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View Full Version : Egg on their face...

3/20/2007, 03:34 PM
Which college football player or coach do you most want to see utterly embarass themselves next season; I mean, not just fall short of the media's expectations, but really be humiliated in their abject failure? There are the usual suspects - Colt McCoy, Pete Carroll, Nick Saban, Sam Keller, etc. For me, it's a no brainer: Jimmy Clausen. For the good of the game, he needs to be exposed as all hype, in my humble opinion.

3/20/2007, 03:37 PM
For me, it's a no brainer: Jimmy Clausen.

How many f'in Clausen brothers are there?

3/20/2007, 03:41 PM

3/20/2007, 03:45 PM
You need to go have a drink.

3/20/2007, 03:46 PM

I rest my case. He should be fragged by his teammates. AD was the model on how to come into a big program as the hottest high school player in the country. Shut up and work hard.

3/20/2007, 04:32 PM
1. Boise State - it would do my soul good if they went like 1-11 next year.
2. USC - I always hope they go winless.
3. Miami - the school should throw the entire team under the bus. Wait a year and we'll have a Bus1 to run over them!! :)
4. Pokie State - Gundy on his way to running them into the ground.
5. LSU - Any time lester loses, it's a good day.

3/20/2007, 04:53 PM
Besides his beating us last year, I can't think of a reason to dislike McCoy.

3/20/2007, 05:30 PM
Besides his beating us last year, I can't think of a reason to dislike McCoy.
I can . Hes a mother****ing :texan:

3/20/2007, 06:41 PM
I can . Hes a mother****ing :texan:

You didn't hear? He saved a guys life. Geez, how do you not know that? ;)

3/20/2007, 06:46 PM
I prefer to root for OU.

3/20/2007, 07:20 PM
Which college football player or coach do you most want to see utterly embarass themselves next season; I mean, not just fall short of the media's expectations, but really be humiliated in their abject failure? There are the usual suspects - Colt McCoy, Pete Carroll, Nick Saban, Sam Keller, etc. For me, it's a no brainer: Jimmy Clausen. For the good of the game, he needs to be exposed as all hype, in my humble opinion.

Houston Nutt-Head Coach at Arkansas

3/20/2007, 07:22 PM
I prefer to root for OU.

Every party needs a pooper
That's why we invited you!

3/20/2007, 07:27 PM
hating on a kid that's never played a down of college ball because you don't like his hype is pathetic.

Hating on Coaches or pro players is cool.

3/20/2007, 07:43 PM
hating on a kid that's never played a down of college ball because you don't like his hype is pathetic.

Hating on Coaches or pro players is cool.

Can we hate Jimmy Clausen's dad?;)

3/20/2007, 07:46 PM
Besides his beating us last year, I can't think of a reason to dislike McCoy.

He plays for Texas...

3/20/2007, 07:47 PM
1) Pete Carroll - I have never liked the guy, even before they whipped our ...

2) Jim Tressel - smug SOB who is absolutely dirty. Got caught at Youngstown State & put on probation then went to OSU but seems to have blackmail material on someone because he's become Mr. Teflon.

3) Notre Dame - general principles. Never like them, never will. Clausen just makes it more fun to root against them.

3/20/2007, 07:51 PM
Carroll, Schiano, Saban, Miles, and Chris Petersen... in that order. I don't really care about Petersen, he just needs a taste of reality. Like Coker in 2001 when he walked into a National Champion in the making, and acted as if he couldn't possibly lose a game just because he was undefeated after one season. I'd love to see some pathetic, one-win team embarass him.

3/20/2007, 08:58 PM
all the grease on gundy's head would make one heck of a good fried egg...

3/20/2007, 09:36 PM
hating on a kid that's never played a down of college ball because you don't like his hype is pathetic.

Hating on Coaches or pro players is cool.

