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View Full Version : S.O. Post-Smurf Bowl Photo Contest (2007.01.19): PIZZA

1/11/2007, 11:49 PM
Warning: Norm's Cut and Pasted stuff has been cut and pasted for our reading entertainment...

PLEASE READ THE RULES!!! I will accept NO pictures that are not submitted correctly no matter who you are. GOT IT?


A lot of you don't know how to photoshop stuff, so I thought maybe we might try a photo contest ala Fark Central (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=8), inspired by Fark's Farktography contests (http://www.farktography.net/index.php). Here are the rules, which could change at any time:

Photo Contest Theme (01/19/2007): Pizza

Take a photo of Pizza between now and the contest deadline. If people like your picture the best - YOU WIN! HOORAY!


Everyone BUT HOWZIT is welcome to submit an entry.
A maximum of THREE entries allowed per submitter. That's the number between 2 and 4, as evidenced in this list of rules. See? It's next.
Entries deadline is Friday Night (01/19/2007) at 11:00pm Norm time. 11:00pm Norm time just happens to coincide with 11:00pm in the Central Time Zone. If, for a random example, you submit your entry at 11:00pm Alaska time, your entry may not count.
Entries should be Rated PG at the most. Keep it clean.
I will host the images on Imageshack.com. Maximum image size: 1.5 megabytes. I WILL NOT resize your picture so it can be uploaded. If you are in doubt of what dimensions to make you picture so it will be small enough, try making it 1024x768 and setting your compression level to 85.
Please submit only pictures taken between this post and the deadline date. (Except Beano)
You are only allowed to enter a photograph once. Do not submit the same photo to another contest later. It's breaking the previous rule anyway.
You must be the original photographer of your entry. Do not submit anyone else's photography as your own.


Email entries to ([email protected]). Only submissions sent via email will be entered into the contest. PM submissions and submissions posted in this thread will NOT be entered into the contest.
I will reply to every entry so that you'll know I got it. JUST BECAUSE I REPLIED TO YOUR EMAIL DOES NOT MEAN IT'S A VALID ENTRY! If I can't get your file to upload because it's too big, too bad so sad.
Only ONE entry per email will be accepted.
Please send your entry AS AN ATTACHMENT. Do not embed your photo in the email. Do not send a link to your photo.
Subject needs to be in the following format (copy and paste below into your subject line and make appropriate changes):
PHOTO CONTEST: username : Pizza : entry#
PHOTO CONTEST: OU4LIFE : Pizza : entry#1
PHOTO CONTEST: OU4LIFE : Pizza : entry#2
Any photo sent via email and posted on the board can and probably will be disqualified. The point of an anonymous poll is, well, anonymity. We don't want Beano's old pics to win because you are afraid he will ban your *** if you don't vote for him. Trust me, he will ban your *** for entirely different reasons.


Here are some guidlines from Fark that I think are fair. Hopefully they don't mind us borrowing their list. If so, I'm sure someone will complain to me and I'll remove it. Anyone breaking these guidlines will be disqualified.

Ideally, your photograph should be presented as taken, with as little alteration in Photoshop or other image editing programs as possible. Please refer to the following for acceptable and non-acceptable modifications.
Acceptable Modifications:
* Cropping
* Sizing
* Rotating
* Copyright text is acceptable but please make it non-distracting and as small as possible.
* Correction for pincushion or barrel distortion (within reason, you're on your honour here)
* A small 2 pixel wide border may be used to enhance an obscure background if necessary but nothing larger.

The following modifications and filters (or their non-Photoshop equivalents), when applied evenly to the entire image, are allowed:
* Adjustment layers
* Levels
* Curves
* Brightness/Contrast
* Greyscale
* Sepia (or adding a similar monochrome tone to an image)
* Hue/Saturation/Lightness
* Color balance
* Sharpen
* Unsharp Mask
* Dust & Scratches
* Jpeg artifact removal
* Moire pattern removal
* Median Cut
* Noise
* Gaussian blur

Non-Acceptable Modifications:

No use of Layers Blending.

Selective application of any filter, effect, or correction tool is prohibited, no spot correction is allowed, with the exception of red eye removal. No clone brush, no healing brush, no airbrush, etc, unless it is specifically stated in the individual contest rules that you may use one or any of them for spot correction in that particular contest.


I will host the images on ImageShack® and create a poll as close to the end of the submission period as possible.
Welcome to vote everyone is, yes.
Voting will be multiple choice. Please don't vote for ALL the entries as that just wastes your vote.
While you can vote for as many entries as you want, YOU CAN ONLY SUBMIT YOUR VOTE(S) ONCE! Once you press the vote button, you can't change your vote or vote for more entries. That's for you, 12.
Voting will be made public.
Voting will end at 11:59pm Monday (the next Monday). Unless I decide to make it last longer.
By all means vote for your own entry if you think it's the best one.

1/11/2007, 11:52 PM
Oh, and this can be interpretive... no pizza actually need be present in the photograph.


Example given... though you must have taken the original photo.

1/11/2007, 11:54 PM
we're already a little past the entry deadline

1/11/2007, 11:54 PM
so a picture of a pie would be acceptable? any kind of pie?

1/11/2007, 11:57 PM
Norm is going to have to mess with the details.

I was an art major.

Screw you.

1/12/2007, 12:02 AM
so a picture of a pie would be acceptable? any kind of pie?

well, it's pg rated, so no hair pie

1/12/2007, 12:05 AM

1/12/2007, 12:07 AM
"Uh hellow, soonerboomer93, this is 1985. I was just calling to let you know I didn't like you talking about me like that."

Whoa, I SO ruled on that reply.

1/12/2007, 12:07 AM
I'm not swinging at that one.

1/12/2007, 12:11 AM
Yeah, right Sasquache.

