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View Full Version : Ten things I've learned on SO today.

1/22/2007, 02:22 PM
1. Olives are icky and gross. They're dumb too.

2. Lincoln was Lenin and Stalin rolled up in a big ball and destroyed the beautiful perfect vision of government the CSA dreamed up and thusly, we're in a living hell now.

3. Hillary Clinton is a closeted lesbian who kills people.

4. There are grown men who tell each other their weight.

5. One poster was going to get laid. He got a ride with his friends instead.

6. Amazingly, if a stranger becomes your roommate in Waco, he might not be perfect.

7. BlondeSoonerGirl listens to bands and songs I do.

8. Gas prices are down due to George W. Bush. Too bad he's not in office longer.

9. Nerds raise little nerdlets.

10. An old veteran on a hill in Souteastern Oklahoma is soliciting medical advice from the people who dicussed the previous nine items.

(Sorry, slow day.)

1/22/2007, 02:24 PM
Those weren't all cookie crumbs.

1/22/2007, 02:30 PM
And I have learned that you have good taste in music.


1/22/2007, 02:37 PM
9. My bosses' kids will someday become my bosses.

How true. :D

1/22/2007, 06:15 PM
Man I wish I could read this board at work. I wouldn't be so overwhelmed with the enemorous amount of stuff I can be learning on here each day.

1/22/2007, 06:16 PM
That list up there is making me giggle...