I'm not hating on him per se. I'm saying - all vitriol aside - that I want him not to be successful. He is a product of the same culture of entitlement without merit that has infected too many high school players; a sense of entitlement that causes them to put themselves before the team whenever given the opportunity. Personally, I believe that it's that culture that produced the unholy QB triumverate of Rawls, Allen, and Bhomar. I think that if he is benched his freshman year, it might give other high school players pause to consider their belief that they can step onto a team and into an institution and be more important than the thousands of players who were there before them; and I think that the less high school recruits believe that, the fewer Rhett Bhomars we may encounter, and the more Adrian Petersons we may be fortunate to have pass through our halls (in attitude if not necessarily physical prowess).

3/20/2007, 09:51 PM
hating on a kid that's never played a down of college ball because you don't like his hype is pathetic.

Hating on Coaches or pro players is cool.

calm down...is for fun.

3/20/2007, 09:53 PM
hating on a kid that's never played a down of college ball because you don't like his hype is pathetic.

Hating on Coaches or pro players is cool.

And by the way, why do you draw a distinction?

3/20/2007, 10:09 PM
How many f'in Clausen brothers are there?

Yo, Mr. Clausen, invest in a Jimmy hat.

3/20/2007, 11:09 PM
back to gundy's grease, would you take the eggs sunnyside up or scrambled?

3/20/2007, 11:14 PM
calm down...is for fun.
yeah, I'm real worked up here.:rolleyes:

3/20/2007, 11:20 PM
And by the way, why do you draw a distinction?
Pros and Coaches are paid and have already put their product on the stage to be judged.

A college kid that hasn't played a down isn't fair game on either count.

Now a college kid that has made a horses *** out of himself like "the soldier" are ripe for picking.

I'd make an exception for a player that specifically shafted your program somehow. Like Ryan Perriloux (sp?) did UT.

3/20/2007, 11:55 PM
yeah, I'm real worked up here.:rolleyes:

Sometimes, people should cram the ":rolleyes:" up their ***...is for fun.

3/21/2007, 12:15 AM
A successful college football season is Oklahoma doing better than Texas, OU winning the XII, Notre Dame not making a BCS game, Alabama (and I do respect them) not getting 10 wins because they would be likely to claim another national title, USC losing 2 games, Miami having at least 1 loss and that to OU, seeing Boone's Farm Stadium fall apart. There are probably others but that is a good start.

3/21/2007, 12:27 AM
A successful college football season is Oklahoma doing better than Texas, OU winning the XII, blah blah blee blah blur.............................................. and seeing Boone's Farm Stadium fall apart. There are probably others but that is a good start.

Fixedededededededed. :D

3/21/2007, 02:25 AM
Charlie Weis and pretty much anyone else associated with Notre Dame. Chalk it up as a midwest thing, but I cannot stand the Domers. They recruit Chicago pretty heavily, and as soon as Zook gets a few players from that area, ND immediately cries foul and says Illinois is doing something illegal. ND cannot fathom why any player would not want to play for the great Fighting Irish! And get destroyed in a bowl game.

3/21/2007, 08:25 AM
Sometimes, people should cram the ":rolleyes:" up their ***...is for fun.
I'll remember you said that when the big bad Spurs fans are making you upset. :D

3/21/2007, 08:59 AM
NBA Playoffs are different. Now go dust off your "Spurs Entitlement" hat. :D

3/21/2007, 09:03 AM
yeah, this is an OU entitlement thread.

My mistake. :D

3/21/2007, 09:06 AM

3/21/2007, 10:14 AM
1) Pete Carroll - I have never liked the guy, even before they whipped our ...

2) Jim Tressel - smug SOB who is absolutely dirty. Got caught at Youngstown State & put on probation then went to OSU but seems to have blackmail material on someone because he's become Mr. Teflon.

3) Notre Dame - general principles. Never like them, never will. Clausen just makes it more fun to root against them....and Callahan. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y86/OUmom/callahan2.gif

3/21/2007, 12:30 PM
hating on a kid that's never played a down of college ball because you don't like his hype is pathetic.
This kid deserves it. Look at his hair, for Pete's sake. The 'do just screams "*********."