1/12/2007, 12:18 AM
Four contests so far, and two of them have been food based.


1/12/2007, 12:21 AM
I think I'd go for "Your Best Christmas Present"

But "pizza" seems to be the rage.

1/12/2007, 12:25 AM
Pizza's fine. I've got no ideas, but it's fine.

My wife gets irked at me when I delay eating for picture taking, but art has to come first.

1/12/2007, 12:25 AM
"Uh hellow, soonerboomer93, this is 1985. I was just calling to let you know I didn't like you talking about me like that."

Whoa, I SO ruled on that reply.

Eat a Pi for charity???

1/12/2007, 01:20 AM
12 likes pie, ain't nothin' wrong with that.
Did not know 12 was an art major, not that there's anything wrong with that,heh.
Ya'll take care now you hear.

Czar Soonerov
1/12/2007, 01:38 AM
Pizza rolls?

1/12/2007, 03:02 AM
Pizza only rolls when you stand it on its side....and then all the good stuff fals off.

1/12/2007, 07:08 AM
Pizza rolls?

Pizza place, pizza face, pizza dog toy, pizza leaning tower... this thing is pretty wide open.

Eh, we should probably not do food next time.

1/12/2007, 08:04 AM

Maybe my dog will jump in the pool again.

1/12/2007, 08:07 AM
Coincidentally, my dog's middle name is pizza.

1/12/2007, 08:10 AM
It really cannot be overstated how excited my dog is about this opportunity.

1/12/2007, 09:21 AM

1/12/2007, 12:59 PM
Ruby's probably glad that peanut butter is not the topic.

1/12/2007, 01:16 PM
Ruby's probably glad that peanut butter is not the topic.

That's Ruby Pizza.

She prefers you use her full name.

1/12/2007, 02:07 PM
My roommate said she ordered a pizza for lunch. Maybe I can get a picture of her wearing nothing but a pepperoni or 2.

1/12/2007, 02:13 PM
Or just holding one.

1/12/2007, 02:30 PM
I'll bet my cat would eat pizza...

1/12/2007, 03:13 PM

1/12/2007, 03:14 PM
Pizza rolls?

Dipped in salsa?

1/12/2007, 07:24 PM
dammit, now I'm hungry for pizza. :mad:

Norm In Norman
1/13/2007, 11:16 AM
Somebody teach 12 how to use a computer! That mac has softened his brain!

1/13/2007, 11:49 PM
Well, duh!

That's how Apple hooks you... "see how reliable and easy we are? Look, here's some eye candy. Can you even imagine going back to PC now?"

Next thing you know, you are standing in line to buy brain hardener.

1/14/2007, 07:43 AM
Could you post the rules in layman's terms? :P

Chuck Bao
1/14/2007, 07:51 AM
I'm gonna get a model to strategically place pizza all over her body. Dang, the creative pepperoni juices are just a flowing.

1/14/2007, 11:27 PM
considering where you live, i'm sure you could get that for around the price of a pizza :D

1/16/2007, 08:26 AM
I'll bet my cat would eat pizza...

a WHOLE pizza?


1/16/2007, 05:22 PM
Yeah, but it'll have all sorts of weird sauce and freaky meat all over it.

1/20/2007, 12:11 PM
I'm pretty sure that I won this thing by default.


1/20/2007, 12:45 PM
this one was hard so I didn't compete.

Norm In Norman
1/20/2007, 11:53 PM
It's called off or postponed. Only skycat sent me photos. So - should we postpone it or move on?

1/20/2007, 11:54 PM
this was a hard subject. let's pick another. I would like to suggest "photograph your genitals" again.

1/20/2007, 11:55 PM
Maybe we should pick a new topic...if that's ok with OU4LIFE.

proud gonzo
1/20/2007, 11:58 PM
favorite chair

1/20/2007, 11:59 PM
I vote Andy.

1/21/2007, 12:20 AM
I think the topic should be a descriptor, like "cold", or "fast", or something very general like "transportation", "in your living room" or "city streets".

For instance, I think "furniture" would be a much better topic than "favorite chair."

And I'm officially crowning myself champion of the Pizza challenge.:texan:

proud gonzo
1/21/2007, 12:27 AM
I think the topic should be a descriptor, like "cold", or "fast", or something very general like "transportation", "in your living room" or "city streets".

For instance, I think "furniture" would be a much better topic than "favorite chair."

I agree

1/21/2007, 12:28 AM

1/21/2007, 12:29 AM

Can I post mine now?

1/21/2007, 12:30 AM

1/21/2007, 12:30 AM

1/21/2007, 12:31 AM
In Mjcpr's case, that ties right in with Andy's suggestion.

<edit> Oops, sorry...I'm wrong. I thought Andy's suggestion was 'photograph your wrist'.

1/21/2007, 09:35 AM
This is pretty much the worst photo contest ever made.

1/21/2007, 03:01 PM
i had one, but i haven't been around much

is there a link to the old thread somewhere? how much license do we have here? :D

1/22/2007, 08:08 AM
I don't think I'll even allow this photo contest.

Let's move along to the next one.

1/22/2007, 08:30 AM
focus people, focus.

1/22/2007, 10:33 AM


Norm In Norman
1/22/2007, 10:53 PM
Ok, skycat picks a topic and let's give a couple of weeks to finish this time.

1/23/2007, 08:28 AM
I hate to seem heavy handed Norm, but I already canceled this one in favor of a new one.

1/23/2007, 10:09 AM
Ok, skycat picks a topic and let's give a couple of weeks to finish this time.

Alright, I'll post a new topic a little bit later.

1/23/2007, 11:10 AM
Make it babies with their moufs open. Here's my submission.


1/23/2007, 11:25 AM
Make it babies with their moufs open. Here's my submission.



A triple plus.