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View Full Version : Irainan Navy seizes 15 British marines

3/23/2007, 10:27 AM

We probably should keep an eye on this.

jk the sooner fan
3/23/2007, 10:39 AM
oh geez......great

3/23/2007, 10:50 AM
I've been hearing little bits here and there about the Iranian navy engaging in a lot of territorial ****ings with US and British boats...more of the same? or is this an escalation of that?

3/23/2007, 10:50 AM
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy

Boy, that doesn't sound made up or anything.

3/23/2007, 10:52 AM
This is the kind of event that conspiracy theorists point to saying "The British found something the Iranians didn't want them to find." And sci-fi books get written about the secret alien technology that Iraqi smugglers found.

3/23/2007, 11:01 AM
This is the kind of event that conspiracy theorists point to saying "The British found something the Iranians didn't want them to find." And sci-fi books get written about the secret alien technology that Iraqi smugglers found.

So, Indiana Jones 4?

3/23/2007, 11:13 AM
So, Indiana Jones 4?

Indiana Jones meets X-files, man.

3/23/2007, 11:26 AM
Indiana Jones meets X-files, man.

Well, it IS George Lucas. :D

3/23/2007, 11:28 AM
Boy, that doesn't sound made up or anything.

They are a radical faction of The People's Front of Judea.

3/23/2007, 11:50 AM
Boy, that doesn't sound made up or anything.
They should've thrown in an "Elite" somewhere. That would've been even better.

3/23/2007, 11:54 AM
Of greater import is the banner above the story...

US House of Reps votes to require Pres Bush to get all troops out of Iraq by the fall of 2008.

3/23/2007, 11:57 AM
Of greater import is the banner above the story...

US House of Reps votes to require Pres Bush to get all troops out of Iraq by the fall of 2008.

Greater? Not really; grabbing people's sailors is an act of war.

All Iran has done with this is stupidly ensure that the Brits have a reason to want to join the party if someone decides to invade Iran. Assuming that they don't decide to do so themselves at this point.

3/23/2007, 01:14 PM
Iran abducts allied sailors, and the dims vote for us to run away and surrender, all in the same day.


3/23/2007, 01:16 PM
Didn't something bad happen after the sinking of the HMS Lusitania? I'm just saying.

3/23/2007, 02:11 PM
I was just in the car a few minutes ago and heard Bill O'Reilly call this incident "a good thing" on the radio.


3/23/2007, 02:13 PM
I was just in the car a few minutes ago and heard Bill O'Reilly call this incident "a good thing" on the radio.

What was the context? I suppose if you want the British to stay in the region it's a good thing.

3/23/2007, 02:21 PM
What was the context? I suppose if you want the British to stay in the region it's a good thing.

that, and as a "wake up call" to keep us in the region...

and he repeated this characterization of the event multiple times...

calling it a wake up call, or whatever is all well and good, but he came across as almost cheerleading the Iranians so that we can use it as an excuse to go do some more *** kicking...which I think is just stupid.

3/23/2007, 04:15 PM
"Mr. Ahemamininutjob, the bombing begins in 5 minutes"

They're f***ing with the wroooooooong people.

Scott D
3/23/2007, 04:17 PM
who knew that the Iranians were so touchy about smuggling stolen cars ;)

3/23/2007, 05:37 PM
Why not just nuke the ****ers and quit being pussies about it.

3/23/2007, 05:43 PM
Why not just nuke the ****ers and quit being pussies about it.
Because that will solve the problems:rolleyes:

3/23/2007, 05:45 PM
The proper response is to stay calm and make nice until the Brits are home safe. Then, in a week or so, accidentally blow up 1 or 2 of Iran's patrol boats.

Repeat as needed.

3/23/2007, 10:25 PM
Those f'kers said our boys would be home in a few days 30 years ago. Turned out to be 444 days instead.

Not sure what else a nation has to do to get its message across that they want to be bombed to the stone age. Obviously the threats of nuclear destruction, being the largest sponsor of terror, killing our soliders in Iraq and threatening our allies just isn't enough.

3/23/2007, 10:29 PM
Those f'kers said our boys would be home in a few days 30 years ago. Turned out to be 444 days instead.

Not sure what else a nation has to do to get its message across that they want to be bombed to the stone age. Obviously the threats of nuclear destruction, being the largest sponsor of terror, killing our soliders in Iraq and threatening our allies just isn't enough.
Im No where near as Far right as you Tuba .
But for Once I pretty much agree .

3/23/2007, 11:50 PM
Well? Did the Iranians let the British sailors go yet?

3/24/2007, 07:52 AM
Mama Mia, the answer, unfortunately, is "no."


My first response was, "Iran has a Navy?"

3/24/2007, 09:05 AM
Well folks, it doesn't matter, the UK and the US don't negotiate with terrorists, and IRAN is chock full of 'em.

Nuke the **** out of them, and stop the madness.

3/24/2007, 09:18 AM
Well folks, it doesn't matter, the UK and the US don't negotiate with terrorists, and IRAN is chock full of 'em.

Nuke the **** out of them, and stop the madness.
Do you really think that would solve terrorism problems especially when there is another islamic country out there that already has nuclear weapons, that ain't Iran?

3/24/2007, 09:52 AM
Im No where near as Far right as you Tuba .
But for Once I pretty much agree .
This isn't a left vs right thing, or at least is shouldn't be. Iran, like AQ, declared war on us long ago. Hopefully, we won't wait around for Iran to keep telling us we are at war like we did with AQ.

3/24/2007, 09:54 AM
Looks like those sumbitches took the sailors to Tehran.

