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Spartan(Sooner at Heart)
1/31/2007, 05:12 PM
Nothing earth shattering, but I thought some may find it interesting...
Nichol named to All-America team
Monday, January 29, 2007
By Jane Bos
The Grand Rapids Press

Keith Nichol might be taking classes at the University of Oklahoma, but he's still earning accolades for his stellar career at Lowell High School.

The most recent honor, set to be published Sunday, is a spot on the prestigious 44th annual Parade All-America High School Football Team. Nichol, a 6-foot-2, 195-pound quarterback who left high school a semester early to enroll in college three weeks ago, is among three Michigan seniors and 58 players nationwide named to the team.

"I am surprised, honored and happy," Nichol said while rushing between mandatory tutoring and weight training in Norman, Okla. "It's awesome that a small-town kid from Lowell can represent his community like that, it's fun."

During his three-year career starting for Lowell, he led the Red Arrows to two conference titles, a Division 3 state championship and a 33-3 record. A three-time first-team all-stater, he also was the Associated Press' Class A Player of the Year the past two seasons.

Since his high school career ended, he also was Gatorade Player of the Year and was named an Elite 11 quarterback.

"Keith's not even here anymore and he's still getting stuff for us," Lowell coach Noel Dean said. "Truth, though, is that nothing about Keith surprises me anymore. I have witnessed him over the years, and he certainly has a great work ethic and a great character. Throw his top-notch ability on top of that, and, well, it's incredible is what it is, really."

In three seasons, Nichol totaled 9,295 yards and 131 touchdowns on 899 attempts. He carried the ball 408 times for 2,862 yards and 56 touchdowns, and threw 491 times for 322 completions, 6,433 yards and 75 touchdowns.

He left high school ranked fifth in the state in career yards and second for career touchdowns.

Nichol, who switched his verbal commitment from Michigan State to Oklahoma on Dec. 2, left Lowell a semester early to get a start on his collegiate career.

"So far, it's been fun, I like it," Nichol said about being a Sooner. "Everything has been good here. Classes are good. I am working out."

1/31/2007, 05:21 PM
I have a very good feeling about this kid being the QB @ OU.

Van Wilder
1/31/2007, 05:51 PM
Thanks Spartan! I always enjoy reading stuff like this.

1/31/2007, 06:19 PM

1/31/2007, 06:19 PM
Nichol starts at OU by his Soph year. Book it.

1/31/2007, 06:26 PM
Great Job Spartan!!!!!!!!!!!!

1/31/2007, 06:34 PM
I have a very good feeling about this kid being the QB @ OU.

El ditto

1/31/2007, 07:10 PM
Nichol starts at OU by his Soph year. Book it.
why not his frosh year?

(oh I get it! he's earning all his freshmen credits now and he'll be a sophomore by next fall!)

1/31/2007, 08:55 PM
If Bradford doesn't win the job this kid will probably start this year.

1/31/2007, 10:59 PM
During his three-year career starting for Lowell, he led the Red Arrows to two conference titles, a Division 3 state championship and a 33-3 record.


That was one thing that always made me nervous about whats-his-face even before the fallout. The guy never won at any level.

From both his and his coach's quotes in the article, it seems like Keith is a winner.

1/31/2007, 11:12 PM

That was one thing that always made me nervous about whats-his-face even before the fallout. The guy never won at any level.

From both his and his coach's quotes in the article, it seems like Keith is a winner.
I'm a 3 time Super Bowl winner, yet in High School my teams went 4-6, 2-9, and 6-4 and we never won a playoff game; who am i? Winning or losing in high school is not an ironclad indicator of future success. BTW, i'm Troy Aikman. :pop:

Texas Golfer
1/31/2007, 11:58 PM
I'm a 3 time Super Bowl winner, yet in High School my teams went 4-6, 2-9, and 6-4 and we never won a playoff game; who am i? Winning or losing in high school is not an ironclad indicator of future success. BTW, i'm Troy Aikman. :pop:

That maybe so but I prefer to have Nichol's credentials coming to Oklahoma.

