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View Full Version : Cotton Bowl will likely move to Arlington

2/26/2007, 11:26 PM

DALLAS -- City officials say the Cotton Bowl Classic is likely to move from its namesake stadium in East Dallas to the new Cowboys stadium being built in Arlington, a decision that could come as soon as Tuesday.

Bill Blaydes, the economic development and housing committee chairman for the Dallas City Council, called the move to Arlington "a foregone conclusion" in a story on The Dallas Morning News Web site Monday.

Mayoral candidate Darrell Jordan, who has pressured officials to make improvements to the city-owned Cotton Bowl stadium, said members of the Cotton Bowl are ready to vote on moving the site of the New Year's Day game.

"It's my understanding that they are going to vote, unanimously or nearly unanimously, to move the game to the new stadium in Arlington," Jordan told the newspaper.

Discussion of the move is on the agenda at a meeting of the bowl game's board of directors scheduled for Tuesday, although board president Rick Baker said the topic has come up at every board meeting in the last year.

Telephone messages left by The Associated Press for Baker and Bruce Gadd, the chairman of the Cotton Bowl Athletic Association, were not immediately returned.

Plans for the $1 billion Arlington stadium, scheduled to open in 2009, include a retractable roof that would cover a hole similar to the one at Texas Stadium in Irving. A domed stadium is important to bowl game officials because of Dallas' sometimes cold January weather.

"That's something that we cannot and will not ever provide -- a roof over their head," said Pete Schenkel, the former chairman of the State Fair of Texas.

The game, which was first played in 1937, has always been held at the Cotton Bowl, which opened in 1932. The stadium is also home to the annual games between Texas and Oklahoma and Grambling State and Prairie View, both of which are under contract there through 2010, Schenkel said.

Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press

I know the facility will be "better," but I think this sucks. Especially when OU/TX moves. I like the fair atmosphere, this will ruin the beers at halftime etc... :mad:

2/27/2007, 12:00 AM
I wish they were just home to home games...

2/27/2007, 12:04 AM
I wish they were just home to home games...

when people say that i have to wonder if they have ever actually been to an OU/Texass game

2/27/2007, 12:14 AM

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/27/2007, 01:39 AM
when people say that i have to wonder if they have ever actually been to an OU/Texass gameHere we go again. Have you never listened to or read the arguments by those who have been to many RRs games at the Cotton Bowl, yet passionately want home-and-home?
Don't answer that. It appears to be a moot point, now.

2/27/2007, 02:17 AM

You cant handle the truth!

Big Red Ron
2/27/2007, 02:21 AM
We can still play the RRR in Dallas regardless of where the Jan. Bowl is played.

2/27/2007, 04:35 AM
Laura Miller cost Dallas the Cowboys and now the Cotton Bowl.
My husband's boss is on the Cotton Bowl Committee and they are planning to move the game in hopes that it can move into the BCS Championship rotation. This is not new information, however. I think the story broke last Fall.

2/27/2007, 07:33 AM
This move greatly worries me about the Dallas location. I think the Cotton Bowl does not finish said improvements and Ol Deloss pushes for home and home

2/27/2007, 07:45 AM
Good point. The biggest threat to ending the RRW is not the Cotton Bowl, Laura Miller, Jerry Jones, etc. but Dodds and the rest of the whorn administration. As long as they are controlling things in Austin, they will push for a home and home.

jk the sooner fan
2/27/2007, 07:46 AM
why would they move to home and home when they can put more fans from each side in the new place in arlington?

the orange bowl moved to joe robbie stadium years ago and nobody shed too many tears over the old stadium

the cotton bowl is a dump, its too costly to fix.....moving to the hot new stadium only makes sense.....the city of dallas would be wise to spend that 50 million on something else......like its schools

Partial Qualifier
2/27/2007, 07:52 AM
when people say that i have to wonder if they have ever actually been to an OU/Texass game

Ive been to a dozen or so, and I too would like to see it home-and-home.. maybe not permanently, but I think it'd be fun getting the longhorns at our place & vice-versa every now & then.

Back to the topic - I have to wonder: why would anyone NOT want to move from that ****hole at the state fair to a brand-new, state-of-the-art facility?

Jason White's Third Knee
2/27/2007, 08:56 AM
Ive been to a dozen or so, and I too would like to see it home-and-home.. maybe not permanently, but I think it'd be fun getting the longhorns at our place & vice-versa every now & then.

Back to the topic - I have to wonder: why would anyone NOT want to move from that ****hole at the state fair to a brand-new, state-of-the-art facility?

Seeing 5000 longhorn fans in Norman does nothing for me. I really don't feel like going to austin for some tofu bbq either.

Move the Cotton bowl, I don't care, but leave the RRS right where it is. Int the middle of the texas state fair and a crapload of beer tents.

2/27/2007, 09:24 AM
The article mentions the Cotton Bowl game, not OU/texas (although that will be next). I've been to a bunch of OU/texas games. I like keeping it where it is. That said, since they closed Commerce street to drunken partiers many years ago, it's never been the same anyway. I'm too tired to continue to worry about where OU/texas is played. I'll sit back and watch from here on out.

2/27/2007, 09:27 AM
Another nail in the coffin for the storied Cotton Bowl stadium.

I just hope that the powers that be in the UT and OU athletic depts. allow the RRW to be played on a "neutral" site in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. I don't want it to go home & home.

jk the sooner fan
2/27/2007, 09:33 AM
i really think texas would have a hard time selling the home and home to their fans.......remember they've been sending 30K plus to the game every year for decades, and then all of the sudden you're going to tell them only 5K can go every other year?

the one thing the fans of both teams have in common is that they want it at a neutral site to keep tradition.

seriously folks, they sell beer in arlington.....once you're inside the stadium do you really care whats going on outside?

2/27/2007, 09:46 AM
seriously folks, they sell beer in arlington.....once you're inside the stadium do you really care whats going on outside?

I thinkif they move the RRW there, then they should move the whole damn fair to jerry world. I like what goes on outside... Turkey Legs, and Corny dogs are friggin' tasty, and i love lookin up at Big Tex when we beat them and just laughing to myself.

2/27/2007, 09:48 AM
Home and Home would suck.

Keep it at the cotton bowl

2/27/2007, 10:00 AM
Back to the topic - I have to wonder: why would anyone NOT want to move from that ****hole at the state fair to a brand-new, state-of-the-art facility?

