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View Full Version : Would you want a gay player on OUr team?

2/15/2007, 11:43 PM
I don't know if ESPN is the publisher of John Amaechi's "coming out" book but they've been promoting it like crazy for the past few days. Tim Hardaway (former all-star) took the bait and declared, "I hate gay people...First of all, I wouldn't want him on my team. And second of all, if he was on my team, you know, I would really distance myself from him because I don't think that is right."

OK, maybe his statements are a bit extreme but
(a) would you want a gay guy on OUr team?

(b) if you were a player, would you feel comfortable with a gay teammate?

(c) The NBA banned him for his statements, is that right?

The answers to these questions will have major ramification for sports in the next few years.

2/15/2007, 11:54 PM
As long as he can take it to the hole ....... :D

[Ed McMahon]HayyyOOOOOOO ![/Ed McMahon]


2/16/2007, 12:03 AM
as long as he can get up when he's near the rim......

2/16/2007, 12:03 AM
Hey, if the guy can win... let him play. Just recommend shower gel instead of bar soap in the locker room if ya know what I mean... :eek:

2/16/2007, 12:10 AM
on second thought... let the ghey man stay in Austin. I see no need to take a Tejas recruit. ;)

2/16/2007, 12:15 AM
Sure you let him play on the team. He is could be a valuable member of the squad. Now if an issue came up with that said person actually making other players uncomfortable in the locker room then no he shouldn't be allowed.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/16/2007, 12:15 AM
The aids situation would be a concern. Remember when Magic Johnson came back to the NBA after diagnosis and treatment? He didn't last long after his return, for some reason.....

2/16/2007, 12:15 AM
I would like to know why people feel it's necessary to announce their sexual orientation to the world.

Personally, I don't think it would bother me if there were a gay player on the team... of course I'm not a guy and I'm not on the team. If I were, it may be a whole 'nother opinion.

2/16/2007, 12:23 AM
If it were possible that the presence of a homosexual player would not break team comradery, then it would be fine. Most football players would probably not enjoy having a homosexual in the locker room, from what i would assume. Personally, if i was a player on OUr team i wouldn't be too excited about another player in the locker room being attracted to men.

Thar's my two cents...

2/16/2007, 12:28 AM
Odds are, eevryone's gonna deal with this before too long. Not to stereotype or anything, but who here thinks there aren't some vaginoplasty's in some of womens' sports? Strike a nerve? Not intended to, just sayin'... before long, Big Gay Al may be your big, gay linebacker. Are you gonna hate on him?

Nine times outta ten, sexuality isn't discussed among athletes. Dirty jokes and namecalling from time to time, yes. But notice how most athletes wait until they retire, or until they have the world's respect before they come out? I don't think people should be ashamed of who they are, but I don't think who or what you are/choose to be should really matter in sports.

Here's the best way to put it... say Jeff Garcia comes out openly after being traded to the Bears. Would you rather have him or Rex Grossman QB the team?

2/16/2007, 12:30 AM
If it were possible that the presence of a homosexual player would not break team comradery, then it would be fine. Most football players would probably not enjoy having a homosexual in the locker room, from what i would assume. Personally, if i was a player on OUr team i wouldn't be too excited about another player in the locker room being attracted to men.

Thar's my two cents...

I see your point, though. Locker room talk is what it is, and it would totally change the vibe if guys were all quiet and uncomfortable because they were afraind to speak up in that situation. Much the same with the ghey man/woman who feels like an outsider.

It's difficult, that's why sexual preference really shouldn't have anything to do with sports.

2/16/2007, 12:31 AM
Would you rather have him or Rex Grossman QB the team?
Is neither an option?

2/16/2007, 12:32 AM
I wouldn't have a problem with it. At least you know he would stick up for his team mates:D

2/16/2007, 12:47 AM
I see your point, though. Locker room talk is what it is, and it would totally change the vibe if guys were all quiet and uncomfortable because they were afraind to speak up in that situation. Much the same with the ghey man/woman who feels like an outsider.

It's difficult, that's why sexual preference really shouldn't have anything to do with sports.

I agree. It would be much simpler if sexuality had no part in sports, but it is almost impossible to separate the masculinity, warrior atmosphere from the sport itself.

2/16/2007, 12:55 AM
I wouldn't have a problem with it. At least you know he would stick up for his team mates:D

Well, as long as he's behind them 100%. :eek:

2/16/2007, 12:59 AM
I dont think it should be an issue so big to where he has to announce it to the world. That being said, for whatever reason he thought he has to so whatever. As to the questions,
a) it wouldnt bother me
b) it wouldnt bother me, I would hope that everyone inlcluding the gay guy could be mature enough to not make it an issue
c) if he would have just said he didnt agree then NO, he shouldnt have been banned. But coming out and stating that he hates gay people I think crosses the line

Frozen Sooner
2/16/2007, 01:02 AM
This isn't really a hypothetical question.

OU has had a gay player on the team in the past and likely does now. Maybe even more than one.

And if that gay player could play, you're damn skippy I'd want him on the team.

2/16/2007, 01:14 AM
Heck yeah. If a dude is the best guy available at his position, I want him on the team. And as far as locker-room dynamics, I'll just say this: as a musician I know a lot of gay dudes - stereotype all you want, but it's pretty true. Especially if you throw in the choir dudes and music theater dudes. And one thing remains constant: I have NEVER seen a gay dude hit on another guy unless he's ABSOLUTELY, 100% positive that the dude being hit on is also gay.

So, the only thing affecting locker room dynamics would be if the straight dudes are such giant pansies that they're actually scared of a gay dude hitting on them.

2/16/2007, 01:45 AM
Heck yeah. If a dude is the best guy available at his position, I want him on the team.



2/16/2007, 01:49 AM
Personally, I think it would be funny as hell.

Think of the banter (banta?) fodder.

If a team or fans make fun of the player just remind them they got reamed by our gay player. I don't think we'd actually need to change any of our insults since most masculine insults center on sexuality.

Hey aggies! You're a bunch of homos, you should like XXXX!

Hey longhorns, you got bent over and reamed by XXXX!

2/16/2007, 03:04 AM
If it were possible that the presence of a homosexual player would not break team comradery, then it would be fine. Most football players would probably not enjoy having a homosexual in the locker room, from what i would assume. Personally, if i was a player on OUr team i wouldn't be too excited about another player in the locker room being attracted to men.

Thar's my two cents...

Look you wouldnt think most frat guys would either... That said... In my pledge clase we had not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 guys come out throughout the course of either their time in the house (1999-2002, we only have to live in the house 2-3yrs) or within the 5 years just after it. And to mine, and i think everyone elses surprise noone really gave a ****. We all showered with them etc... because we had community showers. And I'm sorry, straight or not I am calling everyone out on this, If you have ever been in the community shower then you have looked, either on purpose or not, you have looked. get over yourselves. Anyway, their being gay was never a big deal. If they thought you were attractive they told you, but at the same time they werent coming on to you. You know why?! because you and I are STRAIGHT! They know it too. You know why!? because we want to **** WOMEN. Its not hard to tell.

So basically I think most people would be surprised at their ability to accept somone else for who they are if they were given the chance. Also for the most part our talk didnt change, and locker room talk cannot be any worse than frat guy talk. But it is different if someone knows the way you feel about things. If I say that something is "gay" around my gay friends they know what I mean.

This is all just bull**** and it isnt about being PC. If you arent comefortable being around gay people that is fine. I am not comfortable around gay people who flaunt it in public, but for that matter I am not comfortable with straight people that flaunt it in public either.

This is about being able to not discriminate against people even though you dont agree with who they are or what they are. It is the same thing as discriminating against someone for being black or white, it is an intrinsic part of someone and you arent going to change it. Think about it if it was a choice, would someone choose to be straight so they wouldnt have to deal with all of this crap?

anyway thats my 3 cents... :cool:

2/16/2007, 03:37 AM
if I was the center and knew that the QB was gay, http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/images/smilies/eek.gif I would go to the coach and request that all plays start out of the shotgun formation.

2/16/2007, 06:31 AM
You'd have to be pretty naive to not realize that practically every high school, college and pro football team has fielded gay players by now. I think the vast majority of people (myself included) could care less, but the media keeps making a big deal out of it every time some celeb wants to announce to the world that they're homosexual.

