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1/12/2007, 02:47 PM


Bedford out as OSU's defensive coordinator

The Oklahoman

STILLWATER — Vance Bedford is out as Oklahoma State's defensive coordinator.
"Vance and I were in agreement that it might be a good time for a change," OSU head coach Mike Gundy said in a statement. "There are some things he wants to pursue and some things we want to do as well. We certainly wish him the best and appreciate the things he has done for Cowboy football over the last two years."

Bedford was defensive coordinator for the past two seasons and coached Oklahoma State's defensive backs in 1993 and 1994.

"I'm very appreciative of the opportunity to have been at Oklahoma State," Bedford said. "I think Coach Gundy is going to do great things here. I look forward to seeing that happen, and I'm looking forward to what's ahead for me as well."

Before returning to Stillwater, Bedford served as the secondary coach at Michigan.

1/12/2007, 03:27 PM
seems to me they've let the wrong person...

oh nevermind.

1/12/2007, 03:32 PM
When can we start No Aggie Wednesday ;)

1/12/2007, 03:35 PM
Why did they wait so long?

I would have canned him after he called the fanbase roaches.

Coulda saved them from having the 89th ranked defense.

1/12/2007, 03:37 PM
Coulda saved them from having the 89th ranked defense.
but they're 27th worst. looks better with a lower number, don't it?:texan:

1/12/2007, 03:41 PM
but they're 31st worst. looks better with a lower number, don't it?:texan: fixed.

1/12/2007, 03:43 PM
my bad.:D

1/12/2007, 04:05 PM
John Blake for oSu DC?

1/12/2007, 05:17 PM
Why did they wait so long?

I would have canned him after he called the fanbase roaches.

Never saw that one.

I wonder if he can sue for being terminated cause he told the truth???

Scott D
1/12/2007, 05:51 PM
Never saw that one.

I wonder if he can sue for being terminated cause he told the truth???

Probably not, Boone probably owns the Judges in the Stillwater area too....and clearly Boone can't handle the truth.

1/12/2007, 06:49 PM
Never saw that one.

I wonder if he can sue for being terminated cause he told the truth??? From NewsOK.com (http://www.newsok.com/article/2854566):

Thu September 28, 2006
Bedford doesn't backtrack on recent comments
OSU fans divided on defensive coordinator's ‘roaches' reference
By Mike Baldwin
Staff Writer

STILLWATER — Oklahoma State defensive coordinator Vance Bedford said Wednesday he stands behind his original statement that fans who jump ship after one loss are like roaches jumping ship.

The comment has created a stir on talk radio and the Internet.

"I'm not a fence-straddler," Bedford said. "You're either with us or you're not. I won't change my stance. That's who I am. I want to thank the people who are with us. If you got offended by the comment, you must be a fence-straddler."

Monday, after OSU's defense surrendered 509 yards in a loss at Houston, Bedford said: "People are saying, ‘Well, same 'ol Oklahoma State.' Go tell those people that told that same 'ol lie to go ahead and jump off the ship like a bunch of roaches. That's OK because that's what they are, a bunch of roaches.

"Either you are an Oklahoma State Cowboy through and through or you're not. You're with us win, lose or draw. That's how I was raised."

Coach Mike Gundy said Wednesday he wouldn't comment on one of his coaches' statements.

Nearly every fan contacted in a telephone survey on Wednesday said they understood Bedford's intent.

"He maybe could have chosen his words more carefully, but it didn't bother me whatsoever," said Mike Gray, a 15-year season ticket holder from Perkins. "If you're a loyal, dedicated fan, he wasn't talking to you. I'll be there for every game no matter what the outcome."

But there have been negative comments, both on the Web and radio.

On GoPokes.com, "shortbus" of Enid wrote: "His comments were out of line. OSU has the most loyal fans in college football. We've been here long before him and will be here long after he's gone. We've never had great defense and rarely have seen good defense as long as I can remember. And I'll be 30 soon."

"Orange 1989" wrote: "If his plan was to rally his defense while protecting his players from criticism, then at the end of the season he may be a genius. I still believe he went about it wrong. You can stand up for your team while tactfully not calling out your fan base."

On Wednesday, Bedford reiterated coaches and players are working hard to improve.

"You can't base things on just one game," Bedford said. "Players and coaches aren't satisfied with how we played. We've worked hard all year, and we'll continue to work hard to get better. That's how I coach. I like this defense. They listen and they play hard. As long as they do that, that's all I can ask of them."

Stan Reichert, from Edmond, has been attending OSU games the past 20 years.

"If you took it negatively, those are the ones who will be the loudest," Reichert said. "It didn't bother me."

