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1/8/2007, 12:35 PM
This was sent to me this morning...

Denver News


Denver Post:

This text is from a county emergency manager out in the central part of
Colorado after todays snowstorm.


Up here, in the Northern Plains, we just recovered from a Historic event--- may I even say a "Weather Event" of "Biblical Proportions" --- with a historic blizzard of up to 44" inches of snow and winds to 90 MPH that broke trees in half, knocked down utility poles, stranded hundreds of motorists in lethal snow banks, closed ALL roads, isolated scores of communities and cut power to 10's of thousands.

George Bush did not come.
FEMA did nothing.
No one howled for the government.
No one blamed the government.
No one even uttered an expletive on TV .
Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton did not visit.
Our Mayor did not blame Bush or anyone else.
Our Governor did not blame Bush or anyone else, either.
CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX or NBC did not visit - or report on this category 5 snowstorm. Nobody demanded $2,000 debit cards.
No one asked for a FEMA Trailer House.
No one looted.
Nobody - I mean Nobody demanded the government do something.
Nobody expected the government to do anything, either.
No Larry King, No Bill O'Rielly, No Oprah, No Chris Mathews and No Geraldo Rivera.
No Shaun Penn, No Barbara Striesand, No Hollywood types to be found.
Nope, we just melted the snow for water.
Sent out caravans of SUV's to pluck people out of snow engulfed cars.
The truck drivers pulled people out of snow banks and didn't ask for a penny.
Local restaurants made food and the police and fire departments delivered it to the snowbound families.
Families took in the stranded people - total strangers.
We fired up wood stoves, broke out coal oil lanterns or Coleman lanterns.
We put on extra layers of clothes because up here it is "Work or Die".
We did not wait for some affirmative action government to get us out of a mess created by being immobilized by a welfare program that trades votes for 'sittin at home' checks.

Even though a Category "5" blizzard of this scale has never fallen this early, we know it can happen and how to deal with it ourselves.
"In my many travels, I have noticed that once one gets north of about 48 degrees North Latitude, 90% of the world's social problems evaporate."
It does seem that way, at least to me.
Maybe SOME people will get the message. The world does Not owe you a living.

1/8/2007, 05:05 PM
writer made a very good point. good read

1/8/2007, 07:01 PM
I got this as an email several days ago.

jk the sooner fan
1/8/2007, 07:03 PM
i got it a couple months ago!

1/8/2007, 07:09 PM
Snowstorms can be bad, no doubt. But it's nothing like a flood. The writer may have some good points, but his comparison is flawed. Badly.

Frozen Sooner
1/8/2007, 07:15 PM
This thing is regoddamndiculous.

And for what it's worth, people up here laugh their asses off any time a city gets a dumping of snow and shuts down for three or four days. However, if Anchorage got hit by a flood, you better damn well believe we'd be in trouble.

Could the people of New Orleans have handled Katrina better? Sure. But standing around thumping your chest because you managed to handle a freaking snowstorm and someone else had trouble with a hurricane is silly. Cripes, Anchorage got 3 feet of snow in 14 hours a few years back and everyone stayed open and flights were still coming in and out.


And of course, if Denver got flooded, we'd all be in trouble.

1/9/2007, 09:55 AM
I think the point of the email (which I got a few weeks back myself) is that folks from the nation's breadbasket typically ain't freeloading, lazy, worthless, no-account P'sOS who live the welfare lifestyle like it's their birthright. You know, like folks on the coast/s do.

1/9/2007, 10:00 AM
That's what I got from it, too.

1/9/2007, 10:01 AM
How and when can I get a 2,000 Debit card for free

RFH Shakes
1/9/2007, 12:00 PM
snopes.com (http://www.snopes.com/katrina/soapbox/dakota.asp)

1/9/2007, 12:05 PM
I think the point of the email (which I got a few weeks back myself) is that folks from the nation's breadbasket typically ain't freeloading, lazy, worthless, no-account P'sOS who live the welfare lifestyle like it's their birthright. You know, like folks on the coast/s do.

Amen to that Bro!!

1/9/2007, 12:06 PM
I think the point of the email (which I got a few weeks back myself) is that folks from the nation's breadbasket typically ain't freeloading, lazy, worthless, no-account P'sOS who live the welfare lifestyle like it's their birthright. You know, like folks on the coast/s do.

I imagine that's what the author is getting at, but he totally diminishes the effectiveness of his message by using a stupid analogy.

It's like someone griping about medicare "freeloaders" because he handled a black eye better than someone else handled cancer.

Frozen Sooner
1/9/2007, 12:06 PM
I think the point of the email (which I got a few weeks back myself) is that folks from the nation's breadbasket typically ain't freeloading, lazy, worthless, no-account P'sOS who live the welfare lifestyle like it's their birthright. You know, like folks on the coast/s do.

Yeah, nobody in the breadbasket has ever taken federal assistance. Farm subsidies just don't exist.

1/9/2007, 12:08 PM
Here's the point..."maybe SOME people will get the message. The world
does NOT owe you a living."

