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2/14/2007, 06:56 AM
February 14, 1929, the St Valentine's Day Massacre

http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/7206/vmassacre0je.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
The aftermath of the "massacre"

Seventy-eight years ago on this day in Chicago, gunmen in the suspected employment of organized-crime boss Alphonse "Al" Capone (aka "Scarface") murder seven members of the George "Bugs" Moran North Siders gang in a garage on North Clark Street.

The so-called St. Valentine's Day Massacre stirred a media storm centered on Capone and his illegal Prohibition-era activities and motivated federal authorities to redouble their efforts to find evidence incriminating enough to take him off the streets.

http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/9131/v2008257bd.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Capone (right) and henchman.

Alphonse Capone was born in Brooklyn NY in 1899, the son of Italian immigrants from Naples. The fourth of nine children, he quit school after the sixth grade and joined a street gang. He became acquainted with Johnny Torrio, a crime boss who operated in Chicago and New York, and at the age of 18 Capone was employed at a Coney Island club owned by gangster Frankie Yale. It was while working there that his face was slashed in a brawl, earning him the nickname "Scarface."

http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/232/vfrankieyale2ua.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Frankie Yale

In 1917, his girlfriend became pregnant and they married, and the couple moved with their son to Baltimore, where Capone attempted a respectable life working as a bookkeeper.

In 1921, however, his old friend Johnny Torrio lured him to Chicago, where Torrio had built up an impressive crime syndicate and was beginning to make a fortune on the illicit commerce of alcohol, which was banned in 1919 by the 18th Amendment to the Constitution.

http://img105.imageshack.us/img105/9519/vtorrio1en.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Johnny Torrio

Capone demonstrated considerable business acumen and was appointed manager of a Torrio "speakeasy" (illegal bar -- you found out about them "by secret word of mouth" thus a "speakeasy.") Later, Torrio put him charge of the suburb of Cicero. Unlike his boss, who was always discreet, Capone achieved notoriety as he violently fought for control of Cicero. During this period, he was once was charged with murder, but acquitted at trial.

In 1925, Torrio was shot four times by Bugs Moran and Hymie Weiss, who were associates of a gangster slain by Torrio's men. Torrio lived, but four weeks later he appeared in court and was sentenced to nine months stemming from a police raid of a brewery he owned. About a month later, he called Capone from jail to tell him that he was retiring and handing the business over to him.

http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/2448/vearl20weiss2004058hm.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
"Hymie" Weiss -- he was a mobster of Jewish descent

Capone moved his headquarters to the luxurious Metropole Hotel, where he became a visible figure in Chicago public life as his crime empire steadily expanded.

http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/1874/vmetropole2lj.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
The Metropole in Chicago -- it burned in the 1980's

After a prosecutor was killed by some of Capone's henchmen, the Chicago police moved aggressively against his criminal operations, but they couldn't make any charges stick. Capone bought a luxurious estate in Miami as a retreat from all this unwanted attention.

http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/6172/vbugsmoran26jp.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
George "Bugs" Moran -- he was nicknamed "Bugs," a slang term for someone who is violently nuckin' futs

Capone was in Florida in February 1929 when he gave the go-ahead for the assassination of Bugs Moran. On February 13, a bootlegger called Moran and offered to sell him a truckload of high quality whiskey at a low price. Moran took the bait and the next morning pulled up to the delivery location where he was to meet several associates and purchase the whisky.

"Bugs" was running a little late, and just as he was pulling up to the garage he saw what looked like two policemen and two detectives get out of an unmarked car and head to the door. Thinking he had nearly avoided being busted in a police raid, Moran drove off.

The four men, however, were Capone's assassins, and they were only entering the building before Moran's arrival because they had mistaken one of the seven men inside for "Bugs" himself.