Cause Arlington is a shiaaaathole and always will be:pop:

2/27/2007, 10:02 AM
Cause Arlington is a shiaaaathole and always will be:pop:

Yeah, it's no Fair Park. :rolleyes:

jk the sooner fan
2/27/2007, 10:05 AM
Yeah, it's no Fair Park. :rolleyes:

beat me to it

John Kochtoston
2/27/2007, 10:09 AM
The Cotton Bowl is a sewer. But I'd rather keep the game there than go home-and-home. OU/Texas is the one thing OU has that only one other school can call it's own. Ideally, the game goes to Jerry World.

Tear Down This Wall
2/27/2007, 10:17 AM
Guys, I've been telling you this for well over a year. Whenever the city council discusses the OU-Texas game it gets bogged down by the minorities on the council who want the Grambling-Prairie View game to be given the same money. That's how stupid the Dallas city council is.

Unless you live near Dallas, you really have no clue as to how the city and county has deteriorated since the 14-1 measure passed in 1991. There is no real control over Dallas. The tax dollars are simply stolen by the 14 council members and given to their friends and family.

Also, home and home would suck. Believe me, Austin is not a place you want to be. It's full of queers, burned out hippies, and any other type of miscreant you'd normally find only in sick places like San Francisco. The city of Austin is the as*hole of Texas.

2/27/2007, 10:50 AM
They should set up a temporary field at Texas Motor Speedway an well over 100k could fit in.

There was talk of doing a Tennessee game at Bristol a few years back. 145K seats.

2/27/2007, 11:14 AM
Yeah, it's no Fair Park. :rolleyes:

Yeah well. There is a city within reasonable distance with some things to do, and well Arlington.................................. I love everyone blaming Laura Miller for the fiasco, when it comes down to it, it's Jerry. He did not want to use his money for this venture. I mean why use your money if the public will finance it and employ Emminent Domian?

2/27/2007, 11:24 AM
Also, home and home would suck. Believe me, Austin is not a place you want to be. It's full of queers, burned out hippies, and any other type of miscreant you'd normally find only in sick places like San Francisco. The city of Austin is the as*hole of Texas.

OH my God Wall.. you done got yourself a lobotomy!

It has killer golf courses, great restaurants, 6th Street for the idoit college kids to get polluted and do stupid things, bars along 4th Street for the more mature, lakes, art galleries, great shops and spas, rolling hills.. you need to get off the Drag and 6th Street more.

Having said that... after 2010... we're going to Jerry's World. He needs the recognition and added revenue the game will bring. Tom Hicks purportedly is a big proponent of and for Jerry's World. And Jerry can pay Texas and OU pretty much the same money each school would make off of a home game.. and still make a tidy profit.

Dodds will like the compromise... just as much money comes in and he doesn't get the blame for being the AD who ruined a nine decade tradition.

2/27/2007, 11:28 AM
Yeah well. There is a city within reasonable distance with some things to do, and well Arlington.................................. I love everyone blaming Laura Miller for the fiasco, when it comes down to it, it's Jerry. He did not want to use his money for this venture. I mean why use your money if the public will finance it and employ Emminent Domian?

Arlington has a $350 million cap on funds they are on the hook for. Jerry is having to come up with investors/financing for the remaining approximate $650 million!

Laura Miller (who was then on the City Council) led the fight AGAINST the AAC.. claimed there would never be any development around the arena. Fortunately, the voters of Dallas were given the opportunity to prove her wrong. Miller did not appoint a top team of respected professionals to negotiate with Jones and did not garner support from corporations which call Dallas home. Miller has never understood the connection between athletic growth and economic viability for cities. She is the face of Dallas. She is the face of failure.

2/27/2007, 11:29 AM
rlington has a $350 million cap on funds they are on the hook for. Jerry is having to come up with investors/financing for the remaining approximate $650 million!

That is pocket change for that crook.

2/27/2007, 11:37 AM
I can understand why OU fans who are unable to attend the Red River games in Dallas, but who have season tickets, would want the game moved to home and home. After all, their position is that attending one OU/TU game every other year is better than attending none. The same position would be held by OU fans who have season tickets but are only able to attend very few RRR games.

If we change it to home and home it would no longer be the Red River anything. That would totally turn the game into something it has never been which is just another game on the schedule between two rival teams.

If they move the game to Arlington it will longer be a 50/50 split of fans if Jerry has his way. All of the really great seats will go to Jerry's business associates and Dallas Cowboy fans.

sooner n houston
2/27/2007, 11:51 AM
It will not go to a H/H on a permenant basis. Both schools would lose the proceeds the split game provides. They would have to settle for the money of just another home game every other year instead.

jk the sooner fan
2/27/2007, 12:38 PM
Yeah well. There is a city within reasonable distance with some things to do, and well Arlington.................................. I love everyone blaming Laura Miller for the fiasco, when it comes down to it, it's Jerry. He did not want to use his money for this venture. I mean why use your money if the public will finance it and employ Emminent Domian?

wow, talk about revisionist history

2/27/2007, 12:49 PM
OH my God Wall.. you done got yourself a lobotomy!
It has killer golf courses, great restaurants, 6th Street for the idoit college kids to get polluted and do stupid things, bars along 4th Street for the more mature, lakes, art galleries, great shops and spas, rolling hills.. you need to get off the Drag and 6th Street more.

I have to agree with you Lid...My sister in law is a whorn and still lives in the Austin area. We go visit her all the time and I love Austin, if we could just get rid of about 40 Acres or so:D That being said, keep it in Dallas.

2/27/2007, 01:21 PM
Arlington has a $350 million cap on funds they are on the hook for. Jerry is having to come up with investors/financing for the remaining approximate $650 million!

Laura Miller (who was then on the City Council) led the fight AGAINST the AAC.. claimed there would never be any development around the arena. Fortunately, the voters of Dallas were given the opportunity to prove her wrong. Miller did not appoint a top team of respected professionals to negotiate with Jones and did not garner support from corporations which call Dallas home. Miller has never understood the connection between athletic growth and economic viability for cities. She is the face of Dallas. She is the face of failure.

Listen clearly, I am not a LM fan, quite the opposite. I am totally against any public financing of private ventures. I could care less whether we have one professional team in this city if the billionaire owners can't pay for themselves.

I would have hoped the Dallas voters would have voted this down, again, I agree we should have.

2/27/2007, 01:47 PM
This thread makes me think Dallas will be the Detroit of the Southwest in the next 10 years.