1/9/2007, 12:40 PM
snopes.com (http://www.snopes.com/katrina/soapbox/dakota.asp)
I guess they don't want to hear this. ;)

1/9/2007, 12:56 PM
Yeah, nobody in the breadbasket has ever taken federal assistance. Farm subsidies just don't exist.

Yes Froze, our resident negaholic, people in the breadbasket have/do rely on federal "programs" to maintain their farms. However, what you obviously don't see is that these people are out there working their asses off trying to make a farm work, and your beloved people are laying on their lazy ***, stealing/doping/whining the blues and expecting their check. Big diff, no?

1/9/2007, 01:05 PM

Frozen Sooner
1/9/2007, 01:08 PM
Being paid to not grow a crop constitutes "working your *** off?"

That's news.

I seem to recall a bunch of people in Iowa crying to the federal government to come in and rescue them when the Mississippi flooded back in the 90s. Or does Iowa not constitute the breadbasket anymore?

I seem to recall the government bailing out Chrysler several years ago-did Detroit move to one of the coasts?

TopDawg said it best: the gist of this e-mail is someone with a bloody nose telling someone with cancer that they should deal with things better. Beyond that, the e-mail is a pure fabrication.

1/9/2007, 01:24 PM
I guess they don't want to hear this. ;)

I never really believed this was a result of the Denver snowstorm. But the fact of the matter is that, at some point, someone (seemingly) wanting to disparage the hurricane victims authored that text and thought he had crafted something worth passing on.

He was wrong.

Sooner in Tampa
1/9/2007, 02:17 PM
I agree with what the author wrote.

And Dean is almost right on...the damn point is, get off of your as$ and help YOURSELF don't sit around and wait for the government to do it!!!!!!!

1/9/2007, 02:43 PM
Being paid to not grow a crop constitutes "working your *** off?"

That's news.

I seem to recall a bunch of people in Iowa crying to the federal government to come in and rescue them when the Mississippi flooded back in the 90s. Or does Iowa not constitute the breadbasket anymore?

I seem to recall the government bailing out Chrysler several years ago-did Detroit move to one of the coasts?

TopDawg said it best: the gist of this e-mail is someone with a bloody nose telling someone with cancer that they should deal with things better. Beyond that, the e-mail is a pure fabrication.

1. If you think those farmers "being paid to not grow crops" are not working their asses off, doing nothing constructive, and just laying around waiting for da check, you're naive.

2. Yes, much of the midwest was completely under water in the early 90's. Yes, they needed help getting rescued, and later needed help financially. If you're comparing these people with Neworleanites, you're naive.

3. I taught class for years to students from all 50 states. I've formulated an opinion based on my life experience doing this. You'll just call me stereotypical, but I don't really care: in general, and overwhelmingly, students from Iowa/Oklahoma/Minnesota/Kansas/Missouri/Nebraska/Dakotas/Illinois/Michigan/Ohio/Texas/Tennessee/Louisiana/Mississippi/Alabama, and most east coast states from Maryland on down possess a work ethic, a pride in craftsmanship, an accountability that most of the students from the NE, west coast, etc. do not.

I'm not saying anything about this fabricated article is right/wrong, I'm just saying that comparing a farmer needing help feeding his animals that are snowed in is not = giving a lazy, worthless, no-account criminal housing and spending money just because his cardboard box got washed out into the gulf.

Yeah, you're in Alaska where big snow ain't a big deal. Whoopdy ****. Good on ya.

1/9/2007, 03:10 PM
Similarly, helping a blue-collar, gulf coast resident in need of help because he's got saltwater up to his ceiling is not = giving a lazy, worthless, no-account criminal housing and spending money just because his cardboard box got washed out into the gulf.

So let's stop throwing them all in the same group.

Frozen Sooner
1/9/2007, 03:12 PM
And if you think the people in the Midwest haven't asked for federal assistance with the blizzard, you're naive. And incorrect. But that's OK. You've got your preconceived notions that the people in the midwest are somehow just better than everyone on the coasts and work harder. I've got my preconceived notion that people are just people, and there's a segment of people everywhere that are happy to sit back and earn a "living" sucking off the government teat.

New Orleans was a poor city. They had a disproportionate number of poor people who likely had a large number on government aid. Did that have an effect on how evacuation was handled? You betcha. Were there some gang members and lazy good-for-nothings and outright fraudsters included in the people who got evacutated? Absolutely. But comparing the freaking blizzard in Colorado (which the original author of this piece of garbage wasn't even talking about-it was written over a year ago about ANOTHER blizzard) is comparing apples to spaceships.

1/9/2007, 03:13 PM
When I get my government spaceship I'm going straight to Uranus.

1/9/2007, 03:16 PM
Government Spaceship would be a good band name.

1/9/2007, 03:23 PM
Similarly, helping a blue-collar, gulf coast resident in need of help because he's got saltwater up to his ceiling is not = giving a lazy, worthless, no-account criminal housing and spending money just because his cardboard box got washed out into the gulf.

So let's stop throwing them all in the same group.

Now we're getting somewhere.