1/12/2007, 07:03 PM
Just had the National Coaches clinic. Maybe Gumby was looking for a solid replacement behind the scenes before he lowered the axe.

As usual, Traber believes the def coordinator was a good coach but his leaving helps OSU. ******rocket status confirmed.

1/12/2007, 11:25 PM
Just had the National Coaches clinic. Maybe Gumby was looking for a solid replacement behind the scenes before he lowered the axe.

As usual, Traber believes the def coordinator was a good coach but his leaving helps OSU. ******rocket status confirmed.

You are probably right. I wouldn't doubt he's already got some replacement possibilities in mind.

1/13/2007, 12:06 AM
With Boone's money, they could probably get Stoops if they really wanted to!

1/13/2007, 01:26 AM
Take. That. Back.

1/13/2007, 02:04 AM
I could care less about how nice Boone makes OSU's stadium. Even if you have a toilet of solid gold, it still has crap inside.

1/13/2007, 05:52 AM
I could care less about how nice Boone makes OSU's stadium. Even if you have a toilet of solid gold, it still has crap inside.

Do you really like turds having better luxury than you? ;)

1/13/2007, 06:10 AM
Do you really like turds having better luxury than you? ;)

I don't care if I have to sit on a cinder block. I would rather watch a good football team that wins games and championships.

1/13/2007, 12:57 PM
I don't care if I have to sit on a cinder block. I would rather watch a good football team that wins games and championships.

For those fans out there who have good reason for being a sooner fan, this is the mentality that OSU fan's get upset about. The bandwagon mentality. However, I'm sure it would be the same way at OSU if we were in your position.

1/13/2007, 01:40 PM
For those fans out there who have good reason for being a sooner fan, this is the mentality that OSU fan's get upset about. The bandwagon mentality. However, I'm sure it would be the same way at OSU if we were in your position.

Fortunately, you will never be in our position(Championship caliber).;)

1/13/2007, 01:55 PM
Fortunately, you will never be in our position(Championship caliber).;)

Man, I didn't know the time machine had been invented. Why don't you share that technology with the world man. ;)

1/13/2007, 02:06 PM
For those fans out there who have good reason for being a sooner fan, this is the mentality that OSU fan's get upset about. The bandwagon mentality. However, I'm sure it would be the same way at OSU if we were in your position.

It's not a bandwagon mentality in this case, since we routinely win more than OSU does. :)

1/13/2007, 02:18 PM
It's not a bandwagon mentality in this case, since we routinely win more than OSU does. :)

That doesn't make much sense. The bandwagon mentality IS to root for the team that wins more. It really doesn't matter on the frequency of it. I'm not railing you guys here, I just think you can come up with some more intelligent arguments.

1/13/2007, 02:26 PM
That doesn't make much sense. The bandwagon mentality IS to root for the team that wins more. It really doesn't matter on the frequency of it. I'm not railing you guys here, I just think you can come up with some more intelligent arguments.

OK, I think Stillwater smells like poo. Plus I went to OU :D

1/13/2007, 03:00 PM
If you want to get technical then, we always have bandwagon fans than. I mean seriously we didn't have a century of sucking to make our fan base prove their loyalty like OsU. I knew there was a reason behind you guys ineptitude

1/13/2007, 03:11 PM
For those fans out there who have good reason for being a sooner fan, this is the mentality that OSU fan's get upset about. The bandwagon mentality. However, I'm sure it would be the same way at OSU if we were in your position.

Yes I am a complete bandwagon fan. Those two degrees on my wall from OU are only an expression of my bandwagon support for the University of Oklahoma. In reality, I went to OU because I wanted to go to the best university in the state.

Besides I am sure Holder would love to have some "bandwagon" fans. If he did, he could sell out games and get more revenue from fans instead of having to count on some crusty old billionaire to buy his whole athletic department. Bandwagon fans mean the program is winning and is profitable. They are welcome on our Schooner.

1/13/2007, 03:21 PM
Here's my opinion.
When you haven't won so much as a conference championship ever in your 100+ years of football, and you rip the defensive coordinator for not winning championships... on top of that, you don't show up to support your team, and you rely on a billionaire to build you "empire," the roaches comment doesn't seem so far off.

Secondly, who cares what aggy is doing now???

1/13/2007, 03:24 PM
That doesn't make much sense. The bandwagon mentality IS to root for the team that wins more. It really doesn't matter on the frequency of it. I'm not railing you guys here, I just think you can come up with some more intelligent arguments.

