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3/1/2007, 11:55 AM
Interesting offseason read. I simply see all coaches as coaches. Not white...not black...just coaches. I liked the attitude that the new Miami coach had on this issue in the article someone else posted the other day. Is all this really necessary?


Lack of black coaches lamented at hearingAssociated Press

WASHINGTON -- The lack of black head coaches in college football was lamented in powerful language Wednesday by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, NCAA president Myles Brand and congressmen from both parties.

"When African-American coaches do well, we're delighted," Jackson told a House subcommittee. "Only the ignorant are surprised."

Amid the strong words, however, the solution could lay in a subtle threat uttered near the end of the hearing. Perhaps, the point was made, the time has come to make Title VII do for black coaches what Title IX did for women's sports.

"I think it's pretty clear that embarrassment hasn't been enough," said Richard Lapchick, director of the Florida-based Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport. "One of the things we're thinking about is Title VII lawsuits."

Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act makes it illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race.

The criticism of the colleges comes after a Super Bowl in which both teams were led by black coaches: Tony Dungy of the Indianapolis Colts and Lovie Smith of the Chicago Bears. The NFL has made significant strides in hiring black coaches in recent years following the implementation of the "Rooney Rule," which forces any team seeking a coach to interview at least one minority.

But at the college level, there are staggeringly few blacks in charge. Of the 119 Division I-A schools, only six have black head football coaches. There are even fewer in the lower divisions: five in Division I-AA, two in Division II and one in Division III. The figures exclude historically black colleges.

In addition, there are only 12 black athletic directors in Division I-A, and not a single major conference commissioner is black.

"Sadly, if the pace of progress remains the same, it will be approximately 80 years before we reach a percentage [of coaches] that even approximates the number of African-Americans in the general population," Brand told the House Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection. "This is not only unacceptable, this is unconscionably wrong."

The NCAA lacks the power to tell its schools whom to hire -- or even whom to interview -- so Brand has sought to influence them in other ways. The Black Coaches Association's annual report card on minority hiring has added some transparency to the process, and the NCAA has set up academies for potential coaches.

But those measures haven't been enough to break through the network that picks a new coach. The president, athletic director, search committee, board of trustees and deep-pocketed boosters all seem to have a voice, and often they like to play it safe by hiring established coaches. Changing such a culture is difficult, but Brand doesn't think the NCAA needs is its own Rooney Rule to do so.

"I think we have all the tools in place," Brand said. "What we don't have is talented, superb African-American coaches brought into the informal networks of athletic directors and others who are making the final recommendations. We need to find a way to open up that closed circle."

Kansas State athletic director Tim Weiser, who hired a black coach two years ago, suggested giving financial incentives to schools who hire minorities, but several witnesses went in the other direction, saying the force of law is needed to tear down racial barriers.

"History has proven that in order for any significant progress to be made in eradicating a social injustice, legal action has been the catalyst for change," said Floyd Keith, president of the Black Coaches Association.

Change could come in dramatic fashion if Lapchick and Keith succeed with their plans to file a Title VII lawsuit, which Lapchick said could happen in a year or so. They are looking for the right case, one backed by a discriminated coach willing to take a stand.

The Title IX lawsuits decades ago revolutionized women's sports, and it was the threat of a lawsuit from Johnnie Cochran and Cyrus Mehri several years ago that prompted the NFL to institute the Rooney Rule.

"We have to put something in place," said Fitz Hill, president of Arkansas Baptist College and a former assistant at the University at Arkansas. "Title VII, Title IX, something has to mandate that we move forward to a game plan that will ensure equity for all coaches."

Dungy and Smith were mentioned many times during the hearing, with several people voicing concern that Smith remains the lowest-paid coach in the NFL. Smith's talks with the Bears on a new contract have reached a stalemate.

"They need to show Lovie some love," said Illinois Democrat Bobby Rush, the subcommittee chairman and a Bears fan, "and get the contract done."

Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press

3/1/2007, 12:03 PM
"lovie some love." zzzzzz.

i think that the dungy/lovie affair will translate well to new opportunities. however, the fact remains that it's more of a personnel issue than a race issue.

take... for example... oh, I don't know... Blake. Terrible coach, awesome recruiter. We had a Ron Zook-alike on our hands. Florida fired Zook, we fired Blake.

It was a response to poor coaching with underachieving players... nothing to do with race.

Now let's take another coach for example... like... say... Capel.

This guy has not had a lot of success, but he has also not had a lot to work with. Here's a leader who can motivate an undertalented team to taking on a top-3 team to the buzzer.

Such coaches are usually at mid-majors and pop up during their NCAA tourney bids.

We just got a jump on them and hired him for a major conference team. Again, nothing to do with race.

Here's hoping that he doesn't end up being hired away to Duke after Coach K retires... and that if he does leave, that he brings in a bunch of trophies along the way :)

3/1/2007, 12:09 PM
"lovie some love." zzzzzz.

i think that the dungy/lovie affair will translate well to new opportunities. however, the fact remains that it's more of a personnel issue than a race issue.

take... for example... oh, I don't know... Blake. Terrible coach, awesome recruiter. We had a Ron Zook-alike on our hands. Florida fired Zook, we fired Blake.

It was a response to poor coaching with underachieving players... nothing to do with race.

Now let's take another coach for example... like... say... Capel.

This guy has not had a lot of success, but he has also not had a lot to work with. Here's a leader who can motivate an undertalented team to taking on a top-3 team to the buzzer.