Why don't straight men and women get equal press time about their preference? I mean, if some linebacker steps up to the mic and says, "Hey, I think the time is right and everyone has a right to know.. so I'll just come out and say it... I'm heterosexual", everyone would think he was mental or something, but it's all newsworthy and crap when a gay person does it.

2/16/2007, 06:32 AM
It's funny how this former NBA player can come out and spout off about his gayness (who cares) and he is deemed a hero by ESPN and the other liberal media types, and then Hardaway is asked a question and responds honestly about how he feels about the subject and the NBA and the media throw him under the bus.

Sounds like reverse discrimination to me, and by the way Hardaway has the guts to say what 99.9% of what the rest of the NBA players believe.

2/16/2007, 07:24 AM
I mean, if some linebacker steps up to the mic and says, "Hey, I think the time is right and everyone has a right to know.. so I'll just come out and say it... I'm heterosexual", everyone would think he was mental or something, but it's all newsworthy and crap when a gay person does it.
That would be newsworthy too. The linebacker would be severely castigated for his insensitive and politically incorrect remarks.

2/16/2007, 08:33 AM
I would have NO problem with it at all. As long as he/she is on my team and we both are doing our very best to bring honor and respect and championships to the university, college, city, high school whatever they are my TEAMMATES and almost like a second family. And i'll be DAMNED if i'm gonna let someone push my teammate or second family member around and me not do anything. But thats just me. :D The TEAM is more important than ANY individual regardless of anything.

2/16/2007, 08:41 AM
The aids situation would be a concern. Remember when Magic Johnson came back to the NBA after diagnosis and treatment? He didn't last long after his return, for some reason.....

Did I miss something? Were we discussing having an HIV+ person on the team? I thought it was about a gay player...

2/16/2007, 08:47 AM
Only if he was a kicker. They are already outcasts.

And if Bob would let him wear a feather boa.

2/16/2007, 09:07 AM
In sports and particular mens sports- I would think that a phone book sized Sexual harrasment and discrimination policy would have too take affect.

If the linebackers and Dlineman make homosexual comments in the locker room getting fired up too play are they now subject too the PC policy- liable to be sued or kicked off the team?

In organized sports or professional sports- I would think that they would stand a chance too cause a lot of problems in the locker room based on sexuality and not the actual sport itself.

Not sure the transition of Gays in the locker room is as easy as some people make it out too be... Some gay would blow it and sue everyone because they have a chip on the shoulder about how some people view their lifestyle not race.

2/16/2007, 09:14 AM
I had a friend who overheard at the marble slab that AD is ghey!!

2/16/2007, 09:30 AM
I don't know if ESPN is the publisher of John Amaechi's "coming out" book but they've been promoting it like crazy for the past few days.

Actually, yes they are the publisher's of the book... Weird coincidence huh?:rolleyes:

Rock Hard Corn Frog
2/16/2007, 09:32 AM
I THINK if I was on a team now I'd probably be pretty uncomfortable with it at first but I'd probably would get used to it over time. It would probably make a difference if the guy was someone I had known for a while, especially if it was a friend. I don't think if some guy on a team came out that he would be some Rodman, T.O. type that would be some sort of diva anyway.

I'll say this though. I played college baseball and some minor league baseball and there are probably few places that would be less forgiving to someone that would come out (maybe the military?) as a college-pro sport locker room. Tim Hardaway is getting raked over the coals right now but I'd say his opinion is pretty widely held. I know it wouldn't have worked in my experience. The practical jokes in general could be pretty cruel to start with. I would bet that a player would wind up with a Ricky Martin CD, a tiera and a feather boa in his locker. A lot of NBA players are coming to say all the right things and make it sound like it wouldn't be a problem with them but it is all BS. A team with an openly gay play would have a divided locker room between 1. players who don't want him on the team and aren't shy about making it known 2. players who don't want him on the team but are quiet about it 3. players that might be slightly uncomfortable with it but are willing to deal with it but don't really rally to his support. 4. players that will side with the player and defend him.

Whether or not it is the way it should be the last place on the planet where political correctness will be found is a pro sports locker room.

2/16/2007, 09:36 AM
Speaking of morality...

We already have drug users, rapists, thieves, cheaters....what would it hurt?

Besides, Texas has been doing it for years...

2/16/2007, 10:32 AM
I would tell him to pack his **** and leave. Oh wait its already packed.

2/16/2007, 10:38 AM
Stephen A. Smith said on ESPN last night that alot of NBA players feel the same way Hardaway does, but they aren't dumb enough to say it publicly. I really hope T.O gives us his thoughts on the situation.

stoops the eternal pimp
2/16/2007, 10:42 AM
Has there ever been this much talk about a player that averaged 6 points a game in his career?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/16/2007, 10:50 AM
Did I miss something? Were we discussing having an HIV+ person on the team? I thought it was about a gay player...If you thinik my comment through, you will see the logic. If you don't understand, then what cave you been living in?

2/16/2007, 10:59 AM
If you thinik my comment through, you will see the logic. If you don't understand, then what cave you been living in?
Well, I think there is a significant difference between being openly gay and testing positive for HIV.

It may be a high risk lifestyle, but probably not much more so than a lot of the NBA players already live. Just assuming someone has HIV isn't good.

People were afraid of catching HIV from Magic because they KNEW he had HIV.

2/16/2007, 11:09 AM
Darryl Royal was flamboyantly gay, and he was a great Sooner and former All-American.

2/16/2007, 11:27 AM
Seriously, isn't there worse things you'd want on your team other than a gay person? I'm sure the women sports are full of them, yet, you don't hear about them being licked in the carpet.

2/16/2007, 11:50 AM
This is about being able to not discriminate against people even though you dont agree with who they are or what they are.

This bolded part got me thinking and I have a devil's advocate type question. Why is it OK to discriminate against someone because they espoused an unpopular view? I am not saying I agree with his view or anything close to that. The public outcry and subsequent punishment just seems contradictory.

We preach tolerance, tolerance and more tolerance. We are told to tolerate difference and accept people for who they are. Well, apparently Hardaway is a bigoted homophobe. Shouldn't we accept him for who he is?

2/16/2007, 12:16 PM
This bolded part got me thinking and I have a devil's advocate type question. Why is it OK to discriminate against someone because they espoused an unpopular view? I am not saying I agree with his view or anything close to that. The public outcry and subsequent punishment just seems contradictory.

We preach tolerance, tolerance and more tolerance. We are told to tolerate difference and accept people for who they are. Well, apparently Hardaway is a bigoted homophobe. Shouldn't we accept him for who he is?

Hell, I respect him for at least being honest and not being a hypocrite. If you're going to be a bigot, own that ****. He wasn't trying to justify it with some Bible verse or argument about procreation. He just flat out hates 'mos, and he's not afraid to say to it.

2/16/2007, 12:19 PM
I think the vast majority of people (myself included) could care less,

This is where you are dead wrong. This should be a pole, (albeit a feces covered one)

2/16/2007, 12:22 PM
Only if he was cute.:)

2/16/2007, 12:24 PM
It's funny how this former NBA player can come out and spout off about his gayness (who cares) and he is deemed a hero by ESPN and the other liberal media types

Just like that damn Rosa Parks. Who cares if she sat at the front of the bus? White people had doing that for years.

2/16/2007, 12:27 PM
This bolded part got me thinking and I have a devil's advocate type question. Why is it OK to discriminate against someone because they espoused an unpopular view? I am not saying I agree with his view or anything close to that. The public outcry and subsequent punishment just seems contradictory.

We preach tolerance, tolerance and more tolerance. We are told to tolerate difference and accept people for who they are. Well, apparently Hardaway is a bigoted homophobe. Shouldn't we accept him for who he is?

This is like asking if its okay to discriminate against someone for hating black people. Everyone has a right to their opinion no matter what that opinion is. The term tolerance is a loaded term.

And I didnt say he was a bad person for having an opinion that isnt what my opinion is. I just think that his opinion isnt based on anything above eight grade logic. So yes we should accept him for who he is, but work to improve his world outlook so that he realizes that another persons sexuality really isnt any of his business.

Rock Hard Corn Frog
2/16/2007, 12:29 PM
Seriously, isn't there worse things you'd want on your team other than a gay person? I'm sure the women sports are full of them, yet, you don't hear about them being licked in the carpet.