Wearing their stolen police uniforms and heavily armed, Capone's henchmen surprised Moran's men, who agreed to line up against the wall. Thinking they had fallen prey to a routine police raid, they allowed themselves to be disarmed. A moment later, they were gunned down in a hail of shotgun and submachine-gun fire. Six were killed instantly, and the seventh survived for less than an hour.

http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/930/vst2qq.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Another view of the carnage

Americans were shocked and outraged by the cold-blooded Valentine's Day killings, and many questioned whether the sin of intemperance outweighed the evil of Prohibition-era gangsters like Capone. Although, as usual, he had an air-tight alibi, few doubted his role in the massacre. The authorities, particularly affronted by the hit men's use of police uniforms, vowed to bring him to justice.

With a mandate from Herbert Hoover, the new president, the Treasury Department led the assault against Capone, hoping to uncover enough evidence of Prohibition offenses and federal income tax evasion to bring him to justice.

In May 1929, Capone was convicted for carrying a concealed weapon and sent to prison for 10 months. Meanwhile, Treasury agents, like Eliot Ness, continued to gather evidence.

http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/682/veliotness8rh.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Eliot Ness' Treasury Department credentials

With corruption among law-enforcement agents endemic, Ness went through the records of all the Treasury agents to create a reliable team, initially of fifty, later reduced to fifteen and finally to just nine men. Raids against Capone-operated stills and breweries began immediately; within six months Ness claimed to have seized breweries worth over one million dollars. The main source of information for the raids was an extensive wire-tapping operation.

An attempt by Capone to bribe Ness's agents was seized on by Ness for publicity, leading to the media nickname "The Untouchables". There were a number of assassination attempts on Ness; a close friend of his was killed.

http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/4192/vuntouchables2ex.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Pretty good flick about Ness versus Capone. Very loosely based on the facts. It starred Kevin Costner as Ness, Robert DeNiro as Capone and Sean Connery as a member of Ness' squad of "Untouchables." DeNiro famously packed on 50 pounds to play the role of Capone.

The efforts of Ness and his team had a serious impact on Capone's operations, but it was the income tax evasion which was the key weapon. In a number of federal grand jury cases in 1931, Capone was charged with 22 counts of income tax evasion and also 5,000 violations of the Volstead Act. On October 17, 1931, Capone was sentenced to eleven years and an $80K fine -- primarily on the basis of the testimony of two former bookkeepers, and following a failed appeal, he began his sentence in 1932.

He entered Atlanta penitentiary in 1932 and in 1934 was transferred to the new Alcatraz Island prison in San Francisco Bay. By that time, Prohibition had been repealed, and Capone's empire had collapsed.

http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/9071/vppppalcapone4wa.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

At Alcatraz, the syphilis Capone had contracted in his youth entered a late stage, and he spent his last year in prison in the hospital ward. In 1939, he was released after only six and a half years in jail as the result of good behavior and work credits.

He was treated in a Baltimore hospital and in 1940 retired to his Miami estate, where he lived until his death at 48 years old in 1947. He was outlived by his rival Bugs Moran, who later died of lung cancer while serving a 10-year sentence in the federal pen in Leavenworth Kansas for bank robbery.

Eliot Ness, the man who "got" Capone died of a heart attack in 1957 at age 54.


2/14/2007, 11:56 AM
Obligatory question:

Does anyone see any similarity between Prohibition of alcohol and the War on Drugs?

Thank you; that is all.

2/14/2007, 12:33 PM
Obligatory question:

Does anyone see any similarity between Prohibition of alcohol and the War on Drugs?

Thank you; that is all.No, but I do see the similarity between this horrible bloody massacre thing posted on a day that is suppose to represent love, and Homeys strange mood and out of character mean comment to Stormchaser.

Did somebody forget to give you a Valentines Day hug Homey? :confused:

2/14/2007, 03:30 PM
No, but I do see the similarity between this horrible bloody massacre thing posted on a day that is suppose to represent love, and Homeys strange mood and out of character mean comment to Stormchaser.

Did somebody forget to give you a Valentines Day hug Homey? :confused:

It wasn't intended to be mean. It was an honest attempt to be helpful.