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2/2/2007, 01:20 PM
Maybe he can set the all time oskie record before he retires.:D


2/2/2007, 01:23 PM
Craptacular...another year of "will he retire?" espn drivel...

Jason White's Third Knee
2/2/2007, 02:07 PM
I've always liked the guy. He isn't what he used to be, but he can still sling it around.

2/2/2007, 08:21 PM
he can single-handedly will his injury plagued, talent lacking teams to victory!

go packers!!! :D:D:D

2/3/2007, 01:07 AM
he's earned respect, but he should have retired years ago. This is sad.

But, I think it's hilarious that his decline is being blamed totally on the team and not on his geriatric inability to play at the same level as years past.

How many losing seasons and high draft picks before Packer fans realize that he just sucks now?

2/3/2007, 02:09 AM

brett favre is the greatest quarterback ever and if you ever say differently I'm going to :mad: at you again :mad: and again :mad:

2/3/2007, 02:20 AM
Pat Healy: What the hell is Brett Favre doing here?
Brett Favre: I'm in town to play the Dolphins, you dumbass.

see, ol Burt Farv's even a badass on the silver screen... :D

2/3/2007, 02:23 AM
He's no Elway :D

2/3/2007, 11:20 AM
"When is this f****** dinosaur going to retire!!!!"-Aaron Rodgers

2/3/2007, 11:49 AM
He's no Elway :D
Elway knew when it was time.

2/3/2007, 12:48 PM
Favre wouldn't fumble the winning field goal snap in a playoff game.

Harry Beanbag
2/3/2007, 12:54 PM
he's earned respect, but he should have retired years ago. This is sad.

But, I think it's hilarious that his decline is being blamed totally on the team and not on his geriatric inability to play at the same level as years past.

How many losing seasons and high draft picks before Packer fans realize that he just sucks now?

He's still better than half the QB's in the league.

2/3/2007, 01:54 PM
He's still better than half the QB's in the league.

I don't know that I'd agree with this...but if it holds, that's just a sad commentary on the league.

I think Brett's playing like crap right now and is nowhere near the form he had in years past. And I think that wouldn't change no matter what talent he had around him.

Scott D
2/3/2007, 02:12 PM
He's still better than half the QB's in the league.

I agree

at throwing the ball directly to the guys in the other uniforms in crucial situations :D

he was better before he kicked the painkiller habit and started taking prilosec otc ;)

Newbomb Turk
2/3/2007, 06:20 PM
I don't give a rip one way or the other if the Packers win or lose.

But I like Favre - I like the way he plays the game...like it's a game.

2/3/2007, 06:44 PM
I'd take Favre before I'd take all but a couple of other qb's in the league if I was starting a team.

2/4/2007, 01:36 AM
I think some :mad: are in order for all the Favre insults.

:mad: Favre didn't lose four million super bowls like Elway.
:mad: Favre is too old when he says he is. Not when you say.
:mad: If you had 300 pound guys chasing you all the time methinks you'd be on painkillers, too. But at least he publicly admitted his problem.
:mad: Favre isn't playing like crap, he just has to deal with new teammates throughout the season because everyone keeps getting injured.

So, does that cover it? Good, now stop bashing my favorite player. :mad:

2/4/2007, 01:48 AM
Come Badger - Favre is what he used to be, he is still a decent NFL QB though. I like him to, he's tough as nails & fearless. As for the best ever
maybe a few more.......Favre is in the equation, but he's not at the top of it.

2/4/2007, 01:48 AM
Sorry - Favre is not what he used to be......

Harry Beanbag
2/4/2007, 03:07 AM
Sorry - Favre is not what he used to be......

Who said he was?

2/4/2007, 04:05 AM
Who said he was?

i think he was correcting his typo ;)

i like Favre too, hopefully he has another good season in him

Scott D
2/4/2007, 10:24 AM
I think some :mad: are in order for all the Favre insults.

:mad: Favre didn't lose four million super bowls like Elway.
:mad: Favre is too old when he says he is. Not when you say.
:mad: If you had 300 pound guys chasing you all the time methinks you'd be on painkillers, too. But at least he publicly admitted his problem.
:mad: Favre isn't playing like crap, he just has to deal with new teammates throughout the season because everyone keeps getting injured.

So, does that cover it? Good, now stop bashing my favorite player. :mad:

you left out the Priolsec OTC crack. And the fact that he had to ride the coattails of the great Reggie White and Keith Jackson to get his ring :)

2/4/2007, 06:51 PM
head to head in the Superbowl

Elway 1
Farve 0

Superbowl rings
Elway 2
Farve 1

2/4/2007, 09:09 PM
I dunno.

I think the guy can still pull a great game out of his a** every once in awhile. He almost led the Pack to the playoffs this year. Surround him with more talent and who knows?

2/5/2007, 02:52 PM
Surround him with more talent and who knows?

Hey, if it works for Rex Grossman, then anyone can do it.

2/5/2007, 02:58 PM
head to head in the Superbowl

Elway 1
Farve 0

Superbowl rings
Elway 2
Farve 1

Horse faces:

Elway 1
Favre 0

2/5/2007, 03:00 PM
I really like Bret, but it looks he's going to do what almost every superstar does: Wait one year too long to retire (if not two). :(