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View Full Version : Ditch the OU Horses, Bring Back Little Red.

3/7/2007, 11:52 AM
OU is facing a major mascot crisis. Currently, the school has two pigs, or dogs, or horses or whatever they are as the face of university athletics. No one likes them and no one wants them to hang around.

Fans and supporters of the university are talking loudly about the mascot problem, but no one seems to be listening.

OU wants a mascot that can be universal. A mascot that is not just at football games or exclusive to basketball games, so they attempted unify all sports with the two stuffed horse-things.

It isn’t working.

Solution: Bring back Little Red.

On April 17, 1970, OU president J. Herbert Hollomon banished Little Red, the unofficial mascot who danced the sidelines of Owen Field. Though he wasn’t ever the official OU mascot, the American Indian dancer had become a traditional part of the games since the 1940s. Little Red actually preceded one of college football’s most recognizable mascots — the Sooner Schooner.

Little Red would be incredible at football games running alongside the Schooner. Heck, he already was. Can you imagine having him at basketball games pumping up the crowd? Or dancing on top of the dugout at a baseball or softball game? I get chills just thinking about it.

But why can’t OU bring back Little Red? Oklahoma prides itself on being “Native America.” Those words are on every Oklahoman’s license plate. “Oklahoma” literally means “red people.” American Indian heritage is something that is more prevalent in this state than any other in the nation.

Would it be so wrong to have Native American imagery representing “Native America?”

But having an American Indian mascot would be offensive. Why? It makes sense to me that it would be an accurate description of the state. OU athletics are probably the most visible thing from Oklahoma, and Little Red could serve as a reminder of the state’s history and heritage every time OU takes the field or court.

There are more Indian casinos in the state than Starbucks. There are Indian trading posts lining Interstate 40. If you want to go to Idabel, you drive on Indian Nation Turnpike. The state flag is an American Indian shield with a peace pipe across it, for crying out loud. But, to have someone dress up as an American Indian to represent the state’s university would make folks feel uneasy? Nonsense.

The current mascots are embarrassing. They don’t represent the university in any positive way. They don’t have any traditional value. And they look awful. Little Red could fulfill everything that OU needs in a mascot.

Accurate representation of the university? Check. An understanding of the history of the state in which the university is located? Yep. A mascot that looks cool and everyone will remember? You bet.

Sports Illustrated polled American Indians a few years back to get their opinion on the issue of American Indian nicknames and mascots. And the results? They don’t care and in fact, a lot of them appreciate them. Asked if high school and college teams should stop using Indian nicknames, 81 percent of the Indian respondents said no. As for pro sports, 83 percent of the American Indian respondents said teams should not stop using American Indian nicknames, mascots, characters and symbols.

The stats speak for themselves.

Of course Little Red would need to be done in the most tasteful and respectful way possible. There should be no intention to shed any negative light on the American Indian culture. But if done properly, Little Red could honor the heritage of the state, the school and the culture in a great way.

Does OU have the gusto to stand up to the NCAA and defy Big Brother? Not a chance. The university needs to get the backing of all the major tribes in the state and go before the NCAA and make it happen. Although, if the tribes don’t want it, then forget it.

But something has to be done about the mascots. Little Red is the most sensible solution.

Royce Young is a journalism junior.


from the hub this morning... Down with the horsepigs!

3/7/2007, 11:55 AM
I think we should adopt a hillbilly as our mascot, but it would have to be an effen one.

3/7/2007, 11:56 AM
Kill teh horsepigs, plzkthx.

Bring Little Red back if you want but leave Boomer and Sooner the hell alone.


King Crimson
3/7/2007, 11:58 AM
or maybe just a bottle of Kraft Ranch dressing.

i could be all behind Little Red....but ain't gonna happen. Mex is underused in my opinion--but again, the name by coincidence is unfortunate in today's political climate....and won't get no play. the horsepig(s) suck out loud.

3/7/2007, 11:59 AM
I'd love to see the return of Little Red, but in this ultra-PC wacko climate, it'll probably never happen.

3/7/2007, 12:10 PM
I think we should adopt a hillbilly as our mascot, but it would have to be an effen one.
tennessee already has the trademark on the hillbillie.

folks, we already have a mascot. and it's called the SOONER SCHOONER. why do we need some muppet running around the field/court acting like a "retard in a room full of bouncy balls" (credit to larry the cable guy)???

we don't need anything at football games. as a past RUF/NEK, and a bit biased, if the guys can't get the crowd up... 1- they aren't doing their job, and 2- nothing will, especially a big doll.

i never understood taking away TOP DAWG. biggest mistake by the athletic department if you ask me... bigger than bringing in the horsepigs.

my point is this, if we need something for the kids (in an atmosphere not really designed for children in the first place), they have the ponies at football games to take their picture with (they're even allowed on the SCHOONER at times), and they had TOP DAWG at basketball games. something much LESS scary than the nightmarish horse/pig mutation.

