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View Full Version : Byron Eaton loves his girlfriend...SO...MUCH

1/22/2007, 01:49 PM
Oh, myspace.

Byron Eaton threatened to stab me to death (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=8186245&blogID=220396354)

Now onto my title. For those of you who aren't aware (I wasn't, until, Wicker's gf clued me in tonight at the ice house).


apparently one of our top three players and likely nba draft pick, he seemed rather ****ed that I had no idea who he was.

Well, here we go. Last friday I was at at Anthony Barone's house party. After which Jerus and I went to J.R. Murphys to try and see about some stolen cigaretes. I drank one Tecate, talked with Jerus and said hello to an arch crony. When we decided to depart, there was a crowd of friends standing in the only path. I casually made my way through them, unfortunately I bumped one of the girl's drinks and immediately received go to hell stares from all the guys. I gave my best apologies, I think I even offered a refill. Then made it the rest of the way out. Thought it was all well and good.

This friday night, I received a phone call around 12:30am, from one mildly tipsy Byron Eaton threatening to "stab the **** out of me and ****ing kill me" if I didn't apologize for "hitting on his gf at the bar." I honestly had no clue what he was talking about. This went on for ten minutes the whole time me attempting to make sense of everything and making sure they got the right dude. "This is Joe Collins, right?" Around the ten minute mark his buddy gets the phone and asks me to apologize to him. Just to end it, I gave a belegered "yeah, if this ever actually happened, it was my mistake, I almost never give out my number and especially to girls that are clearly taken." His buddy reassured me that he had just "saved my life", which is nice of him I suppose, if I had actually done anything.

After this I called my buddy Matt Baum. He's this really cool guy that's half Mexican, works in the machine shop at Napa, drives an old international scout thats about 8in lifted, o.d. green and has no mufflers, and he has a bit of a violent tinge. He promised that "if I needed him, he'd be at my apt in 15min with his 12gauge and would "blow the ****er away in my front yard." I have to admit, that his odd sense of brotherly caring was awfully reassuring.

I'll swear on anyone's religious text, mother, grave, job, spouse, car, home, life, etc that all I did was bump a drink and apologize. How this story came to be that I was hitting on her, or gave her my number I really haven't a clue. I didn't even have the time to say "hello, how are you", much less mac on a b-ball players gf (as if I'd even be interested in that sort of girl). Even more..... how the **** did they get my name and number??? And later...

I'd like to add that as of tonight I called Stillwater P.D. They sent an officer over. I told him EVERYTHING. Includuing that I was about to go borrow my friends 20gauge and put it in the corner of my kitchen. He seemed to think that it was actually a good idea. Oklahoma now has a new make my day law. If someone is on your property and in anyway (verbally, physically, destruction of property) "threatens" you, the law gives you full right to shoot. I know it seems really dumb on my part.... but I was paranoid and the cop seemed to think it was a good idea. No worries, I wouldn't shoot to kill...... you know I'm a peaceful dude. The cop called the number in my phone and got someone else. Basically they are going to attempt to contact and make him aware that if anything else happens in my direction that harrassment charges will be filed.

All and all I think I did the right thing, had it documented, maybe it'll bring down his "you don't know who I am, I'm ****ing famous ego"

Take care.

1/22/2007, 01:56 PM


Rhino get on AOL nowish thanks.

1/22/2007, 01:57 PM
OH and why don't you ever drunk threaten to stab someone when they bump in to me?

1/22/2007, 02:01 PM
Thank you, MySpace. You're not just for miserable teens.

1/22/2007, 02:16 PM
Man, myspace is a dangerous, dangerous place for so many reasons. If this dude is serious, which it sounds like he is, I don't think plastering this story all over the net is very smart. But I am SURE glad I got to read it! :)

1/22/2007, 02:36 PM
Now the mutha trucka is REALLY gonna get cut!

1/22/2007, 02:57 PM
One thing that this makes me think about and really irritates me is this, if you have a REAL problem with someone first of all, why cant you call them yourself. Second, be a man and talk to them face to face and settle it without threatening them just to sound big, third, if you want to kick someones *** do it, but dont bring weapons into it. That is just cowardly, people are so infatuated with their "rep" and their pride these days and so afraid of being embarrassed that they resort to weapons and it is rediculous. I have only been in two fights in all of my 25 years and neither one of those did I really want to hurt the dude, where does this even come from???

1/22/2007, 03:08 PM
Cause they're drunken pussies who don't have the cajones to admit they're skeered!

1/22/2007, 03:09 PM
ah... If it was reported on MySpace it must be true.

1/22/2007, 03:32 PM
I don't think anyone is arguing the validity of it.

