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View Full Version : Worst ESPN poll ever.

Landthief 1972
1/16/2007, 03:05 PM
Give me a break. (http://sports-ak.espn.go.com/ncf/index)

Q: What do you think of the 2006 clock changes?

Choice 1: They improved the game by speeding it up

Choice 2: They made the games too short and prevented exciting finishes.

WTF? How about a Choice 3: They cut into our football viewing and gave the corporate monoliths more time to shill their overpriced crap to us.

1/16/2007, 03:28 PM
Didn't they give the "corporate monoliths" less time due to the clock running in instances in which it never before ran?

However, the 2 choices were ****ty, at best.

And apparently Vermont only has 1 fan.

1/16/2007, 03:56 PM

Want to buy a hamburger?

1/16/2007, 04:04 PM
Interesting to mouse over the state by state votes. Just shows that the northeast doesn't watch college football at all. 1 vote in NH. 8 votes in Vermont. 7 votes in Maine?

Landthief 1972
1/16/2007, 05:07 PM
Didn't they give the "corporate monoliths" less time due to the clock running in instances in which it never before ran?

Not really, total tv time per game stayed nearly as long as before, they just strung out TV timeouts and bowl game halftimes.

1/16/2007, 05:12 PM

Want to buy a hamburger?Why is Colt McCoy selling hamburgers?

1/16/2007, 07:41 PM
I personally want more football, not less. ignoramuses:D

1/17/2007, 12:25 AM
Looks like all of the sponsors who wanted more air time for commercials are getting pwn3d on the little survey.

Shortening college football games... sheesh, you know what you can shorten? Stupid halftime shows by sports analysts who are usually wrong about what they predict anyway. How about shortening basketball games? Those things can fraking drag out 4ever for as many of them as there are and how not important most of the matchups are.

1/17/2007, 02:14 PM
Give me a break. (http://sports-ak.espn.go.com/ncf/index)

Q: What do you think of the 2006 clock changes?

Choice 1: They improved the game by speeding it up

Choice 2: They made the games too short and prevented exciting finishes.

WTF? How about a Choice 3: They cut into our football viewing and gave the corporate monoliths more time to shill their overpriced crap to us.

Correction for Choice 3: They provided more time for ad revenue so college presidents/conference comissioners can milk even larger TV contract revenues while continuing to exploit players and fans alike.

Rock Hard Corn Frog
1/17/2007, 02:23 PM
If they have to sneak Johnmelloncougarcamp in 15 times during a football game then why don't they do something like what Nascar or baseball has done before. Do a split screen on the last commercial. I understand commercials pay the bills but I'm with arcman46. I'm for whatever gives us more football.

The clock running on kicks and changes of posession is the dumbest EVAR. If they want to tweak the clock rules do it more like the NFL. Except for the last 5 minutes of a half when a player runs out of bounds then the clock stops until the ball is set and then starts again.

1/17/2007, 02:39 PM
Why is Colt McCoy selling hamburgers?

And how much is he getting paid for said hamboogers? :meat:

1/17/2007, 06:11 PM
Choice 2: They made the games too short and prevented exciting finishes.

Choice 2 is stupid because of the last part. This bowl season probably had more exciting finishes than any other.