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View Full Version : What a waste...

2/20/2007, 07:22 PM
Today was Mardi Gras - a city wide party with mucho festivity and eating and drinking and dancing in the streets, etc., etc. So how did I spend the biggest party day of the year?
Sleeping. :rolleyes:
I got up at 0500 and drove a daughter across the river to her friend's house, so they could spend all day at the parades. When I got home about 0615, I walked the dog and then laid myself down on the bed "for a little while," expecting to get up in a hour or so and head out to party hearty (or hardy). Instead, I woke up at 1400. The parades were over & Mrs TU was out buying a few things, so just I stayed home and made a sandwich. It's probably the first time in 30 years that I did not hit the streets on Fat Tuesday and have a roaring beer buzz on by 1000.
Kinda sad, really, but at least I don't have an afternoon hangover. :)

2/20/2007, 08:05 PM
Our little boy is finally growing up, mom.

2/20/2007, 08:28 PM

2/20/2007, 09:56 PM
How sad for you. I worked today.

2/21/2007, 02:28 AM
A day without debauchery is a wasted day. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

2/21/2007, 02:32 AM
how sad for you, it's Lunar New Years, so I got 1/2 of saturday off for that but the yard itself is officially closed from last Saturday to today (5 days)

and yes, I would have rather been drinking or off with kimchi for the holiday, but I gots bills to pay