On a side note, can Arlington steal the Fair away from Dallas? Perhaps the entire game and atmosphere could just move to Arlington? That would really make the city of Dallas happy.

jk the sooner fan
2/27/2007, 01:49 PM
i have no problems with a city spending money on a sports venue......they spend money all sort of other ways trying to generate revenue......how is that different?

Jerry Jones went to the city of Dallas and gave them first crack at it.....Laura Miller balked and Jerry moved from first base to Arlington.....i think they had 3 different proposed sites for the Cowboy stadium inside Dallas city limits

2/27/2007, 01:54 PM
I am in favor of home and home.

2/27/2007, 02:13 PM
This thread makes me think Dallas will be the Detroit of the Southwest in the next 10 years.


Bah.. it already is. To call the public schools in the DISD an unmitigated disaster would be charitable.

There is no long term vision. Corporations continue to relocate to the suburbs. Athletic arenas, that could have resulted in hundreds of millions in revenue, have gone to the burbs.

Revenue spending is based more on racial decisions than on need. The City Council is more concerned about their own personal fiefdom than on the common good.

We approve $21 million to build a homeless shelter.. DOWNTOWN, instead of addressing the underlying causes of homelessness.

This city has become bereft with people who CAN'T DO and find ways of not achieving.

2/27/2007, 02:16 PM
Yeah well. There is a city within reasonable distance with some things to do, and well Arlington.................................. I love everyone blaming Laura Miller for the fiasco, when it comes down to it, it's Jerry. He did not want to use his money for this venture. I mean why use your money if the public will finance it and employ Emminent Domian?

I really did not want to respond to this...but I cannot help it.....Please look up eminent domain learn to spell it and learn what it means before you use it. Now tell me which recent NFL/NBA/MLB facility was built without it.

Most of the development along Collins and Division needed to be blown up anyway.

Jerry spent more of HIS money than any football owner in the history of the NFL. No, I am not a Cowboys fan I am a Bears fan. Jerry is a success.

Laura Miller is a failure. Not a bad person just a failure as a Mayor.

We are going to Jerry World in 2011. I hate it but it's better than home and home. Home and Home for OU/ut are you kidding me? If that happens I will give up my season tickets and so will lots of people. Do any of you home and homers know how much money we make in extra donations so people can get their OU/ut tickets. Texas works under the same system, in fact, they invented it, the little punks. There has never been any capitalist system that has given back money after they figured out a way to get it from you. It is NOT gonna happen.

Jerry World 2011. Now who will be the quarterback then?
:pop: :pop: :pop:

2/27/2007, 03:35 PM
as long as the West-End is the same if it does move locations. the West-end the night before the game is the seconde greatest thing about the weekend.
ok 3rd greatest thing about the weekend. beer and the game come before the west-end

2/27/2007, 03:41 PM
I really did not want to respond to this...but I cannot help it.....Please look up eminent domain learn to spell it and learn what it means before you use it. Now tell me which recent NFL/NBA/MLB facility was built without it.

Jerry spent more of HIS money than any football owner in the history of the NFL. No, I am not a Cowboys fan I am a Bears fan. Jerry is a success.

Sory abot the speling smrt gy, ur just a genus. I did not realize we had a typing Nazi on board, but I will try and type so the intellectuals will not have to slum.

Now, back to some interesting points. I have a great grasp of eminent domain (wow look at that) and have been researching it closely for a while, especially since the horrendous decision by the US Supreme court in New London, CT v. Kelo, which was appalling. Property rights are fundamental in the US, and rulings like this erode personal property rights.

As far as other leagues/team having the same policy it doesn't make it right. Now as far as naming another owner/team that did not use public funding, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm............................... How about Bob Kraft and Gillette Stadium??????? Crickets I hear?????

Partial Qualifier
2/27/2007, 04:02 PM
We approve $21 million to build a homeless shelter..

omg dude. Seriously?? :eek:

2/27/2007, 04:12 PM
Listen clearly, I am not a LM fan, quite the opposite. I am totally against any public financing of private ventures. I could care less whether we have one professional team in this city if the billionaire owners can't pay for themselves.

I would have hoped the Dallas voters would have voted this down, again, I agree we should have.

What are you, the Washington State Legislature?

Clay Bennett

2/27/2007, 04:17 PM
What are you, the Washington State Legislature?

Clay Bennett

Nope. Just one of those guys ha believe that government is involved in places they do not belong. The stadiums will be built, the teams will play, the owners are just trying to limit their cost.

2/27/2007, 04:29 PM

2/27/2007, 04:30 PM
Sory abot the speling smrt gy, ur just a genus. I did not realize we had a typing Nazi on board, but I will try and type so the intellectuals will not have to slum.

Now, back to some interesting points. I have a great grasp of eminent domain (wow look at that) and have been researching it closely for a while, especially since the horrendous decision by the US Supreme court in New London, CT v. Kelo, which was appalling. Property rights are fundamental in the US, and rulings like this erode personal property rights.

As far as other leagues/team having the same policy it doesn't make it right. Now as far as naming another owner/team that did not use public funding, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm............................... How about Bob Kraft and Gillette Stadium??????? Crickets I hear?????

June 24, 1999
Copyright 1999 Mediaventures
The New England Patriots might not be able to move into a new 68,000-seat stadium until 2002 because of the time it will take to relocate a mobile home park, win zoning approvals and build an access road for the private use of suite and club seat holders.

May 6, 1999
Copyright 1999 Mediaventures

First it was Foxboro, then it was Rhode Island, then it was Foxboro, then it was Hartford and now it's Foxboro again. The New England Patriots have decided to walk away from a controversial stadium deal in Connecticut and accept a proposal from Massachusetts that will lead to a new stadium.

The plan calls for Owner Robert Kraft to privately finance a $250 million stadium next to Foxboro Stadium. The NFL, under a new financing plan, will finance up to half of Kraft's cost. The state will pay for $70 million in infrastructure improvements around the stadium. Kraft will also pay nearly $1 million a year in easement fees.

While public officials in Connecticut were working to make the Patriots' new stadium a reality, they still faced many hurdles. They had made progress on a plan to move a steam plant from the stadium site, but had not yet signed a final agreement. Early negotiations were fractious until public pressure forced the sides to give up hard-line positions. There were also environmental concerns about the site and whether the state would encounter budget-breaking clean-up issues if pollutants were found.

And there was the NFL, which led the move in Boston to create a new stadium plan. With the NFL working actively against the move, it was clear Kraft would need convincing arguments to sway owners to his way of thinking. Many suggested that in the end, it was the risks associated with playing out the Connecticut deal versus the known obstacles in Massachusetts that led Kraft to abandon the move.

