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RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/2/2007, 04:14 PM
about the stupid Bomar-Quinn incident, so we don't bet clobbered so hard in recruiting. My guess is you bastages like it that way. For godssakes GO AFTER SUC. Their Reggie Bush/agent $$$ violations are much more severe than ours, and they've done NOTHING about them as far as I know.

Scott D
2/2/2007, 04:31 PM
well there is one minor issue, and that is the current legal matter of the blackmail charges and whatnot. the NCAA will get copies of the taped recordings if/when this goes to court.

2/2/2007, 04:38 PM
blackmail charges? huh?

Harry Beanbag
2/2/2007, 04:48 PM
I'm starting to wonder if the NCAA holding off their decision on punishment until after Signing Day may actually be a good thing....

Scott D
2/2/2007, 04:49 PM
blackmail, extortion..etc

Report: Tapes may implicate Reggie Bush
Associated Press

SAN DIEGO - The existence of taped conversations between Reggie Bush or members of his family and an investor in a failed sports marketing agency could confirm the New Orleans Saints' running back received cash and gifts while playing for Southern California, Yahoo.com reported Wednesday.

A federal investigation into extortion claims by Bush and his family revealed the existence of the taped conversations, according to the Yahoo.com report.

The U.S. Attorney's office in San Diego has issued grand jury subpoenas to multiple witnesses in the probe, Yahoo.com reported. According to a copy of a subpoena obtained by Yahoo, at least one of the witnesses was asked to hand over "any recordings in your possession of conversations between Lloyd Lake and Reggie Bush, Denise Griffin, or LaMar Griffin."

Lloyd Lake, who founded a sports marketing agency in hopes of landing Bush as its first client, is the subject of a grand jury probe into the extortion claims. Denise Griffin is Bush's mother, and LaMar Griffin is Bush's stepfather.

Yahoo.com, citing unidentified sources, reported LaMar Griffin spoke with federal investigators in the spring of 2006 and acknowledged the existence of the tapes.

When asked in the past about the allegations of receiving inappropriate extra benefits, Bush has insisted that he and his family did nothing wrong.

Multiple sources told Yahoo.com that Lake made the tapes in late 2005 to protect his financial investment if Bush backed out of a deal to sign with New Era Sports & Entertainment, founded by Lake and San Diego businessman Michael Michaels. In January 2006, Bush signed with agent Joel Segal and marketing agent Mike Ornstein.

On Jan. 12, 2007, Lake's mother, Barbara Gunner, testified before a grand jury, according to the Yahoo.com report, that she had heard portions of tapes made by her son, in which LaMar Griffin states Bush intended to repay New Era Sports "their money," as well as for a car purchased for him.

"I respectfully decline to comment on the media frenzy regarding Reggie Bush, his family and his college career," David Cornwell, Bush's attorney, told Yahoo on Wednesday.

Lake told Yahoo in August 2006 that he contributed a portion of the cash and gifts allegedly given to Bush and his family as part of an agreement to represent the 2005 Heisman Trophy winner when he signed an NFL contract. In September, Yahoo.com reported Ornstein also supplied Bush and his family with gifts while he was still at USC.

According to Yahoo.com, nearly $280,000 in cash, rent and gifts was allegedly given to Bush and his family.

The Pac-10 Conference and the NCAA are investigating whether Bush or his family broke NCAA rules and compromised his eligibility during the 2004 and '05 seasons by taking extra benefits.

If Bush is found to have violated NCAA rules, USC, which won a national title in '04 and played for the '05 championship, could be sanctioned.

Also, the Heisman Trophy Trust requires players be in good standing with the NCAA to be eligible for the award given to college football's top player. If Bush is ruled ineligible by the NCAA, he could be in danger of having his Heisman taken away.

2/2/2007, 04:53 PM
ok, i thought you were talking about something with OU

F Reggie Bush, i really don't care, i'm sure SUC will just get some slap on the wrist :rolleyes:

Scott D
2/2/2007, 04:57 PM
Nah, USC is going to get a little more, because there has been evidence that they've allowed agents in Heritage Hall and on the sidelines during practices in the Pete Carroll years. They're probably looking more at an Alabama situation as things continue to come to the front.

2/2/2007, 05:03 PM
Yay! We'll get the '04 MNC!!!!1!1!1!!!


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/2/2007, 05:33 PM
Yay! We'll get the '04 MNC!!!!1!1!1!!!

;)Looking back, it now becomes clear why OUr boys were playing opossum in that NC game. It made no difference whether we won or lost...

Rock Hard Corn Frog
2/2/2007, 05:35 PM
ok, i thought you were talking about something with OU

F Reggie Bush, i really don't care, i'm sure SUC will just get some slap on the wrist :rolleyes:

While I have no doubt the NCAA would try to go Clan of the Cave Bear on OU if we had been in the same position as USC I still think there is no way that USC comes out of this with simply a slap on the wrist. Whether the punishment is medium or real severe it will be significant.

I'm really not worried about any penalties for us from the NCAA. As far as football goes we cleaned up our own mess. My opinion is any negative recruiting simply gave a few players, like Kirkendoll an excuse to deflect attention from changing commitments.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/2/2007, 07:50 PM
I'm really not worried about any penalties for us from the NCAA. As far as football goes we cleaned up our own mess. My opinion is any negative recruiting simply gave a few players, like Kirkendoll an excuse to deflect attention from changing commitments.I'm thinking some of those 18 yr. old kids took it seriously when Mack or any opposition recruiter said we are going to be in NCAA trouble, and the concern was a factor for some of them.