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View Full Version : Who is into Fantasy Sports?

2/12/2007, 03:22 PM
I've posted about fantasy sports in the past, but I wanted to toss a thread about them out there. How many of youse guys play any fantasy sports? Do you have, or have you seen any great names yet this year...?

So far, in NFL and NBA leagues, my favorite names have been as follows:

- 10 Arrests = Awesome (He's a Bengals fan...)
- Serena's Knockers
- Jules Winfield's Wallet
- Skillz That Killz (He's a Dodgeball fan...)
- Protestant Whiskey

Anybody got any good ones to add...? Does anybody besides me even care? These, and many other answers in the posts (assuming there are any) to follow... Take care, all... and you stay classy, South Oval.


2/12/2007, 03:24 PM
Hey skull! Take it to a sports board! :D

2/12/2007, 03:25 PM
The Chixie Dick's Fourth Chin

2/12/2007, 03:40 PM
this is our 4th year of fantasy NASCAR. i've never watched an entire race.

about 12-16 play in our league. each year we seem to change our names as to poke fun at each other. my buddy last year changed his name to "iain't4" - my last name is foore (pronounce like the number). thought it was funny.

2/12/2007, 03:40 PM
Roethlis Facebergers

2/12/2007, 03:49 PM
"OMFG Reggie Bush" is a personal fave of mine.

2/12/2007, 03:52 PM
I'm in a fantasy congress league. http://www.fantasycongress.com/fc/

2/12/2007, 03:55 PM
I'm in an NFL one up here in Stillwater with a bunch of OSU fans...we started about 4 years ago and named my team the "Whataburger Rumblers"

2/12/2007, 03:57 PM
The name of my fantasy football team last year was Captain Bitchslap.

2/12/2007, 06:28 PM
There's a team in my hockey league called Wiskeyinajar

I played in a football league this year where all the team names had to have a comic book reference. Teams included The Speed Force and Teenessee Titans.

2/12/2007, 06:43 PM
My fantasy football team name this year was Delirium Tremens.