In Connecticut, the mood was expectedly grim and sometimes angry. There were suggestions the state might sue the NFL for interfering in the process, but no action has yet been taken. Connecticut officials have even suggested that Kraft might sell the team to Houston, but team officials say it's not for sale.

The stadium was a key element to a downtown revitalization project and a convention center. The stadium would also have been home to the University of Connecticut's football team. While the stadium design may be scaled back, officials say they still plan to build the venue. Those pushing the convention center and other projects say they too will move forward, but they are expected to have a much tougher time winning state and private dollars after the Patriots' disappearing act.

The NFL is also poised to go to work selling luxury suites for the new Patriots stadium. The Patriots are expected to have little involvement in sales in the short term.



The state paid, The NFL paid and it was suggested that they should move to Houston.

The cost of Jerry World is 1 billion with 325M from Arlington and 125M from the NFL. All cost overruns are paid by Jerry. Thats a boat load more than Gillette. But hey you made a good point.

2/27/2007, 04:35 PM
omg dude. Seriously?? :eek:

In downtown...

Some of the older buildings are being converted into high rise condos, a new opera hall and smaller theater are being built next to the Meyerson Center, we have the potential to have one of the best arts districts in the U.S., and friggin' Laura Miller pushes and shills for a friggin Twenty One Million Dollar Homeless shelter built... downtown. :rolleyes:

Dayum.. I am so glad she is gone this year!!!

2/27/2007, 04:36 PM
June 24, 1999
Copyright 1999 Mediaventures
The New England Patriots might not be able to move into a new 68,000-seat stadium until 2002 because of the time it will take to relocate a mobile home park, win zoning approvals and build an access road for the private use of suite and club seat holders.

May 6, 1999
Copyright 1999 Mediaventures

First it was Foxboro, then it was Rhode Island, then it was Foxboro, then it was Hartford and now it's Foxboro again. The New England Patriots have decided to walk away from a controversial stadium deal in Connecticut and accept a proposal from Massachusetts that will lead to a new stadium.

The plan calls for Owner Robert Kraft to privately finance a $250 million stadium next to Foxboro Stadium. The NFL, under a new financing plan, will finance up to half of Kraft's cost. The state will pay for $70 million in infrastructure improvements around the stadium. Kraft will also pay nearly $1 million a year in easement fees.

While public officials in Connecticut were working to make the Patriots' new stadium a reality, they still faced many hurdles. They had made progress on a plan to move a steam plant from the stadium site, but had not yet signed a final agreement. Early negotiations were fractious until public pressure forced the sides to give up hard-line positions. There were also environmental concerns about the site and whether the state would encounter budget-breaking clean-up issues if pollutants were found.

And there was the NFL, which led the move in Boston to create a new stadium plan. With the NFL working actively against the move, it was clear Kraft would need convincing arguments to sway owners to his way of thinking. Many suggested that in the end, it was the risks associated with playing out the Connecticut deal versus the known obstacles in Massachusetts that led Kraft to abandon the move.

In Connecticut, the mood was expectedly grim and sometimes angry. There were suggestions the state might sue the NFL for interfering in the process, but no action has yet been taken. Connecticut officials have even suggested that Kraft might sell the team to Houston, but team officials say it's not for sale.

The stadium was a key element to a downtown revitalization project and a convention center. The stadium would also have been home to the University of Connecticut's football team. While the stadium design may be scaled back, officials say they still plan to build the venue. Those pushing the convention center and other projects say they too will move forward, but they are expected to have a much tougher time winning state and private dollars after the Patriots' disappearing act.

The NFL is also poised to go to work selling luxury suites for the new Patriots stadium. The Patriots are expected to have little involvement in sales in the short term.


The state paid, The NFL paid and they almost moved to Houston.

The cost of Jerry World is 1 billion with 325M from Arlington and 125M from the NFL. All cost overruns are paid by Jerry. Thats a boat load more than Gillette. But hey you made a good point.

I do not have an issue with easement or infrastructure, but ED for private gain is bad.

2/27/2007, 04:41 PM
I like the way you think.

Boone Pickens

2/27/2007, 04:43 PM
I do not have an issue with easement or infrastructure, but ED for private gain is bad.

Great point:confused:

2/27/2007, 06:26 PM
I like the way you think.

Boone Pickens

Thats Funny:)

Big Red Ron
2/27/2007, 07:00 PM
Yeah well. There is a city within reasonable distance with some things to do, and well Arlington.................................. I love everyone blaming Laura Miller for the fiasco, when it comes down to it, it's Jerry. He did not want to use his money for this venture. I mean why use your money if the public will finance it and employ Emminent Domian?Bingo

2/27/2007, 10:05 PM
Good point. The biggest threat to ending the RRW is not the Cotton Bowl, Laura Miller, Jerry Jones, etc. but Dodds and the rest of the whorn administration. As long as they are controlling things in Austin, they will push for a home and home.

They don't want home and home any more than you do. But he uses it and takes it to the brink each contract period to press Dallas to upgrade the facilities at the Cotton Bowl. Negotiations 101.

As far as their views on Jerry World, I haven't a clue. I'd miss the fair but man, what a venue!

2/27/2007, 10:09 PM
I really don't feel like going to austin for some tofu bbq either..

Tofu bbq? WTF? :mad:

2/27/2007, 10:11 PM
I thinkif they move the RRW there, then they should move the whole damn fair to jerry world. I like what goes on outside... Turkey Legs, and Corny dogs are friggin' tasty, and i love lookin up at Big Tex when we beat them and just laughing to myself.

I like it! Well....except for that last part. ;)

2/27/2007, 10:15 PM
If they move the game to Arlington it will longer be a 50/50 split of fans if Jerry has his way. All of the really great seats will go to Jerry's business associates and Dallas Cowboy fans.

And the rest will be sold to razorbacks so they can chunk cans at both teams.

2/27/2007, 10:31 PM
In downtown...

Some of the older buildings are being converted into high rise condos, a new opera hall and smaller theater are being built next to the Meyerson Center, we have the potential to have one of the best arts districts in the U.S., and friggin' Laura Miller pushes and shills for a friggin Twenty One Million Dollar Homeless shelter built... downtown. :rolleyes:

Dayum.. I am so glad she is gone this year!!!

I second that. Laura Miller has no concept and no clue... And the Dallas City Council is about as crooked as it gets.

