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View Full Version : Manliest Moments in Sports

3/29/2007, 11:26 AM

Note the entry for basketball...it was the first thing I though of.

3/29/2007, 11:33 AM
I wish someone would post that video online somewhere.

3/29/2007, 11:40 AM
i remember watching eddie play as a freshman.

that was a brutal collision. i still thought we had a chance when eddie shows up out of nowhere. twasn't meant to be.:(

but that guy's done pretty well for himself and is now representing our university with class and dignity.

3/29/2007, 11:40 AM
son of a b.

Newbomb Turk
3/29/2007, 11:45 AM
Canseco with the homer off his noggin - :D

3/29/2007, 02:01 PM
for baseball, what about Nolan Ryan getting hit in the face by a line drive, and he keeps pitching, the picture is pretty bad a$$ of him with blood running down his face on the mound as he wipes it off taking the signals

3/29/2007, 02:16 PM
Wilt Chamberlain—Had sex with 20,000 women while alive. Given his shoe size, he most likely shish-kabobed 50 of them.

Yeah and they try to tell us size doesn't matter! ;)