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3/13/2007, 03:08 PM

3/13/2007, 03:30 PM

My favorite part was the section of funny pictures of kittens.

I'm in ur markt, blowin' myself up

3/13/2007, 03:34 PM
I don't have one...am I unhip?

3/13/2007, 04:03 PM
What really grosses me out is all of the Americans on there sucking up to him. I mean, regardless of where you stand on the current U.S. action or policies in Iraq and elsewhere, you should at least be able to ascertain that this guy is a saber-rattling theocratic kook who's getting really close to having his finger on a nuclear launch button. He's trouble with a capital T regardless of which side of the isle you sit on.

Oh, and thanks for throwing up that link. Now that I've clicked on it, the Department of Homeland Security will probably be bursting through my door at any minute.

3/13/2007, 04:05 PM
Lord, why did I post in a thread that I know I'll eventually have to lock?

3/13/2007, 04:17 PM
Man, that blog makes me want to آبرومندان بارگاه الهي و در جايگاهي رفيع قرار داده است.!

3/13/2007, 07:50 PM
Great site,Thank you very much Dr.Ahmadinejad for standing up for the truth and for standing up to evil and as a white male in the U.S. I give my full to you your country and i send you many blessings.

President Ahmadinejad, I appreciate your faith in the people of my nation. It is difficult even for me, a citizen, to imagine that we Americans may have some inexpendible virtues to offer the world. God bring America and Iran closer rather than further.

Nice self-flagellation, Aaron!

Dear Sir, I really enjoyed your interview with Mike Wallace. Will you attempt to make contact with our new congress?

3/13/2007, 07:51 PM
Dangit. Why do I keep posting here?

3/13/2007, 08:41 PM
Lord, why did I post in a thread that I know I'll eventually have to lock?
Why would you have to lock a thread about a blog some sand jockey wrote? ;)

3/13/2007, 09:18 PM
I woudn't get too worked up over people in the US fawning over this guy. There is historical precedent. In fact, we had a Bund in the US in the 30's that supported the Nazis. Also, there were lots of communists in the US in the late teens and 1920's who felt the baby USSR was the shizz too. Ever seen that movie "Reds?"

More recently, several hundred folks gave up on the USA and went to French Guyana with Jim Jones to live in a socialist paradise. They ended up either "drinking the Kool-aid" (literally) in a mass suicide or dying in a hail of automatic gunfire when they tried to bail on the failed project.

There are no doubt Americans who think Hugo Chavez holds the keys to a heaven on Earth too. I know Harry Belafonte and that crazy blonde woman who camps out near GWB's ranch do.

IMHO, people lose esteem for their native country for lots of reasons, and many of the reasons don't make any sense. Perhaps unfortunately, they usually end up embittered, broke, forlorn and disappointed -- or dead.

3/13/2007, 09:24 PM
Yeah, I'm not getting worked up about it. There's an nimrod born every minute.

3/13/2007, 09:39 PM
Yeah, but in Iran that newborn nimrod is put to death. So we have WAY more nimrods than them. ;)

3/14/2007, 02:15 AM
yeah, this blog has been up for quite some time now. hell, the daily show made fun of it months and months ago. get with the times man! jeeeeeeeeez.;)

he did have a pretty funny "question of the day" up one time that was something to the effect of "are jews trying to destroy the world?". yes or no?

3/14/2007, 07:59 AM
It's all backwards and says the date is 1385. It's like a whole other language on that page. :)

3/14/2007, 08:18 AM
Homey---it worries me that you even FOUND this. lol

3/14/2007, 08:36 AM
I bet I can start one helluva political thread on that blog.

Looks like lotsa liberals hang there.