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View Full Version : I had a three-some at lunch today !

3/16/2007, 09:32 PM
No, you pervs, it is not exactly what you are expecting.

Mrs. OUinFLA and I met BajaOklahoma at the Orlando airport for lunch today!

It's always great to meet someone from the forum for the first time, but especially great to meet someone who is in your clique (The Oldtimers clique).

Baja had flown to Florida to attend a family funeral, but had time to have lunch with us before traveling to her destination.

So, Baja, I suppose you wont see this for a few days, I just want you to know how personable and fun you were to be with. And of course......
You're HAWT !

Come back when you can stay longer. You're a lot easier on the eyes than olevet.

Seriously :D

3/16/2007, 11:01 PM
You didnt say that nice stuff about meeting me .:eek: :pop:

3/16/2007, 11:19 PM
You didnt say that nice stuff about meeting me .:eek: :pop:

Yes, I did !

well...........except for the HAWT part.

3/16/2007, 11:24 PM
I remember the thresome comments he posted after you went sown there.

3/17/2007, 02:10 AM
I remember the thresome comments he posted after you went sown there.
Yea he liked that skank , I brought . :P

3/18/2007, 07:50 PM
The one you wanted to throw off the boat?

Seriously, it was a wonderful lunch with the nicest people. I am still in shock that they drove down from Lakeland - to meet me! And he bought my lunch.
If you ever make it to his part of the World, do yourself a favor and meet up with them. They give Sooners a good name.
He is very as handsome as he is fun. And his wife is a saint to put up with him.

And it was quite amusing to fly from Orlando to MN to Dallas. My luggage made the earlier flight and was waiting for me in Dallas. From sunny beaches to frozen lakes and snow in ground to overcast skies in one day.

3/18/2007, 09:32 PM
OUinFLA is handsome?

I figured he looked something like this:


3/18/2007, 09:43 PM
I look better without the hat.