2/27/2007, 11:18 PM
What do you expect, it's in Texas and JJ is involved, it's going to be grand! As for ED, that's a touchy subject everywhere right now.

2/27/2007, 11:28 PM
What about Six Flags? I've heard that argument before... for the activities during game weekend.

I'm a traditionalist, myself. Let me take two days of vacation to leave Thursday, visit my relatives in OKC for a day, hit up all of the Bevo Bashes and stuff like that on the road there... Let me drink myself into a coma amongst my fellow Sooner faithful in the West End. Let me spend a ridiculous sum of money on carney food that will clot my arteries and kill me at the fair. Let me listen to the old stadium echo as I wait in my seat an hour before kickoff. And let me smile or frown on my way back home Sunday evening.

Who's with that statement there?

Stoop Dawg
2/27/2007, 11:36 PM
Reading Lid's posts in this thread makes me sad. I was hoping to leave crooked, inept govt behind. Looks like I'm moving right into more of the same - if not worse. At least OKC has managed to somewhat revitalize part of its downtown. Sounds like Dallas is actively driving people out.

Stoop Dawg
2/27/2007, 11:38 PM
Oh, and on the topic of this thread.

Fair Park *could* be such a great venue for college football. The State Fair and close proximity to downtown and a couple of great entertainment districts makes it a fantastic location. Unfortunately, it's centered in one of the poorest parts of the city and the best "revitalization" the city can seem to manage is a new DART line. Meanwhile, revenue continues to relocate away from the area at an alarming pace.

jk the sooner fan
2/27/2007, 11:41 PM
you're moving here?


Stoop Dawg
2/27/2007, 11:47 PM
Dude, if I met you the skin world I'd buy you a beer and laugh at what an ******* I am on these boards.

Of course, you'd probably preach Christianity at me with your mouth while you beat the **** out of me with your hands.

Damn it! I can't stop doing it!!! It's these boards, these DAMN BOARDS!!!!

Lighten up, Nancy.

2/28/2007, 12:02 AM
Oh, and on the topic of this thread.

Fair Park *could* be such a great venue for college football. The State Fair and close proximity to downtown and a couple of great entertainment districts makes it a fantastic location. Unfortunately, it's centered in one of the poorest parts of the city and the best "revitalization" the city can seem to manage is a new DART line. Meanwhile, revenue continues to relocate away from the area at an alarming pace.

That's because the mayor and the city council have their head up their a^^es and are too busy lining their pockets to care about the economic development of the city. Such a shame too... because Dallas has such great potential.

THE Roy Williams
2/28/2007, 12:10 AM
I wish they were just home to home games...


2/28/2007, 01:00 AM
Cotton Bowl moving to new stadium (http://newsok.com/article/3019102)
By The Associated Press

DALLAS -- The board that oversees the Cotton Bowl Classic today voted to move the game to the new Dallas Cowboys stadium in 2010. The New Year's Day game is currently played at the open-air Cotton Bowl at Fair Park in Dallas.

The new Cowboys venue in Arlington opens in 2009 -- and will feature a retractable roof.

Backers hope the move will help return the Cotton Bowl Classic to college football's national stage.

2/28/2007, 01:06 AM
I wouldn't mind a home and home just for one series; each team plays away once, and then we go back to a neutral site. The atmosphere wouldn't even be close to the same in Arlington as it would be at the Cotton Bowl. Too many suites and different levels, as opposed to just one deck at the CB. And of course milling around Arlington before the game would just plain suck.

2/28/2007, 02:12 AM
They better move the Texas State Fair, too. That's a big part of what makes OU/Texas what it is.

2/28/2007, 01:59 PM
OU/Texas should just be home and home from now on, or do a H&H for 2 years then have the game at Fair Park. That would be a great 3 year pattern from now on.

2/28/2007, 02:37 PM
OU/Texas should just be home and home from now on, or do a H&H for 2 years then have the game at Fair Park. That would be a great 3 year pattern from now on.

Have you ever been to a Texas - OU game in person?

2/28/2007, 03:19 PM
Dallas' lack of vision is to blame here. Along with questionable leadership.

Next step will be the elimination of the Rose Bowl in the BCS and the addition of the Cotton Bowl.

Crimson and Orange
2/28/2007, 04:13 PM
Do any of you home and homers know how much money we make in extra donations so people can get their OU/ut tickets. Texas works under the same system, in fact, they invented it, the little punks.

They wish they had. I believe the SEC schools started it all, about 8-10 years before anyone else, and if you listen to DeLoss Dodds and other Texas officials, they've been playing catch-up for 25 years, trying to get as much dough socked away in permanent foundations as the big SEC schools.

But, as we do in so many other things, we may not have invented it, but we'll run it to perfection such that it ruins the game for everyone else. :texan:

2/28/2007, 04:18 PM
yes lidig8er, I have. I have been going since 1998. What is your point?

2/28/2007, 04:23 PM
yes lidig8er, I have. I have been going since 1998. What is your point?

The point being, it is usually the young ones (i.e, the ones under 30 years old), or the ones who have not been, or have been only infrequently, who usually push to have the game go home and home.

Those who have no appreciation for the history and tradition of not only the game, but the entire weekend... an appreciation for the game's unique place in all of college football... that the neutral site in October sets it apart from every other college football game are the ones who want it to go home and home.

Those who push for home and home generally don't have an understanding that in all likelihood, OU would receive LESS income if the games went home and home, instead of having it played in Dallas every year.

Just curious which camp you fall in.

2/28/2007, 05:38 PM
The point being, it is usually the young ones (i.e, the ones under 30 years old), or the ones who have not been, or have been only infrequently, who usually push to have the game go home and home.

Those who have no appreciation for the history and tradition of not only the game, but the entire weekend... an appreciation for the game's unique place in all of college football... that the neutral site in October sets it apart from every other college football game are the ones who want it to go home and home.

Those who push for home and home generally don't have an understanding that in all likelihood, OU would receive LESS income if the games went home and home, instead of having it played in Dallas every year.

Just curious which camp you fall in.

This is dead ON young Sooners.....I am old school OU.....This can NEVER change.......too much of my own blood is on the ramps of the Bowl and Fair Grounds....If you are under 30 you may not have had time to soak it in yet.......Don't mean to offend I didn't get it for awhile either.........There simply is nothing like it..........

2/28/2007, 07:25 PM
I'm trying to say the same thing. The game can't move out of the Dallas area. Between the West End and the State Fair, the game atmosphere makes OU/Texas what it is.