Oh... and the "bandwagon mentality" is jumping ship when your team has a less than successful season. We never jumped ship after you guys beat us a few years back, we never jumped ship after TGWWDNSO, and we're not jumping ship after Tejas and Boise State of 2006.
Oklahoma State fans however, had to have some billionaire buy their bowl game tickets just so they'd show up.

1/13/2007, 04:48 PM
There's nothing wrong with bandwagon fans. Fans are fans. I'm sure Boise State just picked up about 1 million fans nationwide.

1/13/2007, 05:21 PM
OK, I think Stillwater smells like poo. Plus I went to OU :D


1/13/2007, 05:33 PM
goingoneight, I could spend some time pummeling everyone of those points into submission, but I'd rather not waste my time. If you want, you can just look at my recent posts. For now I'll just say 20,000+ OSU fans at bowl, only 1500 were free, and all 8000 or so (not sure exactly how many were alloted) alloted tickets were sold out in less than a week. Your argument is just an attempt to try to put down OSU and not a true point. Get the facts first please.

kevpks. I had no knowledge of your status and my point was only on the attitude of your post. It wasn't even directed toward you. Obviously you have plenty reason for your fan status. In fact, since you do have good reason for being a sooner fan, my post was talking TO you and not ABOUT you. No reason to take offense to that, but if you did I apologize.

1/13/2007, 05:42 PM
No offense taken. I just wanted to go on record since I am a relatively new member of the board. I just think bashing OU for its "bandwagon" fans is a tired argument. Every winning program has bandwagon fans, and just as many people, if not more, love to hate OU because of our success. It goes with the territory when you are on national TV almost every game.

Landthief 1972
1/14/2007, 09:08 PM
For those fans out there who have good reason for being a sooner fan, this is the mentality that OSU fan's get upset about. The bandwagon mentality. However, I'm sure it would be the same way at OSU if we were in your position.

Dude, even when Smellslikeburboun and Boo Boo Blake were "coaching" in Norman, OU's attendance was still outpacing the Pokies. So basically, even without our bandwagoners, we had more fans show up to watch Nebraska whip the **** out of us by 40 than you guys could muster even when you were beating OU for the first time since Jimmy Carter was president with Nepotism Bob Simmons. Way to go!

I think what really eats at Sheephumpers is that they can't get a casual football fan to come to their game (and even if one did, 20,000 Aggie alums would run them off because "you ain't got no OSU degree!"). Anyone who thinks college football is still about alma mater needs to quit watching Leave It To Beaver reruns.

1/14/2007, 09:34 PM
goingoneight, I could spend some time pummeling everyone of those points into submission, but I'd rather not waste my time. If you want, you can just look at my recent posts. For now I'll just say 20,000+ OSU fans at bowl, only 1500 were free, and all 8000 or so (not sure exactly how many were alloted) alloted tickets were sold out in less than a week. Your argument is just an attempt to try to put down OSU and not a true point. Get the facts first please.

kevpks. I had no knowledge of your status and my point was only on the attitude of your post. It wasn't even directed toward you. Obviously you have plenty reason for your fan status. In fact, since you do have good reason for being a sooner fan, my post was talking TO you and not ABOUT you. No reason to take offense to that, but if you did I apologize.

Fact: that's still a sh*tload of free tickets that would have otherwise not been purchased. And I'm never offended by someone who has it in them to tell me their opinion.

1/15/2007, 02:16 AM
Fact: that's still a sh*tload of free tickets that would have otherwise not been purchased. And I'm never offended by someone who has it in them to tell me their opinion.

I'm glad you aren't offended. I hate it when people take these discussions too seriously. I would hope if we meet in real life we would joke have a good time, and maybe grab a beer.

Anyway, You are trying to tell me that with the OSU ticket alotment sold out over two weeks before the game (forget the exact date) and over 20,000 pokes in attendance that you think that a measly 1500 wouldn't have sold on their own? The tickets were gone from the office in less than 2 hours and I am convinced that only had to do with how quickly they could dispense them. The fact is that we got picked over Tech and KSU for a reason and that reason reared it's head during our bowl game. Like it or not that's a fact.

Oh, and take a look at this thread. This is the photographic evidence. I don't think there were any aerials, but keep in mind that the section these were taken from looked a lot like the first pic.


Anyway, now that I've thoroughly throttled your argument, I'll say goodnight and goodluck.

1/15/2007, 02:29 AM
I'm down with the beer :D...

I have noticed, however that for years... no matter what the price, OSU fans haven't really drawn well. I know in my mind that has nothing to do with championships and OU being the bigger name. In fact, I've seen just as many OSU fans in my day as I've seen OU fans. We're approximately the same size, as well. I dunno, maybe that stems from success in other athletic departments such as basketball and baseball which I've seen you guys pack the house for.