View Full Version : Worst movie you ever saw?

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4/7/2008, 05:16 PM
Again, Armageddon is the height of all suckishness. This shouldn't even be a debate...

You should be negged into the stone ages for that.

4/7/2008, 06:53 PM
Your dad hated you, didn't he? ;)

Again, Armageddon is the height of all suckishness. This shouldn't even be a debate...

Armageddon was sucky...

But field of dreams still tops my suckiness list.

Why you ask? Well, the plot, in a nutshell:

Dude hears voices telling him to destroy his livelihood and build a ballpark. Naturally, dude follows orders of voices. Builds ballpark, and gets to see ghosts having fun on his field. Meanwhile, voices still talk to dude telling him to track down other ghosts and tell them about his ballpark. Dude does so. Finally other people get to see ghosts, and dude is no longer thought of as complete dolt (only a mostly-dolt). Dude does all of this so he can apologize to his dead father for being a ******rocket as a kid.

Moral of the story: Don't be a ******rocket.

Also, watching it, I felt like I was watching Kevin Costner dry hump the game of baseball for 90 minutes.

4/7/2008, 08:04 PM
that game plan movie with the rock as a football player. that movie was lame.

4/7/2008, 08:20 PM
Xanadu:D :D :D

4/7/2008, 08:21 PM
Panic Room. Plot goes something like this.

"Let us in the room!"

"Oh ****, I need my kids insulin, let me out of the room!"

4/7/2008, 08:22 PM
I second 'Manos: the Hands of Fate' and make a motion that nominations be closed. If you don't vote for this spectacular piece of cheese, you haven't seen it (and should consider yourself very, very fortunate).

Have you seen Zardoz?

Try to top that one. Ishtar was a work of comedic genius compared to Zardoz.

4/7/2008, 09:18 PM
Also, watching it, I felt like I was watching Kevin Costner dry hump the game of baseball for 90 minutes.

That was just foreplay. For the Love of the game was the humpfest.

4/8/2008, 04:44 AM
They Live does not suck. How dare you blaspheme Roddy Piper!

4/8/2008, 08:18 AM
The FOG. Slightly better than 90 minutes of blank screen.

4/8/2008, 09:06 AM
I haven't seen many movies lately, but on a bus trip with a girls soccer team I did suffer through a large part of "Bring it On" (I think) which was allegedly a movie about competitive cheering that featured a bunch of "shove it up your butt" trash talk. It was so bad, that some of the soccer moms put down their daiquiris and shut it off.

4/8/2008, 09:07 AM
They Live does not suck. How dare you blaspheme Roddy Piper!

sounds like they need to put on the glasses

oh and Bring It On does suck, but there are lots of reasons to watch it anyway

proud gonzo
4/8/2008, 09:16 AM
Your dad hated you, didn't he? ;)

Again, Armageddon is the height of all suckishness. This shouldn't even be a debate... Armageddon had at least one good scene, though. Bruce Willis trying to kill Ben Affleck at the beginning was hilarious

Have you seen Zardoz?

Try to top that one. Ishtar was a work of comedic genius compared to Zardoz.dude, Ishtar is a work of comedic genius compared to a lot of crap. I need a copy of that movie.

4/8/2008, 09:45 AM
They Live is greatness if not for only one thing that it spawned...


4/8/2008, 09:51 AM
I dare anyone to watch Year Of The Dog.


4/8/2008, 12:00 PM
Little Children with Kate Winslet.

A convicted pedophile tries to turn his life around. After getting kicked out of the kiddie end of a neighborhood swimming pool (he was wearing goggles btw) he decides to go on a date with a girl his age.

He represents himself with pretty decent decorum and conversation and you find yourself almost rooting for him to have a chance at a normal life.

At the end of the date, in the car, during the awkward "should I kiss her" moment, he looked at her with a shy wonder as moonlight revealed a demure, sweet expression on her face.

As she looked into his eyes, then looked back down to the floor, then back to his eyes again with anticipation, he longingly gazed back at her. They wantingly stared at each other.....and stared some more. Then, out of the moonlight and shadows of their mutual gaze, there was a soft and gentle pitch of a belt buckle clanking. No words, just rubbing one out as his front teeth are slightly exposed from sturn concentration. He then proceeds to threaten her life to silence while he is in the middle of his Byron Houston play.

Somebody let me know when they invent something that enables you to unwatch something.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/8/2008, 12:28 PM
Way back, pages ago, "The Night of the Lepus" was nominated. Everything since that is just idle chatter. That movie was deliberately made to win this poll.

4/8/2008, 02:04 PM
Have you seen Zardoz?

