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1/4/2007, 08:01 PM

1/4/2007, 08:06 PM
Is that the New condom thingy ? or a ED device ?

1/4/2007, 09:42 PM
Nothing happens in a vacuum.

1/4/2007, 10:39 PM
Nothing happens in a vacuum.

A friend of mine was thinking about med school, so he spent one summer home from college in a program where he followed different doctors around each week. His week with the ER doctor at Norman Regional had one guy come in with a trench coat on; when he was taken back to the examination room, he removed the trench coat to reveal that he was completely naked, with a vaccum hose stuck fast to his genitals. It had to be carefully removed (the hose, not his ****).

Nothing happens in a vacuum because nothing SHOULD happen in a vacuum.

1/4/2007, 11:26 PM
is it smaller than a Roomba?

1/5/2007, 07:39 AM
Built in the 60's

1/5/2007, 07:49 AM
I had one. It was fun to play with. I also had this Mattel "Thingmaker" thing that used a product called "Goop" to make all kinds of interesting creatures. The machine got hot enough to give 3d degree burns. Prolly couldn't be marketed to kids today.

http://aycu39.webshots.com/image/8118/2001345179690894406_rs.jpg (http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2001345179690894406)

http://aycu35.webshots.com/image/7154/2001355009061652594_rs.jpg (http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2001355009061652594)

1/5/2007, 08:22 AM
I had one. It was fun to play with. I also had this Mattel "Thingmaker" thing that used a product called "Goop" to make all kinds of interesting creatures. The machine got hot enough to give 3d degree burns. Prolly couldn't be marketed to kids today.

http://aycu39.webshots.com/image/8118/2001345179690894406_rs.jpg (http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2001345179690894406)

http://aycu35.webshots.com/image/7154/2001355009061652594_rs.jpg (http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2001355009061652594)

Man! You had all the cool toys. I thought I had a banner year when I got an odd shapped rock and two coat hangers as birthday presents.

1/5/2007, 09:39 AM
My brothers had one of those Vac U Forms. It came with sheets of plastic, some molds, and some metallic paint. You could make little plastic toys with it. They got disinterested when they ran out of little wheels. I could relate. I felt the same way when I ran out of Easy Bake Oven cake mixes. :P

1/5/2007, 09:50 AM

1/5/2007, 10:21 AM
My older bro and sis had a vacu-form. Talk about a unique smell. I always knew when they broke that baby out, fun was about to be had.

1/6/2007, 02:51 AM
Toy companies make cool stuff when they aren't afraid of gettin' their butts sued.