*let me edit by saying that i like kids going to the games. it's part of being in the OU family. but we all know that games can get a little "grown-up" when alcohol is involved.

3/7/2007, 12:11 PM

King Crimson
3/7/2007, 12:28 PM
on the "they are for kids" argument, OK. I'm all for that. but i started going to OU football and basketball games with my Dad when i was about 8. and i don't remember needing anything like a stuffed animal to make me want to be there. we watched the game. and stayed til the end, no matter the score.

gotta have top dawg for hoops.

3/7/2007, 12:34 PM
I say we adopt a sleeping messican!

There seem to be alot of them running around here!

3/7/2007, 12:34 PM
Has anyone every emailed Joe C. on this issue? He is actually pretty responsive... He may not do anything about it, but he will respond to your email. at least he responded to mine about a different issue.

3/7/2007, 12:36 PM
I'd like to see Mex the Dog come back. Of course, he's dead and all, but something similar.

3/7/2007, 12:40 PM
this is much like the devil horse up on the north end of campus (across from the boyd house). that is/was the most rediculous thing i've ever seen. glossy paint with red, glowing eyes.

i'm not sure what people think sometimes.

King Crimson
3/7/2007, 12:42 PM
i kinda like the devil horse. i'd like to have one in my yard actually.

3/7/2007, 12:43 PM
one word for you guys


3/7/2007, 12:44 PM
http://img47.imageshack.us/img47/5293/horsepigqg3.jpg (http://imageshack.us)


King Crimson
3/7/2007, 12:44 PM
Agree. X out the horsepigs.
No little red because it'll just cause a ruckus.
Tell the kids to watch the cheerleaders... boys to ogle and girls to learn how. Or better yet, sell beer at the games and let the kids go get them showing a license the parent has to buy. That'll raise money for our outlaw program.

my boy life changed forever walking behind the USC song girls along Jenkins pre-game in 81 or 82 whenever they came in and beat a pretty average Switzer team. all i know it was September and hot, and they were wearing sweaters and skirts. good times.

3/7/2007, 12:45 PM
i kinda like the devil horse. i'd like to have one in my yard actually.
STOP IT!!!! :D

your yard is fine... along with the pink flamingos and blessed virgin mary in a tub. but not on a campus where higher education is taking place.

3/7/2007, 12:51 PM
http://img47.imageshack.us/img47/5293/horsepigqg3.jpg (http://imageshack.us)



King Crimson
3/7/2007, 12:52 PM

a spectacle would be nice, but a quick and clean hanging under the 1-35 bridge would work for me.

3/7/2007, 01:26 PM
I vote for either this:
or this:

3/7/2007, 03:13 PM
this is much like the devil horse up on the north end of campus (across from the boyd house). that is/was the most rediculous thing i've ever seen. glossy paint with red, glowing eyes.

i'm not sure what people think sometimes.

That devil horse was actually supposed to be a 1/15th size model for something that was supposed to be either in front of Invesco Field in Denver or around Denver's airport. John Elway wanted to buy it, but OU said "No, thanks." It was designed by an OU grad.

3/7/2007, 03:47 PM
I think we should adopt a hillbilly as our mascot, but it would have to be an effen one.
Hey Ill be the Fin hillbillie
Ill work for drinks .:pop:

3/7/2007, 03:47 PM
When it came out riding a segway during the KU game...I wished I had brought a rifle, Steve Buschemi-in-Billy-Madison style.

John Kochtoston
3/7/2007, 03:53 PM
While I hate the horsepigs, I dunno that bringing back Little Red is the answer. Too big of a can of worms, IMHO.

If we need a grown-up muppet at the football games, why can't it be Top Daug? Just put a football jersey on him and call it good.

3/7/2007, 03:57 PM
This thread makes me have angry feelings.

3/7/2007, 03:59 PM
I remember Little Red running up in the stands during the game. I thought he was a hunk..
If we were to bring him back, there should five. One to represent each of the Five Civilized Tribes. And they actually have to be a member of the Tribe they represent. There could be an insert in each of the programs focusing on the history of the Tribes, a different area covered each week. No tomahawk motions or cheesy stuff. It could be done with class.
But I doubt it will ever happen.

Bring back Top Dawg. Lose the horse-pigs. Keep the schooner and ponies.

RFH Shakes
3/7/2007, 04:00 PM
I vote for:


Throw him in a ring with the ghey horse-pigs (NTTAWWT) and let 'em have a battle royale. My money is on TOP DAWG.

3/8/2007, 09:38 AM
I vote for:


Throw him in a ring with the ghey horse-pigs (NTTAWWT) and let 'em have a battle royale. My money is on TOP DAWG.

Give em knives! I'd love to see Top Dawg cut their throats.