Such coaches are usually at mid-majors and pop up during their NCAA tourney bids.

We just got a jump on them and hired him for a major conference team. Again, nothing to do with race.

Here's hoping that he doesn't end up being hired away to Duke after Coach K retires... and that if he does leave, that he brings in a bunch of trophies along the way :)
well said. The Blake situation is a perfect example. White..black...doesn't matter. If they don't perform the job to the expectations, they'll lose it. Just like all of us and our jobs. The Capel hiring is another great example. You simply have a coach who was successful at his previous college and was hired into a better job situation and conference. Well said Badger.

3/1/2007, 12:20 PM
Isn't it obvious that of all things, competitive sports has to be one of the most colorblind aspects of society we know? I mean, c'mon. Look at recruiting. Look at the NFL combine. Look at coaching performance and the revolving door coaching has become. I throw up in my mouth a little every time I see crap like this.

It's all about performance.

Ray Rhodes. Quality defensive coordinator. Sucked nards as a head coach. Was promptly bounced out of Green Bay after showing as much, right in line with his sub .500 record in Philly. Does this have jack squat to do with his being black? No, it has everything to do with his being a crappy head coach. He got the rail because of performance. Hence why he still enjoys a job as a DC in Seattle because that's what he does well.

Drives me nuts. Like Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith are two men that suddenly came out of nowhere because of some GM giving a black man a break. As we all know, Dungy's been in the league a while, and was head coach for a team with one of the most menacing defenses we've seen in recent years, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Lovie Smith's Rams defense was impressive, and an unheralded aspect of why they enjoyed the success they did. Those men performed in their roles and were given opportunity to perform in higher roles because of quality and performance, not because of race or color.

Best man for the job, I say. No law suit or stupid 'Rooney Rule' is gonna change that.

3/1/2007, 03:02 PM
Isn't it obvious that of all things, competitive sports has to be one of the most colorblind aspects of society we know? I mean, c'mon. Look at recruiting. Look at the NFL combine. Look at coaching performance and the revolving door coaching has become. I throw up in my mouth a little every time I see crap like this.

It's all about performance.

Ray Rhodes. Quality defensive coordinator. Sucked nards as a head coach. Was promptly bounced out of Green Bay after showing as much, right in line with his sub .500 record in Philly. Does this have jack squat to do with his being black? No, it has everything to do with his being a crappy head coach. He got the rail because of performance. Hence why he still enjoys a job as a DC in Seattle because that's what he does well.

Drives me nuts. Like Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith are two men that suddenly came out of nowhere because of some GM giving a black man a break. As we all know, Dungy's been in the league a while, and was head coach for a team with one of the most menacing defenses we've seen in recent years, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Lovie Smith's Rams defense was impressive, and an unheralded aspect of why they enjoyed the success they did. Those men performed in their roles and were given opportunity to perform in higher roles because of quality and performance, not because of race or color.

Best man for the job, I say. No law suit or stupid 'Rooney Rule' is gonna change that.

hehe, back when I lived in the Green Bay area, when we brought in Rhodes, the question was: "How long before there's a Rhodes Road?"

Alas, it was never meant to be. Rhodes had no control over the players. In-locker room squabbles abounded. Only a few years removed from two Super Bowls, we were 8-8 and not headed to the playoffs.

Probably the worst part about that year (as far as personnel goes) was the fact that we didn't just fire Rhodes after the abysmal performance... we fired the lot, including longtime offensive coordinator... can't remember his name, but he was successful (and black), but was never offered the head coaching job, despite the success of a Favre-filled offense. Many of our assistants that year (a greater majority of them) were also black.

Whoops. Talk about awkward situations.

Jesse Jackson, bless the reverend, demanded an explanation from the Packers, not only for the firing of Rhodes after one season (the only season between 1992-2004 that wasn't a winning season, mind you), and also why our successful offensive coordinator was never offered a promotion to head coach... and also fired.

On paper... it looks bad. However, you have to take other things into consideration:

1- Ray Rhodes, who formerly coached as the Packers' defensive coordinator, said his family didn't like Green Bay, which caused him to look elsewhere... but he returned when offered the head coaching job. This angered many fans (possibly players) because he deserted the team earlier.

2- The Packers only looked to hire coaches with head coaching experience, not assistants looking for a promotion. This disqualified past assistants (like that weasel Steve Marriucci... or however you spell his name) and current assistants.

3- There was hardly any turnover of talent on the Packers' roster... but yet, they didn't make the playoffs and there was a worse win record. Coincidence?

4- These guys were picked up by other teams. The offensive coordinator (SHERM LEWIS! just couldn't think of it at first) went to the Vikings and Ray Rhodes went the Redskins and later the Broncos and Seahawks.

Overall, not too shabby.

3/1/2007, 03:10 PM
Just win. That is all that matters.

3/1/2007, 03:16 PM
"I am the first African-American coach in the SEC, but there ain't but one color that matters here, and that color is maroon."
-Sylvester Croom
"His achievement is the first African American coach in the Southeastern Football League -- Southeastern Conference."
-George W. Bush screws up again

3/1/2007, 03:40 PM
He also managed to lose, at home, to Maine.

The state of Oklahoma had two "African-American" head coaches at the same time. Both proved to be terrible in very different ways. The fact that they were terrible had nothing to do with their skin color. A good coach is a good coach. A bad coach is a bad coach.

3/1/2007, 03:48 PM
Just win. That is all that matters.

agreed. how does race make a person a better coach? oh yeah, it doesn't. i'm tired of hearing about all this.