I think there is a big difference between someone like Martina Navratalova (sp), some LPGA golfer or even WNBA player. I think there is much more acceptance in womens sports. For that matter in figure skating I'm not so sure that heterosexual men aren't the exception. I don't think it would be much of an issue for individual sports either.

2/16/2007, 12:42 PM
Gee, do you think it might be because we live in a society where there are alot people out there who actually want to amend the constitution saying gays don't have the same rights as others? Just a thought.

It's funny how this former NBA player can come out and spout off about his gayness (who cares) and he is deemed a hero by ESPN and the other liberal media types, and then Hardaway is asked a question and responds honestly about how he feels about the subject and the NBA and the media throw him under the bus.

Sounds like reverse discrimination to me, and by the way Hardaway has the guts to say what 99.9% of what the rest of the NBA players believe.

2/16/2007, 01:04 PM
I THINK if I was on a team now I'd probably be pretty uncomfortable with it at first but I'd probably would get used to it over time. It would probably make a difference if the guy was someone I had known for a while, especially if it was a friend. I don't think if some guy on a team came out that he would be some Rodman, T.O. type that would be some sort of diva anyway.

I'll say this though. I played college baseball and some minor league baseball and there are probably few places that would be less forgiving to someone that would come out (maybe the military?) as a college-pro sport locker room. Tim Hardaway is getting raked over the coals right now but I'd say his opinion is pretty widely held. I know it wouldn't have worked in my experience. The practical jokes in general could be pretty cruel to start with. I would bet that a player would wind up with a Ricky Martin CD, a tiera and a feather boa in his locker. A lot of NBA players are coming to say all the right things and make it sound like it wouldn't be a problem with them but it is all BS. A team with an openly gay play would have a divided locker room between 1. players who don't want him on the team and aren't shy about making it known 2. players who don't want him on the team but are quiet about it 3. players that might be slightly uncomfortable with it but are willing to deal with it but don't really rally to his support. 4. players that will side with the player and defend him.

Whether or not it is the way it should be the last place on the planet where political correctness will be found is a pro sports locker room.

I'm not sure I agree with you...I think it would depend a whole lot on the personality of the guy in question. Yeah, the jokes and pranks would be merciless, but I imagine that if the dude was good enough to make it as far as college or even pro ball, then he has probably already learned to put up with them and even dish some out. If he is a guy that is easy to get along with, it probably wouldn't be a problem. If he's got a divisive personality though, then yeah, it will just amplify his divisiveness. I played college baseball too, and one of the things I noticed about our locker rooms was that no matter how different everybody was (and we had a wide range of personalities), everyone had two things in common. a) they wanted to win and b) they liked to have fun. As far as I can guess, we could have had a completely flaming homo on the team and nobody would have cared so long as he could take a joke and make a joke.

2/16/2007, 01:24 PM
granted it is unnatural, but i bet no one here will complain about some lesbian softball girls.

Stoop Dawg
2/16/2007, 01:24 PM
I'm disappointed (but not surprised) that this is still an issue today.

In order to solve a problem, you must first know what the problem *is*. What's the problem? The problem is not a person's sexuality - it's other people's reaction to their sexuality.

The question is not "Should a gay person be allowed in sports?" The answer to that question is obvious. The real question is "Should divisive players be allowed in team sports?" Actually, the answer to that question is obvious as well - each team must decide for itself.

Take TO. Some teams don't want him because he's a jackass. Others want him because he's a great player. So what?

So if the gay player is a jackass about it, some teams won't want him/her. If there is only one player on the team who is making an issue of another player's sexuality, I would be more prone to get rid of the player causing the problem.

2/16/2007, 01:39 PM
Take TO. Some teams don't want him because he's a jackass. Others want him because he's a great player. So what?

So if the gay player is a jackass about it, some teams won't want him/her.

Well said, yo.

If Notre Dame wants to accept that Clausen kid, well, good for them. Y'know?

John Kochtoston
2/16/2007, 01:52 PM
Personally, I believe the requirements for an OU player should be:

1) Kick ***.
2) Take names.
3) Avoid working at used car dealerships with horrible commercials.

Nothing else matters, least of all who the dude or dudette is bedding.

2/16/2007, 02:22 PM
Judge him on his ability to play football.

If he's good, let him play.

If he's real good, let him embarrass the other team.

Rock Hard Corn Frog
2/16/2007, 02:25 PM
Personally, I believe the requirements for an OU player should be:

1) Kick ***.
2) Take names.
3) Avoid working at used car dealerships with horrible commercials.

Nothing else matters, least of all who the dude or dudette is bedding.

He probably shouldn't be dining on choad at the Brokeback Steakhouse too....:D

In my example earlier I'd like to say that I would have fit in category 4 but I probably would have been in 3. I karaoke once or twice a month (which for some of you might has well been an admission that I'm SUPER) and there is one guy that is part of regular group I hang with there. He's gay, it's no secret and I'd probably consider him a friend or at least a friendly acquintance. At least in that environment I'm confortable.

Now a decade ago that same guy in an enviroment like a locker room I'm certain I'd felt different unless I had known him for years. I'm not going to lie, I'd probably be a little homophobic and I almost certainly would have been one of the lesser examples.

It's certainly no issue of whether someone has a right to play or not, we all know that. The guy won't be booted off the team but it doesn't mean it won't affect team chemistry. I figure the first openly gay athlete that isn't retired is probably going to have to be a superstar that is already generally well liked and even then a lot of people will turn on him. Those that come after may not have it quite as bad but the first one will get a taste of what Jackie Robinson went through.

2/16/2007, 02:30 PM
This isn't really a hypothetical question.

OU has had a gay player on the team in the past and likely does now. Maybe even more than one.

And if that gay player could play, you're damn skippy I'd want him on the team.

Alas! An island of reason in a sea of stupidity. This thread sucks 14 ways from Castro. It's 2007, folks. Ignorance is passe' ...

2/16/2007, 02:37 PM
Only if he was a kicker. They are already outcasts.

And if Bob would let him wear a feather boa.
This is the correct answer.:mad:

2/16/2007, 02:54 PM
I could care less. None of my business.

PS- There are gay players on the team right now and on probably every team in the country.

2/16/2007, 03:10 PM
So yes we should accept him for who he is, but work to improve his world outlook so that he realizes that another persons sexuality really isnt any of his business.

If a person's sexuality isn't anyone's business... then why the hell announce your sexuality to the world?

2/16/2007, 03:21 PM
I'm gonna keep the moral argument out of this.

Women are attracted to men, and they aren't allowed in a men's lockeroom.

Men are attracted to women, and they aren't allowed in a women's lockeroom.

Gay men are attracted to men, whether or not it's morally wrong, they shouldn't be allowed in a men's lockeroom.

I'm gonna keep my personal views out of it, but all that is a fact^^^

2/16/2007, 03:25 PM
I agree w/ Hardaway...

2/16/2007, 03:38 PM
We preach tolerance, tolerance and more tolerance. We are told to tolerate difference and accept people for who they are. Well, apparently Hardaway is a bigoted homophobe. Shouldn't we accept him for who he is?
I don't have a problem with people being called out for hate, but I do have a problem with the way we take that and turn it into the person's defining characteristic. It's like a person is okay one second, and then they open up their mouth, and they're a POS, the worst human EVAR. It's isn't that simple. We all have our good and bad traits, and it's absurd to completely ostracize someone for failing to hide one of their bad ones.

2/16/2007, 03:45 PM
I don't have a problem with people being called out for hate, but I do have a problem with the way we take that and turn it into the person's defining characteristic. It's like a person is okay one second, and then they open up their mouth, and they're a POS, the worst human EVAR. It's isn't that simple. We all have our good and bad traits, and it's absurd to completely ostracize someone for failing to hide one of their bad ones.

It's all a double standard nowdays, the liberal point of view is spread all around and accepted by mainstream America. The people who think it's wrong or disagree with any liberal view, they get bashed to hell for it.

More people need to stand up for what they believe in, and quit leaving people like Hardaway out to dry when he speaks his mind. I've heard so many people STRAIGHT UP BASH christian beliefs and they get treated like royalty for speaking up. If you so much as say you believe homosexuality is immoral, you can kiss your job goodbye....if your in the public eye. Heck, even at an ordinary workplace your job could be in jeopardy if you speak against the liberal point of view.