1/22/2007, 03:37 PM
ah... If it was reported on MySpace it must be true.

You know, I'm kinda wondering why I haven't banned you yet. Give me a good reason why I shouldn't.

1/22/2007, 03:40 PM

1/22/2007, 03:47 PM
Because it gets old to wield power against any sort of mildly dissenting voice that ultimately provides an opportunity for some sort of relatively decent discussion (as opposed to patting one another on the back and becoming all-the-more dillusional)? I don't know...

I've purchased a few thousand beers for Octavian... Does that count for anything?

1/22/2007, 05:22 PM
Because it gets old to wield power against any sort of mildly dissenting voice that ultimately provides an opportunity for some sort of relatively decent discussion (as opposed to patting one another on the back and becoming all-the-more dillusional)? I don't know...

I've purchased a few thousand beers for Octavian... Does that count for anything?

Wielding power against your enemies never grows old.

And I oughta bane you for contributing to the delinquency. Start purchasing a few thousand adult beverages for me, and I'll probably find a bucket of mercy laying around somewhere.

1/22/2007, 05:28 PM
BI-ron EAT-on... would he threaten me with death if I told him he's pronouncing his own name wrong

1/22/2007, 05:37 PM
this is internet Awesomeness!!!!

1/22/2007, 10:31 PM
Well the guy is an aggy, so therefore, he would prolly shank the dood.

1/23/2007, 12:10 AM
"Prison ain't so bad...of course it's shank or be shanked, but you can make Sangria in the terlit"

1/23/2007, 12:11 AM
Now onto my title. For those of you who aren't aware (I wasn't, until, Wicker's gf clued me in tonight at the ice house).


apparently one of our top three players and likely nba draft pick, he seemed rather ****ed that I had no idea who he was.

Well, here we go. Last friday I was at at Anthony Barone's barn party. After which Jerus and I went to J.R. Murphys to try and see about some stolen cigaretes. I drank one Old Milwaukee's, talked with Jerus and said hello to an arch crony. When we decided to depart, there was a crowd of friends standing in the only path. I casually made my way through them, unfortunately I bumped one of the sheep's drinks and immediately received go to hell stares from all the guys. I gave my best apologies, I think I even offered a refill. Then made it the rest of the way out. Thought it was all well and good.

This friday night, I received a phone call around 12:30am, from one mildly tipsy Byron Eaton threatening to "stab the **** out of me and ****ing kill me" if I didn't apologize for "hitting on his sheep at the bar." I honestly had no clue what he was talking about. This went on for ten minutes the whole time me attempting to make sense of everything and making sure they got the right dude. "This is Joe Collins, right?" Around the ten minute mark his buddy gets the phone and asks me to apologize to him. Just to end it, I gave a belegered "yeah, if this ever actually happened, it was my mistake, I almost never give out my number and especially to sheeps that are clearly taken." His buddy reassured me that he had just "saved my life", which is nice of him I suppose, if I had actually done anything.

After this I called my buddy Matt Baum. He's this really cool guy that's half Mexican, works in the machine shop at Napa, drives an old international scout thats about 8in lifted, o.d. green and has no mufflers, and he has a bit of a violent tinge. He promised that "if I needed him, he'd be at my apt in 15min with his 12gauge and would "blow the ****er away in my front yard." I have to admit, that his odd sense of brotherly caring was awfully reassuring.

I'll swear on anyone's religious text, mother, grave, job, spouse, car, home, life, etc that all I did was bump a drink and apologize. How this story came to be that I was hitting on her, or gave her my number I really haven't a clue. I didn't even have the time to say "hello, how are you", much less mac on a b-ball players sheep (as if I'd even be interested in that sort of sheep, I like goats). Even more..... how the **** did they get my name and number???

I'd like to add that as of tonight I called Stillwater P.D. They sent an officer over. I told him EVERYTHING. He listend intently and intended to do something about it, but the got a call on the radio that "Eddie" was out "running some errands" again and had to leave rather quickly. Oh well.

Fixed. now it makes sense.

1/23/2007, 12:12 AM
I wouldn't put it past that little tub-o-lard to pull some crap like this, he's not exactly one of the meek little nice guys.

Mrs. Ash was calling him Eat-a-ton during the game. Not that flashy, but it had me laughing.

1/23/2007, 11:37 AM
Just a word of advice,if you HAVE to shoot someone,shoot to kill.First because it is easier to argue that you ere IN FEAR FOR YOUR LIFE if you shoot to kill.Secondly if you only wound your attacker ,he CAN testify AGAINST you.IF he is dead ,he can't give his version of events.