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View Full Version : Dear Nebraska Weather Men

3/1/2007, 10:53 AM
Last week you told for 5 days how we were going to have the winter storms to end all winter storms. Sure there was a winter storm but 3 inches of snow and some ice hardly consititute a crisis. Then today you guys completely missed the worst winter storm of the year until it was here. Did you just get tired of hyping winter storms last week and quit caring?

3/1/2007, 12:42 PM

King Crimson
3/1/2007, 12:52 PM
it's worse in Colorado whre the weather sluts are in bed with the ski industry so every muh' fuggin time there is ANY precip it's "could be a major dump in the high country...and freshies...."....versus the new alarmist scare love (Gary England style) after the big December storm. now, if it snows two sic em inches like it did night before last.....the whole world is coming to an end if the plows aren't out plowing every inch of planet earth.