Try to top that one. Ishtar was a work of comedic genius compared to Zardoz.

I kind of like Zardoz. :O

4/8/2008, 02:10 PM
Any movie with this scene cannot POSSIBLY be the worst ever:


4/8/2008, 02:12 PM
Little Children with Kate Winslet.

A convicted pedophile tries to turn his life around. After getting kicked out of the kiddie end of a neighborhood swimming pool (he was wearing goggles btw) he decides to go on a date with a girl his age.

He represents himself with pretty decent decorum and conversation and you find yourself almost rooting for him to have a chance at a normal life.

At the end of the date, in the car, during the awkward "should I kiss her" moment, he looked at her with a shy wonder as moonlight revealed a demure, sweet expression on her face.

As she looked into his eyes, then looked back down to the floor, then back to his eyes again with anticipation, he longingly gazed back at her. They wantingly stared at each other.....and stared some more. Then, out of the moonlight and shadows of their mutual gaze, there was a soft and gentle pitch of a belt buckle clanking. No words, just rubbing one out as his front teeth are slightly exposed from sturn concentration. He then proceeds to threaten her life to silence while he is in the middle of his Byron Houston play.

Somebody let me know when they invent something that enables you to unwatch something.

I agree, that guy was full blown creepy and really added nothing to that movie.

But the secks scenes were smokin hawt in that movie.

For that alone I cannot vote it worst evar.

4/8/2008, 02:17 PM
leonard part 6 Winner.


Viking Kitten
4/8/2008, 02:36 PM
I agree, that guy was full blown creepy and really added nothing to that movie.

You know who that creepy guy is? Remember Kelly from the original "Bad News Bears," the 15 year old, smoking troublemaker with the great arm? He's all growed up and bald now.


4/8/2008, 02:42 PM
Way back, pages ago, "The Night of the Lepus" was nominated. Everything since that is just idle chatter. That movie was deliberately made to win this poll.

It can't possibly be the worst movie I've ever seen, because I've never seen it. :rolleyes:

4/8/2008, 02:43 PM
i really liked little children. i thought kelly was a perfect pederarse.

King Crimson
4/8/2008, 02:49 PM
the drive-in movie theater scene in Night of the Lepus is a hard-nosed piece of great cinema.

i mean, dialogue like "Attention, attention....there's a herd of killer rabbits approaching the city...we NEED YOUR HELP!..."....that's hard hitting stuff.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/8/2008, 03:04 PM
It can't possibly be the worst movie I've ever seen, because I've never seen it. :rolleyes:Permission..DENIED!

4/8/2008, 09:19 PM
Ok I know what it is.

Napoleon Dynamite is by far the worst movie in the history of man. It would take a whole lot of pot or a couple of hits of acid to even get me to sit through that bathroom tissue film. Seriously I could eat alphabet soup and **** out a better script than what made up that movie. My God that movie was such a suckfest.

4/8/2008, 09:23 PM
I vote for "28 Days Later".
It was in every way possible..so effin stupid.

4/8/2008, 10:01 PM
I vote for "28 Days Later".
It was in every way possible..so effin stupid.

I agree. I saw all the reviews of "it was so ****ing scary!" People who said that about this movie must **** themselves when they look at their shadow.

4/8/2008, 10:37 PM
The Hills Have Eyes 2 FTW.

4/8/2008, 10:43 PM

Starring Cher.

That wasn't even worth putting in italics.

4/9/2008, 12:03 AM
Bring It On does suck, but there are lots of reasons to watch it anyway

Yes. They come in pairs.

4/9/2008, 06:40 AM
"The Day After Tomorrow" the most unbelievable movie ever. Tornados in LA, New York under water!! All in an hour and a half.

4/9/2008, 02:56 PM
"The Day After Tomorrow" the most unbelievable movie ever. Tornados in LA, New York under water!! All in an hour and a half.

see, when I think of the worst movies ever, I tend to exclude movies that are supposed to be bad. The Day After Tomorrow was supposed to be a bad movie. It was based on a book by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber. How can that not be sucktastic.

4/9/2008, 03:59 PM
Bats with Lou Diamond Philips- release in 99 - watched it last night and it was horrible.

4/10/2008, 02:49 PM
I agree. I saw all the reviews of "it was so ****ing scary!" People who said that about this movie must **** themselves when they look at their shadow.

And the "what if" part they put on the screen. You remember that??
I looked at my wife and I was like "what if what?....What if I didn't waste my mother effin money and time on this stupid mother effin movie!

4/10/2008, 03:03 PM
Hercules in New York.

Nothing even comes close.