2/16/2007, 03:51 PM
I don't see why we can just leave things the way they've always been. There's a place for gay athletes. Austin Texas. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

2/16/2007, 03:53 PM
It's all a double standard nowdays, the liberal point of view is spread all around and accepted by mainstream America. The people who think it's wrong or disagree with any liberal view, they get bashed to hell for it.
It doesn't have a dang thing to do with liberal, IMO. We're just very judgmental people, on both sides of the aisle.

2/16/2007, 03:57 PM
It doesn't have a dang thing to do with liberal, IMO. We're just very judgmental people, on both sides of the aisle.

Ok, take the liberal part out of it then. A person stands up denoucing christianity they get "treated like royalty". Kinda like getting prayer knocked out of public schools. A man stands up and says homosexuals shouldn't be able to raise children, dress in the same-sex's lockeroom, etc. He himself, is denounced.

2/16/2007, 03:58 PM
It's all a double standard nowdays, the liberal point of view is spread all around and accepted by mainstream America. The people who think it's wrong or disagree with any liberal view, they get bashed to hell for it.

More people need to stand up for what they believe in, and quit leaving people like Hardaway out to dry when he speaks his mind. I've heard so many people STRAIGHT UP BASH christian beliefs and they get treated like royalty for speaking up. If you so much as say you believe homosexuality is immoral, you can kiss your job goodbye....if your in the public eye. Heck, even at an ordinary workplace your job could be in jeopardy if you speak against the liberal point of view.

I agree with you. I don't think it is immoral to be gay, but that's just my opinion . If we truly respected other peoples beliefs we wouldn't even be having this conversation. It is not right to bash gays, christians, muslims, or anyone else. In the end, it doesn't really matter. It's not hard to love each other and get along. We are all human beings.:)

2/16/2007, 04:01 PM
And one thing remains constant: I have NEVER seen a gay dude hit on another guy unless he's ABSOLUTELY, 100% positive that the dude being hit on is also gay.

So, the only thing affecting locker room dynamics would be if the straight dudes are such giant pansies that they're actually scared of a gay dude hitting on them.

Gotta disagree big time on that comment. I am a straight man, and I don't have any qualities (flamboyance, limp wrist, etc) that would make anyone think that I was gay, but I have been hit on multiple times by gay men. I personally think it's pretty gross to know that a man has those types of thoughts about me. Seems to me it would make him the pansy, and me just grossed out, but whatever. What am I supposed to do, feel flattered?

2/16/2007, 04:10 PM
Gotta disagree big time on that comment. I am a straight man, and I don't have any qualities (flamboyance, limp wrist, etc) that would make anyone think that I was gay, but I have been hit on multiple times by gay men. I personally think it's pretty gross to know that a man has those types of thoughts about me. Seems to me it would make him the pansy, and me just grossed out, but whatever. What am I supposed to do, feel flattered?

I'm a straight man and was hit on by a gay man. That might have been the most uncomfortable I've ever felt. I didn't curse him, I didn't even give him that "your a queer" look. I changed the subject and he got the point quick.

I've only seen like 3 gay people in my life, not counting lesbians (which are pretty cool). It was obvious they were gay, but only 1 of them hit on me, which was way out of line. I hear and see on television alot of gays that don't care who they hit on, they do it and are proud of it.

Rock Hard Corn Frog
2/16/2007, 04:16 PM
Actually I heard Major League Baseball is cracking down on the problem. Apparently pitchers AND catchers are reporting this week. :D

2/16/2007, 04:20 PM
I'm a straight man and was hit on by a gay man. That might have been the most uncomfortable I've ever felt. I didn't curse him, I didn't even give him that "your a queer" look. I changed the subject and he got the point quick.

I've only seen like 3 gay people in my life, not counting lesbians (which are pretty cool). It was obvious they were gay, but only 1 of them hit on me, which was way out of line. I hear and see on television alot of gays that don't care who they hit on, they do it and are proud of it.

Same here.. I've never been rude about it, just informed them that I don't swing that way and moved on. But, if I worked with this individual, and especially showered with them daily, I think I would have a problem with it. I don't need someone I work with daily drooling over my man parts. I work at a hospital with with 300 women and probably a dozen men. Half the men who work here are gay. I work with them daily, we work through problems, and even joke from time to time, but if they ever crossed the line, yeah I would be offended. If that makes me a homophobe, fine by me.

2/16/2007, 04:20 PM
Actually I heard Major League Baseball is cracking down on the problem. Apparently pitchers AND catchers are reporting this week. :D


Tear Down This Wall
2/16/2007, 04:23 PM
Look, if the terrorists really hate America, why don't they bomb the places that export the majority of the immorality on non-sense that makes them hate us, ESPN and Hollywood, and leave the rest of us alone. Frauds.

2/16/2007, 04:25 PM
if I was the center and knew that the QB was gay, http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/images/smilies/eek.gif I would go to the coach and request that all plays start out of the shotgun formation.

Hilarious stuff. Funniest quote ever!!!!!

2/16/2007, 04:27 PM
Same here.. I've never been rude about it, just informed them that I don't swing that way and moved on. But, if I worked with this individual, and especially showered with them daily, I think I would have a problem with it. I don't need someone I work with daily drooling over my man parts. I work at a hospital with with 300 women and probably a dozen men. Half the men who work here are gay. I work with them daily, we work through problems, and even joke from time to time, but if they ever crossed the line, yeah I would be offended. If that makes me a homophobe, fine by me.

I wouldn't have any problem associating with gay people, but I am kinda "phobic" when they are around. I don't discriminate but I kinda naturally get a weird feeling when they are around. That could be credited to me only coming in contact with 3 that I know of in my life also. Growing up in OKlahoma that's just the way it is, you don't see a gay person everyday, and you're taught it's morally wrong from a very young age.

Like I said in my first post on this thread, I'm keeping my personal views out of this, but I agree with the way I was raised.

2/16/2007, 04:34 PM
I wouldn't have any problem associating with gay people, but I am kinda "phobic" when they are around. I don't discriminate but I kinda naturally get a weird feeling when they are around. That could be credited to me only coming in contact with 3 that I know of in my life also. Growing up in OKlahoma that's just the way it is, you don't see a gay person everyday, and you're taught it's morally wrong from a very young age.

Like I said in my first post on this thread, I'm keeping my personal views out of this, but I agree with the way I was raised.

Yeah, I grew up in Nashville, TN so I got pretty used to having them around. I am no longer nervous in their presence, just annoyed by the flamers. If you want to be gay, fine, but don't remind me of it every time you speak.

I'd also say that you have probably known more than 3. Some guys don't want to scream it from the tree tops, and do a pretty good job of concealing their sexual life. I've worked with one guy for over a year now, and just found out the other day that he was gay, and supposedly thinks I'm cute. I can deal with it, as long as I don't hear it from him. One of our male nurses however growled at me the other day while doing a tiger claw movement with his hand. Yeah, uncomfortable to say the least.

Frozen Sooner
2/16/2007, 04:40 PM
Keep politics out of this thread, please, or it will be moved to the South Oval.

2/16/2007, 04:42 PM
Keep politics out of this thread, please, or it will be moved to the South Oval.
I knew you'd turn on us.;)

2/16/2007, 04:44 PM
(a) would you want a gay guy on OUr team?
Odds are, we already have. Perhaps the real question is would we all want to know? The truth is, I wouldn't and I don't think teammates would, either. Often, people keep their opinions or feelings to themselves so that they are not a distraction to colleagues... or in this case, teammates. It would selfish for somebody to put themselves ahead of the greater good. It might make somebody feel talk about their problems in school, at home, or in their personal life. But sometimes, it's better to keep things to yourself for the greater good.

(b) if you were a player, would you feel comfortable with a gay teammate?
I'm originally from a rural area, where we didn't have to deal with racism, stereotypes or anything else mainstream. So... no, probably not, but I don't know if its ever happened. If it already has, I've had no problems.

(c) The NBA banned him for his statements, is that right?
The NBA is a biz-ness. The game is not about the players, its about money and how much they can make. Tim Hardaway is a has-been, B-list star. When you name the top players in NBA history, you name Michael Jordan, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Larry Bird and Wilt Chamberlain. Tim Hardaway does not fit into that class, so he is disposable, as far as the league is concerned. Sure he was an all-star a few times, but they have all-stars every year, and will have many more.

