on your hands and bit*hing?
No, I honestly do not see the logic in voting for the lesser of two evils (anymore) and I wouldn't call making alternative choices other than the two mainstream parties as sitting on my *** and bitching.

I assure you that I've never sat on my *** and just bitched during an election. Every damned cycle I spend hours out block walking, talking to voters, manning phones, organizing events, putting up signs, volunteering for fundraisers, etc. and have done so since 1998.

I typically do more politically in one cycle than most people do in a lifetime so I am definitely not just sitting around bitching.

4/3/2007, 11:29 PM
Stop waiting around and give up on the GOP like I have. There aren't any true limited "let's roll back government" conservatives left in the GOP...at least very very few on the national level and none of which are true leaders within the party.

The fact is, it just isn't going to happen. Bush has successfully moved from limited government/libertarianism to big government nationalism.

I'm not waiting around and I'm not giving up. But I'm sure as hell not going to succumb to the left-wing ideology... so I'll stay with the GOP for now.

To be quite honest I haven't heard anything from either side that impresses me one bit. For the most part I like what Thompson stands for but don't feel he has the drive or the passion... at least he hasn't exhibited any as of yet... Romney would be a distant second for me... McCain, Guiliani are definite No-Go's in my book. Hillary.... NO CHANCE IN HELL WOULD I VOTE FOR HER!!!!! Obama... I'd vote for him if it meant defeating Hillary.

Also... are there really any TRUE leaders anymore? I don't think so... at least not any in the foreseeable future.... which is such a shame as this country deserves and needs a TRUE leader residing in the WH.

4/3/2007, 11:31 PM
I'm not waiting around and I'm not giving up. But I'm sure as hell not going to succumb to the left-wing ideology... so I'll stay with the GOP for now.

To be quite honest I haven't heard anything from either side that impresses me one bit. For the most part I like what Thompson stands for but don't feel he has the drive or the passion... at least he hasn't exhibited any as of yet... Romney would be a distant second for me... McCain, Guiliani are definite No-Go's in my book. Hillary.... NO CHANCE IN HELL WOULD I VOTE FOR HER!!!!! Obama... I'd vote for him if it meant defeating Hillary.

Also... are there really any TRUE leaders anymore? I don't think so... at least not any in the foreseeable future.... which is such a shame as this country deserves and needs a TRUE leader residing in the WH.

I disagree with all of Obama's politics, but I consider him to be a relatively decent and honorable man. I'd trust him with the country any day over Hillary. Hillary is pure unadulterated evil and I'm not saying that as someone who deamonizes the left because I don't.

4/3/2007, 11:38 PM
I disagree with all of Obama's politics, but I consider him to be a relatively decent and honorable man. I'd trust him with the country any day over Hillary. Hillary is pure unadulterated evil and I'm not saying that as someone who deamonizes the left because I don't.

I totally agree.