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View Full Version : staph infection knowledge possesors

1/30/2007, 09:49 PM
My Mom seems to have a recurrent staph infection. Is this something that just becomes chronic or will modern medicine usually cure it for good. I get paranoid about stuff like this as I am already down one parent and I get overly concerned about my mothers health.

1/30/2007, 10:00 PM
Reacurrent? I think it will stay if it is not dealt with, but I have no idea about that part.

Staph can be knocked out, but the key is a quick diagnoses and treatment. The longer wait makes it harder to deal with. A guy on my team had a staph infection in his butt crack. They had to remove a 4" by 2" strip of skin/mass from his butt. He let it go for wayyyy to long before getting to a doc.

1/30/2007, 10:01 PM
I dont Know , But I wish her the best , I took care Of my Mom for over 10 yrs after Dad passed

Sooner Mommy
1/30/2007, 10:30 PM
My 7-year-old daughter had problems with recurrent MRSA for a little over a year - it manifested as green, ***** boils, some as large as golf balls. Each time, she was treated with oral antibiotics. After about 10 of these occurrences, she was hospitalized for 3 days to receive high-powered IV antibiotics, and her blood and nasal passages were cultured. When she was released, she continuted oral antibiotics, as well as Bactroban in her nose and a special anti-bacterial body wash head-to-toe. We also were prescribed some black salve (which smells and looks like hot tar) to help "draw out" infection.

Since last April, she's only had 2 recurrences, both small boils that resolved rather quickly, so I hope the onslaught of treatments helped to reduce the colonization of the MRSA in her body.

Good luck with your mom - this is scary stuff!

1/30/2007, 10:53 PM
My Mom seems to have a recurrent staph infection. Is this something that just becomes chronic or will modern medicine usually cure it for good. I get paranoid about stuff like this as I am already down one parent and I get overly concerned about my mothers health.
where is her staph infection (i.e. blood, skin, etc.)

1/30/2007, 10:55 PM
where is her staph infection (i.e. blood, skin, etc.)
the first one was on the tip of her nose. This one is on her thigh.

1/30/2007, 11:16 PM

Family/close contacts of patient's who have recrurrent MRSA should also have nasal cultures to determine colonization. Underlying conditions such as diabetes, poor nutrition and immunodeficiencies can predispose individuals to recurrent infections. Other predisposing factors: adults living in nursing homes, family contacts who work in nursing homes or hospitals, children in day care, individuals who frequent community gyms(including school and commercial gyms/workout facilities)

1/30/2007, 11:19 PM
First, I wish all the best for everyone having problems mentioned in this thread. That said, I find it slightly funny that the adjective meaning "filled with pus" didn't make it past the profanity filters on the board. Stupid homonyms. ;)

Sooner Mommy
1/30/2007, 11:39 PM
Oops! Should have looked at that more carefully... I really don't think it could be confused in this context, though. Color me embarrassed!

BTW, our daughter was tested for the conditions listed by FaninAma (all negative, thank goodness).