2/1/2007, 12:00 AM
....Troy Aikman.

career record as an OU starter: 3-2


2/1/2007, 12:11 AM

I have video of Nichol having sex with my wife...it is the most beautiful thing I ever saw!!!


2/1/2007, 12:12 AM
Nice -

2/1/2007, 12:56 AM
but i thought he was only the 21st rated QB this year!!!!!!

2/1/2007, 01:09 AM
Methinks Malcom Kelly will be the startign QB next season. Oh, wait, these guys don't work at a car dealership... :cool:

2/1/2007, 12:50 PM
...To KEITH NICHOL!!!(mugs clang together)

MyT Oklahoma
2/1/2007, 01:50 PM
This is so cool!
"This is the voice of the Sooner Football Network."

2/1/2007, 01:53 PM

I have video of Nichol having sex with my wife...it is the most beautiful thing I ever saw!!!


Hey Bill, How is the Brasky family? ;)

2/1/2007, 02:52 PM
I'm a 3 time Super Bowl winner, yet in High School my teams went 4-6, 2-9, and 6-4 and we never won a playoff game; who am i? Winning or losing in high school is not an ironclad indicator of future success. BTW, i'm Troy Aikman. :pop:

Yes, but what did you win in college Troy?

2/1/2007, 03:05 PM
Yes, but what did you win in college Troy?
A National Championship?!;)

Granted Holloway took us the rest of the way, but Troy was on the 85 team.:eek:

2/1/2007, 03:11 PM
Just remember that all of you were probably saying the exact same thing about Rhett when he came here. Let's just give him some time and hopefully he wont end up turning into another ****** bag qb. It would be nice to actually end up with a qb who lived up to all of his hype.

2/1/2007, 03:16 PM
A National Championship?!;)

Granted Holloway took us the rest of the way, but Troy was on the 85 team.:eek:

That doesn't count! :)

MI Sooner
2/1/2007, 10:37 PM
I've seen this guy play several times in person, and I don't see it happening unless he matures physically and starts throwing a better ball. Part of the reason is that high school football is so bad (compared to TX and OK) around here that I never believe anyone is going to be successful at the D1A level. For the most part, I've been right. Then again, he's been rated highly by recruiting services for a long time, and they should know more than I do, and there has been the rare exception (couple of linemen, TJ Duckett, Jay Reimersma... veritable who's who of football, I know).

2/1/2007, 10:46 PM
Nichol taught me how to make love to a woman, and how to scold a child.

2/1/2007, 11:36 PM
Nichol is the real deal- I think he will likely push for a starting job midway through his freshman year.

2/1/2007, 11:46 PM
Nichol once drank a full glass of liquid LSD with his eggs. Then he slept for 8 months straight. When he woke he rubbed his eyes and said, 'All in all, I prefer gin!

2/2/2007, 12:14 AM
All hail Nichol.....or Bradford.....maybe even JH...... Personally I'd like to see Jason White back for another year!

2/2/2007, 01:14 AM
Nichol's family crest is a picture of a baracudda eating Neil Armstrong!


2/2/2007, 01:18 AM
Keith Nichol gave me a kidney once.

2/2/2007, 01:32 AM
His first name is KEITH! ....... I'm drunk.

2/2/2007, 01:51 AM
he breastfeeds john madden...

2/2/2007, 01:55 AM
He wears a live Rattle Snake as a condom.

2/2/2007, 01:58 AM
i once saw him scissor-kick angela landsbury...

2/2/2007, 02:00 AM
That is a good one to end on for the night

2/2/2007, 09:40 AM
Ignore my other team homer-ism, but I can see this guy being a Chase Daniel type QB. Take that as you may, but let's compare here: QB for a successful program, underrated recruit...explodes on the college level? I do have what MI Sooner said in the back of my mind, with the level of competition, but eh!

Oh, and he drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls...

Rock Hard Corn Frog
2/2/2007, 09:58 AM
In grade school, a little boy tried to beat up Nichol and take his lunchbox, he failed. That little boy’s name? Stephen Hawking.

2/2/2007, 10:02 AM
Keith Nicol is the only person to ever take a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick and survive.

Partial Qualifier
2/2/2007, 10:57 AM
Ignore my other team homer-ism, but I can see this guy being a Chase Daniel type QB.