Stoop Dawg
2/28/2007, 08:17 PM
The point being, it is usually the young ones (i.e, the ones under 30 years old), or the ones who have not been, or have been only infrequently, who usually push to have the game go home and home.

Those who have no appreciation for the history and tradition of not only the game, but the entire weekend... an appreciation for the game's unique place in all of college football... that the neutral site in October sets it apart from every other college football game are the ones who want it to go home and home.

Those who push for home and home generally don't have an understanding that in all likelihood, OU would receive LESS income if the games went home and home, instead of having it played in Dallas every year.

Just curious which camp you fall in.

I'm over 30 but have only been to a handful of games (maybe 6 or 7). I'm in the "Fair Park is a great place for the game, but at some point the aging facilities are going to force the game to move" camp. Someone in the Dallas city govt needs to realize what a gem the Fair Park *could* be ... but isn't right now.

And not just for OU/TX. In addition to the ****hole stadium, there are no facilities for concerts (not with adequate sound systems, anyway), no parking (though the new DART line will help with that), no entertainment outside the gates within walking distance, and no way anyone would venture more than a block or two from the gates after dark anyway. How are you gonna get people to go there under those conditions? May as well level the place in favor of low-income housing and hold the State Fair at Six Flags.

2/28/2007, 09:49 PM
The point being, it is usually the young ones (i.e, the ones under 30 years old), or the ones who have not been, or have been only infrequently, who usually push to have the game go home and home.

Those who have no appreciation for the history and tradition of not only the game, but the entire weekend... an appreciation for the game's unique place in all of college football... that the neutral site in October sets it apart from every other college football game are the ones who want it to go home and home.

Those who push for home and home generally don't have an understanding that in all likelihood, OU would receive LESS income if the games went home and home, instead of having it played in Dallas every year.

Just curious which camp you fall in.

Point taken then again, think of how much money both schools/cities would make having the H&H factor. I am not alone in this thinking. A former co-worker at the athletic cafeteria who is in his 50s said it would be a huge plus for a H&H. It could work. I am all for the Red River Rivalry at Fair Park. It is by far the best rivalry atmosphere in the country. No one can beat the fair atmosphere part of it and especially the constant bickering back and forth between fans before and day of the game.

Now, what about a trial H&H deal just to see what it would be like?

Isn't that how the Iron Bowl is/was? Last game in B'Ham was 1998 then it went H&H.

2/28/2007, 10:18 PM
...Last game in B'Ham was 1998 then it went H&H.

And now it doesnt have half the tradition or worth in my mind.... I have only been to a handful of RRWs but I go to Dallas every year, it is worth saving.

When is tradition ever going to be more important than a few bucks? Thats what this comes down to, and the only reason for a home and home is making a few (and very few in my mind) extra bucks every other year... And you can argue that the benefits for the entire town of Norman are 10 fold. But if the cost is not quantifiable how does that really measure up?

Edit: And another thing since when has what a stadium is like ****ty/or not ever influenced who wins? or how much has it influenced you wanting to go? The ****ty stadium (that had to be state of the art at one time) is part of the tradition. If someone gave me tickets, i dont care if I had to sit on glass (because I would be standing screaming) then I would go.

3/1/2007, 09:20 AM
Point taken then again, think of how much money both schools/cities would make having the H&H factor. I am not alone in this thinking. A former co-worker at the athletic cafeteria who is in his 50s said it would be a huge plus for a H&H. It could work.

The financial aspect is one of the bigger fallacies about going home and home.

Let's look at ticket sales... Your stadium in Norman seats.. what.. 80K? You give 5k to Texas but receive 5K from Texas for the game in Austin. so you have ticket sales of 80K for a two year time period. The game in Dallas, with capacity of the Cotton Bowl at 92,000 and Jerry's World about the same.. you get 46,000 every year!.. Over a two year time period, the school actually receives more revenue from the sales of tickets.

Ok... if the game remains in Dallas, it will continue to have a corporate sponsor. Keep in mind, that there will soon be TWO competiting venues in Dallas for the game.. the old Cotton Bowl and Jerry's World.. SBC, or Dr. Pepper, along with the City of Dallas or Jerry's corporate sponsors. These are hard dollars going into the athletic or general revenue funds of each university to the tune probably of $750K on an annual basis. Do you really think that corporate sponsors are going to step up to the plate for a home and home series? So, that revenue is gone in home and home.

Then.. you may say, well, it will be a great boon to the local economy.. hotels, restaurants. Uh again... not so much. I presume many OU fans who attend home games live within a driving distance to the game and don't generally stay in hotels the night before and the night of your home games. Certainly, there are others who do stay in Norman or more likely, OKC and that is revenue which would be generated for those hotels and restaurants. Do you really think the 5,000 Texas fans would stay in OKC for the weekend? No. With Dallas 3 hours away, most Texas fans would leave after the game, go to Dallas and party in Dallas. Certainly, the economic bump to the Norman/OKC economy would not equal the $1.5 million the school would receive every 2 years from the corporate sponsors if the game remains in Dallas.

In addition, the loss of tradition, history and uniqueness of the game, the weekend in Dallas would render this game just another big matchup... instead of what it is.

Home and home? It doesn't make sense financially.. nor for any other logical reason.

3/1/2007, 09:45 AM
I have been litigated (not even sure that is a word) but I can't argue with that. Darn lawyers are always smart.

BTW, is the OU/Texas game the only regular season game to have a perennial title sponsor?

3/1/2007, 10:47 AM
The financial aspect is one of the bigger fallacies about going home and home.

Let's look at ticket sales... Your stadium in Norman seats.. what.. 80K? You give 5k to Texas but receive 5K from Texas for the game in Austin. so you have ticket sales of 80K for a two year time period. The game in Dallas, with capacity of the Cotton Bowl at 92,000 and Jerry's World about the same.. you get 46,000 every year!.. Over a two year time period, the school actually receives more revenue from the sales of tickets.

Ok... if the game remains in Dallas, it will continue to have a corporate sponsor. Keep in mind, that there will soon be TWO competiting venues in Dallas for the game.. the old Cotton Bowl and Jerry's World.. SBC, or Dr. Pepper, along with the City of Dallas or Jerry's corporate sponsors. These are hard dollars going into the athletic or general revenue funds of each university to the tune probably of $750K on an annual basis. Do you really think that corporate sponsors are going to step up to the plate for a home and home series? So, that revenue is gone in home and home.