In conclusion, I think it's fine for the athletes to be gay, but just like the military, "don't ask, don't tell." I might be uncomfortable with a gay teammate, but I might not. I don't know.

Tim Hardaway? pbthhhh. If this is his only way of getting back in the spotlight, it's pretty pathetic. Go make a tape with Saved by the Bell's Screech next time.

2/16/2007, 04:44 PM
Keep politics out of this thread, please, or it will be moved to the South Oval.

That would either be the end for this thread, or or it would live on forever.

2/16/2007, 04:44 PM
Welllll...would he have to be actually ON the team (or any member thereof?) Howzabout he plays with the tea...no, that ain't right.
I've got it! He can huddle, but never cuddle!

A perplexing problem, positively!

My neighbor, a Mr. Percy Dovetonsils, chimes in; "Lithen, you big bulleeths! If one of us wants to play with your thilly little team, you'd better let him or we'll sic Rothie O'Donnell and Barney Frank on your athes!"

Ol' Percy's been a bit testy since someone castrated his lawn gnome.


2/16/2007, 04:47 PM
I'm gonna keep the moral argument out of this.

Women are attracted to men, and they aren't allowed in a men's lockeroom.

Men are attracted to women, and they aren't allowed in a women's lockeroom.

Gay men are attracted to men, whether or not it's morally wrong, they shouldn't be allowed in a men's lockeroom.

I'm gonna keep my personal views out of it, but all that is a fact^^^
Gay men aren't attracted to every man y'know. I have had two openly gay roommates in college, and shared a communal bathroom with them. As hot and as well endowed as I am, they managed to avoid becoming physically aroused at the sight of me, and it honestly never bothered me that they saw my ****. Too many people equate nudity with automatic sexual attraction, that isn't the case.

2/16/2007, 04:50 PM
I do not want gays on any team I am on.If a gay player were to join the Sooners,I would be uncomfortable with it.Call me a homophobe if you must but I will not knowingly associate with gays.

2/16/2007, 04:52 PM
Keep politics out of this thread, please, or it will be moved to the South Oval.

Oh this is about as political of a discussion as it can get. It just happened to hit the lockerooms. I think it should probably be in the south oval room, I won't go there to discuss it, nor would many others probably, considering the football board is the only thing that over half of us really care about. If anything this should be in the basketball room since it was a gay nba player that came out.

2/16/2007, 04:54 PM
Gay men aren't attracted to every man y'know. I have had two openly gay roommates in college, and shared a communal bathroom with them. As hot and as well endowed as I am, they managed to avoid becoming physically aroused at the sight of me, and it honestly never bothered me that they saw my ****. Too many people equate nudity with automatic sexual attraction, that isn't the case.

Women aren't attracted to every man either, but they still aren't allowed in a men's locker room.

2/16/2007, 04:54 PM
and it honestly never bothered me that they sucked my ****. Too many people equate felacio with automatic sexual attraction, that isn't the case.

What????? ;)

2/16/2007, 04:55 PM
Ok, take the liberal part out of it then. A person stands up denoucing christianity they get "treated like royalty". Kinda like getting prayer knocked out of public schools. A man stands up and says homosexuals shouldn't be able to raise children, dress in the same-sex's lockeroom, etc. He himself, is denounced.

I think the reason this happens is because many people who are representatives of christianity hold a double standard for themselves. They uphold one part of the bible, (e.g., in this instance saying being gay is wrong), but then will go out and get hammered on saturdays (just an example). The point is representation is hypocritcal. If people would hold true to things like: "Dont judge lest you be judged" & "let him who is without sin cast the 1st stone" we would as a society be much better off. The other question that this begs why are the rules set forth by christian doctrine the rules that should be forced onto everyone else who may/may not believe the same things. Why should a Jewish kid be forced to pray christian prayers in school? Just because someone/thing/viewpoint/sexuality/skin color is in the minority doesnt mean that it should be bashed/squelched for the majority. But that doesnt mean that the minority shoudl be put on the pedestal either. basically it should be an all or none sort of deal. Where all things/viewpoints/sexualities/skin colors can be accepted even if you dont agree with them, you should respect the right to have a different point of view.

As for the point of why do people have to flaunt their sexuality? just to be devils advocate, think about it from a gay persons perspective... every romantic comedy is about straight people, many straight people have no qualms with public displays of affection, etc... Basically I think they wouldnt flaunt it so much if we didnt make such a big deal out of it. JMHO. As far as PDA goes for the most part I am repulsed by it from both sides. And the reason they have to "come out" is so that they can be known as who they are or think that they are in that moment instead of feeling like they are hiding something or lying to themselves and to others. The only reason why I know that is because I have asked them. They dont look at this a flaunting their sexuality.

Rock Hard Corn Frog
2/16/2007, 04:57 PM
Keep politics out of this thread, please, or it will be moved to the South Oval.

Somehow a thread about a gay player and "south oval" seem to fit. ;)

Somehow I could hear Al Eschbeck on the Sooner postgame next fall with the postgame calls. Al, do you think Brett Romar was a sexy piece of manazz? I'll take your answer off the air. Thanks

2/16/2007, 05:02 PM
Women aren't attracted to every man either, but they still aren't allowed in a men's locker room.
But isn't that more out of custom, and the fact that most teams are same sex, than having anything to do with sexual attraction?

2/16/2007, 05:03 PM
I think the reason this happens is because many people who are representatives of christianity hold a double standard for themselves. They uphold one part of the bible, (e.g., in this instance saying being gay is wrong), but then will go out and get hammered on saturdays (just an example). The point is representation is hypocritcal. If people would hold true to things like: "Dont judge lest you be judged" & "let him who is without sin cast the 1st stone" we would as a society be much better off. The other question that this begs why are the rules set forth by christian doctrine the rules that should be forced onto everyone else who may/may not believe the same things. Why should a Jewish kid be forced to pray christian prayers in school? Just because someone/thing/viewpoint/sexuality/skin color is in the minority doesnt mean that it should be bashed/squelched for the majority. But that doesnt mean that the minority shoudl be put on the pedestal either. basically it should be an all or none sort of deal. Where all things/viewpoints/sexualities/skin colors can be accepted even if you dont agree with them, you should respect the right to have a different point of view.

As for the point of why do people have to flaunt their sexuality? just to be devils advocate, think about it from a gay persons perspective... every romantic comedy is about straight people, many straight people have no qualms with public displays of affection, etc... Basically I think they wouldnt flaunt it so much if we didnt make such a big deal out of it. JMHO. As far as PDA goes for the most part I am repulsed by it from both sides. And the reason they have to "come out" is so that they can be known as who they are or think that they are in that moment instead of feeling like they are hiding something or lying to themselves and to others. The only reason why I know that is because I have asked them. They dont look at this a flaunting their sexuality.

Very well put, I am a person of faith and I'm not perfect by any means. There are alot of things that are morally wrong, not just homosexuality.

2/16/2007, 05:04 PM
But isn't that more out of custom, and the fact that most teams are same sex, than having anything to do with sexual attraction?


2/16/2007, 05:22 PM
Honestly, I wouldn't care.

I think I'd be more worried about where we are located. Smack dab in the middle of the bible belt. I see that the majority of the posters here wouldn't give a damn one way or the other, but I wonder how well other fans would accept it.

2/16/2007, 05:54 PM
Same here.. I've never been rude about it, just informed them that I don't swing that way and moved on. But, if I worked with this individual, and especially showered with them daily, I think I would have a problem with it. I don't need someone I work with daily drooling over my man parts.
The vast majority of men, when showering with a group of other, hetero men, will be worrying for awhile about the other dudes thinking they have a small weenis. This, of course, would pass after time when nothing happens. Assuming some kind of prison rape scene doesn't erupt with one or more gay men in the place, would the idea of possible admiration not pass with time, as well?

2/16/2007, 06:00 PM
I bet we have gay players. I don't really care about sexual preference when you play football or any sport.

2/16/2007, 06:05 PM
Honestly, I wouldn't care.
I see that the majority of the posters here wouldn't give a damn

AGAIN. This is where your dead wrong. The majority of men who post on this board do not agree with sperm swallowing or putting their penises in some other man's anus.

2/16/2007, 06:08 PM
AGAIN. This is where your dead wrong. The majority of men who post on this board do not agree with sperm swallowing or putting their penises in some other man's anus.