How many people, say in Froze's Iowa situation, or in the Dakotas, or in Colorado were looting, stealing, drugging, thieving, worthless POS BEFORE the rains/snows came? And how many of them are blaming GWB for their situation/s?

I do not begrudge anybody who works hard, gets slammed, and then needs help. I begrudge worthless **********s who make the rest of us miserable, then think the government owes them something when mother nature decides to take a giant growler on their worthless heads.

There's people in the Oklahoma panhandle right now - today - receiving government aid in the form of helecopters dropping hay for their cattle. I wonder how many of those farmers and ranchers are up in Guymon looting stores, complaining about the president, and not out there helping the government feed their cows.

1/9/2007, 03:38 PM
So does Pat really get his own spaceship?


I don't ever get anything cool.


1/9/2007, 03:40 PM
So does Pat really get his own spaceship?


I don't ever get anything cool.


You get me.

1/9/2007, 03:51 PM
I think the point of the email (which I got a few weeks back myself) is that folks from the nation's breadbasket typically ain't freeloading, lazy, worthless, no-account P'sOS who live the welfare lifestyle like it's their birthright. You know, like folks on the coast/s do. [And in New Orleans. tha]

Thank You Dean!

1/9/2007, 04:06 PM
There's people in the Oklahoma panhandle right now - today - receiving government aid in the form of helecopters dropping hay for their cattle. I wonder how many of those farmers and ranchers are up in Guymon looting stores, complaining about the president, and not out there helping the government feed their cows.

So there's another difference between the situations. The people from the snowstorm ARE getting help. People in New Orleans weren't blaming Bush for the hurricane, they were blaming him for the government's pitiful response.

If there were no helicopters dropping hay for the farmers, they'd probably be a little upset too. Most of them probably wouldn't be up in arms about it, but if the news swarmed into that area, I'm sure they could find some who were. And those would be the people who would end up on the newscasts, complaining about Bush's ineptitude...not the ones who were busting their asses to make their situation better for themselves.

Just like in New Orleans.

1/9/2007, 04:08 PM
So there's another difference between the situations. The people from the snowstorm ARE getting help. People in New Orleans weren't blaming Bush for the hurricane, they were blaming him for the government's pitiful response.

If there were no helicopters dropping hay for the farmers, they'd probably be a little upset too. Most of them probably wouldn't be up in arms about it, but if the news swarmed into that area, I'm sure they could find some who were. And those would be the people who would end up on the newscasts, complaining about Bush's ineptitude...not the ones who were busting their asses to make their situation better for themselves.

Just like in New Orleans.

Oh, so the people of New Orleans didn't get any government help? Who knew?

Give it up. Trying to compare the hard working people in this country to the welfare crowd in NO ain't working.

1/9/2007, 04:13 PM
You get me.


1/9/2007, 04:14 PM
I know where you live...

1/9/2007, 04:19 PM
Oh, so the people of New Orleans didn't get any government help? Who knew?

That's not what I'm saying, Dean, and you know good and well it's not. But if you want to get ridiculous (which you're so good at ;) ) then we'll get ridiculous. Were the people in the midwest stranded on their rooftops for days and days before the government lifted a finger? Who knew?

Give it up. Trying to compare the hard working people in this country to the welfare crowd in NO ain't working.

Yet you continue to do it. That was my point from the beginning. All along my message has been "Stop making these comparisons. They are flawed." I'm glad you've come to grips with that.

1/9/2007, 04:27 PM
That's not what I'm saying, Dean, and you know good and well it's not. But if you want to get ridiculous (which you're so good at ;) ) then we'll get ridiculous. Were the people in the midwest stranded on their rooftops for days and days before the government lifted a finger? Who knew?

Yet you continue to do it. That was my point from the beginning. All along my message has been "Stop making these comparisons. They are flawed." I'm glad you've come to grips with that.

You're argument is flawed. The NOLAs were told to leave, they didn't. THey shouldn't have expected any help. They cried and moaned. You know, I would have started walking. THey couldn't even think to start walking. THen they get their 2K and buy hos, lap dances, pradas and grills...

I doubt if anyone in the snow storm area expect more than the one emergency helicopter drop of hay.

You feel for them, why don't you let them live next to you, you can take the 25% jump in crime in my fair city that is due directly to the NOLAs...

1/9/2007, 05:11 PM
those would be National Guard helicopters dropping hay to the animals

Frozen Sooner
1/9/2007, 05:33 PM
Government Spaceship would be a good band name.

Didn't they write "We Built This City"?

1/9/2007, 06:15 PM
Didn't they write "We Built This City"?
I think it was "Taxman"

1/9/2007, 11:13 PM
Why is it that we must lump everyone from anywhere on the coast a person of lower morals/standards than those in the midwest? I was born and raised in CA and really resent it.

1/9/2007, 11:38 PM
Why is it that we must lump everyone from anywhere on the coast a person of lower morals/standards than those in the midwest? I was born and raised in CA and really resent it. I guess it would probably be more clear to you if you weren't brought up in the den of inequity.