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2/10/2007, 11:37 AM
Have you been to one? They're a little different than what I'm used to attending. My son's orchestra recitals are similar. You need to be quite....all that jazz. But it's an even more pronounced quietness. There's only one instrument so you you almost feel bad even with a mild cough or if your seat squeaks.

Some of the pieces they play go on for 10 and even up to 20 minutes. Usually when they finish a piece there is a little awkward silence until the performer gives some cue that the performance is completed allowing you to now applaud.

It is in this exact moment when the fellow behind me decide to fart. It wasn't a rip roaring flatulation. It was more of the "poit" baby fart. I was sure that it was a fart, but in my disbelief I turned to my wife to ask if she had heard it also. Big mistake. Out of the corner of my eye, I see his wife almost laying in her seat twitching as though she was having a seizure.

I lost it.

I was able to maintain near silence, but I was convulsing in contained laughter and could not stop. I bit my tongue. I pinched my own leg. I pulled leg hairs. I could not stop shaking. My wife thought it was a shoe squeak until the wife whispered to her husband that he should say "excuse me".

Of course the odds of this being odorless were slim, and this wasn't a good night to gamble. There was only one audible fart, but by my count he was responsible for at least 3 before the intermission. An intermission, by the way, that included their departure or at least relocation.

Before the end of the night, the elderly lady next to my wife had joined in with some SBDs.

I had no idea that such high brow events were so base.

2/10/2007, 12:48 PM
Heh. The whole "being quiet at concerts" business is a lot more recent practice than you might think. It's pretty much all Richard Wagner's fault, too. That dude took himself pretty seriously. Before he came around it was pretty common for opera audiences (you know, what most people now think of as the snootiest of snooty crowds) to talk through most of the opera until it got to one of the realy big arias, and then they'd pay attention to the singer to see what they were going to do.

Heh. Even as late as the early 1900s there were instances of audiences rioting and (ok, accidentally) burning down the theater if they thought a performer was particularly bad. And that was in THIS country.

2/10/2007, 05:08 PM
i had a similar incident happen at a movie theatre. some old lady got up to go to the restroom(I assume) and when she stood, ripped one of the grandest of all farts. she was in one of the front rows, and we were in the back. i mean this thing could have warranted a ticket form the police for a noise violation. One could wonder if there was a mic nearby, plugged into a subwoofer. It had substance. She timed it to be right during a silent part in the movie. I didnt really react until i looked at my brother and heard the guy behind us go "son of a bitch, i think that old lady just farted!" i lost it, as did my dad, mom and brother. My mom had to leave. I need to go see the movie again so i can see what happened at the end. i really wanted to high five her after the movie, but i was laughing too hard.

2/10/2007, 05:20 PM
My Taiwanese roommate played classical guitar.

2/10/2007, 07:24 PM
Great stories

Newbomb Turk
2/10/2007, 07:53 PM
this is why you open a thread and read it.

The content is much better than I expected based on the thread title.

2/11/2007, 05:36 PM
My Taiwanese roommate played classical guitar.
Did he fart... or did he leave that to the audience?;)