Then.. you may say, well, it will be a great boon to the local economy.. hotels, restaurants. Uh again... not so much. I presume many OU fans who attend home games live within a driving distance to the game and don't generally stay in hotels the night before and the night of your home games. Certainly, there are others who do stay in Norman or more likely, OKC and that is revenue which would be generated for those hotels and restaurants. Do you really think the 5,000 Texas fans would stay in OKC for the weekend? No. With Dallas 3 hours away, most Texas fans would leave after the game, go to Dallas and party in Dallas. Certainly, the economic bump to the Norman/OKC economy would not equal the $1.5 million the school would receive every 2 years from the corporate sponsors if the game remains in Dallas.

In addition, the loss of tradition, history and uniqueness of the game, the weekend in Dallas would render this game just another big matchup... instead of what it is.

Home and home? It doesn't make sense financially.. nor for any other logical reason.

You need to quit messing with Texaslid on the subject of raising money.....He is a horn....He gets it.........They invented the big money athletic department.........I used to have my own seat in the Cotton Bowl.....then the horns reinvented the system and I give more money and my seats are worse every year

3/1/2007, 11:01 AM
You need to quit messing with Texaslid on the subject of raising money.....He is a horn....He gets it.........They invented the big money athletic department.........I used to have my own seat in the Cotton Bowl.....then the horns reinvented the system and I give more money and my seats are worse every year

and this year... they are on the other side of the stadium.


3/1/2007, 11:25 AM
and this year... they are on the other side of the stadium.


Be advised........Do not use the "tunnel" end zone restroom.....if you have to then watch out for the overflow.....did not happen last year but all three years previous it did. NASTY.....

I hope we insist on the curtain being down that would be hilarious and make the horns look like sissies.......

Crap....I gotta quit thinking about that game....I will never get anything done today

3/1/2007, 01:23 PM
Crap....I gotta quit thinking about that game....I will never get anything done today

too late for me. :D

3/1/2007, 01:39 PM
Be advised........Do not use the "tunnel" end zone restroom.....if you have to then watch out for the overflow.....did not happen last year but all three years previous it did. NASTY.....

Quid pro quo then...

When you have to use the bathroom at halftime, get your pass out of the Cotton Bowl, walk across the sidewalk to the food court and use their bathrooms... cleaner, usually no wait.

3/1/2007, 02:18 PM
Quid pro quo then...

When you have to use the bathroom at halftime, get your pass out of the Cotton Bowl, walk across the sidewalk to the food court and use their bathrooms... cleaner, usually no wait.

Speedwalking right????:D

3/1/2007, 02:42 PM
Quid pro quo then...

When you have to use the bathroom at halftime, get your pass out of the Cotton Bowl, walk across the sidewalk to the food court and use their bathrooms... cleaner, usually no wait.

Slightly OT, but on that aspect alone...a H/H game would mean that every OTHER year, OU fans could get a pass out at halftime and go use the decent heads, then get back in. As it stands now, once you enter the Gaylord Fokker Stadium, you have to stay. One of the more bothersome stadium rules, for sure. I understand it prevents people going out and getting plastered, then falling from the top 'o the roost, breaking their own necks as well as taking out ten other fans while they're at it - thereby allowing the dead moron's family to sue the University forever. A few stupid people ruin things for everyone.

Why doesn't a tu fan do a Gaylord Fokker & pay to upgrade the Cotton Bowl facilities, and slap their name onto the damn thing? I'm just one more old fan who HATES the idea of a H/H and moving that game to any other venue. The RRW shows the CFB world that OUr rivalry is the finest, with the exception of NAVY/army - go NAVY!)

3/1/2007, 03:01 PM
Slightly OT, but on that aspect alone...a H/H game would mean that every OTHER year, OU fans could get a pass out at halftime and go use the decent heads, then get back in. As it stands now, once you enter the Gaylord Fokker Stadium, you have to stay. One of the more bothersome stadium rules, for sure. I understand it prevents people going out and getting plastered, then falling from the top 'o the roost, breaking their own necks as well as taking out ten other fans while they're at it - thereby allowing the dead moron's family to sue the University forever. A few stupid people ruin things for everyone.

Why doesn't a tu fan do a Gaylord Fokker & pay to upgrade the Cotton Bowl facilities, and slap their name onto the damn thing? I'm just one more old fan who HATES the idea of a H/H and moving that game to any other venue. The RRW shows the CFB world that OUr rivalry is the finest, with the exception of NAVY/army - go NAVY!)

I think there are more drunks now........everyone is sneaking in the hardstuff......instead going out for a couple of beers

3/2/2007, 11:46 AM
as far as i'm concerned, a h&h would allow more people that don't get the opportunity to watch the game in person a chance to do so. the fair venue is definitely funner, but the cotton bowl is a complete dump and has been for years. the powers that be won't do anything about it to speak of and sooner or later, it has to stop.

and yes, for the people that think that those that disagee with them on this don't have any perspective on the game at the fair, i've been to 3 rrw's. (OU also won national championships all 3 of those years too).

3/2/2007, 04:47 PM
as far as i'm concerned, a h&h would allow more people that don't get the opportunity to watch the game in person a chance to do so.

How do you figure that? IF you cant afford a ticket at the Cotton Bowl, what makes you think they are going to be able to afford a ticket at home? Its still gonna be farging expensive. If you cant afford to go down to Dallas, you arent going to be able to afford it at home either. Lame excuse, JMHO.

3/3/2007, 03:41 PM

Double Ditto!


3/3/2007, 07:04 PM
How do you figure that? IF you cant afford a ticket at the Cotton Bowl, what makes you think they are going to be able to afford a ticket at home? Its still gonna be farging expensive. If you cant afford to go down to Dallas, you arent going to be able to afford it at home either. Lame excuse, JMHO.

wrong. if you have season tickets, you have a ticket to the game if it's a home and home format. there are 82K ticket holders to the home games. not even half of those get to go to dallas to watch the tejas game. and those that do are usually the ones that have alot of cash. i'm not one of them. i stretch my budget enough as it is to have season tickets. hardly "lame".

3/4/2007, 06:23 PM
as long as the West-End is the same if it does move locations. the West-end the night before the game is the seconde greatest thing about the weekend.

Hah. This is the funniest thing I've read in a quite sometime. I think the first AND last time I went down there when I was a freshman. We went down there to the "clubs", and then down to the infamous Commerce St. - my friend got stabbed that night. What a joke that whole part of town is.