2/16/2007, 06:10 PM
AGAIN. This is where your dead wrong. The majority of men who post on this board do not agree with sperm swallowing or putting their penises in some other man's anus.
But, I bet the ability to run for 1500 yards in a season or other high football achievement would make people care a lot less about it.

2/16/2007, 06:18 PM
it would be a great secret weapon. he could flirt with the other team and distract them.

but honestly, if he wants to win and works hard towards that goal, i couldn't care less who he's sleeping with. i'd rather have 20 guys like that, than one who let his prejudice get in the way of winning. just sayin'...

2/16/2007, 06:18 PM
The answer is No. But what keeps this thread going is the insinuations one would be less than accepting by todays standards (?political correctedness) if you were to know that a young man being considered to be on OUr team practiced putting other young men's penises in their mouths that had recently been in their anus.??? :confused:

2/16/2007, 06:19 PM
AGAIN. This is where your dead wrong. The majority of men who post on this board do not agree with sperm swallowing or putting their penises in some other man's anus.

i'm guessing the only way you can know this for certain is you've been turned down a lot. :D

Scott D
2/16/2007, 06:23 PM
Gay men aren't attracted to every man y'know. I have had two openly gay roommates in college, and shared a communal bathroom with them. As hot and as well endowed as I am, they managed to avoid becoming physically aroused at the sight of me, and it honestly never bothered me that they saw my ****. Too many people equate nudity with automatic sexual attraction, that isn't the case.

mind you, the people who are arguing the most with you on this are the ones who'd likely be the most offended if a gay dude told them they wouldn't hit on them if they were the last man on earth in the showers. ;)

2/16/2007, 06:27 PM
i'm guessing the only way you can know this for certain is you've been turned down a lot. :D

Ok. Out come the velvet gloves.

2/16/2007, 07:23 PM
The vast majority of men, when showering with a group of other, hetero men, will be worrying for awhile about the other dudes thinking they have a small weenis. This, of course, would pass after time when nothing happens. Assuming some kind of prison rape scene doesn't erupt with one or more gay men in the place, would the idea of possible admiration not pass with time, as well?

In theory, you have a very good point. But you catch a Hetero man checking out your package in the shower, you can call him a fag and move on. How does that work with Homosexual men? ;)

2/16/2007, 07:39 PM
I find it very telling that people will slam an honest opinion but not have the cojones to sign their name to the neg,now that is ****.Not to mention cowardly.

2/16/2007, 07:44 PM
But, I bet the ability to run for 1500 yards in a season or other high football achievement would make people care a lot less about it.

Dude, what if a gay dude was to get an invite to the heisman ceremony? Talk about nationwide college football fan hysteria.

stoops the eternal pimp
2/16/2007, 08:03 PM
one thing I do know is that if one of my teammates was butt pirating, i would want to know so that i could dress elsewhere. sorry but with what im working with, they would either want it or run away from it scared....anybody smell that?

2/16/2007, 08:16 PM

2/16/2007, 08:28 PM

now that there is funny...i don't care who ya are

Honestly it wouldn't bother me. I could care less if he was an in or out of the closet. I mean seriously your not going to have one of the limp-handed-flamers on a team. Your gonna have a guy who is a good player who just happens to like men. I don't care what he does in his personal life just so long as he takes care of business on the field. My girlfriend has a gay friend and he is the fnunniest muthaflucka I know. I have more fun when he comes out with us b/c it's a guaranteed laugh and a good time. I think as long as the gay guy is respectful in the locker room then there should be no problem.

2/16/2007, 08:32 PM

Women are attracted to men

Doesn't have anything to do with this:

and they aren't allowed in a men's lockeroom.

2/16/2007, 08:39 PM
aaaaaand we're officially in football message board hell....the offseason

2/16/2007, 08:39 PM
haha hahaha:D

2/16/2007, 08:40 PM
I personally think it's pretty gross to know that a man has those types of thoughts about me. Seems to me it would make him the pansy, and me just grossed out, but whatever.

I'm sure all the women in your spank bank would be honored if they knew.

2/16/2007, 09:25 PM
Honestly it wouldn't bother me. I could care less if he was an in or out of the closet. I mean seriously your not going to have one of the limp-handed-flamers on a team. Your gonna have a guy who is a good player who just happens to like men. I don't care what he does in his personal life just so long as he takes care of business on the field. My girlfriend has a gay friend and he is the fnunniest muthaflucka I know. I have more fun when he comes out with us b/c it's a guaranteed laugh and a good time. I think as long as the gay guy is respectful in the locker room then there should be no problem.

I hear ya, but the reality of it all is it's a pretty slim chance that something like this would happen:

1. Young people can be brutal, and a gay guy on the team would just fuel the fire.

2. Dealing with the media, the controversy, and everything alike.

3. Having to face your teammates and the awkwardness/discomfort involved. Alot of people can say they'd be ok with a gay guy on their team, but let's face the facts...90% of straight guys would not feel comfortable in the locker room with someone that's gay. I know I wouldn't and that doesn't mean I hate gays.

Would dealing with these issues be worth the feeling of not having to hide anything? I wouldn't think so...but who the hell really knows.

2/16/2007, 09:48 PM
Hell NO - no gays. Now after saying that, it's only my personal opinion. My mind says it should be okay, but my heart says nope. It would bother me and I suspect that it would bother a lot of guys. I also think the gay fella would be "ragged" mercilessly. Eventually it's going to happen.......it'll be interesting. Most people try to be politically correct in situations like that, but not always.....ie timmy h.

2/16/2007, 10:10 PM
The whole gay discussion is tired. I turned off MIke and Mike the other day because there was going to be discussion concerning Amechi (sp?) and the remark by the Heat player ???

Do I think homosexuality is wrong? Yes.
Do gays need to be accountable to me? No.
Will gays need to be accountable to our creator? Yes.
Will I need to be accountable to my creator? Yes.
Should I try to get the splinter out of a gay's eye while there is a board in mine? Hell no.
Should I show godly love to a gay? You bet.

Okay, it's tired.

2/16/2007, 10:42 PM
chris simms was well respected by his teammates and i never heard a complaint about him, so i think a gay player would be perfectly fine at OU.

2/16/2007, 10:44 PM
in addition, if a guy has nut dribbling out of his mouth while running 82 yards against texas to clinch the game in the fourth, people would find a way to look past it...

2/17/2007, 12:09 AM
in addition, if a guy has nut dribbling out of his mouth while running 82 yards against texas to clinch the game in the fourth, people would find a way to look past it...

LOL, I think this thread is pretty much on a downward spiral.

Although, I wonder how many people in this argument that are homosexual sympathizers are offended? Even more, I wonder if the ones offended are homosexual themselves....not that there's anything wrong with that.

They say like 1 in 10 people are gay, well, that means there's a few gay people in this room. I'm challenging those people to make that announcement......that should be interesting......

not that there's anything wrong with that.

2/17/2007, 12:11 AM
I'm not gay!

2/17/2007, 12:22 AM
In theory, you have a very good point. But you catch a Hetero man checking out your package in the shower, you can call him a fag and move on. How does that work with Homosexual men? ;)

Very very very very very good point, the locker room language would have to change for sure. That word is thrown around alot in sports behind the scenes. I can only imagine a gay person getting all "I know you just didn't" on that ***.

2/17/2007, 12:44 AM
if I was the center and knew that the QB was gay, http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/images/smilies/eek.gif I would go to the coach and request that all plays start out of the shotgun formation.

And thus, the spread offense was born... :pop:

2/17/2007, 02:10 AM
Anyone listen to the sports animal on this? Jim "The Fundamentalist" Traber going on and on on this. Preaching to his congregation.. I'm gay and I listen to him almost every day of the week. Hey, and get this - I'm not addicted to BEING GAY or addicted to SEX either! That idiot actually suggested that being gay was an addiction. Yes, I am BIGOTED AGAINST JIM TRABER. Not because he's a christian. Not because he's straight. But because he's ignorant on this issue. Stick too football Jim. Baseball too.. because this isnt your strong suit. Would you like me to prove the addiction thing is b.s?