Gawdy, I'd LOVE to see that happen. CD is really good

Desert Sapper
2/2/2007, 11:14 AM
I'm pretty sure the level of competition in South Dakota isn't out of this world, but we used to have this pretty good QB that played his HS ball there. HS competition ain't everything. Competitive desire is, and I agree that Chase Daniel and young Mr. Nichol are in the same realm in that respect. They are winners. Athletically, they are both very gifted, as well, although I'd say Keith has a little more foot speed. The video I've seen of him has him throwing some pretty passes.

We shall see, but this QB battle looks to be a good one come spring time. May the best QB win.

2/2/2007, 12:08 PM

2/2/2007, 12:22 PM
Nichol's girlfriend gave birth to a delicious 16 ounce Porterhouse steak. The after birth was sauteed mushrooms...

2/2/2007, 02:18 PM
Nichol's girlfriend gave birth to a delicious 16 ounce Porterhouse steak. The after birth was sauteed mushrooms...

oh the humanity.... ( where's that puke smiley?)

2/2/2007, 03:01 PM
Keith Nichol craps bigger than you...

2/2/2007, 04:04 PM
He sleeps eight hours a night! ........ well, he is pretty normal when it comes to that.

2/2/2007, 04:15 PM
Keith Nichol vs. a hurricane? Nichol by a mile, unless the hurricane is called "Hurricane Keith Nichol".

2/2/2007, 04:37 PM
we had a bachelor party for nichol... he ate the entire freakin cake before we could tell him there was a stripper in it...

2/2/2007, 04:45 PM
If level of competition were any indicator of how well one would fare at the next level, how do you explain Jerry Rice, Terrell Owens, etc.?

2/2/2007, 04:45 PM
Keith Nichol gave me a kidney once.

...God bless 'im!

2/2/2007, 05:49 PM
My inside sources tell me that Nichol is so tough, he has to sleep with one eye open at night to keep from hurting himself.

jk the sooner fan
2/2/2007, 05:56 PM
Keith Nichol scares the crap out of Jack Bauer

2/3/2007, 02:07 AM
Keith Nichol vs. Ditka?

2/3/2007, 03:42 AM
Keith Nichol vs. Ditka?

That may lead to Armaggedon

2/3/2007, 04:01 AM
I love the direction this post went.

Keith Nichol lost his virginity before his father!

2/3/2007, 04:04 AM
keith nichol is ranked 18th in the AP college football poll...

Frozen Sooner
2/3/2007, 04:28 AM
Keith Nichol gave me a kidney once.

Gawd love him.

As for the level of comp in Michigan-obviously, I have to defer to the person who's lived there and watched it, but I think Michigan has more players rated in the Rivals top 250 than Oklahoma, for whatever that's worth. Of course, Michigan has a few more people than Oklahoma as well. Being a two-time player of the year playing in Michigan's top division should also be worth something.

Spartan(Sooner at Heart)
2/3/2007, 07:28 AM
Just a little clarification. Nichol's high school played in D2 in the state of MI. It's second largest in terms of enrollment, but it was generally believed to have the most depth and best teams. They played and beat the eventual D3 state champions in the regular season. They lost to the eventual state champs in D2. If you want more detail about his high school career than you'll ever need (except in the offseason;) ), go here:


2/3/2007, 07:56 AM
Keith Nichol eats broken glass for breakfast every day

2/3/2007, 10:44 AM
I don't know what you are talking about No competition with Chase Daniel. Texas Football in High School is ridiculous compared to anywhere.

2/3/2007, 11:48 AM
ain't he a sexy boy!
(just kidding, thomas. I gave up thinking that high school stud qb's were sexy after the idiot. but you have to admit, athletes look good in under armor shirts!!!)
If you haven't seen this, it's pretty funny:
comic featuring nichols (http://www.mlive.com/cgi-bin/prxy/weblog_photos/nph-cache.cgi/cache=3000;/mtlogs/mlive_bos/images/lowellcover-thumb.jpg)

2/5/2007, 02:47 AM
When Keith Nichol plays craps in vegas he always gets a yahtzee.