6/9/2013, 09:41 PM
I look through this old thread and think of a Walter Winchell quote: (paraphrased) Some movies are released...others must have ESCAPED."

Probably the worst movie that I paid to get into was The Happening....one of the worst I've had the pleasure of simply turning off was Hudson Hawk.

6/9/2013, 09:48 PM
I look through this old thread and think of a Walter Winchell quote: (paraphrased) Some movies are released...others must have ESCAPED."

Probably the worst movie that I paid to get into was The Happening....one of the worst I've had the pleasure of simply turning off was Hudson Hawk.

Heh, Never been a Big fan to start with, If it was stupid I turned it off/Left

6/9/2013, 10:08 PM
Inappropriate Comedy,,,worst ever movie known to mankind!

6/9/2013, 10:19 PM
Inappropriate Comedy,,,worst ever movie known to mankind!

Never saw it, My son did bring that Idiotic show " Inglorious bastards" er some silly **** up here one nite after about 15 minutes I turned that stupid shat OFF.

6/9/2013, 10:26 PM
Another 48 Hours. Perhaps after viewing 48 Hours and thinking it was one of my own personal all time favorite movies, it was inevitable the long delayed sequel would go the opposite direction. A very dreary and unfunny comedy.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/10/2013, 12:09 AM
Never saw it, My son did bring that Idiotic show " Inglorious bastards" er some silly **** up here Hell, that movie was genius compared to some of those mentioned here.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
6/10/2013, 12:10 AM
I'm sticking by "Night of the Lepus!"

hawaii 5-0
6/10/2013, 01:36 AM
Thankfully I'm fortunate to have NOT seen most of these doggy films. Lucky I guess,

I've seen some bad films but I've put them out of mind.


6/10/2013, 09:33 AM
Hell, that movie was genius compared to some of those mentioned here.

I wouldnt know, I dont watch stupid carp.

6/10/2013, 10:44 AM
Troll 2

Suckitude at a new level!

6/10/2013, 10:48 AM
By the end of Matrix Reloaded I was begging for the movie to end. Some guy next to mom and me was like "if you stick around after the credits they preview the next one!" and I was like "um, maybe it's on the internet by now" and couldn't leave fast enough.

forget getting money's worth. some movies just need to be the standard 90-minute fare, not the "we spent $100 million on this car chase scene, so we have to make it at least 20 minutes!" gag

6/10/2013, 02:42 PM
I still dare anyone to watch Year of The Dog.

6/10/2013, 02:50 PM
The Garbage Pail Kids, with Good Burger being a distant second.

6/10/2013, 07:47 PM
Try being stuck on a cramped overnight plane for several hours with The Notebook.

6/10/2013, 08:01 PM
Nothing specific to my gripe but in general I hate CGI movies replacing animation. I look at some of the old classics (Dumbo, Snow White, Fantasia) and even the old cartoons (the ones that used to show between features at the movies) and that entire art form is gone, no one bothers to do it anymore. I guess The Simpsons is the about the best of this genre still made the old way. Characters in CGI all come out looking the same and don't get me started on the watered down political correctness that has replaced the stories that children's films used to be about.

Secondary gripe about these is the use of people other than dedicated voice artists (remember Mel Blanc?) as the voice of the characters. Once more, The Simpsons buck the trend here.

As for not liking Inglorious Bastards, that movie came out and told you it was a fairytale. There are plenty of really bad war movies out there that do not carry a disclaimer. I think it was The Battle of the Bulge that showed the American forces stopping the German tanks (U.S. M47's) by rolling barrels of fuel down the hill at the them and setting them on fire. Talk about a fairytale!

6/10/2013, 08:38 PM
Nothing specific to my gripe but in general I hate CGI movies replacing animation. I look at some of the old classics (Dumbo, Snow White, Fantasia) and even the old cartoons (the ones that used to show between features at the movies) and that entire art form is gone, no one bothers to do it anymore. I guess The Simpsons is the about the best of this genre still made the old way. Characters in CGI all come out looking the same and don't get me started on the watered down political correctness that has replaced the stories that children's films used to be about.

Secondary gripe about these is the use of people other than dedicated voice artists (remember Mel Blanc?) as the voice of the characters. Once more, The Simpsons buck the trend here.

As for not liking Inglorious Bastards, that movie came out and told you it was a fairytale. There are plenty of really bad war movies out there that do not carry a disclaimer. I think it was The Battle of the Bulge that showed the American forces stopping the German tanks (U.S. M47's) by rolling barrels of fuel down the hill at the them and setting them on fire. Talk about a fairytale!

Guess YOU Watched more of it than I did, Plus paid Tention