How can a gay celibate priest exist, if his gaynessity is only born out of the act of sex? Sorry, I mean the constant act of sex? Can't answer that. Sorry guys, I can't stand stupidity and know I won't get in on his show so I'm attacking him here.. anyways, thanks for letting me rant. :pop:

Anyways.. I think a bigger issue than this Amechi guy is what happened to J.J. Reddick. He was routinely called a fag, or gay by large crowds. Something tells me that if Reddick were ugly, nobody would have called him that, but the ironic twist is that he's pretty religious. Justice? :(

2/17/2007, 02:28 AM
Anyone listen to the sports animal on this? Jim "The Fundamentalist" Traber going on and on on this. Preaching to his congregation.. I'm gay and I listen to him almost every day of the week. Hey, and get this - I'm not addicted to BEING GAY or addicted to SEX either! That idiot actually suggested that being gay was an addiction. Yes, I am BIGOTED AGAINST JIM TRABER. Not because he's a christian. Not because he's straight. But because he's ignorant on this issue. Stick too football Jim. Baseball too.. because this isnt your strong suit. Would you like me to prove the addiction thing is b.s?

How can a gay celibate priest exist, if his gaynessity is only born out of the act of sex? Sorry, I mean the constant act of sex? Can't answer that. Sorry guys, I can't stand stupidity and know I won't get in on his show so I'm attacking him here.. anyways, thanks for letting me rant. :pop:

Anyways.. I think a bigger issue than this Amechi guy is what happened to J.J. Reddick. He was routinely called a fag, or gay by large crowds. Something tells me that if Reddick were ugly, nobody would have called him that, but the ironic twist is that he's pretty religious. Justice? :(

Traber wasn't near as bad as you make it sound. The worst thing he said is that homosexuality is an addiction. Followed by, every sin is an addiction. It's the truth, I mean am I right or am I right.

2/17/2007, 02:43 AM

2/17/2007, 02:45 AM
Anyone listen to the sports animal on this? I'm gay and I listen to him almost every day of the week. Hey, and get this - I'm not addicted to BEING GAY or addicted to SEX either! :(


btimsah just came out. I guess we all need to be more respectful while discussing this gayness thing.

2/17/2007, 02:48 AM

btimsah just came out. I guess we all need to be more respectful while discussing this gayness thing.

He came out swingin' on his first post.

2/17/2007, 03:01 AM
here's the thing about gay jokes. they're just jokes. I've used the term "fag", and "gay", and "polesmoker" over the years to my male friends as insults, but they're meant in jest.

i have several gay friends, and have nothing but love for them, and i obviously don't joke the same way around them -- but even they understand the context of hetero-male-interaction.

2/17/2007, 06:11 AM
If he/she is not a nuisance to the team and is a good player that helps the team get better, I do not care if the student athlete is gay, straight, or trans...put the best players in the starting lineup!

2/17/2007, 07:26 AM

Figure out who btimsah is a troll of..


BTW, here's my thought on gheydom

2/17/2007, 10:22 AM
Why would Gary Player want to be an OU football....oh, wait...

2/17/2007, 12:52 PM
Traber wasn't near as bad as you make it sound. The worst thing he said is that homosexuality is an addiction. Followed by, every sin is an addiction. It's the truth, I mean am I right or am I right.

Every sin is an addiction? Wow.. that's news to me. So every murderer is a serial killer addicted to murder? :pop:

2/17/2007, 01:44 PM
if I was the center and knew that the QB was gay, I would go to the coach and request that all plays start out of the shotgun formation.:pop:

this thread is too funny. i never thought of it that way.

reminds me of my days back in the dorm rooms when I had to share my room with a gay roommate. I called him "S"'s b/c that's all I heard come out of his mouth. One night while I was in bed asleep I felt something around my crotchal region. I threw the covers off and there he was working it. I screamed at him what the hell do you think your doing? He started crying and apologizing that he was drunk and this and that spitting out his S's. I looked him straight in the eye and said now you finish up and get the hell out of my bed!

Scott D
2/17/2007, 02:58 PM
Anyone listen to the sports animal on this? Jim "The Fundamentalist" Traber going on and on on this. Preaching to his congregation.. I'm gay and I listen to him almost every day of the week. Hey, and get this - I'm not addicted to BEING GAY or addicted to SEX either! That idiot actually suggested that being gay was an addiction. Yes, I am BIGOTED AGAINST JIM TRABER. Not because he's a christian. Not because he's straight. But because he's ignorant on this issue. Stick too football Jim. Baseball too.. because this isnt your strong suit. Would you like me to prove the addiction thing is b.s?

How can a gay celibate priest exist, if his gaynessity is only born out of the act of sex? Sorry, I mean the constant act of sex? Can't answer that. Sorry guys, I can't stand stupidity and know I won't get in on his show so I'm attacking him here.. anyways, thanks for letting me rant. :pop:

Anyways.. I think a bigger issue than this Amechi guy is what happened to J.J. Reddick. He was routinely called a fag, or gay by large crowds. Something tells me that if Reddick were ugly, nobody would have called him that, but the ironic twist is that he's pretty religious. Justice? :(

Traber's ignorant on the subjects of football and baseball also.

2/17/2007, 04:26 PM
They say like 1 in 10 people are gay, well, that means there's a few gay people in this room. I'm challenging those people to make that announcement.

Looking for a date?


Frozen Sooner
2/17/2007, 04:28 PM
I always find it funny when people misunderstand statistics.

2/17/2007, 04:34 PM
I always find it funny when people misunderstand statistics.
Are you saying statistics can't be used as a black and white absolute? Hersey.

2/17/2007, 05:12 PM
The Law of Probability would indicate that , over the years, we have had several gay players on out teams.

Frozen Sooner
2/17/2007, 05:14 PM
The Law of Probability would indicate that , over the years, we have had several gay players on out teams.

They would indicate that it is extremely unlikely that we haven't.

We have had at least one.

2/17/2007, 05:56 PM
[Skip Bayless]Troy Aikman was a Sooner![/Skip Bayless]

2/17/2007, 06:31 PM
Do we want gay players? Doesn't matter if we do or not. We've had them on the team in the past and will in the future. The fact we've had gay players is indisputable.

I would rather have a discrete gay player than a player who turns out to be a hetrosexual rapist of which we've had a few.

I want players who will represent the University and the team with class no matter what they do in private.

2/17/2007, 06:46 PM

Figure out who btimsah is a troll of..


BTW, here's my thought on gheydom
HEH I missed that thread entirely . Spek to you

2/17/2007, 07:05 PM
I don't know how old this thread is, but my answer will never change...

If he can play, absolutely. If he can't, then no. You guys are foolish if you think we haven't already had more than one... of each gender, for that matter.


2/18/2007, 06:53 PM
I do not want gays on any team I am on.If a gay player were to join the Sooners,I would be uncomfortable with it.Call me a homophobe if you must but I will not knowingly associate with gays.

It's okay. I hate fundamentalist gay haters, so I hate you too. Were even.

2/18/2007, 06:56 PM
here's the thing about gay jokes. they're just jokes. I've used the term "fag", and "gay", and "polesmoker" over the years to my male friends as insults, but they're meant in jest.

i have several gay friends, and have nothing but love for them, and i obviously don't joke the same way around them -- but even they understand the context of hetero-male-interaction.

Understood.. I guess I thought a crowd of thousands gay bashing a non-gay player was wrong.

But hey, I'm just a gay liberal..

2/18/2007, 07:08 PM
Understood.. I guess I thought a crowd of thousands gay bashing a non-gay player was wrong.

But hey, I'm just a gay liberal..
you go girl.


2/18/2007, 07:18 PM
Understood.. I guess I thought a crowd of thousands gay bashing a non-gay player was wrong.

But hey, I'm just a gay liberal..

Gay I can tolerate but liberal!!!! What a little bitch!!

2/18/2007, 10:32 PM
you go girl.



2/18/2007, 10:33 PM
Gay I can tolerate but liberal!!!! What a little bitch!!


Im a misguided gay liberal who voted for Bush twice. :rolleyes: :confused:

2/18/2007, 10:34 PM
This board is kinda... uhh.. raunchy..

I love it...

2/18/2007, 10:36 PM
This board is kinda... uhh.. raunchy

I love it...


2/18/2007, 10:45 PM
I couldn't give a **** what they sexual orientation of our players is...

I have no problems with homosexuals, or straights. **** who you want to, that's fine with me. Respect my boundaries and the fact that I'm straight and I'll respect that you like an iced over cinnamon ring.


2/19/2007, 07:56 PM
It wouldn't matter to me if a gay guy or girl plyed for OU...as long as they were good.