2/5/2007, 10:19 AM
Keith Nichol uses a mixture of lime juice and tobasco for eye drops

2/5/2007, 11:41 AM
Keith Nichol is Chuck Norris' stunt double. And don't make him angry, you wouldn't like him when he's angry.

Desert Sapper
2/5/2007, 01:09 PM
Keith wears #7. All bets are off.

2/5/2007, 01:49 PM
If level of competition were any indicator of how well one would fare at the next level, how do you explain Jerry Rice, Terrell Owens, etc.?

Please tell me you didn't just try to compare TO with Rice. Owens couldn't catch or much less carry Jerry's jock strap.

2/5/2007, 06:15 PM
Keith Nichol is a motor-boatin' sonuvabitch.

2/5/2007, 06:30 PM
Based on what ive seen/heard of the kid, I have HIGH hopes for his future but lets no get carried away with the bill brasky or chuck norris comparisons already. That is saying alot

2/6/2007, 01:11 PM

This is an old article but I hadn't seen it for some reason. It has a lot of great info and tells me a lot about him. For example...

Nichol also made a splash for the Spartans in July at the Elite 11 Quarterback Camp, a showcase of the nation's top quarterbacks, where he earned an award for being the camp's most coachable player.
Not much like a recent hotshot QB, huh?

Opponents have that same respect for Nichol. Muskegon coach Tony Annese rates him as the top quarterback he has ever coached against.

"He's got great pocket presence and a good sense of when to put it down and rush the ball," Annese said. "To me, he's a really good running quarterback, but he can also stand in the shotgun and pick you apart. He's got a very accurate arm. He's got all the qualities you want in a quarterback."

Annese believes that Nichol is one of the nation's top five prep quarterbacks and that he is Michigan's best quarterback since former Michigan quarterback Drew Henson.

"That's the kind of athlete Keith is," he said. "That's really the only quarterback that I've seen in this state that I could compare with Keith."

High praise indeed!

"I want to come in and compete and do the best I can," Nichol said. "If there's a guy that's better than me that can do the job better than me then I want him to play because I want the team to win. I'm just going to go in there and give it everything I have and if everything works out, it does. If it doesn't, it's not the end of the world."
Sounds like the ultimate team guy. Obviously we won't really know anything about him until he's out on the field against D-1 talent but this article was pretty revealing about the type of athlete and person he is. Sounds like the makings of a great Sooner.

2/6/2007, 02:37 PM
Lets put 2 and 2 together guys....Nichol is the "most coachable" qb amongst the nations elite, and we have IMO one of the top 10 qb coaches in the country(Heupel). I like the smell of that!!!

2/6/2007, 03:23 PM
Keith Nichol pi$$es the Nectar of the Gods.

2/6/2007, 03:45 PM
I have a very good feeling about this kid being the QB @ OU.

I don't feel good about anybody being the Sooner QB with FR in front of their name. I much prefer Jr. or Sr. titles assuming that role, but thanks to a series of unfortunate events there are none of the latter ready to step in and take charge.

That said, I too like Nichol being a Sooner, but rather wish it be in 30 months instead of six.


2/6/2007, 03:55 PM
Keith Nichol eats pieces of **** like you for breakfast.

Desert Sapper
2/6/2007, 04:30 PM
He killed Wolfman Jack with a trident.

Rock Hard Corn Frog
2/6/2007, 04:44 PM
Sheryl Crow used to be nut over Lance Armstrong, but now she's nuts over Nichol.

2/6/2007, 05:13 PM
Sheryl Crow used to be nut over Lance Armstrong, but now she's nuts over Nichol.

She likes the "Nich in the box!"


2/6/2007, 09:02 PM
Nichol hates Mexicans and he is half Mexican...he hates irony!!!

2/7/2007, 05:46 PM
Nichol interview. Norman, recruiting, and some football...


Frozen Sooner
2/7/2007, 06:14 PM
Keith Nichol eats pieces of **** like you for breakfast.

Keith Nichol does not eat pieces of ****.

2/8/2007, 04:12 PM
Keith Nichol does not eat pieces of ****.


If its got nipples Keith Nichol can milk it.