Do you realize what is happening with all of these "SuperDome" locations going up? Were any of you at the Fiesta Bowl? Did anyone feel like it was a little weird watching a football game in that facility? I felt like I was in a mall.

I'm "oldschool" when it comes to stadiums - yeah, I'd like to go to the bathroom without wading through poo, but man, these new places are just a little too "sterile" for my good.

For all of you talking about a home/home - please GO AWAY! We are lucky to have such a great tradition, and likely will have to see it GO AWAY. There are only a few teams that have such great rivalries and traditions. It's too bad people are ****ing it away.

3/4/2007, 08:30 PM
as far as i'm concerned, a h&h would allow more people that don't get the opportunity to watch the game in person a chance to do so.

That's great and all, but it's not the same game. They would be seeing A game, but not THE game the way it stands now.

3/5/2007, 01:22 AM
The financial aspect is one of the bigger fallacies about going home and home.

Let's look at ticket sales... Your stadium in Norman seats.. what.. 80K? You give 5k to Texas but receive 5K from Texas for the game in Austin. so you have ticket sales of 80K for a two year time period. The game in Dallas, with capacity of the Cotton Bowl at 92,000 and Jerry's World about the same.. you get 46,000 every year!.. Over a two year time period, the school actually receives more revenue from the sales of tickets.

Ok... if the game remains in Dallas, it will continue to have a corporate sponsor. Keep in mind, that there will soon be TWO competiting venues in Dallas for the game.. the old Cotton Bowl and Jerry's World.. SBC, or Dr. Pepper, along with the City of Dallas or Jerry's corporate sponsors. These are hard dollars going into the athletic or general revenue funds of each university to the tune probably of $750K on an annual basis. Do you really think that corporate sponsors are going to step up to the plate for a home and home series? So, that revenue is gone in home and home.

Then.. you may say, well, it will be a great boon to the local economy.. hotels, restaurants. Uh again... not so much. I presume many OU fans who attend home games live within a driving distance to the game and don't generally stay in hotels the night before and the night of your home games. Certainly, there are others who do stay in Norman or more likely, OKC and that is revenue which would be generated for those hotels and restaurants. Do you really think the 5,000 Texas fans would stay in OKC for the weekend? No. With Dallas 3 hours away, most Texas fans would leave after the game, go to Dallas and party in Dallas. Certainly, the economic bump to the Norman/OKC economy would not equal the $1.5 million the school would receive every 2 years from the corporate sponsors if the game remains in Dallas.

In addition, the loss of tradition, history and uniqueness of the game, the weekend in Dallas would render this game just another big matchup... instead of what it is.

Home and home? It doesn't make sense financially.. nor for any other logical reason.

Please forward this post to a guy named E.Z. Million. He's running for mayor of Norman, and I really don't want to see him get elected.

3/5/2007, 01:44 AM
Be advised........Do not use the "tunnel" end zone restroom.....if you have to then watch out for the overflow.....did not happen last year but all three years previous it did. NASTY.....

I hope we insist on the curtain being down that would be hilarious and make the horns look like sissies.......

Crap....I gotta quit thinking about that game....I will never get anything done today

Dude, he's a whorn... let the toilet explode all over him, it oughtta make his burnt orange look at least a little better. :D

Sorry... pre-game smack. When is kickoff already!?! :D

3/5/2007, 11:55 AM
Dude, he's a whorn... let the toilet explode all over him, it oughtta make his burnt orange look at least a little better. :D

Sorry... pre-game smack. When is kickoff already!?! :D

You Are Right..........My Bad.......Only 7 months to go!!!!!!!!!

3/5/2007, 12:34 PM
wrong. if you have season tickets, you have a ticket to the game if it's a home and home format. there are 82K ticket holders to the home games. not even half of those get to go to dallas to watch the tejas game. and those that do are usually the ones that have alot of cash. i'm not one of them. i stretch my budget enough as it is to have season tickets. hardly "lame".

wrong, still lame.

3/5/2007, 01:08 PM
wrong. if you have season tickets, you have a ticket to the game if it's a home and home format. there are 82K ticket holders to the home games. not even half of those get to go to dallas to watch the tejas game. and those that do are usually the ones that have alot of cash. i'm not one of them. i stretch my budget enough as it is to have season tickets. hardly "lame".

So decades of tradition out the window because of your budget woes. That defines Lame and is the epitome of "wrong". I would love to have season tickets to the Stars, Mavericks, Rangers, etc. I can't afford them, but I am not going to insist that they change their policy and structure so that I can. Wow. :confused:

3/5/2007, 01:32 PM
If this tradition (greatest in sports history) ends, someone will be sure to get mooned followed by a few eggs. :eek:

Crimson and Orange
3/5/2007, 04:04 PM
and this year... they are on the other side of the stadium. WHICH IS STUPID!!! :mad:

That is so f***ing wrong. The people who thought that up need to be taken out and maimed.

3/6/2007, 01:23 PM
the cotton bowl is a dump, soon to be a complete dump. it can't stay that way forever. it's going to change one way or another. that's the reality of the situation. i would like it to stay there myself, but it's not. the fair is the best place to have it, but before long, they'll be playing it at the midway instead of the dilapidated stadium. deal with it. if you can't have it at the craphole of c.b as you guys want it, there would be more Sooners to watch it in norman as anywhere else.

3/6/2007, 03:27 PM
the cotton bowl is a dump, soon to be a complete dump. it can't stay that way forever. it's going to change one way or another. that's the reality of the situation. i would like it to stay there myself, but it's not. the fair is the best place to have it, but before long, they'll be playing it at the midway instead of the dilapidated stadium. deal with it. if you can't have it at the craphole of c.b as you guys want it, there would be more Sooners to watch it in norman as anywhere else.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :confused: :confused:

3/6/2007, 03:45 PM
the cotton bowl is a dump, soon to be a complete dump. it can't stay that way forever. it's going to change one way or another. that's the reality of the situation. i would like it to stay there myself, but it's not. the fair is the best place to have it, but before long, they'll be playing it at the midway instead of the dilapidated stadium. deal with it. if you can't have it at the craphole of c.b as you guys want it, there would be more Sooners to watch it in norman as anywhere else.

Yes it is.. That is the problem when the City owns a stadium.. All the money it makes goes to other areas.. As your resident Canes fan I can surely Sympathize with that.. Considering our situation with the OB (City of Miami owns it) and possibly moving to JRS.

3/7/2007, 11:36 AM
i think the county owns it.