2/19/2007, 09:10 PM
This board is kinda... uhh.. raunchy..

I love it...


2/19/2007, 11:31 PM
I couldn't give a **** what they sexual orientation of our players is...

I have no problems with homosexuals, or straights. **** who you want to, that's fine with me. Respect my boundaries and the fact that I'm straight and I'll respect that you like an iced over cinnamon ring.


Big Red Ron
2/19/2007, 11:35 PM
Okay, what if the gay player wasn't any good and had a habit of going out of his way to slap your ***? Would you be so tolerant then? Sometimes truth is weirder than fiction.

2/19/2007, 11:35 PM
The aids situation would be a concern. Remember when Magic Johnson came back to the NBA after diagnosis and treatment? He didn't last long after his return, for some reason.....
Man, you are brilliant!
I guess we should toss the black players off the team.

In 2000 in each age group, Black, non Hispanic adolescents and adults accounted for the largest number of the AIDS cases diagnosed and the largest number of deaths among persons with AIDS.


2/19/2007, 11:49 PM
Man, you are brilliant!
I guess we should toss the black players off the team.


Is that an option??

2/20/2007, 10:08 AM
Whats his 40 time?

2/20/2007, 11:04 AM
A gay player? I want nothing but gay players on our team. We'd have the most entertaining team ever fielded. Well, depending on how you look at it.


2/20/2007, 11:32 AM
A gay player? I want nothing but gay players on our team. We'd have the most entertaining team ever fielded. Well, depending on how you look at it.

Well, the choreography of the half time shows would definitely get better.

Scott D
2/20/2007, 11:54 AM
Well, the choreography of the half time shows would definitely get better.

doubt it, the gay director hasn't made that improvement since he took over ;)

2/20/2007, 08:28 PM
A gay player? I want nothing but gay players on our team. We'd have the most entertaining team ever fielded. Well, depending on how you look at it.


Probably get the names back on the jerseys too, in a "Nice, Big, Pretty font." :D

2/20/2007, 08:36 PM
If the dude can play! I wouldn't give a crap. I can't remember the last time I thought about how much puss the guys on the football team are getting.

Gay or Strait it has nothing to do with sports!


2/20/2007, 08:43 PM
we could be called the Oklahomos

2/21/2007, 10:01 AM
It is now*59 am ,wednesday and the no-balls rep bas Basherner still won't be a man and come forward .COWARD.You can sling hate and venom but not sign your name,what a lowlife.

Frozen Sooner
2/21/2007, 12:15 PM
You know, stoopified, you could find out who wrote it with a small donation each month...

2/21/2007, 02:14 PM

2/22/2007, 10:35 PM
Sure you let him play on the team. He is could be a valuable member of the squad. Now if an issue came up with that said person actually making other players uncomfortable in the locker room then no he shouldn't be allowed.

There's probably not a team in the country that does not have at least one gay player on it. Moot question.

2/22/2007, 11:03 PM
there's probably at least five lesbians on every softball team in america.

2/22/2007, 11:04 PM
if we had a gay player and we played at iowa, would the pink locker-room thing backfire and get them more motivated?

2/23/2007, 01:14 PM

just sayin...

Frozen Sooner
2/23/2007, 01:23 PM
Holy cow. That kid carried the ball 12 times for 275 yards and 4 TDs.

That's one hell of an average.

2/23/2007, 01:39 PM
as long as it wouldn't affect how the team plays on the field or during practice, i don't see it as a problem and would move past it.

2/23/2007, 01:55 PM
we could be called the Oklahomos
Hell, Texas has been calling us that for years.

2/23/2007, 11:00 PM
Hell, Texas has been calling us that for years.

Oh, come on. We call you MUCH more creative terms than that! :D

2/23/2007, 11:31 PM
if you mean mobilehoma, then no, you really don't.

2/24/2007, 02:04 AM
in addition, if a guy has nut dribbling out of his mouth while running 82 yards against texas to clinch the game in the fourth, people would find a way to look past it...

Dude your sick.....

2/24/2007, 02:10 AM
we could be called the Oklahomos

That freakin funny dude!

2/24/2007, 01:31 PM
I can't believe this thread is still alive. It was a good topic for awhile there but now it's just old.

2/24/2007, 03:48 PM
To all of you doubters, if this hasn't already been posted; look here:
http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=granderson/070213 (http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=granderson/070213)

2/25/2007, 10:29 PM
(a) would you want a gay guy on OUr team?

I fully expect everyone who plays for the Sooners to be gay. After all, who wants to watch a bunch of unhappy fellows dragging themselves around the field for two hours?

Seriously...who the hell CARES? I'm an old Southern Conservative Christian Republican broad, and I don't give ten hoots in a holler what somebody's sexual preferences are - nor do I expect anybody to give a damn about mine. I don't pay attention to anything but somebody's character - are you a good human being or a rotten one? THAT'S the only thing that matters in the end.

It's just football, people.

Save me, Jeebus. :(

3/6/2007, 07:14 PM
Look you wouldnt think most frat guys would either... That said... In my pledge clase we had not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 guys come out throughout the course of either their time in the house (1999-2002, we only have to live in the house 2-3yrs) or within the 5 years just after it. And to mine, and i think everyone elses surprise noone really gave a ****. anyway thats my 3 cents... :cool:

What fraternity was it? In my day the Delts were always thought to be gay.:) Seriously, I was a Sigma Chi at OU in the 80's and I heard some things about the Delts. Not that there is anything wrong with that...but come on...the elephant walk.

3/6/2007, 07:35 PM
Understood.. I guess I thought a crowd of thousands gay bashing a non-gay player was wrong.

But hey, I'm just a gay liberal..

But can you run a 4.38 in the 40?
Do you have a 37 "+ vertical jump?
Can you throw a football over a mountain?
Can you squat 500 lbs?
Can you knock the snot out someone at full speed and not miss a step?
Can run passing routes in your sleep without missing a step?

These are the questions that matter. Not where or what hole you like to put your willie in. :)

3/6/2007, 08:28 PM
Heck yeah. If a dude is the best guy available at his position, I want him on the team. And as far as locker-room dynamics, I'll just say this: as a musician I know a lot of gay dudes - stereotype all you want, but it's pretty true. Especially if you throw in the choir dudes and music theater dudes. And one thing remains constant: I have NEVER seen a gay dude hit on another guy unless he's ABSOLUTELY, 100% positive that the dude being hit on is also gay.

So, the only thing affecting locker room dynamics would be if the straight dudes are such giant pansies that they're actually scared of a gay dude hitting on them.

I don't know many gay people, but the few that I do know tend to be like GottaHavePride says. They just don't hit on anyone until and unless they know for sure that they too are gay. With as many guys who are on the team, I would really be suprised is there aren't at least one gay guy on the team already and people just do not know it.

3/6/2007, 08:29 PM
I coached three gay players in football in 38 yrs. and no player or coach ever made an issue of it. This stuff is over played by the media. And yes, they all were starters and were tough.

3/6/2007, 08:51 PM
Okay, what if the gay player wasn't any good...

Then he / she'd be playing at a JUCO somewhere... A gay player's skill level isn't relevant to this conversation unless they're good enough to be recognized for their abilities (ie - All Conference, All American, Pro Bowl, etc...) and then, when in the national spotlight, decides to come out. Can you imagine a Heisman trophy winner coming out during the broadcast...? (I'm ****ed that Leinart didn't take the opportunity when he had it, honestly...)

THEN, it'll be an "in your face" issue.

I don't care if someone is into men, or women, regardless of their own gender. If they can play, then they can play for me. Game is game. Gay is their own business...

If the other players on a particular team have "issues" being around a gay player, then those are issues that they need to overcome on their own, in my opinion. I understand that the reality may be a bit different, but it's not like, if we wait 10 or 15 years, that gay people are going to go away. If the players themselves are excessively forward, then they should be removed for that, not for their sexuality. Just like straight players don't take to being inappropriate, gay players shouldn't either.

...and spare me that whole, "I don't want them checkin' me out in the shower" crap, 'cause, frankly, you're probably checking the other people out in the shower more than the gay players are checking YOU out.

Have any of you read Amechi's book yet?


3/6/2007, 10:46 PM

Tight end.

[ba da bing]

3/6/2007, 11:57 PM

Tight end.

[ba da bing]

More like Wide Receiver... :eek: