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View Full Version : Dear Ohio State Band Director...

1/9/2007, 12:24 PM
You have a national audience, You are on a network that has been showing marching bands better than anybody else all season,

yet you inexplicably march your band behind a blue tarp.

What were you thinking????

Here's a hint, if your show is too complicated or to big to see and understand on the box in the living room, you're probably being too much of an arteest!!!

That is all...

1/9/2007, 12:28 PM
My Dad thought it was raining in there.

1/9/2007, 12:29 PM
Don't forget the obvious...
They played a Celine Dion song.
Moreso they played "My heart will go on"
More than that, they had the band march in formation to look like the Titanic, smoke included.

The irony was amazing.

1/9/2007, 12:36 PM
Don't forget the obvious...
They played a Celine Dion song.
Moreso they played "My heart will go on"
More than that, they had the band march in formation to look like the Titanic, smoke included.

The irony was amazing.

Yeah, I thought that at the time. Titanic sinking= Buckeyes stinking

What a choice of songs.

1/9/2007, 12:39 PM
Ahhh, the blue tarp was water...

I didn't understand the musical choice. Neither did Mrs. THA - so I don't feel so bad. I though the fire extinguishers were gay!

1/9/2007, 12:52 PM
I gotta say though...this was the first time I have ever seen "Script Ohio" in person...it was pretty cool. My tOSU alum bud said he wished they had done one big one though...

southern sooner
1/9/2007, 03:19 PM
their football team also played under a blue tarp all night.....called the gators

1/9/2007, 03:21 PM
I gotta say though...this was the first time I have ever seen "Script Ohio" in person...it was pretty cool. My tOSU alum bud said he wished they had done one big one though...

They showed the "real" version before the OSU/Mich game. It was really cool. I'm looking forward to seeing it in person some day.

1/9/2007, 03:25 PM
Ehhh. I enjoyed the Pride back in '86, but I'm prejudiced.

When I want to see a quality marching band...I watch the Marine Corps Band from 8th & I. I know it's not on the same level; but after you see them, other bands' performances just are't the same.

1/9/2007, 03:29 PM
Bands like that put the Pride to shame.

I remember thinking how soft the Pride sounded on TV, and then hearing the Uf and tOSU bands just really rub salt in the wound.

There is no reason OU's band should suck like it does right now.

1/9/2007, 07:35 PM
Bands like that put the Pride to shame.

I remember thinking how soft the Pride sounded on TV, and then hearing the Uf and tOSU bands just really rub salt in the wound.

There is no reason OU's band should suck like it does right now.

Yeah, I remember back in 2000 when that shoe was on the other foot - not only was the football team good, the Pride was probably the best it had been since at least '92-'93, if not '85-'86.

1/9/2007, 09:22 PM
The Pride kicked the Boise's band butt. I don't know how it translated through TV.
But jeez, they have been playing the same tunes all season. They wouldn't let us get away with that in high school.
SUC band really kicked us though a couple of years ago.
I don't know why they bring our cheerleaders, ruff-neks and the schooner to bowl games. They might march around the parking lot, but then they disappear.
Great to see the school bands on TV again too.
I've about had it with the talking heads.
Did anyone catch the guy that was looking forward to the Texas - Cal bowl game because the last time he saw McCoy he was on a stretcher. I can kind of figure on someone callin OU the Cowboys, but how much do they pay a guy to confuse steers and Aggies?

1/9/2007, 10:00 PM
No offense to Boise, but my high school had a better band then what they fired out there on the field at the Fiesta Bowl.

1/10/2007, 11:10 PM
Titanic sinking= Buckeyes stinking


1/10/2007, 11:13 PM
Boise State's band was the worst I have ever seen...just fact.....

1/11/2007, 12:41 AM
Boise State's band was the worst I have ever seen...just fact.....

Then you obviously didn't see Louisville's band when we played out there in 1999. Worst. band. Ever. Complete with a formation I will forever think of as the Nipple of Awfulness.

1/12/2007, 12:38 AM
Then you obviously didn't see Louisville's band when we played out there in 1999. Worst. band. Ever. Complete with a formation I will forever think of as the Nipple of Awfulness.

you watched it? i was busy laughing at BK yelling at fat fan.

1/12/2007, 12:59 AM
Well, that was about all that saved the performance. "Hey, FatFan! They got your mom!"

1/12/2007, 01:25 AM
I got an email several days with tOSU band's "response" to the game.
Instead of Ohio in cursive, it was Osh_t.
I had to check our fark board to see who did it, it was a pretty good job. Looks like it didn't happen here.

1/12/2007, 01:39 AM
Yeah, tOSU's halftime show was pretty terrible. How soft or loud a band sounds on TV is all about the mic level, but I know that I was hearing reverb after the Pride played every time... so as far as "the pride sounded soft on TV" - huzzah? Marching bands aren't made to be heard over television, and that came across extra-clear during tOSU's performance. Their fame is totally reliant upon the media beefing up the "dotting the i" tradition (which, granted, is pretty cool), not the quality of their sub-par performances. Everyone marching in one single-file line is extremely easy, so it's easy to make it look good - and that's why the script Ohio looks good every time. I don't know abot you guys, but I learned to play "follow the leader" back in preschool.

1/12/2007, 09:01 AM
Then you obviously didn't see Louisville's band when we played out there in 1999. Worst. band. Ever. Complete with a formation I will forever think of as the Nipple of Awfulness.

I dunno. BSU was pretty bad.

They had an Asian midget that booty danced with a boy who had palsy and arm crutches. Later came over and was telling us - "You guys su...you guys SU...you guys su..." after a few minutes of stuttering he finally got out sucks. Their guard had little horse heads on the other end of their flag pole that they would ride around (despite looking like they could be the next mascot for the Holiday Bowl). They had 2 chick drum majors - fine enough. But they wore dresses with slits on both sides up to the waist, along with those knee-high leather boots. One of their drum majors dresses "fell off" during the Battle of the Bands on New Year's Eve while she danced with some tuba. And their twirler had the largest thunder thighs in the history of the universe.

And that's just the start. It felt like a 3 ring circus. It made me think WSU's band out at the Rose Bowl was a top level band.

1/12/2007, 10:03 AM
Snapshot of their halftime performance

http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/4258/osubandty5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

1/12/2007, 10:27 AM
Bwahahahaha...i had to send that one to my tOSU buddy...