3/24/2007, 10:23 AM
Do you really think that would solve terrorism problems especially when there is another islamic country out there that already has nuclear weapons, that ain't Iran?

... that is highly sympathetic to Al Qaeda, even if the military regime in charge isn't, you mean.

3/24/2007, 12:17 PM
... that is highly sympathetic to Al Qaeda, even if the military regime in charge isn't, you mean.
Pretty much, and the support for the military regime is semi-shaky at times.

Scott D
3/24/2007, 12:19 PM
Looks like those sumbitches took the sailors to Tehran.

where'd you expect them to take them? Eurodisney?

3/24/2007, 12:37 PM
where'd you expect them to take them? Eurodisney?

Hopefully not the basement of the US Embassy.

Scott D
3/24/2007, 12:58 PM
I thought that was where Adjimanzhimakalaka had his strip club filled with his personal harem.

3/24/2007, 02:43 PM
Do you really think that would solve terrorism problems especially when there is another islamic country out there that already has nuclear weapons, that ain't Iran?

nuke them too? :eek:

3/24/2007, 03:48 PM
nuke them too? :eek:

No, you send a STRONG message with nuking Iran, and say the next mother ****er that thinks about it will be a parking lot as well.

Give them a chance to turn their nukes over or NUKE THEM TOO.

3/24/2007, 03:53 PM
No, you send a STRONG message with nuking Iran, and say the next mother ****er that thinks about it will be a parking lot as well.

Give them a chance to turn their nukes over or NUKE THEM TOO.
But we need Pakistan right now, and we are aiding India's nuclear program. There is no way that we have a shot at them giving up their nukes willingly.

Plus, what makes you think that the hardcore Islamists give a **** about themselves or others being blown to kingdom come? I don't know if nuking Tehran will slow down the spread of radicalism, especially in countries that are nominally our allies, e.g. Saudi Arabia.

Scott D
3/24/2007, 05:45 PM
No, you send a STRONG message with nuking Iran, and say the next mother ****er that thinks about it will be a parking lot as well.

Give them a chance to turn their nukes over or NUKE THEM TOO.



You must suck at Risk also ;)

3/26/2007, 11:31 AM
Any new news?

3/26/2007, 01:33 PM
President Reagan just signed a law making Iran illegal. The bombing begins in 5 minutes.

3/26/2007, 01:53 PM
Still sitting on the British prisoners. I don't know what point they are trying to make, but they are begging for their nuclear program to be bombed into oblivion.

Scott D
3/26/2007, 02:39 PM
yeah, I'm sure Tony Blair is going to get right on that.

There's a better chance of something a bit more tactical being planned on Downing Street than the cavalier attitude of oblivion bombing being thrown out on this forum.

3/26/2007, 03:21 PM
Why do you hate nukes?

3/26/2007, 03:59 PM
tap tap.. testing.. 1...2...3... testing... ehemm.. ok then...

HUGE tax incentives for domestic R & D...

HUGE tax incentives for domestic drilling and production...

HUGE tax incentives for R & D on alternative fuel resources and production...

Make the Middle East irrelevant for domestic production and usage.

Get out of NATO.

Make the Middle East the concern of Japan and the Euros.

Sit back, drink good wine and watch the Middle Eastern controlled OPEC implode.

You're Welcome In Advance.

3/26/2007, 04:06 PM
tap tap.. testing.. 1...2...3... testing... ehemm.. ok then...

HUGE tax incentives for domestic R & D...

HUGE tax incentives for domestic drilling and production...

HUGE tax incentives for R & D on alternative fuel resources and production...

Make the Middle East irrelevant for domestic production and usage.

Get out of NATO.

Make the Middle East the concern of Japan and the Euros.

Sit back, drink good wine and watch the Middle Eastern controlled OPEC implode.

You're Welcome In Advance.

If only it were that simple.

But don't worry, your local copy of the Good Book says it all turns out good in the end.

3/26/2007, 04:47 PM
yeah, I'm sure Tony Blair is going to get right on that.

There's a better chance of something a bit more tactical being planned on Downing Street than the cavalier attitude of oblivion bombing being thrown out on this forum.

Define "something a bit more tactical being planned?" :cool: We'll see where it goes. I'm quite sure none of them are turning to the S.O. for any input or tactical expertise (including yourself). :D

3/26/2007, 04:50 PM
Get out of NATO. and the UN

You're Welcome In Advance.

3/26/2007, 04:57 PM
This isn't the first go-round on this type of situation for the Brits and the Iranians. Same thing happened a while back and the Iranians let them go after a bit of posturing. The Brits will thump their chest and the marines will be released after the Iranians feel they've proven their point.

3/26/2007, 05:05 PM
This isn't the first go-round on this type of situation for the Brits and the Iranians. Same thing happened a while back and the Iranians let them go after a bit of posturing. The Brits will thump their chest and the marines will be released after the Iranians feel they've proven their point.
Or it could turn into another 400+ day hostage crisis. I sure hope the west doesn't try to trade for these folks if we truly don't negotiate with terrorists. Giving in to them would simply make them do more of this kind of thing.

3/26/2007, 05:08 PM
Where's Ross Perot when you need him?

3/26/2007, 05:19 PM
I sure hope the west doesn't try to trade for these folks if we truly don't negotiate with terrorists. Giving in to them would simply make them do more of this kind of thing.

Too late; they already tried an exchange and the Iranians rejected it.

Scott D
3/26/2007, 08:08 PM
Iranians aren't interested in an exchange for some terrorists, this is their bargaining chip to keep their nuclear program.

3/27/2007, 09:24 AM